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Uji Nyali Menuju UTBK/SNBT

Literasi Bahasa Inggris

If I can speak English Well, I …………… next year studying in

the US.
A. Would spend
B. Would have spent
C. Had spent
D. Will spend
E. Would spend

Uji Nyali Menuju UTBK/SNBT
Literasi Bahasa Inggris

As a result of contact with foreign people, art flourished in Indonesia. Hindu and
Buddhist influences are seen in many temples such as those in Bali and the Borobudur
Temple in Central Java. Drama is often played in the form of a shadow puppet called
Wayang Kulit. In these plays, puppets are used to enact stories from ancient Hindu epic
literature such as the Mahabarata and Ramayana. The wayang, accompanied by local
musical instruments called gamelan is very popular. Local dances based on legends also
attract many spectators. In West Java, the play is acted out by wayang golek, puppets
that are shaped like a human. It can also be acted out by actors and actresses in a special
theatre. It is usually too long for foreign tourists, so it is often shortened, yet they still
attract many foreign spectators.
1. The influence of Hinduism and Buddhism are found …
A. in shadow puppet called wayang kulit
B. in wayang kulit and wayang golek
C. in temples in Bali and Borobudur in Central Java
D. in the Mahabarata and Ramayana
E. in the ancient Hindu epic literature
Uji Nyali Menuju UTBK/SNBT
Literasi Bahasa Inggris

She ……….. everything if you explained

it to her.
A. Will understand
B. Understood
C. Would understand
D. Understands

Uji Nyali Menuju UTBK/SNBT
Literasi Bahasa Inggris

The library intends to make available on the internet, free of charge and in
multilingual format, significant primary materials from culture around the world,
including manuscripts, maps, rare books, musical scores, recording, films, prints,
photographs, architectural drawings, and other significant cultural materials.

3. The word primary in this paragraph could best be replaced with…

A. Elementary
B. Important
C. Initial
D. Earliest
E. Inaugural

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Uji Nyali Menuju UTBK/SNBT
Literasi Bahasa Inggris
Nowadays, the population of international students in the universities of English-speaking
countries is increasing (Freed, 1998; Kodama, 2007; Perrucci & Hu, 1995; Trice, 2004;
Umakoshi, 1997). People tend to believe that English-as-a-second-language (ESL) students who
study and live in the target-language country can develop their English proficiency naturally
(Coleman, 1997; Freed). International graduate students who have had extensive and
successful English-learning experiences in their home countries in particular, often believe that
they can succeed in both academic study and social life in the new environment (Perrucci &
Hu). However, this may not always be true. Some studies show that international students’
exposure to native English speakers outside the classroom is so limited that it is not sufficient
for them to improve their English, especially in oral communication (Ranta, 2007; Spurling,
2007; Zimmerman, 1995).
4. What is the main idea of the passage above?
A. How the international students develop their strategies to improve their English
B. Limited knowledge of international students
C. The increasing number of international students in English speaking countries
D. The population of international students who develop their English speaking
E. The experience of culture shock

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Uji Nyali Menuju UTBK/SNBT
Literasi Bahasa Inggris
Nowadays, the population of international students in the universities of English-speaking
countries is increasing (Freed, 1998; Kodama, 2007; Perrucci & Hu, 1995; Trice, 2004;
Umakoshi, 1997). People tend to believe that English-as-a-second-language (ESL) students who
study and live in the target-language country can develop their English proficiency naturally
(Coleman, 1997; Freed). International graduate students who have had extensive and
successful English-learning experiences in their home countries in particular, often believe that
they can succeed in both academic study and social life in the new environment (Perrucci &
Hu). However, this may not always be true. Some studies show that international students’
exposure to native English speakers outside the classroom is so limited that it is not sufficient
for them to improve their English, especially in oral communication (Ranta, 2007; Spurling,
2007; Zimmerman, 1995). This may be due to the graduate student’s busy schedule, language
proficiency, value system, and/or the degree to which they experience culture shock.
5. Based on the passage, why do international students lack English communication with native
A. Culture shock E. Passive listening
B. Achievement
C. The similar English Proficiency
D. Different communication style
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Uji Nyali Menuju UTBK/SNBT
Literasi Bahasa Inggris
Some studies show that international students’ exposure to native English speakers
outside the classroom is so limited that it is insufficient for them to improve their
English, especially in oral communication (Ranta, 2007; Spurling, 2007; Zimmerman,
1995). This may be due to the graduate student’s busy schedule, language proficiency,
value system, and/or the degree to which they experience culture shock (Kodama;
Perrucci & Hu; Ranta; Trice). East Asian students usually face language challenges in
English-speaking countries because of the large gap between their native language and
culture and those of the target-language country (Trice; Walter, 2004). International
graduate students need to develop effective learning strategies to improve their English
to survive and thrive in their new language environment (Kodama).
6. The topic of the paragraph following the passage most likely discuss?
A. Some strategies to develop effective learning in their new environment
B. How to survive in a new environment
C. The challenges in English speaking for international students
D. How to develop English language proficiency
E. Steps to be a successful Student
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Uji Nyali Menuju UTBK/SNBT
Literasi Bahasa Inggris
The Great Pyramid at Giza is one of the world’s most amazing landmarks. Rising high
above the Sahara Desert in the Giza region of northern Egypt, the Great Pyramid stands
some 450 feet into the burning desert sky and occupies an area of 13 acres. The Sahara’s
rough climate has caused the pyramid to shrink 30 feet from its original height. The
pyramid was such an impressive feat of engineering that it remained the tallest
structure in the world for over 3800 years! The entire pyramid was originally faced with
polished limestone to make it shine brilliantly in the sun.
7. The word “its” in this sentence refers to…
A. Acre
B. Sahara
C. Climate
D. Feat
E. Pyramid

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Uji Nyali Menuju UTBK/SNBT
Literasi Bahasa Inggris
Vitamin D deficiency is traditionally associated with bone and muscle weakness,
but in recent years a number of studies have shown that low levels of the vitamin may
predispose the body to high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, and chronic blood vessel
inflammation (associated with hardening of the arteries). It also alters hormone levels to
increase insulin resistance, which raises the risk of diabetes.
In a review article published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology,
researchers surveyed recent studies on the link between vitamin D deficiency and heart
disease to come up with practical advice on screening and treatment. They concluded that
vitamin D deficiency is much more common than previously thought, affecting up to half of
adults and apparently healthy children in the U.S.
8. The main idea of this passage is that …
A. vitamin D deficiency in one’s body is the main cause of diseases.
B. Traditional vitamin D deficiency causes problems in bones and muscles.
C. Research findings show vitamin D deficiency may lead to health problems.
D. The best source of vitamin D to improve one’s health comes from sunshine.
E. The U.S. researchers say-that sunscreen can keep everyone from skin diseases.

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Uji Nyali Menuju UTBK/SNBT
Literasi Bahasa Inggris
The maximum effect of the Internet is actually on the daily life of the individuals. Now life has
become drastically smooth and convenient over the internet. Back then, seeking for a job
required several visits to the offices and companies and interviews. Today, all what is required
is you detail resume e-mailed to the company's analysis division. As the results, you can
quickly find out any possibilities for getting the job instead of waiting and getting rejected in
the end. Even in the minor daily life activities the traveling and planning is also related to the
internet in some way or the other. Internet can now be used to ask about the flight timings
and delays which make it easier to plan for the departure time. Indeed, the Internet has made
our life so much easier.
9. The word ‘convenient’ could be best replaced by ....
A. easy
B. efficient
C. useful
D. effective
E. glossy

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Uji Nyali Menuju UTBK/SNBT
Literasi Bahasa Inggris

Scientists believe that the Earth’s original atmosphere probably consisted of ammonia
and methane. Perhaps 20 million years ago the atmosphere evolved it something
resembling the modern composition of 78 percent nitrogen, 20 percent oxygen, and a
variety of other gases. One factor that was instrumental in causing the change in the
atmosphere was the evolution of plant life; oxygen is part of the modern-day
atmosphere because of plant life and the process of photosynthesis that goes along
with it.

10. The topic of the passage is...

A. The change in the atmosphere
B. The Earth’s original atmosphere
C. The static atmosphere
D. The process of photosynthesis
E. The evolution of plant life

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