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40% - Administrative Exuenses

Hirinl!. of Beach and Street Cleaners to be assigned in Port Barton 336 000.00

Provision of Cash Incentives to Women Sector for the Collection and

Waste Segregation in Islands 216,000.00

Hiring of Bottle Crusher Operator and Maintenance 236,000.00

Po11 Barton Doi!. Pound Operational and Maintenance Expenses 200,000.00

Reviving Sru1 Vicent.e's Best Program 562,000.00

Purchase of Accountable Fonn No. 51 30,000.00

Tarpaulin PrintinJ.', for IEC 20,000.00

SUB-TOTAL 1,600.000.00

GRAND TOTAL Ph P4,000,000.00

NOW THEREFORE, on motion by Hon. Mark Anthony T. Tabangay, duly seconded by Hon. Melvin C.
Ballesteros be it;

RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved to approve the proposed Tourism PPAs as enumerated above for
endorsement to Municipal Development Council for tl1eir appropriate action;

RESOLVED, finally that copies of this resolution shall be fo1warded to all concern for their appropriate
information and guidance.


I HEREBY CERTIFY to the correctness of the above- quoted


Mm:(c ;;��:ism Officer
MTC Secretariat


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