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Master Of Business Administration (Hospitality Management)

1st Year Examination
(July - 2023)
Marks: 100

Note: Attempt any Ten Questions. Each question Carry 10 marks.

Q1. Discuss the significance of effective communication in the hospitality industry. How can
strong communication skills contribute to the success of hospitality businesses and
improve customer satisfaction?
Q2. Analyze the role of verbal communication in the context of hospitality management.
Discuss how effective verbal communication can enhance interactions with customers,
colleagues, and other stakeholders within the hospitality sector.
Q3. Discuss the importance of nonverbal communication in the hospitality industry.
Analyze how nonverbal cues and body language impact customer experiences and the
overall communication effectiveness within the hospitality sector.
Q4. Analyze the importance of written communication in hospitality management. Discuss
how effective written communication can enhance internal and external communication
processes within hospitality businesses.
Q5. Discuss the significance of interpersonal communication skills in the hospitality
industry. Analyze how strong interpersonal skills can contribute to building positive
relationships with customers, colleagues, and other stakeholders in the hospitality sector.
Q6. Discuss the role of cross-cultural communication in the context of hospitality
management. Analyze how cultural differences can influence communication processes and
customer interactions within the diverse hospitality industry.
Q7. Discuss the importance of persuasive communication in the hospitality sector. Analyze
how persuasive communication techniques can be used to influence customer decisions
and enhance sales and marketing efforts in hospitality businesses.
Q8. Analyze the importance of listening skills in the context of hospitality management.
Discuss how active listening can contribute to better customer understanding and
improved service delivery in the hospitality sector.
Q9. Discuss the role of technology in enhancing communication in the hospitality industry.
Analyze how various communication technologies can be utilized to improve customer
engagement and streamline communication processes within hospitality businesses.
Q10. Discuss the importance of conflict resolution skills in the hospitality sector. Analyze
how effective conflict resolution techniques can be applied to resolve disputes and
maintain positive customer relationships in hospitality businesses.
Q11. Discuss the significance of presentation skills in the hospitality industry. Analyze how
strong presentation skills can be utilized to effectively communicate ideas, concepts, and
proposals within the hospitality sector.
Q12. Analyze the importance of feedback in communication within the hospitality industry.
Discuss how effective feedback mechanisms can be implemented to improve
communication processes and enhance service quality and customer satisfaction in
hospitality businesses.

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