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voit-f BoBE Progam 6 Rroqpow Aevelopement Steps !— 4 Deining —the Probbm 2 Requivement Analy sis Ines jSmall pares | + progtom quit 3: Designing —4 orth 1 a .ostep by step prefedure, “O° cea Problem 4: Algorithm eestin r j ess s To Check correc 5: Coding Gc. Testing . Compiler used = Lise de evrors nevated b bby we + Evrors are vone deed ana vectttred by onc Td * covvect —the evors . Repeat esting > Documentation i" + Te Underseand the logic behind “the —the progiem, by mony Ulers 8. Pmplmen tation F ' + progum installed on the end Use machine 4A Mankainance , Enhanament and Evolua ton | © scanned with OKEN Scanner 9 a structions | a —> The Rowe Picre Proce S607 Supports @ types de Instruction: YS Dota -transtey Inst 2) Ahithmetic inst. 8) Bir manipulation Ths t— 4) Sting Tost 5) Proqtem Evecution tr 6) process Control inst A) Peervotion Contra) inst 8) Tntersupt Inst angtex Iinste ( Branch # op fost) 1) Data transfer Sash io are uted to transfer the destination operand under this geP These trnseructions dato hem the Sourte operand “0 “the Following ave the Use o, inst = Instruction +p transfer oO word Eg> Mov, PUSH, PoP, *ANG eter > Tnstiueron +o transfer “the odd ¥ess Egr Lea, ios, Les Foret Mod SONS OM transtev > tnerttnsttast iNhpor & ev pores Is, OUT A D> instruction 2 Ayan sder leg “es * Ege Lane, ‘Sane, PUSHF , POPF = + + Lv 4 4 + hy fm sme Mt Hay OQ —Arthmetic _Instructions —=aarn. oo =——— se ured 0 perform —Ebith metic octon, mottipt’ cation, ° These lnstructions ave operations Like, adaftfon, Suber cAivisfon Eke. 4 © scanned with OKEN Scanner DHfevent ype oly —Aiithme te Sinst: are a = Tnstructon to per-form -Addi tion Eg App, anc ONC. AAA ELC wttheanry | Oaivit af addition Pnshuction +o Per-form SvbStraction Fa: sue, 588, pec, eas. Ete, lth barre > il = Doastructon te Per-form Mutt pita Hon Eg Mut, TMvL. 4am ed catatio a > Dnstruction -to perform oc piv, Dav, Aae » Signed. Diviston ® Bit Manipulatten Instruction 5 ae fons, Where These inst ave Used +0 perform operations. sens is opevarrens sare involved that Ditferene —type of. Bit Manipulation Qn structions ave > Tostructions to pertorn Logical Egy NOT, AND, XOR, TEST ’ =) Pnstructions td perform shift opevatrons Eg SHL, SHR, SAR, SAL shite deke Shigy REP 5 Repeat come [Co cempare 38 ais => RePE /REPE qs | 1858 jos quot Bend => Qapvt Str > Repne | eer et ane se] OTs Not Gud Ot end => outs | oT > es [Seve sig sep ye String Word © program frecusfon Trapster Sn sesu Crfons + ea ave Used +O stranster | branch the Instvuction dorfog 9% Ge includes CMS invari Execution in steuctions °~ Auring = Tnstrucrons Usithoul- an. Eaecution Catt, RETIME eae “ey erans-fer sthe Ege > Fnstrucrtons an Execution with Egt JC, TH TF, INC, IE, To Ere SO Set SM Bute Vosetioa : Jump Ht ne cany Jomp if carry c 7, =e SS Control Tn structions ;— These inst are vied -Eo Centro! ~the Pro Ces e\ actisn by Setting /esetting the ~feag- Valuer 2 When ¥ Contre “the pretend ——_ =f How J Can Cmbvel the pwend STC - Lted -to Seb Cansy flag Cr tol r . eae ~ Vied 0 Cleat/verer Cany flag CF boo —Uied ty Pue Com = pUmenr Me “the State of Carr Ftas C) STR —Vied—to Sek the airection —tleg DF to! ! 77 CLB ~ Died +0 Cleav/yeter the Airctiow—fley “DF +00 —Uled “ED Set -the interwupr Enable Clog 0 | Some 1® st2 . 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Instruction tt Self —> Pata fs a pare od the fn s evuctor):- & azote date eh Mov BL) IaH 5 Dane BL ¢—l4H dota’ IGH immediately his fnstructon moves —the into BL vegistey ii) Register Addre ssing Mode o—_ -the cata Copexands) ave Spe ce-ti Pn -this mode a using Yegisters Or Mew Ax, Cx —this insevuction moves the Cantent: ‘Cx’ register into -Ax ax <—[ex] cK aad © scanned with OKEN Scanner J Mode 3— ffective addyess of the in the instrac 1N this mode, the 16 s AWyec tty Spe i a F Od ton Mov eh, Carri) dy wero Ane dota -from the Ly caer in moves “This Instuuct! Location igen in the 0S {nto CLe cL <— Luger ny (remy ers) Physical Qddiess o> PSH IOH +t UL AZ. Ei 05 = S000 => Boo Xion +4lAL > ear aH] 7 U- ct dddvessing, Mode t- the effective addvess 4. the -taken from one d “the Base Spea-fied To the ote i : Uv) Register ‘In this mode, mem ory Can be Negistev Cor) Pndexn vegistey ie Tnstructron By vsiny Bale weplin G Drew veqhira bo ye Ex. cx : = _ fed Cx 16 bit Registev cu [ex] (6 CH —CBxtt] Fis oe bye -dotey e - WV) Based Addyessing Mode cor) Registey Relative SElddiyessing: Med. The Effective Gddress of the data Specrtred by the Sum & Contents a ‘Bx/gP vegistey ts Beith ue Asplotement- Ex- Mov Dx, [Bx +04] restora aban Anyi vole Pi <— Oss [Rx+ou] Oke Os: TRBx +oudt] © scanned with OKEN Scanner Wi) Based ~ Pndened Add ve sstag Mode *- 6 = de . 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END, ENDP. ENDS, “EXTRN —tssume e et => Boge ‘has 4 physical Se a number gmentS 20S,CS, gs, ES of Logf cal Segment => 8086 also’ contains Seg ment— assfgns a ogi ca) > -Assvme Airective tf ony a -tfme +o Phystea Seqment- a Eat- -aqssume | Ds twata Assume CS % CODE Ly Oe refers the Logfcal Segment aS Code, ALIGN °_ aes — his dine ctive alfgns new Natiable ov) in struction ALEN ‘nembey : oe con ee a! 4, B doyle “ALIGN 4 used 0 for ce “the assember "40 eilign “the newt Se at an addvess “that Sible by 4. gment is Aivi- © scanned with OKEN Scanner TLL Gi tle dihhetetatel a EQut. sy es used Lo Vedletrne a data name Cox) Variable with another Name Cov) Value Eau etpresson name EXS one Eau FHS Rome Caw cAtxinyy? ORG ~ Torginot’] <> This) ditective changes -the starting off set adress: of =the . data , ORG erpre SsiON ; ORG oooh —» Set, the Location -by \000H Trns tw Chon This aligns nett Vora ble cov) +o even byte : Jr | Page *_ this aivective helps #0. 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CoDE ENDS id nob mention ENO start Scere teninten oat AK © scanned with OKEN Scanner Fts sem bly Longugt _pregem cleveloping -Lools 4- - Editor i- -An editor Ts o Program wh a le Contatning -(he assembly dongug of, =— Voq\em, - q [ q Ly To Conve Asclland srore 7 RAIA ch allows “ou -Lo Cte abe sratemenes ol 2. Assembler §- cole Seetene: a sseerrehy An assemble’ progiom ts used +o transl Speco F language a corre s poner Es then wo Ton “the assemble, wveads the sourte ile ot Lhe disk, where +“ have Saved tour progrom hom the attey editin : obsect file ane assembler Use te generate Ewo fe reg ON ee S- Linker 4 Linker fe obiect: file Obseck files into One Low: obseck —Hles into ons _—™ hus — genevate two Link mop 4. Locatt— Locard is a progiem used Ee assign “the -—.Crt alluws> you 0 Syseem Memoly ebug © scanned with OKEN Scanner

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