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ANNUAL EXECUTIVE BUDGET Municipality o¢ Hinundayan Province of Southern Leyte A PRESENT: ROSA EMILIAG. MERCADO ROLANDOQ. BACOY FEG.EDILLO JONATHAN LEP. MARAON TEOPISTO C. ROIAS, JR, VIRGILIO.A. MORTERA, INA MARIE K. LOY JOSE A, LOQUINTE LOU CHIN CLE a NAPOLEON P. REGIS MYRAC. RENTUZA ~~ Republic of the Philippines PROVINCE OF SOUTHERN LEYTE City of Maasin Office of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan VICE GOVERNOR (reciing Offices) SP MEMBER (Temporary Majority Floor Leader) SP MEMBER SP MEMBER :SP MEMBER SP MEMBER SP EX-OFFICIO MEMBER-PCL. OFFICIO MEMO! . SP MEMBER = On Official Travel SP MEMBER - On Leave -000- RESOLUTION NO. 239-5, 2023 RESOLUTION DECLARING APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE NO, 2023-01 OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF HINUNDAYAN, THIS PROVINCE, OPERATIVE IN ITS ENTIRETY WHEREAS, Appropriation Ordinance No. 2023-01 of the Municipality of Hinundayan, ‘Souther Leyte, authorizing its FY 2023 General Fund Annual Budget, involving an appropriation ‘of One Hundred Fifteen Millon Five Hundred Eighty Five Thousand Seventy Two Pesos and Twenty Four Centavos (P115,585,072.24) was submitted to this Sanggunian on January 12, 2023 and was referred to the Provincial Budget Services Office for technical review and Feeammendation on Jonuary 23, 2023 through SP Resolution No. 3-s.2023 pursuant to the provisions of Republic Act (RA) No. 7160; WHEREAS, the subject Appropriation Oreinance shows substantial compliance with the provisions of law and its Implementing Rules and Regulations, WHEREFORE, on motion of Hon. Teapisto C. Rojas, J, jointly seconded by Hon. Rolando Q. Bacoy and Hon. Ina Marie K. Loy, BE IT RESOLVED, as it is hereby resolved, by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Southern Leyte, im session, to declare Appropriation Ordinance No. 2023-01 of the Municipality of Hinundayan, this Province, operative:initsentirety effective on January 1, 2023, subject to ‘the posting requirement under Section S9 of RA 7L60 and further subject to the follawing conditions: 11. Per LBM No. 85-B, dated August 12, 2022 your final National Tax Allotment (NTA) was decreased, as follows: ‘TENTATIVE 87,659,526.00 FINAL NTA VARIANCE 87,584,917.00 74,609.00 Due to the decrease of the NTA amounting to P74,609.00, the concerned LGU is hereby directed to adjust the budget appropriation either in MOQE and CO appropriations to comply with the pravisions of lav, 2. ‘That the estimated beginning balance in the amount of ¢ aver and above the unappropiated surplus reo shall not Of account as certified by the Local Finance Committee, P17,120,546.24 « ter the closing of the books 3. That the implementation of the 4° Tranche Compensation Adjustment of Local Government Personnel pursuant to Section 5.9 the Local Budget Circular No, 118 dated January 15, 2019 has exceeded the Peco Services (PS) limitation, The PS limitation in LGU by tudgets 88 provided under Section 325 (a) of the Local peenn Sode sha be Somplied with. Hence, there is an excess in PS Cost over . The concerned LGU shall strictly o i beer or nan ty observe the available net annual PS Total Income from Regular Sources (Past Year 2021) P 83781 Allowable PS Level (55%) 46,079,839.16 : Net Annual PS Budget 49,120,851.39 ‘Over PS limitation P3,041,012,23 Less: Waived Items ‘Terminal Leave Benefits 3,389,000.00 Unfilled Vacant : s. §,071,320.20 P 9,460,320.20 4. That the 20% development projects shall be utilized in accordance with the DBM- DOF-DILG Joint Memorandum Circular GMC) No. 1 dated November 4, 2020. 5. That the 59% LORRM Fund shall be uttized in ‘accordance with the pertinent Provisions of laws, rules and regulations, as provided under Section Ji cr RA No, Rent, (ule 18 af its Implementing Rules & Regulations (IRR, rd new’ of NORRMC-DBH-DILG Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2013-1 dated March 25, 2013, 6. That lumpsum appropriations for Other Bonuses & Allowances under Personal "vices in the total amount of P480,000.00 should be properly identified and strat be used only for the grant of authorized personnel benefits per RA 11466, Joint Res, No. 4 & those subsequently authorized by applicable laws, rules and regulations, The LGU shall submit an electronic copy of the cimate-tagged AIP and eccomelished Dually Assurance Review Form to the Climate Change Commission (CCC) at u i Pursuant to DBM-Climate Change Commission-DILG Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC) No, 2015-1 dated July 23, 2015, 8. That procurement of goods, supplies, equipment, civil works and other related services shall be made ursuant to the Revised IRR 2016 Edition of the Government Procurement Act (RA 9184). 9, That disbursement of funds shall be for the specific purpose(s) for which they have been appropriated pursuant to Sections 335 & 336 of RA 7160, Tt is understood that this review action does not authorize any item of appropriation that Is ‘Specifically prohibited by or inconsistent with the provisions of law. Compliance with all existing laws and regulations shall be the sole responsibilty of the implementing local government unit. ENACTED: FEBRUARY 20, 2023 APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY. MARLETTASIRAVAGO, Sccretary to the Shagpuhiang Paniatawigan ATTESTED: ROSA EMILIAY. MERCADO Vice Govetyor Presiding: Officer OEE er ee A -200- OFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL SB SECRETARIAT SERVICES THE SANGGUNIANG PANLALAWIGAN Province of Souther Leyte Capitol site, Naasin City ‘Gear Honorable Ladies & Gentlemen: We are subsnitting herewith thee (3) sets of copies of the 2028 Annual Executive Budget with ‘worksheets, with the following contents: Appropriation Ordinance: 2) Mayor's Budget Message; 3) Local Expenditure Program (LEP); 4) 18° Form 1: Budget of Expenditure & Source of Financing; 5) LSP Form 2 ; Programmed Appropriation & Obligation by Object of Expenditure and USP Farm 2a: Programmed Appropriation & Obligation for Special Purpose ‘Appropriations; 8) LBP Form 3: Plantitla of LGU Personnel and LBP Form 3a: Personnel Schedule; 2) LBP Form d Mandate Visian/Mission, Major Final Qutput, Performance indicators & Targets: 8} LSP Form'S : Statement of indebtedness; rl LBP form 6 + Statement of Statutory & Contractual Obligations & Budgetary Requirements; 10) LBP Form 7 : Statement of Fund Allocation by Sector. Ukewise, we are submitting herewith two (2) sets of coples of the 2023 Annual Investment Program (AIP). ‘Also, we are submitting two (2) sets of copies of the follovring various plans, 1) GAD Plan and Budget, with DILG endorsement; 2) Disaster Risk Reduction & Management Plan (LORAMP} with MDRRMC Resolution; 3), Local Climate Change Action Plan (LCCAP}; 4) Peace and Order Pian (POP); 5} Local Nutrition Action Pian (LNAPI; 6) Annual Cultural Development Pian (ACDP) with MCHCA Resolution; 7} Indicative Annual Procurement Plan {\APP); 8) Ustof PPAS far the Local Council for the Protection of Children; 8) List of PPAS for Senior Citizens & Person with Disabilities; 10) List of PPAS to Combat Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrame; 14) _Uistof PPAS to Address the Problem of illegal Drugs. ‘Also, we are submitting twa (2) sets of copies of the follawing: 2) Local Youth Development Plan; 2) igu DT; 3) LGU CapDev Agenda. For your favorable action. Republic af the Philippines Soe Bae Province of Southern Leyte: MUNICIPALITY of HINUNOAYAN Oltice af the Reciailiig Rigel EXCERPT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE 2 REGULAR SESSION OF THE SANGGUNIANG BAYAN HELD AT THE MUNICIPAL SESSION MALL, HINUNDAYAN, SOUTHERN LEYTE ON JANUARY 09, 2023 AT 08:03 IN THE MORNING PRESENT: HON. EONA A RESMA Municipal View Mayor Premiere HON, MARIA EDITHAT RAMIREZ —, SB Member HON. CONSUELOR OY 55 Member HON. LERMAG. LAGUVBAY . 55 Member HON ANNA FEBB & CAZON 58 Member HON. JEANETTE M. ABUYOG - 38 Member HON.CRESCENTE C. PEDRERA . 58 Member HON, RIMANDO E VILLAMOR Ex-Ofico Manber Prandret, of the Memarpel Cheer f te ae Remar HON. IZRA C. ALBUNA Ex-Ofco Member Pome Sretenens Thlerarnit wee 4 ABSENT: HON. EVAA ANRYU $8 Member HON, DIANA P PALMA $8 Member RESOLUTION NO. 10-2023 “RESOLUTION ENACTING AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE ANNUAL EXECUTIVE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2029 FOR ITS IMPLEMENTATION EFFECTIVE JANUARY 4. 2023 IN THE AMOUNT OF ONE HUNDRED FIFTEEN MILLION FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTY FIVE THOUSAND SEVENTY TWO PESOS AND TWENTY FOUR CENTAVOS (PHP 115,585,072.24) ~ WHEREFORE, on refiary of Phen Chmmunite BOY jombity sacanciod By the Mon. Joanotte M Atmupog aie Nor Hierro ® ihimur BH REBOLVED, ae itn fered cesuiwert Sy Per Sarypurueey Gayan of bllnunahayaey Southern Leyte Av Meeauce! absier tier No aPaG? a A @ Hewhy raat) an approving te Munacipad Arriial Changer tie Foncat Fear 30009 har te wepien ‘otfective January 1, 2023 UNANIMOUSLY CARIMEED: APPROPRIATION ON DeANCE NO. 202-01 “AN ORDINANCE APPROVING Tht ANNUAL EANCUTIVE MUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2023 FOR ITS IMPLEMENTATION EFFictrvE JANUARY 1, 2023 IN THE AMOUNT OF OME HUNDMED FIFTEEN MILLION FIVE HUNDRED EIGHTY FIVE THOUSAND BIEVENTY Two PESOS AND TWENTY FOUR CENTAVOS (PRPtts sag. ory 4) * lin Herd By Tie engguriiong Bape af Hnrctonen, Sinanere hate i i Swear Nene Set fy BAPOrE) Af Te tae tae SECTION 1 Frais Me Meeiy 5 ea Site of Cm MURR FOTN A OM TE OES Eee fore teUSARS Qe vENTY two fice sac ie | sapien Shing Esco en BP seri " Ae eile Hitgs +P rneitbcons si ie oe eh ep at © LOCA seRES Samat ase Piaearriee ee) eran te Meneame EATE000 Soe BATE gone 1 Aitattirrat e atoaeey 6 rea ta a © re tomenno tha ate 9 om PEO LN eudNdnNE mere ween etemeen rea Cramer tek SEC MOM A Me ati oF OE CURIE OFM GoM mu Pots HIS TE Foes AMeY RENIN Fale oMCoR ARNIS SAWS ON He Cita mare FN HEIL Bo sees AanRpNCenpnTalinns eanenies, op He Sate Rat OrPvatgraninitane EAMITHLTHCOIG OF Tie Weiiictany de wwe * %. oe - day foe sere 5S SEGHION S. This Annual Executive Budget for Fiscal Year 2023 has been deliberated, reviewed and finally considered for implementation ‘which shall take effect beginning January 1, 2023 ADOPTED and APPROVED by the Sangguniang Bayan of Hinundayan, Southern Leyte, this 9" day of January 2023, V HEREBY CERTIFY to the corractness of the foregoing Resolution fend Secretary V Secretary to the Sangguniang Bayan ATTESTED AS DULY TAKEN AND DISCUSSED: EDNA ADANZA-RESMA ‘Municipal Vice Mayor Preniding Officer MARIA filme co R.DY LE . LAGUMBAY SB Member (SB Meheber 5B Member ANNA FEBBB.CAZON JEANI ABUYOG CRESCENT C. PEDRERA 58 Member tember tember RIMAI OR 12RA © ALBUNA ExOfficio Member ‘ExOfficio Member President of the Municipal Chapter President, PambayangPederaryon ng mga SK. Liga ng mge Barangay APPROVED: _///2_, 2023 Woe EVEL LEE, CPA ‘Mutteipal Mayor Pea ge 3] Revaeton No. 1.2022 Appregsaten Ont Me, 2823.04 ANNUAL EXECUTIVE BiIOGET 202) 07,659,528 08. [Share Hom PCSO. 126,000.00. [TOTAL REGULAR REVENUES. a0,A64 525.00 [Add Bapnnng Balance. 75,120,548.26 Fevered 2050 Cont a 590,000.00, Reve 2021 Cont Arges { Tol Purchase) 1,200, 000:00 [Not Available Resources "is,s88,072.24 [GFRICE OF THE NUN. EXECUTIVE SERVICES [VOTH = [Execuuve Services rar (ES) fx Carver Opera fii Perse Serees (PS eas aaaso 3 Swenes & Tasasa0s, PEA 72,0000, TRA. 75,6000, 7A 75,600.00, . jafeom Rowan Gea Veat Boru TYex End Bons 179,800.00, 3 Gash 6G) 78,000.00, 3 Orhor Gonnes & Aicwancte PET 75,000.00 Ta Ret Litera Preemie FO) 72,560.60 i PagiBIG Conrbutors 3,600.00, 1 Pent Corton 580 1 Employees Covurburion Fawanee Prem [ECP] 3,600.00 1a Tesranal Leave Senet. 7,000.08 Mabeenunce & emer Operstng Sxpanies MODEL Eanes 4 rae SoG SOO omnes + Brocurenent of cormmaa ae seo, Brocurenaet of oer alice sapphes 13,280.00 Teo OO 72646,016.00 Lend sllowance loc meble communicators @ 1200 0bima: Taaoa.6 7200.00 7200.00 1 Omer Professional Senfees (Mon. expense ts Racal @ f,00dimo, each 3 Broseestor )1,000%me. each CTE Jags i 2.500ime.& RTC ope @ 14.000%ea) Ganprucis & unt moter = Senteiestortoe par & nant PAW aGieiined Tontmcinoyl Tama Tr Sin - Gre EIT 1 Paty Sond Prenam Exe Taner 1 Ober Man & Operating Eperent tise. operating expences lor weed Asai Sem Hing of ee (3), viens as xocutve clei [est ietvenanen Pegi Cert. Sng Ofer Sars POE? 2. WORE a borer Presa og as Preis ea SES raven of hon. 3,000ima, fg Mnurdayan Cemmercit Tawa Ceriar career ‘Procurement of mater or te mairtenance of govt blogs. 8 ole uve ‘Later aepanaes for Be repal 8 moby. of goV'. dps, Keer twee, . Provision et hon. @) 3.0000, Putte Gemotery caetaher. 1 Provson of reurorse or 1 Prearrn to HSE (Pi other acives relntve 19 Miro, mall Masur [OFFICE OF THE MUN. EXECUTIVE SERVICES. sub-Orice fe Homan Revauree IA rnere (101 HRA [Human Resouree Management & Capatiiy Oevelopraent Program (HRMCOPL 700,900.00, Oficial racaactoasbucthess raquling personnel te raved [= Precmeten of cunmon oes pple fe hanes fess RSTOgORT 5 550.00 Procurement of eter offen > Load atowence fr mabe communicators @ 1200 Solna 2440.00 > Prosreenent off supohes > Sence foes for IT ecupment mairtenarae. > Team bulding. vale formaton 6 capably eahancomend 1s Pieprated acisin calebraing he LGU Oay & CSW Week = Hiring of one (7) Lo, worker ns Hamu resource management aide (rTEea a 7081011 SOFT Ofer ties elave lo Puan resource managemen. [rowaL [OFFICE OF THE LUN. EXECUTIVE SERVICES. Sub Ofioe for Atm. Toutm Oevelopmard& iceatmeri Promotion {107 7-AATOIP) [un, Tourism 0 5 investment Prametion Program (MTDIPF 17830009 [ = Procurement of food and nerefood here far We coring temvtan ofTewem | avosag| a ei eres pene (> Procurement! of fod and nafvfood fers (er ober taxon dev 8 vestnent "3ae0 00, roman acs, ivcung be 5 Foreg ofa 1). worker: lovin senior ge i7s0000) Procurement of {writ atop. 3090000 Procurement of unk 0-1 prea 7 500.60 lun. Socie-cultural Development Program (MSEOP): 300,008.05 '_Prosurement el Yeod and nan food Nerf ATW eabratin 390095, Oral. fro i SSPE OF Ti wR EEO SERVES SO Pa ip TPES — Mun, Public Employmect Services Program IMPESP, ‘Offic wansections/businesscequtig personnel Eee 1 Precurerent of common efor supple fx Fran. plc emglayrnen senioes > Pracurement of ote offce sup Lead sconce for mobbe communicaacrs @ 200000. > Procurement of T wugpbes. = Pracuremart of mates fo TT egapeenl maienance, 7 Service fees lr (T equpriet martenance, LGU counterpart fo SPES, "= Procurement of suis fo cates coucTing Heaven for Nigh schoo] pring stodents ‘= Hing of ene (I). worket as pc employmen! varices i. > Ceverachvies reve fo empieyment LGU couriepar for TESOA programs and seisea LGU counterpart lor OWWA programs and serdcns [OFFICE OF THE MUN. PITEROOR & LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES (OIG): Man. Leeal Government Monitoring Program (LOWE): Tae Diss] yaranctonstusivevs requiing personnel io aavel_ 160000 65) [LGU eouniepar fa fe candt of capdey fo big. tangs 3000.0 LGU eounierpart fer fe conduct of eapdey a gy. pen ng apaparsayeoe. S.00000 i Procaement of cemmen ofice supers fore! porerment mentoring earices 7935000, F Procstement of oer alice wpphes. 28000 1 emet connect renitenance for 6 o.co000 Provision af Ronocaram @) )000/no, tthe man See gov. operators offer sone . p88 7.00000, Zi,son00 Ted PLE rersbes 250 a, PLED Soar Hing of en (7), worker ws focal govt monitoring ids. Tig g0008 >Other wethtes rine to local govt. mond. > Procurenant of tat aren. 35,000.00 7% Procrement of? wily UPS, 10,000.80 nee =e zi r [OFFICE OF THE MUN. POLICE SERVICES PNP} [Passe und Onder Program (POP} [= otic ransactonstbuinessrequing peronnelta Wave 1a0,000-95, > Preewrement of common oie mupgies (oe peste and dar none. Procirement of fel ol and bscarts for PP. Farurcoyan MPS wetelon Procurement f the eco re orate anans i rope ‘Sunefonce actriies (confderdal expenses) Provision of honorarium € 250009, w COP at Heandrjan MPS > Procureensnt of T supp. = 20.0009] ‘Service foes ior T nqupmmant mardnance, 5,000.00 Procurement of materia fe he rep mali. of Heandnyan MPS vette 720,800.00 ‘Sehvice lees forthe repak & mai of Fieundayan MS vole 50,000.00 Brocurement of rice as subsidy fe the round Be cisck dy of PHP pare 42.000.00| Brovson ot ben. Pt OOGONND, each Wo 7 Brgy. taneds ax LGU courtepar Tea 0 Brocarement of materia othe fabrication & Ptaliton of oad ealety algnages. "9,000.00 ‘Acroes relsive lo Ending tie Local Communit Armed Confit (ECAC). 48,000.00 (Other mete reinvest pence & order Procaremert of prin 15,000.00 Procurement of (1) unt CTY. 7 Procurement f ermmon afl eupples for re preverton protection ofc. > Proarenent ol oer office: > Procurement of ue, i and bias for FP Hinundayen Reick 700,000.00, © _tntemat conectvty mebtenance tf > Proveson of enoratium @3,00OHma, fo the Mon. Fre Marshal |= Proasement of smples._ ‘> Pronuremert of mstest fox TF equpeneed maraerane’, 15.000.00 Serves fees fer IF equipment mansenance 5,900.00 7 Precurement of ce as eubsicy for Se round the cock duly al BEP perssra [5 recnerert tana fre preven & protncton IC > Procurement of facd and non-food items for fire prevention mew activity. ST nies rete run. re preverbon poten prone vtg ar ‘epait& mart of BFP staten. Procurement of twit at. Procurement of Yun prt © Procremert of uit seen, [GFFICE OF THE MUN, AUDITING SERVICES {COA} zasene[ | Se er Procurement of ice euppies for mun. auditing sedi Haaagement propa. | =_Procuferart ef fal el 8 briana for COA vice ame > tere connectvly malenande ff ep ore ae Procurement of matefas fo IT equgmert maiienanes. : |= ring of one (1) 0. worker ws audtng serviows ade. 5,000.00 5 Cen Unioe Risers 2,000.9 5 mi Yew Sores 730,131 00 Few Er See Taare SIS) 199080 3 One Oorcens & Monaro PS 70.0800 Bet Ute be Premmane LP) 17 4 TE Pag Cottusern. seo 12 RSet Comtanon 7331.0 19 Ereinyes Comtceen harm Peman EGP] aon 7 Marerrarer& eter Operring Emenee NODE) maaan ee. 100000, 2 Chie Surples Emenee + Rromrenet el cenmen Uae magica Tae = Broaremevel ote ocr nepies Taee80 7 Wetieotore Exper = ood atowance ey mabe sermmunianions @ LSA 60m. a 5 Regars A Martermnce - Machinery & Eqipmen i Equomeris & Sata = Broarenaet oT pees Taa00 = + Proasecare sow (on poser mt ama re Tasenon = Derarene # OPEN eapondey main 3sen08 —=} a co = Deseoeee a evento tome OSS iene = _Srseswoeroood sd fod tear Nona Dass Resteny Ua so cases 7 erate ang tng ei even OFAN pe Tr = Proarenert of magi fo the mal of Mun: Evanston Corte, © Prowse of rece we Feapanders > Herg cone (i) je, worker os ORAM Aide for Afi Trang, ore (7) Lo, wart #7490000 | Pesca bi ef wath 8. 7 T= one (1) jo. warkes as Bimsong Man, Evocuson Gender Caretaker fag of seven (7) womkere se OPCEN ResponderaERO, sans, 1 Mabiachare Expenaes fx OPCEN hatin for responders and Gepathen 3,000.00 TF One eciries fests MOAR. | 499521271 OFTEWINLEGSATNE SERVICES TI [Lapis Servicns Maraperent Progra (SPE f: — Gurer Gpereg Exendure Fx Perera Sass (PS Tama Sees éVinges Taran, 2A 2640000 3RA 7 ath “0060 5 Cigna Abra escan00 6 te Yeu Beas 70 Rt & Utes Premiers LP) 34 Pag 6 Covers 3 Fiat Coritene 12 Erpioees Cortrbuton oes Proton EOE) 7.1008, 1320000, + ned alowence lor noble commancatons @ 1200.00%me, 7 Ofer Man & Opersing Expense Procurement of chars fr SB Marios (72 pee) F iv. covey expense Furpare Apprepriationd [Support Program to Braye. (SPR: > 31 9 Snail aseitancs ft bry. Seco ull acca such oo my doy. "sports action of 3000.00 per bay. Granting of brgy social protectin projects # 10,000 e8eh, ‘Curent Operating Expenses Lt_Persoral Seraces (5 oe Satins 8 rages am att 72,000.00, 3 RA 63,000.00 — #3,00.00, 5 CietiaglUiiom Alowanee ne Mie Yeu Bore —— 3 Weer End Bore scat Conn Git CXS) Saar 2 Opie Bonuses & Alowarecs PEL 1500.00 T4724 [EF Hariooene f che Opening Epona BOGE 1 Trawling Expenses ‘3800-00 3 tamnet Suzeergon Expemes. 5 Repars & Mardenance - Machnety A Easement (7 Egapmers 8 SeRvoreh + Procurement of f eazafes, = Procuremin® af supplies & mater er he repal & raat of | wnt etary, = ieee ooh seal aa tener Beon9i1z7, 175700, 42,000.00 79,000.00 7 oiies + Reesenentel sommes ois pia = Freararertol ar otis mpptes i tolegone Expeees Lad towne fy msbie communicators @) 1250.00, 7 Repars A artarance & Eadomen Eeipnnets& Bolom) = Pressremc oT apex ra + Proc ecnent of materia for T equpment muintenance. 20,000.00 1 Serves fey egapment renter TE] Ofer sel. & Operning sero = Moe. wevtiy exposee [Spesal pose Apprsrctons Research and Develos meal Planning Program (RUPP: + Prsarament ol one) urk Prolecor Sean [= Recsenensos (hou essai near > hmg of ene (i). werk ae MPOG Hi rated Comenunication Program (e1CPh =o Aateobes rlar n Corrvanty Empowerment Grough Since & Technsiogy (CEST) Actes retave 19 7 Tot Exuraton, Enrepreseurs fe carne [ii Personal Services PS) Taos 1 Sataren & Wane Tone 2 PER Tae09.a0 3 PA 3100000 TA 360008 5 Cup iim Abraro® ienoam0 iver Bon art 09 7_Yeor. En Boras ar sar at Cash (0G) sei 3 Gtr Bonuses & Alowanens PEI 1580000) 1 let 8 Ll es Premios eats [1 Papi Consus 360000 “2 Preah) Cormibutors Pasa [5 Expayecs Comreon euranes Promtin (ECR) sth [ia _Meksenance & ter Gperaing Expenses (MOOG). aR A80.00 ri Expenses, jeominsa 2 Oftce Sueples Exerses: 7 Promrement ol commen sce mote, sean = Procsernent ot oerofice supple, spon] 3. Mobaepnene = Load alowance fo iobie communications G1 200/000. seene0) rene Subsoroton Expenses eT 3 1 Mareerance Equant as Sano > Proaeneet ef Tepples sete = Procwererd af mater Taubman! maisenance 1380000] = Senden tees for equpmerd rallenancs. 290008 Oe: Mai § = TEs0abe [Socal pose ons Ee a — 2500.00 > Procure food 8 nffoad lara for the Eonait of eonin worRShep se.806.0) ‘Services Management Program (SMP: Curent Gperatng Experetines a Personal Sendces (PS) _—————— 20,000.00 20,0000 700,201.12, 4.50000 Zan1.86 Cont surance Premimn (EG fa sitenanee & omer Operating Expenses IDOE) T7ea36.16 7 Noblephone Expenses =_ Lond alowance fot abi conmuneatona i 1,200 50m, 7 Repay & Mamtenarce. tacinery & Equipment (iT Equant & Seiten) = Procarement eff 7500.80 = Prosement of mates for TT equpmert mabienanee a = Series fees fr Megupmant gactenonos, 2,500.00 E Othe: Mai Gperaing Expernes, =_ Wise opereting expenses. Tas ‘Pressrement of one (1) OBM reaused Hig of en (1). werk a servers ie OFFICE OF THE MUN. ACCOUNTING SERVICES (108i 7 imal Conti Services Managerwnt Program [ATSEME): iL _ Curent Opening Espana a nara 36408 PERA 120,000.09, Ra 3,000.00 13,000.00 gain An 3.00068 Uci¥ex Bons 106.3268 ew End Boren 1os.32 00 [Py exereeccr 2300000 === 9 Or ons 5 Ames PE ze. co00 RL bie Pronk (RIP) 753.5128 51 Pig St Corsten 00.0 1a Pabestn Cortana mesa —_ 1 Engioees Coenen Reuinea mien EGP sea ‘+ Land abowance or nabie communicators @ 1200 0ine. rinenet Sueeiptan| ns & Maintenance - Machinery © 5S Sothwareh = Procurement off supples, zeman | 30 Ret A Ue os, Prema (RUPE a Pp ‘aoe | | sosoaos| | Taner 50,000.00 [Ty Maremarce & otter Opeeatng Exparees (OE) 1 Traveing Expenses 2 Offer Supplies Emenee + Procurement of commen ofice mappars 775 000.00, ‘= Procurement af materia fo the real A main. of Tani matoneyel = Service Ieee forthe pai & mati of | unt motor 728,000.05 Fig af ten (10) 0 worker (P1220 400,00 at 100 YoY S07-07-010), > _Arrualie of LGU RET bang meters (OFFICE OF THE MUN, ASSESSMENT SERVICES (9707): eal ‘Assessment Services Presrarn (RASH fi Custer Operating Experniices fi Personal Senices (PS Teas 1 Salone Bex 30| 2 PERA 42,000.00 3 RA 3.99000) ate 3.00.00) 5 Rime 72.000.00] 6 Mia Yeer Borws 72,028.00 7 Vew-End Bos 72.025.00| Cann Get (CG) 70,090.00] ‘9 Ot Boewsin bhiowecices -EI 70,000.00 36 At. & Life ne. Premios 103,716.00] i Pag8iG Corton 2400.00 12 Phat Cortsons. 30.448.75| “EE_Enetoyens Contrion Paurance Premium (ECP) 2400.60 [1a Mablonance 4 ots Operating Expatnaa (MOCE) 69,908.00 1 Travelng Expenses, 100,000.00 7 Otice =_Prezorement of commen slice apes 72,800.00 = Procurement of shes office wpe 11,809.00 7, Moblephone Expences: + Lead abonanoe for mebte commcetons @ 1200 00im0. Taam z '& Maintenance - Machinery & Equprers (IT Equipments & Sows) “Procurement of T meptes.. 2 Procunement of materia for [mainienanes 1 Serve foes or esuipment maintenance > Eearenet o crna nepirs A ratwah Bo GSTS [Serie OF THE UN MEAL Tm SERVICES HTD. est Servers Marugemect Program (MSUPE, Gare peewing Eematures T Peres Sewers PS) if mivher ms ssatssert ade (7115600000 100 108) 5D/-01-01) Somes 8 Pages 5 TeeRA 21,000 00 LEE 83,000.09 7A. 63,000.09 Sage See ‘aman ‘Ritestence Merce See Tunnay Sere Tea zien Pe 363,131.30 ees Een 27 TH4.00, 2oYoe-trt Benn 27.75.00, Ti cmn Ga (oo) 45,000.00, 3 Of Berwnes A Mowmes FEL 45,006.00 3) Ret Lie im Preonem RUF) Tasers 1s owas Comers 10,800.99, 1 Eomerrees Gortinton naronse Premium (EC) Mareerance Later Opstng Expenses (MOOE) reco Taxrsrg Soares waz00.00 Sake Sein Eeerere > Srearemert ef comme afte ama = Prarenent alot offoe samples Frac Tia & lesones + Frosremerd ofvaviow aug: & megenaa ane + Presuerert of mnt. drugs lor hypetensive & dabeian ‘200,000.00 “7 Medic Dental & Laboratory =_Prossetner of win medica, eral & leboralary apples nelodng ansenir Bongeon Titecrare Emerses = _Lseciatowance or motte sommanientons @ 1 200.00ima, Tasso rere Sumeongten Emerwes 20,000.00 7 Fissers & Mantenance - Machine & Equpmern(t Equpnens & Galway =_Prenaemert of T sales. Trpw0.00 = Brocsremert of materais for equpmeid mationaron = Seroen ieee lor IT equipment mawenance "E Suteey tz Pact teres! Heath Zane (22% 17551 SOE2O) Save aengeen = Mise. epecatng expenses. [Spasal Farsose Appropriations: [Sarwation Program (SPE. + Prowsien athan. @ PLO DAina, excita 17 GNS ne LGU counter = eee a STS > Bensemert ot Ten syin o mppionerts rng ed ira mae 1a halen ard Be mentoring, exordnatan 2 reise actvtiet as LGPC (RA B44) intorvontion ia consonance to Ho, far of BILD ME 2012-120 dated July 4, 2082 Procurement of oor food heme for tbe supple menial iesing and ‘micre-ndiew upplementason or cilten andi ssuananan “Hrelted actives ax LEPC (RASTA) intervention in consonance to Mose of CLG ME 3013420 dated duly 4, 7013, Paaeenaiay Heath Poogqrein Ser > Provision then: @ 780 00%me.aach io 104 BHWe 6s LGU countaapar Prosser f pass wi ia wo fr 104 BPW, P75 00 a. = BH anes atonal Vota Sod Service Progra RTHSP) > Prema o fed kecfoed a othe query Gnade eed aerator wc ag Dr (CAD A Tased Gore Senzes 1 Presereneeo od vn naiood lems for Sv eam. boeed ere Sandor peso whens eas and Sevens HES mam _Proarener of 5 va abies wach. moon Cormmanicabie Oisanes Contra Program (°D0PI tan =| > Prosrener ol fend ponteod tan fo: canto muicbao Ge ET] On NDS boar STO t Prossreren ol mesons lar eregeny 3 TE pales ET en Coeeniatie Diseases Cotrl Program (NCOCR Tasseee = _Pronserertol fed & ote tens ot condet of Cl Taman ‘cers masn Heath and Broking Ersstion Pope mow = roarerer of oe &orlood Rae for he conto ane SPATS ome TEs on a evo 3 tei ad Child Heath Care MCH) Program Tappan] + Prosremerof maces & mater for THleral pas aaa a 25 LCPC (RAL3340 imerveron in Gontonance to No. A of LG ‘Me 2012-129 dae oy 42012. 7 Proarenett eet tbe nations a ag RE ro + (National inmunizanen (Ni) Program for Children: Fone > Procremnent of mise 3nd mates for nabional immunizabon 5,000.00 Commun Saae en Heath Program: Taso = Rete Topp0.80 Prerwion £ ConBoh p sao Mir msses for Dengue Proven & Castel sane Fay Plena Program FPP: Same > Prosremert of rin fly pang mT aama8 ew Bows Serening Pregram NBSP), Tae + Fes fr cntrruaon of tal new-bo sxe rau CI) ean Stzoors & Facies Maresance rogram (EMR, TRO > Pro he fr etn expenses (pet ete of Bw eatosiecrenve vt ters 5 aco. = Provain of rarmicrtg vers and escort aaa 2 freee fel of & Lees o erage Saat venCS, Taeopo0. > Premera of mati ft he apa & mart fh. 73a00.00| (eer epee os ropa & rare of tu 9909.09 > Procrener fewer or he ep & mai of emerge Heal wae, Feece0.0 Labor spares rept A rat oergeey beat vehi. aseaa] Hg ed even Vs worker (304.0000 100.4411 £09578) = a forrice OF THE WON SOG WELFARE A DEVT SERVICER COTTE seca Wellre& Dev. Services Management Program (SWDSMPl fi Suara Opertng Eenaes [Li Peron Sees aaaorase 7 Sete Tea TERA “200000 SRA 5300000 ra sso0000| | — ‘egiaatann Aware ‘gpoa00 tase bona sia 7 Yew-Ened Bonus 56.9160 ‘8 Cash Git (C16) 15,000.00 2 Ofer Barus &Romwances “FEL “00000 7 et es remus Taosso5e 1 Pop ena Commbusata 360000, 1 Poet Comes za7en08 Zi 3 Censsn ane ea 350740 14 Term Lesa Betts 000000 FE aterance& tes Oparatg Sxperens (0a 1 Traveling Expenses 150;000.00 Fonen = Prosoroment of connmon offce pps. = Proaseneit ol aber oica spelen —se “os — — — al a 3 Mobiehone Expenses —— + ood elowance for mata communiciens 100 00im—. Tae ene Subscnpton Eparoes Baas Repais & Nanienance - Mochinety & EqugmortT Equpmenla & Safvera) + Prout ol Tsuppon. e500, = Prosuremeet of stot fT ogaprnant mains, Ta0n0 > Seni es fe FT einer lena 700000 So — + Procure of materia or the repair X maint of motorcycle. LT a Secs les fore eps A mo aloe 30009 T Ciba Mant& Opening Empenees + Ms. eperaing eens, Tame [Seeciol Purpose Appropriations: Bocio Weare & Dov, Services Nanoqemen Program (SWDEHPI: Pao, = Presaremont of inate Toa 1 Preswrementsl 1 uni phtacoyra wacine 7a.00.50 > Prosrenent of ¥ unt pee for MSAIOO. 7.50009 = Presremantof Y untae fer MSWOO. 3.000 6 Assistance to hdvidoats in Crist Sianlion [ACE] Program 7 (> Grarring of financial assistance for kansporiaten, hosplhaitzation, medicines, [230,000.00 i——_ | Tal hate fos winsgesperons ree UW, > Procurement of feod ard reeled lr for enue management aches re a a Te Eve recovery and erlagraton of vallened verse ineudeg ronson of vemparay seer Hg of res (2) ja wore a= IGS evar Tew [Ekderly Wetane Program (MPH; ation 1 of NEA SY Giszs OO OTERO rn a) = Froerament of mpgbes lr be profusion E hseenoe el Dass booties © et eer ene. = ol eesieradan reerives based = man moana wma > ol franca esanceininiger serio core, ord PERE, 3oa.000 be meclenes 6 nexpatzanen = of tual sort a een Sze apo Procurement ff fed Aaron temo” cond of Genes Gnrs Os 15000000 avery Getaber, wih aceon or srt Crew Teal Teal = _Prevaan of PE So0ino,alawanes I derton presen rte, ober Taase Tacs em. &araehs the conduct af mor mun mowing & eter reiwaacbrice = Provan of P500,00mno.wlowance ta TEpy pre fo foe Rafer aoe Ingenio. a UR, mows & wher reed aches Provision of an. P7.000na, to OSCA Hes Tame Parzona with Blais Wicfar Program| aN © _Preevreren of suppose He powcr kaunnce =A Boo PROS 00 Graig of fs aszarncs to PYVDe ft fod heer, hopastcnon & sion B.c00 oo = rocoremue al ood ond on food heer eon OL PEO Week 3300.00 i ary Fay wa elena an POs host ie Ebene. = _Provalon of Sota, aewanon te everaton peso rte er Teena elie exp. Ganache nth conduct of mari un, mestngs A he rei ewes = Provsin of P2O0 0070, owanca 18 Tere Soe Sao nisl ep. aed oN AUN Meshing & See rented ach Proviso of 5, 000.00e0, on, tw FWE mam Fecalpemen. wae [sna Wltare Program Tee = i fang apsnance fr fod ait Respiahraton & mecesnes bs Tae 7 _Precuronerd of ood ed Oo fac Rese ef conduct ol Wormers Ha [ase006 Gara wary March wt Shevakon en wean als and Wome PE SProwiion oP, Scave, owen tne peste oe re er Tease Trier ery 6 eek the conduct ol my man meatros cB rte © _ Preis a PATO DSS etowonce to (Oho. restr ore oe aera Tkeril ep oo “Lobes slate sco _Prociremert of food end ren Tas Re a eC wwe Teco IGRI Youth Wertore Program {CTWH): inet wa ATA AT SES ATERIEL Ee TEND. Tans + Promuserent ef food and foe kama ot Be cont ol ators ra, 00000 eatrnbn ovey October wi ereetn on Ely GUM Cavs § OS ASE eee ooo "RA B60), Tata Dev. & Proteevon of Chidien Act (RAGHT2) & Spedal Protection of Chien Agonat Cid Also, Expitaton A Discreinmtion At (RA 7610) “3S LCPC (RA 2344) ntervention in consonance toNo. 2 of “ORG MIC 2012-120 dated July 4, 2012. 7 _Procarerect ol food and nof- ead heme fr the capably bulling eaWaloa fava ‘Eakenokers on chaaren as LEPG (RA 8344) intervention in consonance to No. 2b of TOIL MIC 2013-120 Gate ly 4, 2012. 7 Procarement of feed and nor-feod ems fr the ol he Local ‘Council forthe Protecton of Cidres as LEPC (RA $344) inferreniion bn consonance: To Na, 2 GF DILG ME 2012-120 dated July 4, 2082, = Proairerent of rasiedais for fe establahmeni, mainterance Wupdaing of dalabaae on 7506.00 ‘ghikiren a8 LCPC (RA 8344) intervention in consonance to Ho. 10 of OILG (MG 2012-120 dated July 4 2013, > Procurement of material forthe establstanen! of cones lor Abuzed Chien & 500.00 Chiron at isk (CAR) or Children in Need of Special Protacion (CNSR) as tL LGPC [RA Sa4s) mmervention in consonance to No. 4001 OLG MG BIN2-120 dated July & 2012, Labor expenses [othe estbihenert of coe’ for Abused Chaaren 4 Ghiohen at Zeca] ick (CAR) or Chidren in Need of Special Preecton (GNEP) wa LCP (RA9348) ntervention im consonance fo No, 40 of DULG MC 2012-120 dated July 4, 2012, 7 Graceng of neste (careghing. enfona supaor & counseling, nancial essiance noo inal sion) Charen af Rik (CAR) 8 Cr eed of Spec Praacion | (CNP) rafal of caves Med agate Ch baer t coneamed agencies 9s LOPS (RAS544) mervention in comenanes ta No. £0 cf DAG WE 2012-120 date ety 2088 = Procurement of rooney Malntak on dlaven az LEBC (RA S504) Zion = _Procarerent of supple fr fhe instalaon of local formation syste an cles uate En. | ‘= LCPC (fA 9344) imervantion In consonance to No.6. of DILG MG 2O1.A20 ated July 4, 2012. E_Proarement of wees fr ha documentation of ood practons on chidren 7zi00.60 "as LPG (RA 9544) intervention in consonance to No.7. of DILG MIG 2097-420 ated Jay 4, 7013. = Prevasen of hon, @ P5500 Oma. eadhto 17 Day Cove Workers as LOU counterpart Frxooaoo Teive i reenter oftramed Gay care wotkers an LEPC: (FA S344) inlerwention Tinconsonanen io No. Sa of DILG MC 2012-120 dated Juty 04,2017. = Procsrement of aupotes as ECs on efmaraten af al forms of Cd abuse ‘as LOPE (RA 8344) intervention in consonance fo Ne, B.bal DILG MG 2092-420 dated July 04,2012, TProsrconsal of appies a2 Ce on te prevenion of AVAIDS on Garon as LOPORASIGG)| 2500.00 Tntervertion in consonance fa No. 8 of DIG MC 2012-120 dated July O4, 2072, > Procaneenent of mates fr fhe estas of center foe Chien in Conti wih Sane ‘Law (CICL) Corners OPO (RA SBA) intervention in censonanca to Wo. 0.4 of [its we 2012-420 dated July 4, 2012. Tr Labor expenses Jo Bi estaiihmant of cena for Chidren i Confict wi Low (C22L) 2,000.00 ‘Corker as LEPC (RA S344) intervention in consonance to No. fof OIG nee aE ——— Granting of awwaince (eaegung, emoonal appr & counseling, fnanaal seatance, Sp00.50 7 gil oseistancn] te verde Desnquents of Children in Coot wit Lave (ick) as LEPG (RA 134A) inkorvertion in eorwensnee to Na 8 of DALG NC 2012-120 =. dated July 4, 2042. = Prosrerent of ood heme for DOG a capplemertal feeding as LOPC (RAS348) iro,oo0 58 Ttervention in consonance to No. ba of OILG MG 2012-128 dated July 4, 2072. S_Grardng sf trancial ave fr new born wit bith detects on LEPC (RA S344) 3000.00 Trvervention in consonance ta No, BF af DILG MC 2012-120 dated 5 Procrement of rateraa lor the exablahment of cer let youth ae UCPC (RA 9344) interveetion in consonance to No. dg of OILG MG 2072-120 dated July 4, 2012. Labor expenses fr th extsbtehoen! of eaner for youth as LCG (RA S344) Tntervention in consonance to No, 8 of OILG IC 2012-120 dated ly 6, 2078. [Procurement cf material forthe eotiahmect af Gaavens! sory for chldren ‘as LEPC i mervantion i consonance 19 Wo, 8.g of GILG MC 2092-120 dated July 4, 2072. = Laer expenses forthe establishment of childrens’ Meaty (ot aon ws LOPS {RAS244) intervention m consonance to No. 6.9 of DILG MC 2012-129 Cieien as LEPC (RA S44] intervention in consonance to Na. 8.9 of TDG WiC 2013.920 dated July 4, 2012. > Lobe expenses fr the eslatithnent of ehidren for chron a LCP 3344) imarventon in consonance to No, 81g of DWLG MC 29%2-120, lated July 4, 2012. Tinto asisnce tr lood, education, asplalaaton & made (or indigo cloren & yeudras LEPC (RAODEA) intervention ln consonance to No. tj of DILG IAC 2012-120 doled duly 4 201 zame00 b_Precurement el supyes for OC's modules a8 LEPC (RA #344) intervention Ta ‘ongonance to Wo: 8 of OILG NC 2012-120 45100 July 4, 2012, Procurement ef feed and ner-feod Nema forthe conduct of Ony Care Woche 25p00H, [BCW) saeiatontoh usher course on Ealy Chid Care Doveloproeet (ECO) 1 LOG (RA 3344) intorvention in consonamee te Ne, Be of BAG 9C 2072-120 ded Joy 4, 2012, Chickens = _Hilng el one (fo, worker os ESCO wart Procurement of twniures and othr Fe ECED ‘+ Procurement at 1 url ante for ECED. setataranie Pregeins COP}: _ ‘= _Grnning of nancial ews le poor ighachool vente 750,000.80, [Solo Parent and Family Vieifare Prop ram (PFW) a7 p00. Grant of franca etsictanes i inant ola pL 30,000 90, a if tetnoed wssalnnce fe edger alo mother (20 cole male 00,000.00, > Gonduci of velnood skis varing and eaeriaion 70,000.00 > _Procuremaz of material or the eeteermert ol cousin mom 5,000.00 > _ Labor expenses fr th esInblsheen ef eoumialng ron, "3000.00 = Procuient 6 eed orl nen tood des Io he enshchol lmiy wort celica 79900 08 "Geto with eertaion on parcial cve-& Guaicn ard porert eaten as LGPG (RASTER, Tiervention ia consonance loo. 8h of DLO MC 2012-170 doled toy 4, 2012 Alleviation and Sustainable Lieeihood Propram (PABLP) Tess aoe oo > _ PYSCuremani-e Feed are non-tood ane Tor wigrtnSon_boefng nd Touan, Uawirg sapea0e mn ter ardor erploye EH of vw (3) fo. woskars an Pa workers 37000 Fang of 9, workers as KALA wore 4.10000, Hig he (2), woken on SL workers EI 7 KALAH nenan, os 0000 ICE OF THE MUN, AGRIGULTURAL SERVICES 10711) Sa Tones + Load abowunce fr neta coomuresiors @ 7 200 60m. IE Raper & Menteronce » biachowty A Equprers tT Sgaprers 5 SeSoe) + Prosetti 7 Frcarement ol roienels iy (oegoponere maser ee eer maetenars 1 Repals & Naionance - Trareporiaton rere meetin eps it of em = Renbweert of mani br Bs esatunest ofan Seni > Labor expenses forth estabtahinent ef mum Pronam APMP: + Perea of Sages aoe Pa ann am = 2,00080 : Tomo Pero of ten enoueing Meat ra 08 > Prreremert tod and oleate for wal heat ce aS 00008 eran 7 Ger gene tre eine al cad aE Saw [io Agric Fishery Dev AFD) Program ae Feo of ner ple bs HAPS er Ts {Sg fone wert iscsi rie 00m OO EOT-OT , = Pes fan ao 0 AEC member] PZEL 00 enh ea 1 Protarement el materia fx the mainiznarce of echo gabay cere T= Leber expenses for fre mabienance af cha gabay carte T= Brovision of alowronce @} P200ino-each ip 40 MAC members ta Gh ‘ther neers exp. h atending ren mur. meetogs A the vied ate, = Procireent of food # noe ioad ims or agi. and Raheny ietecal sings [tunicipalFicheries and Aquatic Resources ean 30.00 Management (FAR) Progra: Programs ee kop eed ton re ome eee Gel ove I}, wer 8 Fishenes & Aqui Resources Fecaicn Provision of rawrance prema is MELE & MFARNIC. Procurement of form amenibit te 12 MFLET, 2 BOMiny Seba. 3 pate oo operaars ) PION OG each, 7 Procrement of personal prolecive pear ot ZUAFLET, S Barty sonitoaryo £3 pal boot Bont operas Procurement of meres for he mcienance of rather Baars Provision of hon.(F200 ea, each to f2 MFLET members = Pravin of Ron) P1,000 00. wo 3 bankny sankoenryo (guard Provigo en] F2,000.00%no. each 3 paral boat opersion. B P2ouIno. each wo 65 MEARNIC cI Te "Ger Barwses & Alowarses PET 10 Ret & Lie na. Premioms (RUP) [52 Mahteance Acer Operating Experses (MOOG aT = 2 Ofiee Supptes Expenses + Frocremertol common affee + Procrement of che oft istics. 3._Netieptene Epees =_Lond allowance for mabe communications @ 1200.00hna, 4 Repats § Maienance - Machinery & Eapnent (IT Equipments & Suara) =_Precuremast of IT supplies aoa =_ Procurement of matenak tori equipment manana 73,000.60, = Serseg fens for T equpmertnaintenance, 2.00000 3 Rispats & Maintenance - Transporation Equpmen (Moterayae) + Procurement of ators forte ropa rant ef miele ywau0 oe | + Seice toes forthe repat & mait ef matweydle ,000.00 Coe Mat = Procurement of unt Laptg Ot § 7) Repair & Matrenanes Program for Govt. Buildings & Ober Btreclaes [RUPOBOS]: Faring oto (2) carpertersnasens, ene (1] mechani, one (i) welder, ee (7) lecaican, at PADS 20 each per day 7 _Procanesnert of resets for Se minions ofan BUEET > Procurement of matte for the mut of sezars roads ‘= Procure meat OF2HP iverie wow type CON 39,000.00 = Mie 50,000.00 Pape a 5 Proaretent of materia for fe the ealabiohment of covered eaimpoa TT 22.00 fecal Sroctres 4 Faction De7i Progen (FORE am Hihg oem (Le werk 28 Tee © Hag oon (i tosad val @ 50D cap 7am000 ce 7 — |, [OFFICE OF THE WON ENVIRONWENT NATURAL RESGURCES MANAGEMENT SERVICES ENR EFT & Natur Resources Series Wan gers Program (ENRSHF): fare ft Perers Series FETE 1 Stes A Wooes imi 2 PEA 000 4 3 23,0000 th sana. = Avance SL. ear Ba 7 Yeu-End Bons Tnyaseco 3 cam GRiG 0008 2 Oar Bones EMonanese PE “e.m0000 30 Rel te Fs Prem LP) 7oo,17088 Tr PapiSiG Contin wane 1 Peat Cortone Baste at 33 Exglayess Conbuer bazures Prowion (EC) ea fot Martnanos ate EET f Toomaae + [2 ones supple per = Fricarement ef cemnet aor mepies eee 272009 2 Webbe Ewan = Lond lomnnce lr abla anions @ LOA Rapa iseenoes -Moeien Esdbren(T Eaprens & Soha = Pregaeen lT ss ame Sd dipaeae tr oebewtnana CT +_ Service tees tor IT equipment maitenance. fae TGs Heh & Oper mente zoom Eevtonnersl Grain & Srey and Riel elope ECG] Prope Pracurernt of materials forthe rapa mab of backhoe loader aber expenses forthe repair & main, ol bcshoe loner. Procurenert of males for the-repot & mab. ef SWIM GUmpuUEhd Bid sold waste on whech [Labor expences tor the repair Amiri, ot SWWM duimpinach and sold west on wheels ‘Prenwoment af SWVM suppies, tools & paragherraias, 36,000.00 rossion fin. @)P1,000%ne. each va eur (4) baray tog vision of P3,000,00/me, non. ta tree (3) Min. IRFIRCA Mamagers + Prorision of ie, 1,000.00. ach o op (@) baney bw gu cauerpar Provision offen. P3000 ue ech ee 46,000.00 308,000.00 Provision offon. g) F3,000.9Gine. eof our (4) sUBeL ce nara nf bape ‘Dist. 1, 2.3.8 Lungeodan, Prison of wags fo ten (18) coastal arom Soanars Broxson ofwages for worker copducing declogaing & clean-up of rai eas, ers and cveks. 5 Prosurement of materia lor reforestation and rehabitalon of MAaRgHOVE Weaa, Hieg of one (1) beektea opener $00.00 pe day itaicing daly mur, oi Wasle managemeré clean 5 al iyy. Novalis inandayan Potable Wel: Cupely System Heknance Progra (iPWSSN) Procurement of materials for the rapors & main. of HEWES, 325,000.00 Provan of wages fer the repais & mw. ef HPWISE, 150,000.00, Procurement of materine for he rapa 1 ass. of toreyc Froese cfnet new eedea ere Prosirement ewer meters Firing frie (8 wrecker 95 HEWES wortars (1 42700100 a 999 MENRD 5-0F-01-070) [OFFICE OF THE MUN. EXECUTIVE SERVICES (101{-Merdnlry Alo By Fund [Special Firpose Appropriations: Trane [OFFICE OF THE MUN. EXECUTIVE SERVICES (11-20% (a 7689, 500-17 531,908 [Special Rurpose Apprepriations: [20% DEVEL OPMENT FUND (OE): [SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT. Potnble Wate Deve E Saurieaar . ere ee Tareas 3 Water Supply System MDEGIDOF Loan, Previn of und lor fe terest Payment of Hinndayan Potable eae Waser (MDECVDOF Loan. © Rehetiltaton af iloke Tank at age 0300 > Purchase of for Hubasan Reserva. 50,000.00, > _Corstnctan of Petistet Fence at Huboan Wate Reser 790.000.00, Resta Tet Rees 9 Se as 120,000.00, . of HPS ol Sie | Saghok ard at igy, aban, 130,000.00, [Cocas Structures & Facilises Deve F » [ego oapantar ts MAGEE CEES RGD taeda anne aon Tron n00 66 Phage of Lat ar ths Erato of £8 Mule ppoee Mal 3,800,000 60 Purchase of Le ho the Estabiahrnom of New ROU Factty (Super RFU) [Economic DEVELOPMENT: [Lees Siucirve& Fons eiopen Prgran GSPOPE Purchase of Lol ws Acoots Read to Sito Buk gy. Neva Caetano Sisak ace tn. Deptt Eso Eten Sm ae oR

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