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Dr Vishnuvardhan Road, Channasandra, Bengaluru 98

Introduction to Communicative English

Module 1
Assignment 1
Choose the correct option from those given in each of the sentences below:
1. Communication is a part of ---------------- skills.
a) Soft b) Hard c) Rough d) short

2. Communication is broadly classified into ------------ types.

a) 4 b) 6 c)2 d) 3

3. ------------- and ------------------ are the types of Communication.

a) Verbal & Oral
b) Verbal & Non- verbal
c) Non- verbal & written
d) Verbal & Vocal

4. Verbal communication is categorised as -------------- and --------------- communication.

a) Oral & Voice
b) Oral & written
c) Written and reading
d) None of the above

5. Communication is a non- stop -------------.

a) Paper b) process c) programme d) plan

6. The ------------- is the person who transmits the message.

a) Receiver b) driver c) sender d) cleaner

7. -------------------- is the person who decodes and attaches some meaning to a message.
a) Receiver b) driver c) sender d) cleaner

8. The response to a Sender’s message is called -----------.

a) Foodbank b) feedback c) food d) bank

9. Message is any signal that triggers the response of the ---------------.

a) Receiver b) driver c) sender d) cleaner

10. --------------------- context refers to the similarity of backgrounds between the sender and the
a) Physical b) social c) chronological d) cultural

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Dr Vishnuvardhan Road, Channasandra, Bengaluru 98

11. Oral communication is different from written communication as it is ------------------.

a) Spoken & structured
b) Spoken & transitory
c) Spoken & permanent
d) Spoken & time consuming

12. Among the following elements, which element is the medium through which a message is sent?
a) Sender b) channel c) context d) noise

13. In an organisation, when a colleague shares official information with another of an equal
hierarchical level, this kind of communication is called---------------.
a) Horizontal b) vertical c) radial d) informal

14. The observation of a receiver’s response is called ---------------.

a) Feedback b) survey c) channel d) message

15. Writing diary every day is an example of ------------------- communication.

a) Extra personal b) intrapersonal c) organisational d) interpersonal

16. Which of the following is desired for effective communication?

a) Redundancy b) clarity c) cliché’s d) circumlocution

17. Which one of the following components is encoded and decoded in the communication process?
a) Feedback b) sender c) receiver d) message

18. The type of communication that happens within an individual is -------------.

a) Extra personal b) Intrapersonal c) organisational d) interpersonal

19. ---------------------- encodes a message.

a) Feedback b) sender c) receiver d) message

20. ------------------refers to the factors that disrupt the communication.

a) Nonsense b) noise c) nowhere d) nobody

21. Environmental barriers are the same as ------------------- noise.

a) Physiological b) psychological c) physical d) sociological

22. Our dress code is an example of ------------------------- communication.

a) Verbal b) nonverbal c) written d) spoken

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Dr Vishnuvardhan Road, Channasandra, Bengaluru 98

23. Communication strengthens ------------------ & --------------------- relationship in an organisation.

a) Employer- father
b) Employer – employee
c) Mother- employee
d) Mother-child

24. -------------- communication includes tone of voice, body language, facial expressions etc,
a) Nonverbal b) verbal c) letter d) notice

25. Letter, email, telephone are examples of ----------------.

a) Message b) feedback c) channel d) encoding

26. The person who transmits the message is called ------------------.

a) Sender b) taker c) giver d) receiver

27. The information which is transferred to the receiver has to be interpreted. This process is called -
a) Encoding b) decoding c) Opening d) closing

28. The message may be misinterpreted because of ---------------------.

a) Barriers b) distortions c) distractions d) none of the above

29. In oral communication there is a possibility of immediate ---------------.

a) Reaction b) response c) reflection d) reset

30. Which one of the following is not a communication barrier?

a) Linguistic b) interpersonal c) financial d) organisational

31. -------------------- can be presented by face.

a) Gestures b) body language c) Para language d) expressions

32. Which of the following ins not an element of communication cycle?

a) Channel b) receiver c) time d) sender

33. ----------------------- is not a communication barrier.

a) Language b) culture c) habits d) physical

34. Most of us use ------------- and --------------------- in addition to words, when we speak.
a) Words and gestures
b) Gestures and body language
c) Body language and posture
d) Posture and eye gazing

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Dr Vishnuvardhan Road, Channasandra, Bengaluru 98

35. ----------------------- refers to pitch, loudness, duration, intonation and tempo.

a) Haptics
b) Vocalics
c) Proxemics
d) Gestures

36. ------------------------ is an exchange of facts, idea, opinions or emotions by two or more persons.
a) Combination
b) Communication
c) Conversation
d) Connection

37. --------------------- is the study of touches as non-verbal communication.

a) Body language
b) Haptics
c) Gestures
d) Voice

38. Which of the following is correct in process of communication:

a) Encoding, receiver, message, response, feedback, sender
b) Sender, encoding, message, decoding, receiver, response, feedback
c) Sender, response, encoding, message, decoding, receiver, feedback
d) Sender, decoding, message, encoding, receiver, response,

39. Too much of ----------------- communication in the work space may also prove--------------.
It may lead to negligence of work.
a) Formal, positive
b) Informal, negative
c) Verbal, positive
d) Listening, meaning

40. What body language shows you are listening?

a) Turning away from the speaker
b) Nodding and making eye contact
c) Looking out of the window
d) Chatting with a friend


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