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POLICE OPRATION AND PNP LAW accomplish its mission namely:

ENFORCEMENT OPERATION 1.Community Affairs and development

2. Public Information
3. Information Development Operations
Chapter 1
(RA 6975, 1990, Section 24)
POLICE OPERATION 1. Enforce all laws and ordinances relative to the
Police - A body of armed men, which as an protection of lives and properties;
institution, can exercise its duties by armed physical 2. Maintain peace and order and take all necessary
forces to preserve peace and order, detection of steps to ensure public safety;
crime, and the execution of laws. 3. Investigate and prevent crimes, effect the arrest
of criminal offenders, bring offenders to justice and
assist in their prosecution;
What is Police Operation? It is defined as the job 4. Exercise the general powers to make arrest,
duties, responsibilities, and activities that law search and seizure in accordance with the
enforcement agents complete in the field (Police Constitution and pertinent laws;
Operation: Theory & Practice, 2017) 5. Detain an arrested person for a period not beyond
what is prescribed by law, informing the person so
detained of all his rights under the Constitution;
CATEGORIES OF POLICE OPERATIONS 6. Issue license for the possession of firearms and
explosives in accordance with law.
1. PATROL OPERATIONS 7. Supervise and control the training and operation
- It is the most basic police function and known as of security agencies and issue licenses to operate
the backbone of policing security agencies, and to security guards and private
2. LAW ENFORCEMENT SECURITY detectives, for the practice of their professions; and
OPERATIONS 8. Perform such other duties and exercise all other
*Service of warrant of arrest functions as may be provided by law.
*Implementation of search warrant
*Enforcement of visitorial powers of the Chief of PNP Operational Guidelines
Police - All PNP Personnel should respect and uphold
*Other anti-criminality operations human rights and dignity of all person at all times.
3. INTERNAL SECURITY OPERATIONS Regardless of the type of function to be performed
- Counterterrorism operations and similar operations and/ or police operations to be conducted, all PNP
against other threat groups that are conducted to personnel must know by heart and shall comply
ensure internal security. with and apply its principles and procedures.
*Critical incident management procedures; “The Responsibility of every police officer is to
*Search, rescue and retrieval operations; serve the public and protect life and property.”
*Hostage situation; *TO RESPECT HUMAN RIGHTS AND
*Civil disturbance management operation; DIGNITY OF PERSON
*Management of health hazards; “All PNP personnel shall respect and uphold the
*Other operations that promote public safety. human rights and dignity of all persons at all times.”
*Investigation of crime or incident; REQUIREMENTS OF POLICE OPERATIONS
* Scene of the Crime Operations (SOCO) In all planned police operations, the team
*Administrative investigation leader of the operating team/s shall secure a “Pre-
*Other investigative work necessary to determine Operation Clearance” prior to the conduct of
facts and circumstances for filing cases criminally operation. This clearance must be approved by their
or administratively. Chief/ Commander/ Head of office/ Unit and must
6. POLICE COMMUNITY RELATIONS be submitted at the Operations Section/ Division of
This has three (3) interrelated dimensions to the concerned operating police units for record
purposes result in severe injury and serious bodily harm and/
The basic requirements of police operations or death.
such as but not limited to arrest, search and seizure,
checkpoint, roadblocks, and civil disturbance USE OF FIREARM DURING POLICE
management are conducted as follows: OPERATION
1. With marked police vehicle;
2. Led by Police Commissioned Officer (PCO) or WHEN IS THE APPROPRIATE TIME TO USE
the most senior Police Non-Commissioned Officer A FIREARM?
(PNCO) in the absence or unavailability of a PCO; *When there is intent of the suspect/s to harm the
3. With personnel in prescribed police uniform police or other persons;
except for covert operatives when serving warrant *The suspects/s has capability to harm with
of arrest provided personnel in uniform shall be certainty the police officer or other persons;
present during the arrest. *Accessibility or the proximity of the suspect/s
4. With the use of Body Worn Cameras (BWCs) from the police officer and other persons.
and/ or Alternative Recording Devices (ARDs)
during the conduct or searches and arrest What to accomplish after using a service
Use of force policy “A police officer who fires his/ her service firearm
The necessity and reasonableness of the force or weapon during a confrontation with an offender
employed will depend upon the following: or offenders must submit an incident report
*The number of aggressors, outlining the circumstances necessitating the use of
*Nature and characteristics of the weapon his/ her firearm.”
*Physical condition,
*Size and other circumstances to include the
place and occasion of the assault


1. Non-Lethal Approach
This involves the police presence in crime-prone
areas and the employment of activities or actions to
persuade and/ or request cooperation of people
particularly suspects and law offenders to police
2. Less Lethal Approach
This involves the employment of less lethal
equipment that does not cause serious injury and/ or
death and that less physical measures have been
tried and deemed inappropriate purposely to ensure
cooperation, compliance or surrender. The age,
gender and health condition of offenders shall be
considered before the employment of less lethal
3. Lethal Approach
This involves the employment of lethal equipment
usually as a last resort. Lethal force will only be
employed when all other approaches have been
exhausted and found to be insufficient to thwart the
life-threatening actions or omissions posed by
armed suspect or law offender. This approach
carries with it the greater responsibility as it may
ill/ retarded persons and report information to the
LESSON 2 concerned agency for appropriate action;
11. When requiring proof of identification from any
PATROL person, let him/her hand it over to you and;
12. Patrol members must inform the tactical
What is Patrol? operations center before responding to any incident.
“The action of traversing a district or beat or of
going the rounds along a chain of guards for PATROL DUTIES
observation of the maintenance of security.” 1. PATROL SUPERVISORS
A. Make a patrol plan with the following details:
Significance of Police Patrol *Area Coverage: safe haven, ambush areas and
*Responding to incidents crime prone areas;
*Deterring and Preventing crimes *Organization detail of personnel;
*Can give sense of security to people who need *Duration;
protection. *Stand-by points; and
*Discourage those who may commit crimes in the *Route plan
absence of patrol B. Designate members of the patrol team/s;
C. Conduct personnel and equipment check;
Goals and Objectives of Police Patrol D. Conduct briefing prior to dispatch any orders,
*Prevention directives or instructions from the Chief of Police
*Criminal Apprehension (COP) or higher authorities and new policy or
*Law Enforcement guidelines being implemented by the PNP
*Order maintenance Organizations;
*Public Services E. Render hourly report of personnel location and
*Traffic Enforcement situation through radio/ telephone/ cellphone to
Police Community Precinct (PCP)/ Station
PATROL GUIDELINES Headquarters Tactical operation Center (TOC);
1. Conduct briefing before and debriefing after F. Render after-patrol report duly signed by duly
patrol operations signed by duty supervisor. PCP Commanders shall
2. Perform firearm and equipment check to collate and submit significant details to the Station
dispatch. Patrol Supervisor, who in turn, will submit the same
3. Observe precautionary measures and personal to the Provincial/ District Patrol Supervisor; and
safety while on patrol; G. Conduct debriefing immediately after the
4. Plan out patrol routes based on prevailing crime completion of patrol duties.
trends and patterns; 2. PATROL OFFICERS
5. Observe defensive driving and follow traffic rules A. Attend the roll call formation before his/ her
and regulations; Tour of Duty for briefing and likewise attend the
6. Establish good rapport with people on your beat after Tour of Duty formation for debriefing;
and be familiar with all the people in the B. Patrol the assigned beats, observe and check
community; suspicious people, structures/ building, compounds
7. Patrol members must be always on the look-out and vehicles;
for indications of vices and other illegal activities C. Observe and monitor public gatherings, prevent
on their beat; disorders and disperse unlawful assemblies;
8. Patrol members must be knowledgeable of all D. Inspect and/or conduct surveillance in various
conditions, events and details of places on their business establishments and other installations and
beat; remove hazards to public safety;
9. Be observant of people, places, situations or E. Check suspicious vehicles (private, public, or
conditions and develop an inquisitive attitude commercial/ delivery vehicles) in the course of their
especially if the subject appears to be slightly out of patrol;
the ordinary; F. Report occurrences and conditions which relate
10. Keep under close observation actions of to crime, public peace, order and safety;
juveniles, troublemakers/ agitators and the mentally G. Prevent crimes and arrest criminal offenders;
H. Conduct regular visitations, dialogues/
consultations with the residents and other
I. Assist personnel of responsible agencies/ unit in PROCEDURES AND GUIDELINES FOR
facilitating the flow of traffic at busy intersections/ STOPPING AND PAT DOWN SEARCH
roads within his/ her Area of Responsibility (AOR). 1. FOR STOPPING
Assist and provide pedestrian information such as A. When approaching the person, the police officer
directions and street locations; shall clearly identify himself/ herself and present
J. Respond to calls, entertain complaints, initiate the his/ her identification card.
investigation and protection of the crime scene and B. Police officers shall be courteous at all times but
minimize the after-effects, fires and other remain cautious and vigilant.
catastrophes; C. Before approaching more than one person, police
K. Wear the prescribed patrol uniform; officers should determine whether the
L. Have necessary equipment; and circumstances warrant a request for back-up or
M. Strictly observe the “Buddy System” during the whether the circumstances warrant a request for
patrol operations. back-up arrives.
D. Police officers shall confine their questions in
relation to the grounds for stopping the person. In
LESSON 3 no instance shall a police officer stop a person
SPOT CHECKS AND PAT DOWN SEARCHES longer than the period reasonably necessary.
E. Police officer \s are not required to inform the
SPOT CHECKS person of his/ her rights under the law (i.e. Miranda
Conducted in time of heightened security alerts or Warning, Anti-torture law, etc.) unless the person is
in areas where a crime has been committed and placed under arrest.
investigation or surveillance is being conducted and 2. FOR PAT DOWN SEARCH
where the police need to increase their vigilance. A. Whenever possible, body frisking shall be done
PAT-DOWN SEARCH by at least two police officers, one to do the search
When a police pats down the outer surfaces of a while the other provides security. It shall be done
person’s clothing in an attempt to find weapons. with the person in a standing position with hands
raised. The police officers are permitted only to feel
GROUNDS FOR STOPPING AND PAT DOWN the outer clothing of the person. Police officers shall
SEARCHES not place their hands inside the pockets of the
1. STOPPING clothing unless they feel an object that could
* The person is reported to be allegedly involved in probably be a weapon, such as a gun, knife, club, or
a criminal activity; the like.
* The actions or demeanor of the person suggest B. If the person is carrying an object such as a
that he/ she is engaged in a criminal activity; handbag, suitcase, briefcase, sack, or other similar
* The person is carrying something illegal or when items that may conceal a weapon, the police officer
his/ her clothing bulges in a manner that suggests shall not open the item but instead put it in place out
he/ she is carrying a weapon; and of the person’s reach.
* The person is seen at the incident and/ or flees at C. If the external patting of the person’s clothing
the sight of a police officer. fails to disclose evidence of a weapon, no further
2. PAT DOWN SEARCH search may be made. If a weapon, no further search
* Visual indication suggesting that he the person is may be made. Id a weapon is found and the
carrying a firearm or other deadly weapon; possession of which constitutes a violation of the
* The type of crime believed to have been law, the police officer shall arrest the person and
committed by the person, particularly crimes of conduct a complete search.
violence where the threat of us of deadly weapon is
involved; and
* The threatening demeanor of the person.

An area where vehicles and/ or persons are stopped,
identities are verified, possessions searched, and a
decision is made whether or not to detain the
persons/ vehicles or to allow them to pass.
Checkpoints aim at controlling an are, to allow a
“safe area” to protect from outside influence, to
deny hostile intelligence gathering opportunities and
to be effective they must not be able to be bypassed.

1. Mobile Checkpoints
- Respond to immediate operational need
- Removed immediately after the execution of
2. Fixed Checkpoints
- Carry out checks on a regular, even daily basis
- Can be permanent of temporary

- The establishment of checkpoints shall be
authorized by the Head of Office of the territorial
PNP unit and manned by uniformed PNP personnel.
Other units may establish checkpoints in
coordination with the Head of Offices of Territorial
units are the following (POP Manual, 2021, Rule
* Regional Director (RD)
* District Director;
* Provincial Director;
* City Director;
* Chief of City/ Municipal Police Station;
* Station Commander; and
* Police Community Precinct Commander

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