Perfin Unit Iii

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8. Reduce energy costs.

UNIT – III | Saving Money - There might be an initial investment for
new, more energy-efficient appliances; but
15 Practical Ways to Save Money if you work it into your budget, you should
be able to pay cash for those improvements.
1. Get rid of your debt. 9. Unsubscribe from emails.
- Monthly debt payments are the biggest - If you just can’t resist shopping when you
obstacle to saving money. The fastest way see a special offer, click the unsubscribe
to pay off debt is with the debt snowball link at the bottom of the email.
method. This is where you pay off your - You’ll be less tempted to spend and your
debts in order from smallest to largest. inbox will be a lot less cluttered. It’s a win-
2. Cut down on groceries. win!
- Save money on groceries by planning out 10. Borrow, don’t buy.
your meals each week and taking inventory - Need a tree trimmer for some weekend
of your pantry before you head to the store. yard work or a handheld blender to make a
- This will help prevent you from batch of soup? Borrow it from a friend or
overspending and wasting food. neighbor instead of taking a trip to the
3. Cancel subscriptions and memberships. store.
- Cancel any subscriptions you don’t use 11. Pack lunch.
regularly. If you really miss one, subscribe - According to the Department of Labor and
again—but only if it fits into your new Employment, the average household
budget. spends approximately ₱109,500 on food
4. Buy generic. outside of the home each year. Buying
- In most cases, the only thing that’s better lunch a few times a week may seem
about brand-name products is the harmless in the moment, but it’s a pretty
marketing. Generic medication, staple food indulgent (not to mention preventable)
items, cleaning supplies, and paper expense.
products cost far less than their brand- 12. Ask about discounts.
name, marked-up competitors. - You’ll never know unless you ask. Next
5. Cut ties with cable. time you’re getting tickets at a movie
- Cut the cord and find out how to save big theater, museum or sporting event, ask if
with alternatives to cable like network apps they have any special discounts for seniors,
and streaming services. students, military, or AAA members.
6. Automate your savings. 13. Take advantage of your retirement savings
- Set up your bank account to automatically plan.
transfer funds from your checking account - Remember, wait until you are debt-free
into a savings account every month. Or, set (except your mortgage) and have an
up your direct deposit to automatically emergency fund of three to six months of
transfer 10% of each paycheck into your expenses saved before you start saving for
savings account. retirement.
7. Spend extra or unexpected income wisely. 14. Lower your cell phone bill.
- When you get a work bonus, inheritance or - Save money on your cell service by getting
tax refund, put it to good use. You’ll be rid of extras like costly data plans, phone
better off using those funds to pay off your insurance, and unnecessary warranties.
student loans or credit card balance than And don’t be afraid to haggle with or
stashing it away. completely witch your provider! It might
- If you’re debt-free, use those extras to build require a little persistence and research, but
up your emergency fund. the savings are worth it.
Bonus tip: If you regularly receive large tax refunds, 15. Try a spending freeze.
adjust your paycheck withholding so that you bring - Don’t buy any nonessential items for a
home more money in your paycheck each month. week—or even a month!


How to Save Money?

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