Everyday Plant Magic 9781784885632

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To the plants, for the life you provide, the wisdom you share, the inspiration you

give, the beauty you embody and the presence you provide. Thank you for your
infinite gifts and generous teachings.
To Mother Earth, for all that you are and all that you give.
Thank you for always calling us home.
And to G, A and Z, I love you more.
Dear Friend,
Welcome back!
Yes … I said ‘back’ because this book is meant to awaken within you deep
remembrances from your ancient Soul. Back to a memory we all possess, deep
inside, that knows we’re not separate from the Earth, or any of her inhabitants,
but are instead an integral part of an interconnected whole. To a sense of
belonging, to the Earth and ourselves, and to feeling a deep love for the planet
and all her children, while remembering how much we are loved in return.
Remembering that magic is real and exists all around us, from the soil at our feet
to the water we drink, the plants we eat to the stars that twinkle above our heads.
Most importantly, welcome back to remembering that the potent creative magic
of Nature and the entire Universe flows through each and every one of us,
because we are Nature and the Universe, too.
If you are reading this book, thank you. Thank you for feeling the pulse of
the Earth’s heartbeat pumping through you, calling you home to her presence
and love. For hugging the trees and singing back to the birds. For dipping your
feet in flowing waters and listening to the whispers of the wind. For sensing the
liveliness and magic in everything around you. Thank you for always wanting to
remember. May the words, plants, rituals and energy shared throughout this book
always be a bridge back to remembering your connection and your magic.
With infinite love and appreciation,
Infinite support and love exist everywhere. This magical energy is always
accessible when we are open to receive it. Nature holds the key.
Most believe magic only exists in fantasy, that Earth and the Universe are
merely interacting ingredients and processes. In reality, Nature is alive,
conscious, aware of us, and patiently waiting for us to reconnect. Magic is all
around, vibrating through everything, including each of us.
Mother Earth is magical and she wants us to use her magic to create deeper
connection, fulfilment, joy and love. When you marvel at a leaf’s unfurling or
sparkling sunlight, you know magic is real as your whole being comes alive.
Intentionally utilising magic, however, is another thing. Thankfully, Nature’s got
our back. Nature is the most accessible bridge to our unique magic. This book
guides you into plant connections that cultivate your magical expression.
Growing up I never sensed God’s presence in religious rituals. Instead, I felt
God while climbing trees and playing in the ocean. I studied ecology and
dedicated my career to the interconnectivity between humanity and Earth. I was
living my purpose, connecting people with Nature, but was also on anti-anxiety
and sleep medications and spiralling with dread.
Ecophobia is an overwhelming fear of ecological destruction. The more I
shared about sustainability, the more anxious I became. Clearly, modern society
wasn’t prioritising protecting the planet. Once I became a mom, my fear
multiplied. After my second daughter, my anxiety was so bad, I barely slept or
ate. I knew love was right there, but all I felt was fear and sadness. Then came
the plants.
My therapist recommended I get creative, so I made living art with
succulents, and found the magical medicine my soul craved. My brain quietened
and my aching heart unclenched. The plants worked their magic, reminding me
that life and beauty always exist, and Earth loves us despite our destruction.
Plants helped me remember who I am. They reawakened my intuitive gifts,
and channelled their energy and wisdom into this book. Plants transformed my
life from constant anxiety to daily magic. I know they can do the same for you.
If you ask ten different people to define magic, you’ll get ten different
answers, because magic expresses itself differently through each of us. So, what
exactly is magic? The simplest answer is this: that magic is the spark of divine
life-force energy which exists in all things. You are magic, I am magic, the plants
surrounding you are magic, and even these words you are reading right now are
More recently, quantum physics has taught us what the ancient mystics knew
all along: everything on Earth, and in the entire Universe, is just energy,
swirling, dancing and vibrating at different frequencies. When we realise that
these energies are magic and exist around us at all times, then we can learn to
intentionally move and create with them, focusing them and transforming them
through our own intentions and actions. I believe that the act of magic is to
intentionally connect, conduct and shape energies.
Thankfully, Nature’s magic is always available to assist us in our magical
endeavours. No matter whether we live in an urban high-rise or a cottage in the
woods, Nature’s magic surrounds us and is always accessible to us. We are
meant to tap into it because by doing so, we infuse ourselves with magical
energies of support, abundance, creativity, appreciation, healing, acceptance,
rejuvenation, transformation, interconnection and unconditional love. And that
makes for powerful magic indeed.
Plants are pure magic. The way their breath feeds ours, the way they nourish
and heal us, and the way their beauty inspires us, are all aspects of their magic.
Without plants we wouldn’t exist, for plants create our oxygen, form the
foundation of our food webs and medicines, and provide the structures we rely
on for survival. Plants’ magic also emerges from their presence alone, by helping
us to root into the present moment, while always inspiring us to greater growth.
Plants are magical healers, and like all great healers, their magic lies in their
ability to awaken the magical healer that resides within each of us. They teach us
to draw energies from Mother Earth, the Sun and all of Nature, to continuously
nourish ourselves on this journey called life. They are providers of life-force
energy, calm our nervous system and enhance our immunity and overall health.
They also help us to remember, cultivate and shine our magical spark, while
reminding us of the interconnectivity and divinity of all life.
Visualise for a moment, those first steps taken into a forest, a herb garden or
a warm greenhouse. Feel the damp air caressing your skin as you inhale the
scents of leaves, flowers, resins and soil. Hear the muffled, yet flourishing
sounds of leaves rustling, insects buzzing and birds singing, as sunbeams dance
with the shadows all around you. Just breathe for a moment as you imagine
yourself there and immerse yourself fully with the plants. Can you feel how even
imagining walking with plants can transform your state of being and elicit a
sense of calm and wellness from within you? That is pure magic.
Through our awareness and intention, we harness the plants’ magic to benefit
our lives, both personally and collectively. Through their generous gifts and
presence, plants are physical reminders of the life-affirming energy and magic
that are always flowing to us, as well as how Nature/Universe/God(dess) holds
us always in unconditional love.
The book begins by reconnecting you with the magic of Nature’s cycles and
your own energy system. Then, you will be introduced to the magical energies of
45 different plants. Each plant profile provides the plant’s specific magical
properties and energetic gender along with the chakras, elements and crystals the
plant aligns with.
Rituals to help you connect with plants’ transformative magic are also
shared, like guided meditations, energy practices and recipes. A ritual is an
intentional connective practice that creates a bridge between our physical and
spiritual realities. (To learn more about using the rituals in this book, see Plant
Magic Rituals.)
Connecting with plants’ transformational magic requires that you see them as
breathing, conscious and aware beings. Plants have tremendous life lessons to
share when we learn to listen to their silent communication. Here’s how to make
that connection:

Connecting with Nature’s magic always begins with you and it can happen
anywhere. You can connect with a tree in the city as easily as a tree in the forest.
Begin by becoming aware of the plants and wildlife that surround you. What’s
growing? What messages do those trees, flowers and weeds hold for you? Open
your eyes, mind and heart to the magic already around you.

Spending time outdoors is important for our physical and energetic health,
and vital for cultivating magic. Take moments throughout your day to connect
with the Earth below your feet and the sky above your head. Feel appreciation
and give thanks as you breathe in Nature’s energies.


Take moments throughout your day to stand near a plant. Breathe deeply
with them while feeling your feet solidly on the ground. Decorate your home and
workspaces with plants to create life-affirming and creative energies. Have fun
with plants by cultivating your personal style and creating living art, such as
floral and planted arrangements, wreaths and terrariums. Eat fresh, organic
plants. Craft herbal teas, infusions, tinctures and botanical baths. Interact with
your plants: dance, sing or speak to them. Meditate with them. Tend to your
plants with presence and appreciation and feel how they reciprocate.


Make a daily offering to Earth to give thanks for all she provides. This can
be as simple as offering your intentionally exhaled breath to the plants, adding
scraps to your compost bin, creating mandalas with leaves and petals or avoiding
single-use plastics.
This book is an invitation for you to connect intentionally with plants’ magic,
in order to awaken and cultivate the powerful magic that exists within you. Just
like the plants, each of us holds our own unique magical spark, which we can
tend to and harness in ways that feel resonant and joyful. Magic is intuitive,
especially green plant magic. Use the information presented here, including the
rituals, recipes, spells and meditations, as suggestions and jumping-off points for
your personal practice. You are the creator of your life and the tender of your
magic. The plants and I are here to guide and support you along the way.
We can all attest to the power of Nature to magically transform our energy.
Think of all those times you’ve taken a break from a frustrating task or situation
to walk in the fresh air, or brew a cup of herbal tea. Think of how those simple
actions completely transformed your state of being. That’s magic in action.
A major part of working with Nature’s magic is learning to honour the cycles
of the Earth and Cosmos, aligning and syncing our movements with the
movements of the Universe. My favourite ways to do this are by connecting with
the magic of the Sun, Moon, Seasons, Elements and Directions.

The epitome of yang, or masculine, energy, the Sun is hot, bright and
inspiring, and a source of illuminating energy which helps things grow. Like the
Earth herself, the Sun is also a prime generator of life-force energy (or prana).
The Sun is especially effective at energising, cleansing, purifying, revitalising
and balancing the Solar Plexus chakra. Use the Sun to cleanse crystals and other
magical tools. The Sun also corresponds with the essence of how we express
ourselves in the world. The Sun is our conscious mind, and the way we want to
share our light with the world.
The essence of yin, or feminine, energy, the Moon is illuminating,
expressive, magnetic, receptive and cyclical in nature. The Moon dances in
harmony with the Earth. She is the ebb and flow of the tides and the spiralling
dance of life, death, decomposition and rebirth. The Moon’s magic helps us to
connect with our intuition, emotions, creativity and our subconscious beliefs. In
reality, the Moon herself never shifts forms, yet our perspective of her from
Earth shifts constantly, with four main Moon phases that circulate in a 28-day
cycle. These four main Moon Phases offer us new perspectives through which to
approach our life.

NEW MOON: When the Moon is fully dark. A time of new beginnings when the
lunar cycle starts again. New moon energy is for setting intentions and beginning
new endeavours, guided by your intuition. New moons are powerful times for
manifestation and magnetism. The new moon is also the time to plant new seeds.
The new moon aligns with the Earth element.

WAXING MOON: This is a growing moon which represents increase, action and
yang energy. Get excited about new possibilities and take actions. Waxing
moons are opportune times to fertilise your garden and prune your plants to
promote further growth. The waxing moon aligns with the Air element.

FULL MOON: When the Moon is fully lit. A time of illumination, creativity and
reflection. The full moon is the ideal time to harvest bounties from your garden.
The full moon aligns with the Fire element. The light of the full moon is
particularly magical – place crystals and jars of clean water under her rays to
infuse them with her magic.

WANING MOON: This is a decreasing and more introspective moon cycle, which
represents rumination, rest and flowing yin energy. A time of reflection and
sharing with others what you’ve learned. A time to be quiet and still. A waning
moon is an ideal time to treat your garden and plants for pests. The waning moon
aligns with the Water element.
Each of the seasons that occur in a solar year possesses its own energy,
magic and wisdom to share with us. By aligning our personal energy with the
energies of the seasons, we learn to harmonise and dance with the rhythms of

SPRING: Like the new moon, spring is the season of fresh starts, new beginnings
and emerging growth. Sometimes forceful and sometimes gentle, spring
aligns with yang energy and the elements of Water and Air.
Spring Magic: Plant a garden or fertilise your houseplants.

SUMMER: Summer is the season of bountiful growth and activity. It’s a time of
expansion, adventure and action. Summer aligns with yang energy and
the element of Fire.
Summer Magic: Jump in the ocean or any natural body of water, often!
Eat fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs.
AUTUMN: Autumn is the season of harvest and letting the old fall away. It’s a
time to gather the bounties we’ve prepared throughout spring and
summer, and a season to release all that is no longer needed. Autumn
aligns with yin energy and the element of Air.
Autumn Magic: Harvest and prune back your garden. Offer a gift to the
Earth with mandalas made from fallen leaves, acorns and pinecones,
and naturally treat your gardens and plants for any pests.
WINTER: Winter is the season of rest, dormancy, illumination and hibernation.
It’s a time of reflection and restoration, as we incubate our energy
before beginning again in the spring. Winter aligns with yin energy and
the elements of Earth and Water.
Winter Magic: Slow down as best you can. Take brisk walks and spend
time reading, reflecting, resting and nesting.
The Elements – Earth, Fire, Water and Air – create everything on this
gorgeous planet. Each intermingles to create complex and complete objects, like
plants, animals and us.

EARTH: Our foundation, home, body, security and heritage. Connect with Earth
elements to feel safe, grounded and loved. Earth Decor: Pottery, wood,
stone, woven baskets, pillows and blankets, tiles, plants and grounding
crystals like agate, diamond, onyx and tourmaline.
FIRE: Our spark, determination, passion and heartbeat. Fire is creative,
destructive, life-affirming and annihilating. Connect with Fire elements
to ignite and maintain confidence and commitment, and to burn away
the old. Fire Decor: Candles, fireplaces and firepits, incense, herbal
smoke wands, pyramid shapes and Fire-aligned crystals like fire opal,
garnet, obsidian and pyrite.
WATER: Our truest emotions, intuitions, creativity, sensuality and the fluids that
run through our bodies. Water clarifies, purifies and reminds us to flow.
Connect with Water to access your intuition and most authentic
emotions. Water Decor: Water fountains, steam diffusers, aquariums,
mirrors, seashells, bathtubs and showers, glass and Water-aligned
crystals like aquamarine, labradorite, opal and pearl.
AIR: The breath that moves in us and thoughts that drift through our minds.
Air helps us access ideas and transform through conscious breathing.
Connect with Air elements to change your current state and access your
Spirit’s guidance. Air Decor: Feathers, wind chimes, flags, plants for air
purification and Air-aligned crystals like aventurine, blue calcite,
celestite and rose quartz .
The directions possess magic and wisdom to share with humanity. The
energy of each direction aligns with the energy of the elements and seasons, and
demonstrates once again, the interconnectivity of Nature.
As the direction of the rising sun, East represents the new beginnings available
to us in every moment. East aligns with Spring and the element of Fire.
As the direction at our feet, South represents Earth’s constant support, stability,
protection and abundance, which is available to us in every moment. South
aligns with Summer and the element of Earth.
As the direction of the setting sun, and the merging of light and darkness, life
and death, West represents the wisdom, foresight and flow of our authentic
emotions, available to us in every moment. West aligns with Autumn and the
element of Water.
As the direction pointed upward, North represents the opportunity to change,
expand and evolve our minds, an invitation that is available to us in every
moment. North aligns with Winter and the element of Air.
In order to intentionally create with the magic that surrounds and flows
through you, it’s essential to craft a sacred container for magical cultivation: an
altar. Altars are specific areas, sanctified by you, for spiritual practice and
connection. They can be as big as a table or as small as a window sill. Connect
with your altar regularly, spending time there to meditate, journal, honour Nature
and learn anything that sparks your soul’s curiosity.

A journal and pen

Personal natural decor items like crystals, feathers, candles, flowers,
Incense, herbal smoke wand or cleansing crystals like selenite or
clear quartz
Identify your altar space. Physically cleanse by decluttering, dusting and
wiping down the space. Then, use incense, herbal smoke, selenite, quartz or your
hands to cleanse the space energetically.
Sit quietly for a moment and become clear on your intentions for your altar.
Write in your journal about what you wish to connect with and call in.
With your intentions clearly felt within you, take a few deep belly breaths
and thank Nature for infinite love, and Earth for infinite support. Thank your
Soul for infinite wisdom and your Spirit for infinite presence.
Visualise a bright bubble surrounding you, your materials, your altar and
your entire home, as you set the intention to connect with that of the highest and
greatest good for all.
Decorate and organise your altar in ways that please you.
Activate your magic and infuse your space by circling your hands over the
space in a clockwise motion for as many times as it feels right.
Sit and meditate or journal quietly as you connect with this sacred space, for
as long you desire.
First described in ancient Vedic texts, the chakras are spinning energy
vortices that absorb or release energy from the body. Seven primary chakras run
from the pelvic floor to the crown of the head. Each chakra influences specific
areas and functions within the body, along with specific emotions and life
themes. When our chakras are balanced, we absorb and retain lots of life-force
energy. We feel good, safe, creative, abundant, loving, appreciative, intuitive and
connected. When our chakras are stuck, we feel stuck. When our chakras are
imbalanced, we leak vital life-force energy. We feel exhausted, drained,
frustrated, worried, depressed, insecure, afraid and even sick. Thankfully, once
we understand the chakras, we can balance them with Nature’s help.
Location: Pelvic floor
Themes: Family of origin, sense of foundation, health
Anatomy: Feet, legs, blood chemistry, colon, large intestines, pelvic floor, tail
Emotions: Feeling safe, secure, supported, present, belonging
Colour: Deep red
Element(s): Earth
Location: Womb/Pelvis
Themes: Creativity, sexuality, career, relationships, abundance, intuition,
Anatomy: Reproductive organs, pelvis, kidneys, adrenal glands, bladder,
appendix, lower back
Emotions: Feeling creative, purposeful, abundant, joyful, sexual, sensual and
connected to your body and your most authentic emotions
Colour: Juicy orange
Element(s): Water
Location: Below the heart, where the ribs split
Themes: Drive, sense of identity, health, inner beliefs and thoughts, self-love
Anatomy: Stomach, spleen, kidneys, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, small
intestines, digestive and immune systems
Emotions: Feelings of self-love, self-worth, determination, focus, passion
and motivation
Colour: Sunny yellow
Element(s): Fire
Location: The heart cavity
Themes: Giving and receiving unconditional love, acceptance, compassion
Anatomy: Heart, lungs, breasts, chest, rib cage, upper back, blood flow,
forearms, hands
Emotions: Feeling unconditional love, acceptance, compassion, empathy,
Colour: Emerald green
Element(s): All
Location: The throat
Themes: Authentic expression, aligning with our talents
Anatomy: Throat, thyroid gland, mouth, teeth, jaw, gums, tongue, neck,
shoulders, upper arms, elbows
Emotions: Feelings related to alignment, expression of talents, knowing and
speaking your truth
Colour: Vibrant blue
Element(s): Air and water
Location: Between and just above the eyebrows
Themes: Interconnectivity, sensitivity, trust and intuition
Anatomy: Forehead, eyes, nose, sinuses, brain, pituitary gland, pineal gland,
governs all the senses
Emotions: Feelings related to sensitivity, intuition, trust, connection and
Colour: Indigo purple
Element(s): Air and Spirit
Location: Crown of the head
Themes: Faith, spirituality, unity and individualisation
Anatomy: Skin, hair, scalp and neurological system
Emotions: Sensing the Divine, feeling interconnected, knowing and owning
your uniqueness
Colour: Luminous violet or white
Element(s): Spirit

Since they provide the oxygen that sustains us, all plants activate our
Heart chakra, helping to open and balance our ability to give and receive
unconditional love. Plants activate other chakras too and help us to release
old and receive new energy. Different plants balance different chakras.
You’ll find information on the chakra alignment of different plants in The
Plants section.
Balanced: I am safe.
Unbalanced: I am in danger.
To Balance: Ground into the Earth every day – connect your roots with the
energy of Mother Earth. Breathe her safety, stability and love up into your body,
as you tell yourself that you are safe and supported.
Balanced: I am a creative expression of joy and pleasure.
Unbalanced: I feel guilty, ashamed and unexpressed.
To Balance: Get outside and notice the abundance of Nature all around you.
Then, play a favourite rock-out song and dance freely with lots of hip rolls and
Balanced: I am inherently worthy and love myself unconditionally.
Imbalanced: I am unworthy of my own love.
To Balance: Stand in the Sun (or imagine standing in its rays), while
breathing deeply into the lower body. Inhale the Sun’s golden warmth into your
Solar Plexus and exhale that solar energy throughout your being. When you feel
your Solar Plexus fill with energy, repeat: ‘I love myself unconditionally, I am
inherently worthy.’
Balanced: I am loved and loving.
Imbalanced: I am unloveable and so are others.
To Balance: Touch a plant or find a view of Nature. Breathe deeply into the
back of the heart and think of someone (or something) you love dearly. Flow
love to them and then back to yourself. Visualise a beam of emerald-green light,
filled with unconditional love, shining directly into the back of your heart.
Balanced: I know and speak what is true for me.
Imbalanced: I cannot express myself.
To Balance: Go to Nature and tell her all you feel and know inside you.
Whisper or write your truth to the trees. Shout your anger and joy into the winds,
sing with the birds and howl at the moon, to open your throat’s free expression.
Balanced: I trust my intuition and connection to something greater.
Imbalanced: I don’t know who or what to trust.
To Balance: Find a quiet spot with a view of Nature. Sit still for 20–30
minutes and just observe. Focus on your breath, rest your mind and witness the
interconnectivity of the world around you.
Balanced: I know who I am and why I’m here.
Imbalanced: I feel disconnected and lost.
To Balance: Stand with a plant and breathe. Feel your breath feed the plant
with every exhale and feel the plant’s breath feed you on every inhale. Feel
energetic roots from your feet absorbing energy from Mother Earth, and
energetic leaves from your crown absorbing energy from the Sun and Universe,
filling you with vital life-force energy. Appreciate yourself.
Standing or sitting, take a few deep belly breaths. Breathing deeply,
release tension in your lower abdomen, and allow your belly to relax.
Bring your awareness to the bottom of your feet and imagine
glowing roots gliding into Earth. Allow your roots to travel down, as wide
and deep as they desire. Imagine them connecting with the roots of trees,
crystal caves or underground rivers. Let your imagination and intuition
guide this experience.
When your roots feel grounded, inhale deeply, feeling yourself
pulling up supportive and loving energy from Mother Earth. As you exhale,
feel Earth’s love travel into your entire being. Repeat this breath two more
Now, bring your awareness to the Crown chakra, at the top of your
head. As you inhale deeply, receive the inspirational and loving energies of
the Cosmos into your whole body. Breathe it in from the top of your head to
your toes. Repeat two times.
Continue to breathe deeply as you receive this energy from Mother
Earth and the Cosmos. Let that energy flow throughout your body as you
exhale, finally letting it pool in the Solar Plexus chakra.
Continue with this breath a few more times, feeling the Solar Plexus
open and expand with loving, life-affirming energy. Notice when you begin
to feel a shift of energy in your Solar Plexus. It may feel like motivated
excitement bubbling, swirling or gently burning within you. This is your
magic being activated!
Still breathing deeply, speak loving words to yourself as you feel
this magical energy expand into your aura, surrounding you in a golden
bubble of luminescent light. You are now magically activated for spells,
rituals, blessings, cleansings and energy-moving practices.

1. Always start with gratitude. Give thanks to your materials or your space for
their contributions to you and your magic.
2. Do all the steps opposite and then …

3. Rub your hands together a few times to open the smaller chakras in the
palms. Then, place your hands over your materials.

4. Imagine golden light flowing from your hands, blessing and infusing your
materials or space with your intentions. Then, circle your hands clockwise
as many times as feels right for you (seven is my magical number).



1. Begin with gratitude and thank your materials (or space) for their support.

2. Do all the magic activation steps opposite and then …

3. Imagine golden light flowing from your hands, clearing and purifying your
items or space. Then, circle your hands anti-clockwise as many times as
feels right for you.
Along with access to plants and dried plant materials, you may find it helpful
to have some of the following tools and accessories for magically connecting
with plants and Nature.


You can use any type of candle, although I prefer to make my own
using beeswax sheets rolled around a wick, as well as simple white
Sabbath and tealight candles. You’ll also need a safe vessel, such as
a candle holder or glass vase, for burning candles.
Magical tools and decor items that call in the magic of the
Elements, such as feathers for Air, candles and incense for Fire,
mirrors and glass for Water and wood, and crystals for Earth. See
The Four Natural Elements , for more examples.

These are helpful for labelling homemade face masks, tinctures
and body scrubs. Don’t forget to add the date you made the product
Bowls of all sizes are helpful for mixing the ingredients for herbal
teas, bath scrubs and more. A pestle and mortar is great for those
who enjoy grinding plant materials to release their chemicals.
A pair of secateurs, or some pruning scissors, set aside specifically
for harvesting and pruning plants.
Glass jars, such as Mason and Kilner jars, are always useful,
whether for storing dried herbs or propagating plants, or making
tinctures and manifestation spell jars.
For safely burning herbs, incense and words you wish to release.
Velvet or cotton, drawstring jewellery gift bags are perfect for
creating spell bags and dream satchels.
The following items are helpful to care for your plants – watering
cans, drainage trays, mist spray bottles, bamboo poles or branches
for support, garden twine and plant tape, and wooden skewers for
aerating the soil.

It is important to sterilise storage jars and bottles before using them
for homemade body products, especially as many of your remedies will be
made from organic ingredients and stored for a while. The best way to
sterilise jars and bottles is to wash them in very hot, soapy water and then
dry them in the oven at a low temperature. You can also use sterilising
solution or tablets – simply follow the manufacturer’s directions.
Crystals are far more than just shiny rocks. They’re powerful energetic tools
and gifts from Nature. Unlike people, whose energies and auras often shift in
response to all we encounter and perceive, the consistent energies of crystals
vibrate at stable frequencies, which can help activate and balance our own.
Crystals can focus, transform, release, activate and align our energy, and help us
enhance our own magic.
Grounding, protection, stability, courage
Intuition, connection, transformation, release
CHAKRA(S): Third Eye and Crown
Purification, clarity, activation, connection
CHAKRA(S): Third Eye and Crown
Inner growth, positivity, renewal, love
CHAKRA(S): Sacral and Heart
Protection, revitalising, grounding, presence
Healing, amplification, truth, divinity
CHAKRA(S): Orange = Sacral and Solar Plexus; Blue = Throat and
Passion, confidence, creativity, vivacity
CHAKRA(S): Sacral and Solar Plexus
Calm, intuition, personal truth, spiritual connection
CHAKRA(S): Throat and Crown
Worth, creativity, abundance, confidence
CHAKRA(S): Sacral and Solar Plexus
Amplification, focus, clarifying, support
Intuition, psychic gifts, transformation, trust
CHAKRA(S): Sacral, Throat and Third Eye
Forgiveness, acceptance, will-power, self-worth
CHAKRA(S): Solar Plexus and Heart
Abundance, creativity, confidence, productivity
CHAKRA(S): Sacral and Solar Plexus
Focus, organisation, clarity, listening
CHAKRA(S): Heart, Throat and Third Eye
Unconditional love, acceptance, compassion, empathy
CHAKRA(S): Heart
Illumination, purification, transformation, Moon magic
CHAKRA(S): Third Eye and Crown
Energy clearing, grounding, protective, transmutation
CHAKRA(S): Root and Crown
Speaking up, inner truth, calming, authenticity
CHAKRA(S): Throat
Everywhere she grows, Yarrow is known as a powerful healer of both body
and soul. A resilient herb with feathery, fern-like leaves and tight clusters of
small blooms, Yarrow shares her healing magic generously for those who are
Yarrow is so named in Latin (Achillea) for her relationship with the famed
Greek warrior, Achilles, who is believed to have used her profusely during
battles to heal the wounds of his soldiers.
Beyond her healing abilities, Yarrow’s magical properties include protection
against negativity, along with the attraction of loving relationships. Native
Americans would often hang her in their doorways, believing that evil would not
cross a line of Yarrow. She also enhances our intuition and stimulates our
courage, helping us to communicate authentically and unapologetically. Brew a
cup of yarrow leaf tea to stimulate your intuitive and expressive abilities. In
England and Ireland, Yarrow was commonly used to attract friendship, love and
a long-term partnership. It was customary to hang a bouquet of Yarrow over the
wedding bed of a new couple to bless the union.
Yarrow’s energy is patient, protective, healing and wise. She helps us to
create and maintain boundaries that keep us firm and solid in our own energy,
enabling us to feel safe enough to love and trust ourselves. Yarrow knows that
the wounds which touch our souls heal best through intentional and sustainable
actions rooted in love and compassion for ourselves. By grounding us deeply to
Mother Earth, Yarrow guards us against becoming consumed with our own
healing, lost in a quest for never-ending self-development.
Confident and independent, Yarrow teaches us that to truly live our own
unique life is the greatest healing act of all.

Prefers bright to moderate sunlight and free-draining soil in a
temperate climate.
Chinese Evergreen’s scientific name, Aglaonema, means ‘shining thread’ in
Greek, in honour of the beautiful patterning on her leaves.
Decorating our homes and workspaces with leafy green plants like Chinese
Evergreen has been shown to increase relaxation, creativity and productivity,
while reducing stress, worry and depression. With her many oxygen-producing
leaves, Chinese Evergreen is a wonderful plant for the bedroom, as she promotes
restful sleep.
Due to her ability to attract prosperity and good luck, Chinese Evergreen
makes a fantastic housewarming gift. She also represents loyalty, stability and
loving support, which is why she is so often given as a gift to new couples. She
is a wonderful plant for any new plant-tenders since she builds confidence due to
her easy-care needs.
In our homes, Chinese Evergreen’s beautiful leaves and easeful presence
support and safeguard our energetic balance, helping us feel more positive and
present. High in receptive yin energy, Chinese Evergreen’s energy feels like a
best friend’s hug. She is warm, supportive and holds space for us when we are
feeling overwhelmed, overstimulated or anxious, guiding us back to our sense of
safety and love. Stand with her when you are feeling anxious or overwhelmed
and note the way she wraps her gentle aura around you, embracing you in her
loving support.
Chinese Evergreen influences us to shine in our own way, just like her
patterned leaves, knowing that when we do, we inspire those around us to
shine, too.

Provide moderate, indirect sunlight and water thoroughly when the top
inch of soil is dry.
The leaves of alocasias are works of art, each one emerging and unfurling on
a long, tubular stem that then reaches upwards, adorned with graceful, heart-
shaped, patterned foliage. With stunning leaves on sculptural stems, plants in the
Alocasia genus always make an impact, and they encourage us to do the same.
Magically, alocasias enhance our creativity, courage, self-love and sense of
truth. They support meditation and creative projects, as they help us to access
our subconscious mind and dreams more deeply.
Place alocasias in your bedroom for deeper sleep and more vivid dreams.
Keep them near your creative spaces to boost your creativity and motivation.
Style them in your bathroom to enhance your affirmations, and to keep them
thriving in the increased humidity.
Alocasias are well balanced, having both restorative yin and action-loving
yang energies. Their energy feels like the beautiful harmony in a song with no
words – just perfectly balanced sounds, each leaf joining in song with the others.
They connect us deeply to our Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart and Throat chakras,
helping us to create and take action from our greatest and most truthful
expression of love.
With their expressive, upward- and outward-reaching leaves, Alocasia
reminds us to seek that higher and greater perspective, especially when we
are faced with our own personal challenges.

Prefers humid tropical conditions and low to moderate, indirect light.
Rotate towards the Sun to avoid crooked growth.
The protective, healing and beautifying magic of Aloe vera is age-old and
shared by our ancestors around the globe. The ancient Egyptians called Aloe
vera the ‘plant of immortality’ due to her ability to heal and promote a youthful
appearance. Aloe vera is resilient and adaptable, and she possesses powerful
magic and medicine within her sculptural and succulent leaves.
Aloe vera soothes and heals all kinds of burns and her gel firms, stimulates
and moisturises the skin. She can also be used to soften and hydrate the hair.
Aloe vera contains numerous essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids and
antioxidants, which work synergistically to promote healing within the body.
Magically, Aloe vera is ruled by Water, which can be easily felt in her
soothing and cooling properties. She is also high in active yang energy, making
her wonderful for active areas like entranceways, offices, studios, kitchens,
bathrooms, playrooms and social centres in the home. A plant of luck and
abundance, Aloe vera offers support, healing and longevity as well as protection.
Energetically, the deep, strong roots of Aloe vera create a powerful
grounding pull and anchoring. This is paired with a sense of motivation and
restoration from her leaves, which are plump with healing magic, curving
skywards and sideways in statuesque, yet undulating lines.
Aloe vera knows that we are the most beautiful when we grow in our
own way, reminding us that we hold inside all we need to thrive.

Provide moderate, indirect sunlight and water thoroughly when the top
inch of soil is dry.
Making a face mask with Aloe vera is easy and inexpensive, creating a
wonderful magical potion to enhance and illuminate your natural beauty and

2 tablespoons aloe vera gel (fresh or storebought)

1 tablespoon carrier oil, such as rosehip or apricot
Optional: ¼ teaspoon ground turmeric, to enhance skin-brightening
and for increased energies of protection, purification and longevity
Optional: 2 drops frankincense essential oil, to smooth the skin and
activate spiritual connection
Mixing bowl
Food blender or handheld mixer

Gather your materials, activate your magic and bless your

Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, giving thanks for their
medicine and magic.
Stir all the ingredients clockwise seven times, envisioning the soft
and supple skin of your dreams.
Blend the mixture in a food blender or using a handheld mixer.

Standing over a sink, use your hands or a clean brush to apply the
mask all over your face and neck, while thinking or speaking words of
loving kindness to yourself, your skin and your beautiful face.
Leave the mask on for at least 15–20 minutes, or until it feels dry
and stiff.
Rinse off with water, pat dry and enjoy the feeling of newly
hydrated skin, mixed with self-appreciation. Finish with a light coating of
face oil to protect your newly moisturised skin.
With fuzzy leaves and star-shaped flowers in a vibrant purplish-blue, Borage
beckons the bees and butterflies, attracting what she needs to thrive.
Aside from her roots, all parts of Borage provide medicinal benefits. Her
prickly leaves support the adrenal glands, helping us recover from stress, while
reducing inflammation. Her bell-like flowers reduce fevers and depression.
Combined, her leaves and flowers act as powerful nervous system soothers,
especially for those of us who tend to overthink and worry.
Magically, Borage quiets the overthinking mind, creating stillness so that we
can hear our inner truth emerge. She urges us to release the expectations we
place upon ourselves and calms the anxiety these expectations induce. Borage
knows that we can only hear and trust our inner knowing when we calm our
mind. Her ability to amplify our intuitive gifts makes Borage an excellent herb to
use for meditation, divination and to honour ancestors.
Energetically, Borage is well balanced in both yin and yang energies. She
helps balance energy between the Third Eye and Throat chakras, specifically
bringing energy out of the head and back into the body. Borage knows that only
when we listen to the wisdom in our bodies can we align with who we really are
and what we know to be true.
Soothing and encouraging, independent and expressive, Borage teaches
us to leave our heads and follow the wisdom of our bodies, to access the
truth of who we really are.

Prefers direct to partial shade and free-draining soil.
A survivalist through and through, Cactus is the extreme athlete of the plant
world. He lives and thrives in the harshest of conditions, weathering droughts,
floods and extremes of temperatures, from burning to freezing. Despite the
toughness of his body and his environment, Cactus also has a softer, gentler,
nurturing side, which is easily seen in his gorgeous, supple and sensuous blooms.
Through his stay-at-a-safe-distance presence, Cactus both protects and
supports. Some types, like the Nopal cactus, possess edible and medicinal pads
and fruits that are both bursting with antioxidants and antiviral properties. Cactus
is also innovative, as the juice from the Nopal fruit is currently being developed
as a non-toxic, eco-friendly and biodegradable plastic alternative.
Magically, Cactus is protective and healing, encouraging both our self-
acceptance and soul-development. He helps us to create barriers and boundaries,
giving us the strength and structure we need to change the habits and patterns
that are holding us back. Cactus also has the power to break down our unwanted
barriers, the ones limiting our beliefs and our possibilities.
Energetically, Cactus is high in active yang energy. This active and focused
energy can be harnessed to enhance those areas in our homes where we need that
sharpened focus, such as offices, studios and workspaces. Avoid placing Cactus
in bedrooms, as his active energy may disturb the restful atmosphere. Along with
his potent focus, Cactus also brings in a deep sense of nurturing and
encouragement, as he urges you to grow constantly.
Like his sensual blooms, slowly emerging from his spiny body, Cactus
holds space for our unfolding, helping us to bloom as only we were meant to
– in our own way and at our own pace.

Prefers moderate to bright sunlight and watering only when the soil is
Like her cheery, little, daisy-like flowers, Camomile brightens up the lives of
those who interact with her. Nurturing and soothing, she loves to spread her
optimism and sunny disposition to all. Camomile is well known for her relaxing
nature – sipping on her tea reduces stress and inspires a deep sense of calm.
Camomile is closely associated with children and the magic of their
creativity and joy. She is also a wonderful herb for those who struggle with anger
and impatience. Camomile calls in calmness, peace and heart-to-heart
interactions. She is especially magnetic for attracting luck by helping us to
release those negative energies, such as stress and disappointments, that keep
luck away.
Energetically, Camomile is higher in restorative yin energy, despite her close
association with the Sun, which is the epitome of yang energy. Camomile
harnesses the fiery passion of the Sun and merges it with the cooling, fluid
energy of her elemental ruler, Water, to create within us feelings of both
inspiration and rejuvenation. Having a hard time winding down at night or
feeling the overwhelm and stress of managing everything? Take a moment for
yourself to sit in stillness while drinking some camomile tea. Just breathe, sip
and feel the stress begin to melt away.
A gentle medicine and uplifting friend for all ages, Camomile is generous
with her nurturing love, reminding us to share our love generously with
each other.

Prefers moderate to bright sunlight and free-draining soil.
Meaning ‘golden flower’ in ancient Greek, Chrysanthemum embody the
colours and energies of the Sun’s golden rays. Associated with autumn,
Chrysanthemum share their bright hues, playful energy and clear focus, just as
the natural world begins to shed its past. Bold and affectionate, they remind us
that change is inevitable and to embrace every season.
Despite being ruled by the Sun and Fire elements, Chrysanthemum have a
cooling effect on the body. Cultivated by the Chinese over 3,000 years ago, dried
Chrysanthemum blooms are an often-used remedy in Traditional Chinese
Medicine, used to treat many ailments like eye and bone health, hypertension
and common colds.
Magically, Chrysanthemum have long been used for protection, illumination
and healing. The Greeks wore garlands of chrysanthemum to protect against evil
spirits; the Europeans placed them on altars to honour ancestors and autumn; and
the Chinese made healing teas from their blooms. Their flowers can easily be
dried and added to candles, teas and loose-leaf incense blends.
Energetically, Chrysanthemum influences the Third Eye, Throat, Heart and
Solar Plexus chakras, guiding us to find clarity in our visions, our truths, our
intentions and our worth. They know that to gain this clarity in life, we must
learn to enjoy the changes life brings. Growing in shrub-like bunches, these
plants also share a strong energy of community, reminding us that we are meant
to enjoy each other in all our diversity.
Vibrant and uplifting, blooming during a time when most other plants
are shedding their flowers, Chrysanthemum reminds us to see life clearly
and joyfully, knowing we are all unique pieces of one greater whole.

Prefers full sun and frequent watering.
With fruits as bright as the Sun, a lemon tree energises, illuminates and heals.
The juice from her fruit, along with the essential oils from her peels and leaves,
contain many healing properties. High in vitamin C, Lemon boosts immunity, as
she helps our bodies fight off infections, like coughs and colds. A glass of warm
lemon water, first thing in the morning is an ancient remedy for healthy
Magically, Lemon has long been associated with healing, positivity,
purification, good fortune and love. Her juice, fruit, peel and leaves can be used
in many forms of home and kitchen magic, from crafting cleaning products and
teas to cooking and baking. Thinly sliced lemons and lemon leaves can be
simmered in a flameproof pot or dried and added to potpourri, to bring positive
vibrations and uplifting scents to your home.
In her preferred warmer climates, Lemon blooms and fruits all year round,
fostering longevity and abundance. Energetically, she’s high in motivational
yang energy, igniting within us a spark to take action. She balances this with her
yin energy, which opens up our Heart chakra, helping us to receive positive
energy from Nature. Lemon also balances our Solar Plexus chakra, energetically
inspiring us to access our inner sun and the fire of our self-love and
Fragrant and bountiful, Lemon reminds us that an eternal spark exists
within us, and when we tend to it, we live our life shining brightly.

Prefers full sun and free-draining soil.
Start your day with a warm glass of lemon water to support the vitality of your
body, mind and energy. In this magical ritual, you’ll infuse your morning lemon
water with the supportive energies of the Directions, Elements and your own

½ lemon
Large glass/mug
Warm drinking water
Outdoor or indoor spot, where you can feel, or imagine, the Sun on
your body

Gather your materials, activate your magic and bless all ingredients.
Cut your lemon, squeeze half into a large glass/mug and add water.
Go to your chosen spot and orient the space with the Four Directions
(North, South, East and West). Hold the lemon water at your heart as you
ground your energy into the Earth below and reach it into the Cosmos
above you.
Feel your energy expand with love and gratitude, as you breathe in
the Sun, Earth, Cosmos and lemon water.
Facing East, call on East’s energy, the rising sun, new beginnings
and the element of Fire. Thank East and the Fire, without and within you,
for fuelling your passions and blessing your new beginnings. Gratefully,
take a sip of lemon water.
Facing South, call on South’s energy, the supportive vessel below
our feet that always holds us, the element of Earth. Thank South and Earth,
without and within you, for loving you unconditionally. Gratefully, take a
Facing West, call on West’s energy, the flow and essence of our
emotions and intuition, and the element of Water. Thank West and Water,
without and within you, for flowing authenticity, intuition and clarity your
way. Then, gratefully, take a sip.
Facing North, call on North’s energy, our breath’s power, our
thoughts’ movements and the element of Air. Thank North and Air, without
and within you, for their power of transformation and inspiration.
Gratefully, sip your lemon water.
Holding the lemon water at your chest, breathe green energy from
the Earth up through your feet and golden energy from the Cosmos down
into your head. Allow the energies to pool in your Solar Plexus chakra,
filling your entire body and aura with glowing light.
Feeling immense gratitude and love for everything and yourself,
take another sip of lemon water. Finish your water, then move on with the
rest of your morning, feeling grounded, loved up and energised.
With their glossy green, pudgy leaves, jade plants provoke a sense of comfort
and creativity, ease and belonging. Jade plants are independent, adaptable and
resilient. As a succulent, they store water in their leaves, which means they can
survive long periods with little or no water. Their soft and pliable, segmented
stems bend and break easily, falling and rooting into Earth and becoming new
plants with great ease.
Magically, Jade Plant is associated with abundance, creativity, prosperity,
ease, friendship and love. Jade Plant is also a powerful plant to use for ancestral
work, as its longevity often means it’s passed down through generations of
Jade Plant’s rejuvenating yin energies, found in the rounded leaves, are well
balanced by their active yang energies, seen in the thick, yet moveable stems.
This energetic balance promotes balance within us as well. Jade Plant’s energy
feels like soul friendships – those friends who are always there to support and
uplift you and also to remind you just how strong and adaptable you are. Jade
plants also remind us to play, create and have fun with the life we are living.
Jade reminds us that luck can be found all around us, once we find the
strength to accept and love those parts that feel broken inside.

Provide bright to moderate, indirect light and water thoroughly only
when the soil is dry.
According to ancient Chinese philosophy and the practice of feng shui, Jade is
the plant for attracting good fortune and prosperity. Feng shui is the study of
how energy flows around and through us and how to create energetic harmony
with nature through interior design. Feng shui’s Bagua map provides a grid for
identifying spaces in our homes and workplaces that correspond to particular life
themes and influence relationships, health, abundance, success and more. In
multi-level homes, the top of the stairs (or the next level’s entrance) marks a new
Bagua map. Feng shui helps us to intentionally style Jade (and other plants) in
certain locations and attract positive energy flow to specific areas of our lives.
Back of Home/Space
Citrine, Pyrite Garnet, Citrine Rose Quartz,
Green Quartz, Turquoise, Aura Quartz, Agate
Aventurine Obsidian
Amethyst, Clear Tiger’s Eye, Pyrite Fluorite, Apophyllite
Entrance of Home/Space

Using the Bagua map, identify those areas of your home where you
would like to include Jade’s auspicious energies. Keep in mind, Jade prefers
bright to moderate sunlight.
Clear the space, physically and energetically. Declutter, dust and
wipe down the area. Activate your magic and energetically clear and purify
the space.
Hold your Jade Plant and breathe deeply as you connect
energetically with the plant. Allow your awareness to expand and focus on
the feelings of the energies you want to attract, infusing those energies into
your Jade.
Feel grateful for the plant and place it in its new spot.
Hold the crystal(s) and imagine golden light emanating from your
palms and into the stones. Feel the warmth and glow in your hands as you
breathe into them. When you feel complete, put the crystals with your plant.
Each time you water and tend to your Jade, thank them for the
energies they are attracting into your home.
White blooms cover the thorny branches of Hawthorn in late spring followed
by red berries in autumn. With its many traditional folknames, including
whitethorn, faery bush, May tree and mayflower, Hawthorn’s spring blooms
broadcast transformation and healing.
With his thorny branches, Hawthorn offers protection from negativity, while
also generously sharing his heart-centred magic of healing, happiness and love.
His magic is ancient, mystical and gentle. Hawthorn blooms can be used in
spells to attract happiness and open the heart. Hawthorn, along with oak and ash,
are considered sacred trees for the fairies. For this reason, wands made from
Hawthorn wood are potent, yet it’s considered very bad luck to cut down a
Hawthorn tree or bring clippings into your home.
Symbolising hope and protection, the Mayflower ship was named after the
Hawthorn tree and his blooms. High in active yang energy, yet gentle in his
influence over our energies, Hawthorn clears and opens the heart, cleansing it of
blocks caused by past disappointments. His wisdom and teachings are much like
his physical being, containing both thorns and blooms.
Hawthorn understands that opening our hearts brings both joy and
pain, delight and frustration, love and sorrow, and he reminds us it’s worth
experiencing all these feelings, to live with a wide-open heart.

Prefers full sun and free-draining, yet damp, soil.
Dracena means ‘female dragon’ in Greek and Dragon Tree lives up to her
name with fanning leaves of diverse shapes and sizes that sprout from her
segmented trunk, fiery energy and dark red sap, called dragon’s blood, which she
bleeds when cut.
Dragon Tree is associated with dragons and the motivational, confident
energy of Fire. Her energy can be used to amplify manifestations of power and
energetic boundaries, to help us magnetise our own worth and success. Connect
and sit in meditation with your Dracaena. Let her fill you with belief in yourself
and the motivation to go after your dreams.
Dragon Tree’s energetic essence is quintessentially yang – all divinely
aligned motivation and action. She focuses her energy fully on what she wants,
allowing no distractions to alter her course. She protects, purifies, inspires and
energises. She is the optimal plant to place in your work and creative spaces, as
she wants nothing but your greatest success.
To connect with Dragon Tree’s vibrant, excited energy, take a few deep
breaths, then rub your hands together briskly to activate the small chakras in the
palms. Now bring your hands a few inches away from your Dragon Tree. Bring
your palms close to her leaves until you feel a sensation. This is the plant’s aura.
It may feel like a cool breeze, tingles in your palms or like something totally
different for you. Ask Dragon Tree to share her visions of success for you.
Whatever you sense, allow yourself to fully feel it as you breathe deeply with the
Dragon Tree a few times.
Wanting to see you soar, Dragon Tree shares what she knows is possible
for you, and helps you believe in the reality of achieving your dreams.

Prefers partial shade and watering only when the soil is dry. Enjoys a
weekly misting of the leaves.
Pothos is so hard to kill that she was given the common name devil’s ivy,
although I think the name infinite ivy has a more pleasant ring, especially for a
plant as supportive and loving as her.
Magically, Pothos is a restful guardian, always watching and witnessing. She
will sway at the presence of negative energies, alerting you to cleanse and clear
your space. Use branches and driftwood pieces as supports for Pothos to vine
and climb, and to honour the Earth element. She is also easily propagated in
water, making her a great plant to use when calling in abundance and honouring
the Water element.
Energetically, Pothos is full of restorative yin energy, which can easily be
seen in her hanging, heart-shaped leaves. When given support, she can also
climb, showing off her ambition and expansion. Pothos is never too shy, or
proud, to ask for help when she needs it, knowing that only with the support of
others can she reach her full potential. She embraces you within her aura of calm
alertness, helping you to pause, be present in your body and feel yourself fully.
For she knows that only in those moments of presence can we find what we
Growing Pothos along walls can act as a protective guard. Set the intention
that she will protect your home from all unwanted and unasked-for energies.
As she climbs and dangles her way through life, dancing through the
dark on her way to the sunlight, Pothos reminds us that expansion comes
from both the light and the shadows and support is all around, if we only
learn to ask.

Prefers dappled and shaded sunlight and watering only when the top of
the soil is dry.
Famous for her expansive and medicinal fragrance, Eucalyptus is filled with
powerful healing capabilities. Her fibrous leaves contain potent oils that greatly
impact our health. These oils also make her a volatile spark during wildfire
seasons – when she burns, her leaves and their flammable oils shoot sparks in all
directions, spreading and fanning the flames. While her affinity for fire may
seem self-sabotaging, Eucalyptus is well adapted to burning. She releases her
fireproof seeds into the blaze, which then sprout in the charred earth, filling the
void created by the flames with her legacy of new trees.
Along with the Fire element, Eucalyptus is also ruled by the element of
Water, which can clearly be seen in her ability to soothe and heal. When dealing
with a cold, you can simmer her leaves in hot water to make a highly effective
herbal steam. She is also purifying and clarifying when applied to the skin.
The magic of Eucalyptus is supportive and expansive. She brings in a sense
of fresh air and a new perspective, reminding us to look at our challenges from a
higher vantage point. Her weeping, crescent- and round-shaped leaves, paired
with her stoic height, make Eucalyptus well balanced in both restorative yin and
active yang energies. Ruled by both Fire and Water, Eucalyptus reminds us that
we too possess both the flames of passion and the flows of healing. She teaches
us to harness both these energies using our breath, bringing us back to the power
in our breath, time and again, and helping us open ourselves to receive fresh air
and energy from the world.
Through her comforting presence, her passion for life and her
expanding scent, Eucalyptus teaches us to shed and burn our limiting beliefs
and fears, helping us to find clarity and confidence in our abilities.

Prefers full sun and warmer regions.
Primordial, elegant and totally weird, Fern contains ancient wisdoms related
to acceptance and authenticity. She is hundreds of millions of years old, as her
ancestors dominated the plant scene when dinosaurs roamed the Earth.
Fern’s magic is protective, supportive and amplifying. When grown near
other plants or used in floral arrangements, she boosts the magical energies of
those around her, doing the same for us as well. With her sensual, unfurling
leaves, she surrounds us with her aura, helping us to feel safe enough to let our
own magic emerge. Carry a fern frond in your pocket when visiting crowded
spaces to amplify your personal energy.
Despite her ancient age, Fern’s energy is often playful, whimsical and even
child-like. She reminds us that we are truly only as old as we feel. While Fern
thrives easily in the wild, she is notoriously finicky in our homes. Her leaves will
brown and drop almost instantaneously when she is not given the right
conditions. Being true to herself is vital for Fern, so she would rather perish than
force herself into a mould she does not fit.
Energetically, Fern holds space for that level of authenticity within us too.
She is that friend who sits by your side and bears witness to your pain without
feeling any need to fix or solve anything, loving and accepting you just as you
are. For in her wisdom, Fern knows that our greatest expansion comes from
holding that loving space for ourselves, especially when we are in the storms of
our own pain.
Fern infuses us with her unfurling energy, reminding us that it is safe for
us to emerge from those tight and stuck places, and come home to ourselves.

Prefer indirect sunlight and plenty of moisture, both in the soil and the
air (weekly watering and misting are required).
Few plants grow with as much determination and grace as Rubber Tree. With
large, round, glossy leaves, dramatically unfurling from red sheaths that grow
from her strong, sculptural stems, Rubber Tree always makes a statement.
According to feng shui, Rubber Tree is an auspicious plant, attracting wealth
and prosperity due to her large, rounded leaves. You can boost her wealth-
attracting powers by placing her in the wealth sector, or back-left corner, of your
room or home. Beyond her abundance, Rubber Tree’s magical properties also
include determined focus, which is balanced by a graceful, loving sense of self.
Rubber Tree’s energy is well-balanced in both receptive yin and driven yang
energies, and she influences that same balance within us. She is focused solely
on her own growth, taking nothing personally and seeing challenges as new
opportunities to shape her growth in her own unique way. Yet she also knows
when to call for support, leaning against walls or securing herself to poles or
posts – gratefully receiving the stability that surrounds her.
In her constant growth upward, Rubber Tree teaches us to focus on
ourselves, not comparing our growth to anyone else’s, but instead trusting
in the unique way our journey is shaping us.

Prefers bright to moderate sunlight with regularly watered, but not
soggy, soil. Once a rubber tree starts getting tall, provide a supportive
Built to sway in the jungle, with branches and leaves extending like a
dancer’s arms, Fiddle-leaf Fig fully embodies the musical essence of her name.
Named fiddle leaf for her widening leaves that look like a fiddle, she makes a
stylish statement wherever she goes, all while purifying the air. Fiddle-leaf Fig
makes our spaces look better and feel better too, which is why she’s one of the
most beloved houseplants, despite her, at times, finicky attitude.
Magically, Fiddle-leaf Fig creates confidence and abundance, making her a
powerful plant ally to use for manifestation work. When thriving, she grows
easily and abundantly, as she lights up any space she occupies. She influences us
to do the same: to shine brightly ourselves and be open to receiving attention and
appreciation from others. When manifesting or cultivating your inner courage to
put yourself out there, work with Fiddle-leaf Fig’s magic by keeping her near
your altar or in your work spaces, or by sitting with her as you meditate,
visualise and journal.
Fiddle-leaf Fig energetically clears our spaces by absorbing negative
energies and emitting positive ones. She is high in restorative yin energy, which
she balances well with her yang energies of motivation and movement. Despite
her homebody nature, Fiddle-leaf Fig loves and needs to move! In her native
jungle home, Fiddle-leaf Fig’s thin trunk and limbs evolved to sway and dance
with the winds and the movements of the creatures around her. This swaying
movement trains and strengthens her limbs, while still allowing her the
flexibility to bend with the wind and stretch towards the Sun.
Graceful and confident, Fiddle-leaf Fig reminds us to ground and root
into our needs, stay flexible and turn towards the light as we continue to
fully embody our truest self.

Provide moderate to bright, indirect sunlight and rotate the plant
towards the Sun often. Water thoroughly when the top inch or so of soil
is dry.
When living indoors with us, Fiddle-leaf Fig doesn’t experience the swaying
motion she needs to strengthen and thicken her trunk. Likewise, most of us
forget about the importance of dance for our own embodiment and stress relief.
We can take time to purposely move with her as a way of bringing our energy
out of the anxiety of our minds and back into the supportive intelligence of our
bodies, all while helping our plant friend thrive!

Approach your Fiddle-leaf Fig and share your appreciation of her by

stroking or cleaning her leaves and whispering words of love to her.
Then, put on one of your favourite songs to dance to, as you gently
grasp her trunk.
Begin to shake her trunk gently, mimicking the movements of the
winds, as you begin to rock and sway your hips to the music.
Continue dancing, as you gently shake Fiddle-leaf Fig while
breathing deeply into your lower chakras, bringing your energy into your
feet, your bottom and your hips.
Shake and dance with her for the duration of the song, or for as long
as you like!
When you feel complete, take note of how you’re feeling. Embrace
any sensations or messages Fiddle-leaf Fig shared with you during your
dance, and thank her for her presence and love.
Often overlooked as a filler plant in hanging baskets and garden beds,
Geranium is actually a powerfully positive plant for your home and garden.
Planted outside the home, Geranium is a plant of both protection and
attraction: she protects against negative energies while attracting abundance,
happiness and friendship. Her petals and leaves can be used in spells to call in
more friendship and social opportunities. White geranium leaves in particular
can be used for fertility spells and rituals.
Much of Geranium’s magic lies in her ability to positively influence our
emotions and our energy. Geranium reminds us that happiness is always an
inside job, and she helps us return to our inner joy.
Energetically, Geranium is excellent for cleansing the aura, leaving us
feeling cleaner, clearer and lighter. She is high in receptive yin energy, bringing
up feelings of cosiness, belonging and connection. Geranium’s energy feels like
the warmest of invitations, like a cooling breeze on a hot day or like sitting by
the fire on a cold night. She is inviting, announcing our desire to connect with
others, while welcoming guests who visit our homes.
Inviting and supportive, Geranium reminds us that we are meant to
define our own sense of happiness, comfort and success.

Provide bright direct to indirect light and free-draining soil. Allow the
soil to dry out between waterings.
Meaning ‘gift of God’ from the Persian Yasamine, Jasmine promotes love,
sensuality, passion, hope and optimism. Her scent is an aphrodisiac, enhancing
our desires along with our sensuality. Jasmine is closely connected to the Moon,
as witnessed by her whitish blooms and the way she shares her fragrance at
night. She also shows increased vigour near the full moon. To connect with
Jasmine’s sensual and loving magic, brew and drink a cup of Jasmine tea during
a full moon and take note of what arises. To consistently connect with Jasmine,
plant her underneath your bedroom window (or keep a pot in a sunny spot in
your bedroom), so her loving and optimistic smell enhances your sleep,
sensuality and your love.
While Jasmine is higher in restorative yin energy, she contains enough yang
energy to spark a flame of passion within us. Jasmine’s energy, like her scent,
soars all around us, enveloping us in love, then anchors inside our mind,
soothing our worries and stimulating our senses simultaneously.
Jasmine wafts her fragrant perfume on the winds, reminding us that
love, pleasure and positivity flow endlessly all around us, for all who are
open to receive them.

Prefers bright to moderate sunlight, warmer temperatures and for the
soil to dry out a little between waterings.
Famous for her cooling and soothing properties, Lavender’s magic is wise,
loyal, patient and purifying. She is deeply associated with children and marriage,
and especially helpful for healing grief and guilt. Lavender is a powerful plant
for developing spiritual and intuitive gifts. Her relaxing influence helps us to
access our intuition more deeply, as she invites our Third Eye chakra to open and
receive. Meditate with Lavender to work with her intuitive influence, through
methods like brewing a cup of lavender tea, sprinkling her dried blooms on a
candle, or diffusing her essential oil near your altar or sacred space.
Energetically, Lavender is all about restorative yin energy. She invites us to
rest and relax, urging us to do less so that we may receive more. Lavender
teaches us that when we learn to heed her call for relaxation, we open to our own
receptivity and clarity. She relaxes our over analysing mind, so we can again
hear the voice of our intuition and of Spirit. Lavender is a healer on all levels,
healing our physical pains, soothing our emotional wounds and purifying our
Soothing and relaxing, Lavender eases our minds and bodies, helping us
to open and then receive our own regenerative powers, reminding us of the
healing magic we all possess inside.

Requires bright sunshine and thorough watering, but only when the soil
is dry.
Apple easily and gracefully connects us with the Earth’s heartbeat which
intertwines us all. Apple trees do best when planted with other apple trees and
with a plethora of pollinators nearby. A pollinator-friendly herb and flower
garden, planted near the apple tree, will enhance her magic. Apple knows how
cooperation, collaboration and diversity are necessary for a thriving life.
Magically, Apple represents wisdom, knowledge, abundance, fertility,
creativity, cooperation and spiritual connection. In much folklore, apple trees are
portals to the spiritual dimensions, the fairy realms and the afterlife.
Energetically, Apple is warm and inviting, healing and life-affirming,
embracing all and reminding us that we each belong. Associated with the Tree of
Knowledge and Adam and Eve’s eviction from Eden, Apple got a bad rap for a
while, which is ironic since the knowledge Apple awakens within us – the
knowing of our interconnectivity and the truth of our own divinity – is actually
the way back home to the metaphorical Garden of Eden. Thankfully, we are now
remembering the interconnectivity and unconditional love that Apple so
generously shares.
Bountiful and welcoming, Apple reminds us that while each of us is
divinity personified, we are the most divine when we recognise our

Apple trees grow best in areas that have cold winters and warm
summers with moderate to high humidity.

I swear by this tea to knock a cold out before it ever really gets a chance to start.
At the first sign of a cold, make and drink this tea. Sip and relax as you feel the
healing magic of apple and her counterparts reduce the severity and duration of
your symptoms.

1-2 shot(s) of raw (organic) apple cider vinegar

½ a lemon, juiced/squeezed
Sprinkle of cinnamon
Sprinkle of cayenne pepper
Heaping spoonful(s) of honey (local is best)
Hot water

Fill your kettle and set your water to simmer.

Gather your ingredients, activate your magic and bless your
materials. Thank each ingredient for enhancing your body’s healing powers.
Squeeze half a lemon into a large mug. Pour in the apple cider
vinegar. Sprinkle in a dash (more or less as desired to taste) of cinnamon
and cayenne pepper.
Stir anticlockwise seven times, setting the intention of clearing the
illness from your body and your energy.
Pour in the (not quite) boiling water and spoon in the honey to taste.
Stir clockwise seven times, energising yourself and the tea
Sip on your tea, focusing your awareness on it travelling down your
throat. Feel the healing energies of the tea flowing all throughout your
Drink one or two cups per day until your symptoms subside.
Named botanically for the honeybees who adore her (Melissa means
‘honeybee’ in Greek), Lemon Balm is a powerful plant ally both for the
pollinators and us. Once called Heart’s Delight due to her ability to treat heart
spasms, high blood pressure and emotional grief, Lemon Balm has been used for
her healing properties for centuries.
Lemon Balm’s magic guides us into more positive thinking, along with an
acceptance of ourselves and others. She encourages us to open ourselves to
receive romantic and platonic love and intimacy, while also helping us gracefully
release relationships that are ending. Lemon Balm’s magic illuminates the
positivity and love that surrounds us even in the face of heartbreak and grief. Her
energy also supports us through times of personal challenge and growth. Lemon
Balm’s high vibrational energy makes her an impressive plant for manifestation
and calling in abundance.
Lemon Balm’s energy is sunny, exuberant and optimistic. When I work with
her, my inner eye is flooded with the colour yellow, reminiscent of her sunny
disposition. She reminds us that we can find the brightness of our inner sun, no
matter the weather, or circumstances, outside us. Lemon Balm supports energetic
balance within our Solar Plexus chakra, the vortex that houses our eternal flame
of life and guides us into self-worth and unconditional self-love.
Lemon Balm helps clear the clouds away from our inner sun, revealing
to us that true happiness can only be found within.

Provide moderate, indirect sunlight and free-draining soil.
This magical ritual combines the happy, high-vibe energy of Lemon Balm with
the attractive, sticky energy of honey and your own personal magic to call in
abundance and positivity. It attracts all forms of manifestations, from romance to
real estate.

Journal and pen

Small glass jar with a lid
Citrine or Jade
Wealth talismans, such as coins or something gold or green in colour
1 spoonful dried lemon balm leaves
1 heaped spoonful honey
Candle (to work with colour magic: use a green candle for wealth, a
yellow candle for confidence or a red candle for support and security)
Fireproof dish, to burn the candle

Prepare energetically for this ritual by doing something that feels

abundant. Take a bath, pamper yourself or dance wildly to your favourite
song. Allow yourself to feel how fortunate and blessed your life is.
Then sit for a few minutes in stillness, allowing yourself to
experience the feeling of abundance in your body.

Activate your magic and bless your materials.

On a piece of paper, write down the feelings of abundance you want
to attract. Fold the paper up as small as you can, then place it in the jar.
Hold your crystal(s) in your hand, focus on your desires and infuse
the stone(s) with the energies you want to magnetise. Put the crystal(s) in
the jar.
Next, gather your wealth talismans. Hold them in your hands, infuse
them with the energies you are attracting and place them in the jar.
Give thanks to Lemon Balm as you sprinkle the herbs into the jar.
Thank your honey for her sweet, sticky nature and healthy
deliciousness, and the bees who helped make her. Drip one spoonful of
honey over the jar’s contents as you experience the feelings of abundance
you desire.
Put the lid on the jar. Melt some wax from the candle’s bottom and
stick the candle to the lid. Place the jar in a fireproof dish, in a fireproof
spot. Light the candle and let the wax burn down and over the jar lid.
Sit in meditation as the candle burns, again allowing yourself to
experience the feelings you desire. Or, you can choose to dance, journal,
create art or do anything that makes you feel abundant and authentic, as you
watch the candle burn.
Place your manifestation jar in an area of productivity and creativity,
and allow yourself to feel brief moments of abundance every time you
glance at it.
Now release all expectations of when or how this desire will come to
Surrender and trust in the Universe and your own magic.
When the manifestation does come to you, dispose of your honey jar
by thanking it and burying it in the garden or discarding it.
Mint are powerful plant allies for holistic health and spiritual development.
In their many varieties and forms, Mint contain numerous medicinal health
benefits, including: purifying the mouth and breath, increasing focus and clarity,
alleviating congestion and soothing stomach upset. Generous and accessible,
Mint’s magical qualities of prosperity, clarity, authenticity, intuition and good
fortune are easily attained through their leaves and essential oils. Some magical
uses for Mint include using the fresh leaves to energetically infuse food and
drinks and the dried leaves on candles or in magical satchels to call in luck,
wealth and psychic gifts.
Mint’s energy feels like a deep and satisfying exhale, along with the
invigoration of a fresh new inhale. With a ‘we got this’ attitude, Mint are strong
yet flexible, independent yet collaborative. Mint connects deeply with the Throat
and Third Eye chakras, opening energetic doorways into spiritual realms,
heightening our intuitive abilities and aligning us with our deepest truth. Drink a
cup of mint tea before public speaking to connect more deeply with your
authentic voice and truth.
Mint breathes fresh energy into our beings, reminding us that through
intuitive connection and authentic expression, we can access the Divine that
surrounds, supports and is us.

Provide moderate indirect light, consistent watering and a free-
draining soil.
A magical botanical spell bag is a small fabric pouch filled with an assortment of
small items, like dried plants and crystals. These items are chosen for their
energetic properties and infused with intention and personal power. Spell bags
are easy to make, and highly effective since they have so many uses. They can
be placed in your purse or wallet to attract wealth, in your car for protection,
worn on your body for confidence or kept under your pillow for sleep and dream
magic. I love to repurpose small drawstring jewellery gift bags to create my spell
Small, tightly woven, fabric drawstring pouch
Dried mint leaves
Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, Green or Clear Quartz
Optional: Additional herbs and flowers for confidence such as:
Avocado leaf – for self worth
Basil – for optimism
Lemon balm – for happiness
Rose petals – for unconditional love

Gather your materials, activate your magic and bless your materials.
Thank each herb(s) by name for the magical properties you are
calling upon. Pour the herb(s) into the spell bag.
Hold your crystal(s) in your hand(s) and thank them for the specific
energy they are helping you to manifest (in this case confidence). Put the
crystal(s) in the bag.
Hold the spell bag in your hand. Think about your intention or say it
aloud. Allow appreciation to flood your being. Give thanks to Nature, and
the herb(s) and crystal(s) specifically.
Now thank yourself for doing this ritual.
Continue to feel your energy rise as you (internally or externally)
speak words of praise and self-appreciation to yourself.
Breathe deeply a few times, allowing this feeling of self-worth to
spread throughout your entire being.
When you feel complete, place your spell bag where you’ll interact
with it often, like your bag or pocket. Or place the bag under your bed or
pillow, so the magic infuses your subconscious as you sleep.
When the spell bag feels complete, give thanks and take it apart,
item by item. Compost the herbs and bury or cleanse the crystals.
Note: This ritual can be adapted to create spell bags for other things. For
example, to manifest love, use avocado leaves, rose petals, jasmine and Rose
Quartz; for financial wealth, use mint, lemon balm, basil and Citrine or Pyrite;
for protection or boundaries, use sage, rosemary, yarrow and Agate or Black
Tourmaline and for psychic development, use lavender, mint, passion-flower leaf
and Amethyst.
Affectionately nicknamed Swiss cheese plant because of the circular holes in
her leaves, Monstera Deliciosa fills our spaces with jungle lushness and beauty.
Her graceful greenery is a welcome respite for our eyes and minds, especially
after hours spent staring at screens.
Magically, Monstera Deliciosa promotes confidence, sociability, creativity,
collaboration and so much love. She is wonderful to hang out with when
working through self-love and self-worth rituals and practices, and when
dreaming up new creative ideas. Simply sitting near her provides a deep sense of
love, as she embraces our dreams and grows them with her unfurling leaves.
The energy of Monstera Deliciosa feels like both the life of the party and the
friend who is always the safe space. She is exuberant, expressive, confident and
nurturing, as she urges us to show up authentically, letting us be seen for exactly
who we are. She is well-balanced in both excited yang energy and soothing yin
energy, and she enjoys being displayed in sunny, social areas of the home with
lots of space to spread and climb. Monstera deliciosa is never afraid to take up
space, and she helps us feel the same.
With a vining nature, always unfurling and ascending, Monstera
Deliciosa teaches us that growing into our most beautiful expression
requires us to be seen for who we really are.

Provide moderate to bright, indirect light and water thoroughly when
the top few inches of soil are dry.
As one of the most common culinary herbs, Basil is often overlooked as a
powerful magical and medicinal plant. She is highly protective, both in the
garden and in your body, as she contains chemical compounds that are
antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic and anti spasmodic. In the garden, Basil
grows well with tomatoes, actively repelling pests such as the tomato horn
worm. Planting Basil with certain herbs, such as oregano, chives and camomile,
will enhance the potency of them all.
Like the Fire element that rules her, Basil illuminates herself and all those
around her. Magically, Basil is used for protection, abundance, luck, positivity
and love, especially self-love and partnership love. Basil calms worries and
quarrels, making a wonderful housewarming gift for new couples.
Being ruled by Fire, Basil is higher in active yang energies, energising our
digestion, immunity and mental clarity and magnetising abundance and success.
She balances this with her ability to calm our mental worries and ease inner
Fragrant and healing, Basil reminds us to focus on what lights us up
from the inside, knowing that only our inner light will truly illuminate our

Prefers bright to moderate sunlight, warm temperatures and
consistently watered soil.

Magical candles, infused with herbs and intentions, can attract desired energies
or banish undesired energies. In this ritual, Basil’s magic is infused into a
magical attraction candle for positivity and abundance, or a banishing candle to
release worry and negativity.

Small piece of paper

Pen or fine-tipped marker
Mixing bowl or pestle and mortar
Dried basil
Roll-up beeswax candle sheet and wick

Begin by getting clear on the energies you are calling in and

releasing. Write them on the paper.
Gather your materials, activate your magic and bless your materials.
Circle your hands over the materials; clockwise to energise if making an
attraction candle, or anticlockwise if releasing unwanted energies with a
banishing candle.
Place your hands on your heart and bless yourself as you receive
your own magic.
Lay out the beeswax sheet and cut the candlewick of the candle to
about one inch longer than the beeswax.
Tear the paper into smaller pieces with the words you wrote still
legible and scatter them on the beeswax sheet.
Next, sprinkle the basil (or other herbs) into the bowl/mortar,
thanking the plant for her magic. If desired, add additional herbs and grind
or mix together.
Sprinkle the herb(s) over the beeswax sheet.
Roll the beeswax tightly over the wick, words and herbs, and
continue rolling until your candle is formed.
Place the finished candle in a safe candleholder and burning area.
Get centred and light the candle.
Sit in meditation as the candle burns, witnessing the magic you co-
created flow out into the Universe. Release your expectations for what will
come and simply be, breathe and believe.
You can use different herbs to craft magical candles with different
energetic properties. Dried herbs from spice jars and teas work wonderfully
for creating magical candles. Use chamomile for relaxation and peace,
lavender for receptivity, mint for abundant opportunities, rosemary for
enhanced clarity, sage for purification and rose for all the love.
Fragile yet forceful, Orchid impresses with her beauty, diversity and
adaptability. Her blooms are masterpieces of living art, perfectly designed to
attract the pollinators she needs to reproduce. Some blooms are sweet-smelling
and colourful, calling in butterflies and hummingbirds, while others stink like
rotting flesh to attract flies. Orchid truly is a master of attraction.
Orchid’s magic is magnetic, sensual, expansive and feisty. This makes her a
powerful plant to use for attracting love and intimacy. Orchid is also tenacious;
when she sets her sights on a goal, nothing keeps her from it. Thankfully, this
motivated, creative energy can be harnessed for our uses. Place Orchid around
work, creative or sacred spaces as you focus on projects requiring high levels of
commitment and dedication – she will keep you focused on the finish line.
Orchid’s energy feels like climbing a gorgeous tree or beautiful jungle
mountain, while enjoying every moment of the climb. She inspires a sense of
awe and curiosity, and when in full bloom, sends a forceful blast of positive
energy rippling through any space she occupies. Orchid has a unique connection
with the Crown chakra, activating the knowing that each one of us is an
individual and precious expression of a greater interconnected oneness. With her
diverse, and even at times freaky, flowers, Orchid reminds us that we all came
here to let our personal ‘freak flags’ fly!
Orchid urges us to be who we came here to be, wild and free, determined
and connected, and fierce in our desire to bloom as only we are meant to.

In general, orchids require bright to moderate, indirect light, higher
humidity and a special bark planting medium.
The name oregano comes from the Greek oros, for ‘mountains’, and ganos,
which means ‘brightness’. A fitting name for a herb who loves to impart her
joyful illumination through her magic.
Oregano’s magic is highly purifying and protective. Like Selenite crystal,
Oregano has a way of transmuting negativity into expansion. Use her in spells
and rituals to promote happiness and health, and to release blocks to self-love.
Tapping into Oregano’s energy feels like slipping into a hot bath, that feeling
of blissful surrender when your whole body just softens into relaxation. Through
radical acceptance and sacred surrender, Oregano helps us to move through our
resistance, knowing the illumination that waits for us on the other side. The only
way out is through, Oregano reminds us, as she guides us to release the
resistance we feel to our own resistance, crumbling the walls we’ve created
around our sorrow.
Powerful, useful and kind, Oregano teaches us to approach our
resistance with compassionate acceptance, for she knows only self-love will
set us free from the cages of our own suffering.

Prefers full sun and free-draining soil.
In all their majestic diversity, Palms hold a special place in the human heart
and psyche. Some stand tall and proud, silhouetted against the sky, while others
seem to burst from the ground in explosions of taupe and green. No matter what
their type, Palms always provides a plethora of excitement, opportunity, strength
and spiritual connection.
Throughout history, palm fronds have been used to symbolise victory,
celebration and holy sanctification. They were strewn at the feet of victorious
soldiers and used to anoint royalty and sacred priests, like an ancient predecessor
to today’s red carpet.
Along with their functionality, Palm’s wood, leaves and bark can also be
called on for their mighty magic. Due to their affinity with the Air element, Palm
wood makes a powerful magical wand, while dried palm fronds are ideal
energetic brooms for sweeping away stagnant, undesired energies. Palm’s fronds
can also be used to increase motivation, celebration and spiritual connection.
Call on Palm’s motivational energy when you need a little extra oomph to get
through a project or your day.
Palms are truly the motivational coaches of the plant world. Connect with
their energy when feeling victimised, discouraged or depressed. Sit and be with
Palm, asking them to share their energy of empowerment and victory with you.
Just sit and breathe with them, as you open to receive their exuberance and
strength, and take note of what arises.
Tough yet supple, Palm reminds us to find our inner strength and
flexibility, so we too may learn to bend, sway and dance with all that blows
our way.

Houseplant palm varieties prefer bright to moderate, indirect light and
consistent watering. Outdoor varieties prefer full sun.
With flowers that explode with creativity and vining leaves that can cover
entire walls, Passion Flower loves to engage our senses. She is resilient and
independent, and she knows how to take what she needs to survive, while also
knowing how to give in return.
Magically, Passion Flower opens doorways into the multisensory, helping us
to access and use our intuitive gifts. She is wonderful to work with when we are
learning to activate our psychic abilities of seeing, hearing, feeling, sensing and
knowing Spirit. Not surprisingly, Passion Flower is also an ally when calling in
love and passion. Her leaves, flowers and stems can be used fresh in teas and
tinctures, or dried for teas, spell bags, manifestation jars and candle magic. Place
one of her inspiring blooms on your altar to awaken inspiration and creativity.
All along the stems of Passion Flower grow tiny, spiralling vines, forming
these perfect corkscrew curls that tangle and cling to any surface they touch,
helping her climb whatever she desires. The spiral is a sacred shape, associated
with the creative forces of life. Passion Flower’s adaptive, spiralling vines speak
of her ability to help us relax and receive information from all our senses, both
physically and spiritually. Her spiral also speaks of her ability to calm the
anxious spiralling thoughts of our over-extended minds, reminding us to rest our
brains and lean into the intelligence of the body. Working deeply with our Sacral,
Heart and Third Eye chakras, Passion Flower helps us be open to receive
enlivening life-force energy, stimulating our intuition and creativity by relaxing
the overactive energy in our brains.
Always expanding, Passion Flower reminds us to release the worries of
our mind and to be open to receive the ever-present love and guidance from
Nature, Spirit and our own intuition.

Prefers full to dappled sunlight and free-draining, consistently watered
Avocado may be best known for her buttery and nutritious fruits, yet few
people are aware of the rich and potent magic found within her leaves.
Magically, Avocado promotes health and love, especially self-love and
romantic love. She uses her water essence to calm down fiery situations, helping
to soothe and smooth over arguments, confrontations and self-negating thoughts.
Avocado is encouraging and generous in providing magical tools. You can use
her cleaned-out skin as a vessel to hold offerings, as a candleholder for your
candle magic, as a source of natural fabric dye or as another ingredient to
compost. Her creamy fruit can be used in cooking magic to enhance health and
luxury in life, or as an ingredient in beauty rituals for the hair and face.
Avocado’s leaves can be brewed to make healing teas and poultices, while her
stone also makes a powerful tea, magical tool and potentially a new avocado
Energetically, Avocado is confident, nurturing and supportive, reminding us
of our non-negotiable value. She knows her own substance and stands in her
power, infusing her fruits with her worth. Avocado knows she is amazing, but
not in a conceited way. Instead, she possesses the alluring aura of someone who
owns and loves herself so completely that she rarely concerns herself with what
others think. Avocado brings all of herself to everything she does, making
radical, unconditional self-love her priority.
Soothing, yet powerful, Avocado urges us to look at our whole self, and
to nourish and love every part of ourselves, knowing that we are always
inherently worthy.

Requires full sun, free-draining soil and tropical/temperate conditions.
The varied, lush, leathery leaves of Philodendron make her one of our most
beloved houseplants. Translated from Greek, Philodendron means lover (philo)
of trees (dendron) due to her affinity for growing around, and on, trees.
The magic of Philodendron calls in the awareness of universal abundance.
She knows that the Earth and the Cosmos provide her with everything she needs
to take action, stretch, grow and succeed! Her magic also extends to self-
reliance, self-worth and self-love, as her loving aura embraces you in the love
that she feels for you and for herself. Place a philodendron near your altar space
for added love and support, especially when working on increasing self-love and
owning your worth.
Philodendron’s aura feels like both the excitement of beginning a new
adventure and the pleasure of returning home. New leaves emerge often, as she
is always stretching and climbing, looking for that new expansion, while
providing soothing yin energy with her smooth, strokable leaves. While totally
independent, Philodendron also knows the joys and necessities of community,
reminding us that we are all meant to be in this together, offering support to each
other and receiving support in return.
For an extra boost of self-love, name a Philodendron plant after you. Speak
loving affirmations to her every day, calling it by your own name. You can say
things like ‘You are growing so beautifully, Rachael’ or ‘Rachael, I love the way
you shine’. Conduct this practice for a month and feel your self-love grow!
Believing and trusting in herself, and loving herself fully, Philodendron
shows up exactly as she is and is lovingly accepted for it, reminding us that
it is safe for us to do the same.

Prefers bright to moderate, indirect sunlight and for the top layer of
soil to dry out between waterings.
Ancient, observant and always green, Pine has accumulated much wisdom
over the millions of years he has been on Earth. Wisdom he generously shares
with us.
Pine’s magic is purifying, energising, healing and abundant. His bark and
resin make powerful incense and his needles can be burned, or simmered, to
release their potent scent and energy. Pine needle tea energises, while also
enhancing immunity, and his essential oils purify, heal and restore. Pine cones
can be added to your altar or used in spells for abundance, psychic development,
clarity and success, while small branches of pine needles make potent energy-
purifying brooms.
Pine’s energy is supportive, observant, wise and enlightening. He holds a
special alignment with the Third Eye chakra, the energy vortex that influences
our ability to access, and trust, our spiritual gifts and intuitive wisdom. Pine
cones in particular are connected to the pineal gland, that mystical and
mysterious small organ which is governed by the Third Eye chakra and found
nestled between the two hemispheres of the brain. The pineal gland is named for
its resemblance to a pine cone and is responsible for regulating our sleep and
wake cycles. This gland is also thought to be the bridge to spiritual
enlightenment. By influencing our Third Eye chakra, Pine reminds us to trust our
own intuition and to calm the over-analysing and overprocessing voice of the
mind by coming back to the senses of our body.
Strong and observant, Pine heightens our senses and teaches us to live
life with greater perspective, presence and connection.

Prefers full sun and free-draining soil.
Mighty, protective and ever useful, Oak shelters all those who gather beneath
Majestically tall, growing up to 45 m (150 ft) in height, and with a higher
water content than most trees, Oak is prone to lightning strikes. It’s no wonder
they’ve been held as sacred to the Greek and Norse lightning gods of Zeus and
Thor. Lightning-struck oak wood is particularly potent, making powerful
magical talismans and adornments.
Oak emits a powerful aura of protection, possibility, courage, connection and
love. While high in masculine yang energy, Oak’s also well-balanced in feminine
yin energy, which is seen in their graceful, winding and arching branches.
Underneath the ground, their roots stretch downwards and outwards, mirroring
the branches above in size and scope.
‘You bridge Heaven and Earth too,’ Oak whispers to us. ‘Don’t fear your
humanity, instead, return it to love. Focus on beauty, interconnectivity and your
unique expression. Remember, each of us came from the original One Love.
Each of our existence causes love to grow and diversify.’
Always connecting, both above and below, Oak reminds us to root in
and stretch towards the constant love flowing through us, so that we
remember our own divinity.

Plant near water sources, or water often due to high water needs.
Begin your day with a grounding and energising tree meditation to receive life-
affirming energy from the Earth, the Sun and all of Nature. While doing this
meditation you may want to sit with the oak if one is available to you. The
meditation can also be practised inside, as it will ground and expand your energy
wherever you are.

Sitting or lying down, gently close your eyes as you take a few deep
Bring your awareness to your bottom and feet. Imagine beautiful
roots growing from them, travelling deep into the Earth, easily passing
through the soil, merging with other roots, crystal caves and underground
streams. Allow your roots to settle in as you breathe deeply.
As you inhale, feel your roots begin to absorb the energies of this
deep Earth space. As you exhale feel the energies of the water, the minerals
and the crystals moving through you.
Inhale again, feeling Earth energy travel from your feet to the top of
your head, filling you fully. As you exhale, imagine gorgeous leaf-covered
tree branches growing from your head, reaching up towards the Sun.
Inhale, feeling that warm, glowing energy from above, and deeply
loving energy from below, travel throughout your being with every exhale.
If you feel an emotion arising within you, let it come. Do not judge
or justify it, simply let it arise, be there and then float away.
In your mind’s eye, see a tree appear before you. Take note of the
tree that emerges. Ask the tree to share their wisdom with you.
Sit and breathe as you allow the tree to connect with you as long as
you desire. Now place your right hand on your heart and your left hand just
below your belly button as you breathe deeply, further accepting life-
affirming energy into your body.
Breathe into this space for as long as you like, feeling grateful for
this moment. Thank the tree and when ready, slowly open your eyes.
Take note of any visions, emotions or messages received during this
ritual. Move on with your day, feeling more rooted, present, energised and
Connect with:
Oak to remember your divinity.
Willow to release suffering.
Eucalyptus for fresh perspectives.
Pine to enhance your intuition.
Avocado to feel your worth.
Elder to summon your inner healer.
Apple to remember interconnectivity.
Lemon to energise your whole being.
Dragon Tree to motivate your goals.
Palm to celebrate your growth.
Rose’s inviting and protective magic is sensual, cerebral, silky and thorny, a
visual reminder that love can be simultaneously gentle and fierce.
Magically, Rose is most often used to attract all forms of love including
romance, friendships and self-love. Don’t discount her protective powers though;
rose blooms on thorny stems make powerful protective amulets for your home.
Rose is a magical ally for accessing acceptance, intuition, receptivity and
connection to the Divine Feminine’s nurturing, creative energies. This is the yin
(feminine) aspect of the Divine, often omitted from patriarchal depictions of
God. Rose petals dry easily and maintain their aroma, which makes them
sumptuous additions to beauty potions, manifestation spell jars, potpourri and
candle magic.
No plant has a closer connection to the Heart chakra than the Rose. Like the
heart, Rose has a large, high vibrational, electromagnetic aura that pulls
everyone into her loving embrace. Her energy calls on us to pause, breathe,
‘smell the roses’ and appreciate the bountiful beauty around and within us. Rose
promotes unconditional love for life and understands that love must start within.
Unfurling with sensuous flowers, Rose reminds us to bloom into self-
love, knowing that by loving ourselves as unconditionally as we do others,
we connect to the infinite love that surrounds us.

Prefers a bright, sunlit spot and good drainage. Water and fertilise
regularly for the best blooms.
Give yourself the attention and love you deserve with this rose petal, honey and
sea salt body scrub. Rose’s loving and skin-supporting energy is enhanced by the
magic of honey and salt. Honey is antibacterial and antifungal, reduces wrinkles
and helps to heal wounds and skin conditions. Salt is actually a form of crystal,
meaning that energetically it is highly effective for clearing and purifying the
aura and chakras (which is why a dip in the ocean always feels so clearing).
Large grains of salt are also fantastic for exfoliation, which promotes the healthy
turnover of skin cells, while also boosting the immune system by stimulating
lymphatic drainage.

2 cups sea salt (I prefer Dead Sea salt and/or Himalayan sea salt for
their additional healing benefits)
1 tablespoon dried, chopped or powdered organic rose petals
½ cup carrier oil, such as jojoba, avocado, almond or melted (or
fractionated) coconut oil
1 tablespoon raw honey
Mixing bowl and spoon
Glass measuring cup
Airtight glass vessel (such as a Mason or Kilner jar), sterilised

Gather your ingredients, activate your magic and bless your

Pour the salt and rose petals into the bowl and stir. Or, use the pestle
and mortar to pound the petals slightly with the salt before adding to the
Warm the honey and mix it thoroughly with the carrier oil in the
measuring cup. Then, stir this mixture into the salt and rose petals
Spoon the finished product into the glass vessel. Keep the lid on
when not using. This DIY scrub will keep for three months in the

Before bathing, look at yourself in the mirror for a few minutes and
lovingly touch your face and body. Speak kind words and marvel at the
amazing things your body does for you.
After a hot shower, apply the scrub all over your body, rubbing in a
clockwise direction while thinking or saying things you love and appreciate
about yourself.
Rinse thoroughly and allow the water to purify and clarify your
whole being. Pat yourself dry and finish with a body oil to seal in the
Rosemary’s magic is protective, stimulating and clarifying. Rosemary hedges
act like energetic fences, protecting those within the home from negative
energies. Planting Rosemary under windows and near doorways repels thieves,
while a sprig of rosemary under the pillow stimulates illuminating dreams and
protects against nightmares.
Rosemary is also a powerful tool for focusing and clarifying the mind. Use
his scent when learning and presenting, as he is especially effective at activating
memories. He stimulates more than our memory of the here and now, also
helping us to remember ancient memories stored within our cells and eternal
souls. Rosemary also promotes loyalty and fidelity, making him a magnetic
ingredient in love spells.
Rosemary is energetically purifying. His sprigs can be dried and burned as a
sacred smoke cleansing or used fresh like a small broom to sweep away stagnant
and negative energies. Fresh rosemary sprigs are wonderful for cleansing the
aura. To do this, sweep a sprig of rosemary, just away from the body, starting at
the feet and fingers, working up and in towards the heart, and then sweeping
over the face and head three times, making sure to compost or dispose of the
sprig when finished.
With his rigid branches and leaves, Rosemary reminds us to stand firm
in remembrance of who we truly are, helping us to access the essence and
memories of our infinite Soul.

Prefers bright to moderate sunlight and free-draining soil in temperate

A tincture is a botanical medicine made by soaking plant materials in a base of

vodka, vinegar or vegetable glycerin, so that the plant’s powerful and medicinal
chemicals transfer into the liquid. Rosemary tincture is beneficial for overall
brain health and especially helpful for concentration and memory. It is also a
powerful tool for accessing the subconscious and/or past-life memories.

1 cup washed fresh rosemary sprigs

Vodka, vinegar or vegetable glycerin
Knife or sharp scissors and a cutting board
Airtight glass jar with a lid (such as a Mason or Kilner jar)
Piece of muslin (cheesecloth)
Glass measuring jug
Small funnel
Small dark glass vial, such as a dropper bottle, for storing the tincture

Gather your ingredients, activate your magic and bless your

materials. Chop the rosemary to fit into the jar.
Pour in enough vodka, vinegar or vegetable glycerin to fill the jar
and cover the rosemary.
Mix well, remove air bubbles and push the rosemary below the
liquid. Hold the jar at your heart as you feel appreciation for the rosemary
and yourself. Seal the jar and store in a cool, dry place.
Let the tincture sit for a minimum of four to six weeks. Twice a
week, gently swirl it in a clockwise motion, moving the plants around and
infusing the tincture again with your energy and intentions.
When the tincture is ready, use the muslin to strain the liquid into the
glass jug, making sure you squeeze out the last drops of plant medicine.
Using the funnel, pour the tincture into the glass vial and store in a
cool, dark place.

Use the tincture when studying, learning, presenting or when

partaking in guided meditation to access the subconscious mind.
Take one dropper-full, or half a teaspoon of tincture, hold it under
your tongue for a breath, swallow and exhale deeply. Repeat every hour, as
Willow is also called ‘Weeping Willow’ because her leaves contain powerful
magic and medicine for releasing pain and sorrow. In fact, her leaves and bark
have been used for thousands of years to remedy pain and fevers.
Willow has strong, deep, thirsty roots and a profound affinity for water.
During drought, she will puncture pipes, pools and ponds in her quest for
hydration. Willow is also a powerful creatress. Her clipped branches easily root
and grow into new trees. Her strong, durable, yet flexible wood weaves into
stylish, sustainable wicker. Her wood is lightweight and shock-resistant, which is
why Willow is the wood of choice for cricket-bat blades.
Willow’s magic is protective, nurturing and expressive. She is especially
adept at helping us access, express and release deep emotional pain. Willow
knows that the only way to heal is to feel and move through it, not to repress it.
Long associated with the Moon, Willow is powerful for shadow work, dream
analysis and connecting with the intuitive and creative nature of the Divine
Feminine. Place a small Willow branch under your bed to help you interpret your
Willow is the epitome of restorative yin energy. Her weeping leaves remind
us of the beauty and power gained by releasing old hurts. Willow holds space for
all aspects of our personality, but especially loves diving deep into the shadows
with us – for Willow intentionally pushes our buttons.
Connect with Willow in meditation when you want to release sorrow and
Willow helps us to feel and process as she holds space for our sacred
sorrow and the deep learning we attain in the catharsis of fully feeling and
releasing pain.

Plant near a natural source of water or be prepared to meet a willow’s
heavy water needs.
As her name implies, Sage is a wise plant elder, generous in sharing her gifts
of purification, protection and sanctification. Her scientific name, Salvia, comes
from the Latin, salvere, which means ‘to be saved.’
With over 900 Salvia species, three varieties are used most frequently for
magical purposes: common sage (Salvia officinalis), white sage (Salvia apiana)
and clary sage (Salvia sclarea). Common sage and clary sage are native to the
Mediterranean and Northern Africa, while white sage is native to the American
Southwest and Mexico, where she is a sacred plant.
Recently, the practice of sage smudging (clearing spaces with white sage
smoke) has become incredibly popular. So popular that white sage has become
endangered in some areas due to overharvesting. This thoughtless consumption
of a sacred plant dishonours the indigenous ways of working with plant magic.
Instead of buying white sage ‘smudge’ sticks from unknown sources, make your
own herbal smoke wands with all types of sage along with other purifying and
abundant herbs like rosemary and lavender. If you grow the herbs in your
garden, even better! The more connected you are to the plants, the more
powerful the magic you create together will be.
Sage has been burned as a sacred herb of purification and spiritual
connection for thousands of years. Along with protective qualities, Sage
promotes mental clarity and abundance. She enhances our ability to fully sense,
appreciate and flow with the life-affirming energies that surround us and helps us
dispel the cluttered energies that sometimes bombard us.
With her ability to energetically wipe the slate clean, Sage reminds us
that new beginnings are always available when we learn to let go.

Prefers bright to moderate sunlight and free-draining soil in a
temperate climate.
Burning herbs like Sage physically and energetically cleanses spaces, people and
objects. The smoke repels insects, airborne bacteria and low-vibrational
energies, and promotes clarity and spiritual connection.

Clipped sage with woody stems (cut with clean secateurs or pruning
Kitchen or cooking twine
Warm, dry place to hang and dry the herbs
Optional: You can also make smoke wands with the following herbs and
Lavender – for relaxation and intuition
Mint – for freshness and abundance
Rosemary – for remembering and clarity
Rose petals – for love and appreciation
Thyme – for cleansing and courage

Rinse and dry the sage stems and thank them for their medicine and
magic. Tie twine around the clipped ends, keeping a long tail at one end.
Tie the long tail to a rod or hook in a dry spot, away from direct sun, so the
sage is upside down.
Leave the sage to dry for a few weeks. Check and rotate twice a
week, until the leaves are completely dry and stiff to touch.
Once dried, remove the twine and gather the sage stems together
into one large bundle.
Activate your magic and bless your materials.
Tie the twine into a tight knot at the bottom of the herbal bundle.
Then, wrap it tightly around the length of the stems and up the bundle to
about 5 cm (2 in) from the top, leaving about 1 cm (½ in) between each
wrap of twine. Cut the twine and tie it off.

Burn your herbal smoke wand to cleanse, purify and sanctify your
space, things and self.
To clear energy, begin by giving thanks to the herb and yourself for
crafting this energetic tool. Then, circle the wand and smoke in
anticlockwise circles seven times, or as many times as feel complete for
To energise a space, give thanks and circle the smoke in a clockwise
direction. Only burn as much of the wand as necessary. A few minutes of
smoke cleansing is often all that’s needed to cleanse and purify.
An apothecary in her own right, Elder holds a powerful energy for healing
and regeneration. While generous with her medicines, Elder also demands
respect. Her leaves, berries, flowers and bark all contain potent medicinal
compounds, but these can also act as toxins if not prepared properly, poisoning
those who seek her treatment. Only a few types of elder trees (such as Sambucus
nigra) have edible leaves, flowers and berries, so be sure to identify the species
correctly before using.
The wood from Elder is a powerful magical tool, often used to make wands,
staffs and pipes, yet it’s considered bad luck to chop down an elder tree, or burn
her wood, due to her deep ties to Mother Earth and witchcraft. As her name
implies, Elder is associated with the crone archetype – a woman of increasing
age and wisdom who stands rooted in her own capabilities. She is connected
with the womb of the Earth and the cycle of life, death and rebirth, helping us to
find those moments of rebirth in our own lives.
Deeply associated with healing, Elder enhances our regenerative capabilities.
She guides us into our own transformation by helping us identify that which we
must let die in our lives for something better to be reborn. She urges us to look at
our legacy, that which we wish to leave behind. Elder shares the greater meaning
of our lives from a higher perspective, helping us to see the expansion that has
come from every challenge and perceived failure.
Never be afraid of grief, Elder teaches, helping us accept transitions as
part of life, and honour challenges as a transformative part of existence.

Prefers full sun and free-draining soil.
Elderberry syrup is used to treat coughs, colds, flu, and to boost the immune
system. There are many recipes for elderberry syrup, but my favourite is this
one. Not every type of elderberry is edible so remember to only use elderberries
from Sambucus nigra trees and to never eat raw elderberries, as they can make
you sick.

½ cup dried elderberries (from Sambucus nigra)

2 cups water
1 cup honey
Optional: 1 tablespoon freshly peeled and chopped ginger root or ¼
teaspoon ground ginger, plus 2 cloves and 1 cinnamon stick
Flameproof cooking pot
Large wooden spoon
Fine-mesh strainer
Large mixing bowl
Airtight glass jar(s) or bottle(s), sterilised

Gather your ingredients, activate you magic and bless your

Rinse the elderberries and pour into the pot with the water. For more
flavour, medicine and magic, add ginger, cloves and a cinnamon stick.
Cover the pot and bring to a gentle boil. Reduce heat and simmer
berries for 30–45 minutes.
Stir the potion anticlockwise seven times and breathe deeply. As you
release your breath, let go of old energies and stress.
Then, stir clockwise (at least) seven times and breathe deeply. With
each inhalation, imagine golden light flooding your body from Earth
through your feet and from the Cosmos through your head. Feel that energy
fill your Solar Plexus chakra and spill out your hands into the elderberry
syrup you’re stirring.
Strain the water and berry potion into the mixing bowl. Mash the
berries into the strainer with the spoon to release more of their powerful
medicines. Compost or throw away the leftover berry mash.
Add honey to the potion and adjust quantity to taste. Mix well.
Pour the syrup into the jar(s) or bottle(s) and store in the refrigerator
for two to three months.
When you first feel a cough or congestion coming on, take one to
three tablespoons of syrup a day until symptoms are gone.
Snake Plants, or Sansevieria, are so named due to the beautiful, snake-like
patterning on their rigid leaves. While there are numerous varieties of snake
plants – all of which come in sculptural shapes that are super for styling –
Sansevieria trifasciata is the one most often used in interiors and for magic.
They have traditionally been called St. George’s sword plant and mother-in-
law’s tongue because of their upright shapes and sharp-pointed leaves. Not
unlike a sword, the Snake Plant is a tool of both defence and offence, guarding
our spaces by absorbing undesirable energies, and attracting desired ones.
Magically, Snake Plants are wonderful for providing protection and creating
boundaries. Their sword-like leaves communicate much of their magical
properties of protection and action. Like an armed knight at the front door, Snake
Plants are ideal guardians for our spaces, absorbing unwanted energies for
protection, while creating boundaries around all we wish to grow.
Strong, resilient and determined, Snake Plants are ripe with active yang
energy, making them a great plant for office spaces, studios, gyms or anywhere
needing an extra boost of motivation. While Snake Plants prefer warmer
climates, they’re highly adaptable and deeply rooted, able to thrive in varying
sun exposures and soil types. They are highly abundant, reproducing readily on
their own, with one snake plant easily turning into many. They look, and
energetically feel, just like an exclamation mark: bursting with determined and
excited energy. It is best not to style these plants too close to a sleeping space or
you may find it hard to rest.
With their strong and protective presence, Snake Plants teach us to
balance our adaptability with our boundaries, so we continually grow and

Prefers low to bright, indirect light. Only water when the soil is dry,
increasing the amount slightly in the warmer summer months and
decreasing it in winter.
As a protective guard, Snake Plants are a must-have for every home or
workspace. In this ritual, you put your Snake Plant to work for you, as you cast a
spell of protection and intention while planting and/or styling the plant.

Snake Plant of any type or size

Plant basket or container
Optional: Free-draining soil (such as a succulent soil blend), if
planting the snake plant
A spot in your home or workspace

While planting or styling the Snake Plant, take a moment to become

aware of your breath.
Activate your magic and bless the plant.
As you place your potted plant in the desired location, hold your
hands over it, while reciting (out loud or in your mind) the following spell
(or something similar):
As I place this Snake Plant, I set this space To align with energies of the
highest grace. Protection, Determination and Strength here reside As Abundance
and Resilience stay always by my side. And so, it is.
Circle your hands clockwise over your plant seven times (or any
number that feels right to you), imagining a golden light beam flowing from
your hands into the plant, to seal in your intentions and further infuse the
plant with your energy.
Thank your Snake Plant for its protection and receptivity, while
lovingly stroking the leaves.
Spreading in adorable clusters, houseleeks or Sempervivum (meaning
‘always living’ in Latin) share a strength achieved only through cooperation,
healing and love.
The ancient Greeks placed pots of houseleeks near windows inside their
homes to call in love and abundance. Europeans believed that houseleeks planted
on roofs would protect against lightning strikes and fire, and bring prosperity
and good health to all who lived inside the home. Independent and resilient,
Houseleek stands apart from most other succulents that prefer warmer
temperatures. Their sense of community and collaboration, which is seen in the
way they grow in tight clusters, keeps them close and warm during the coldest of
European winters.
Energetically, Houseleek is well-balanced in both restorative yin and active
yang energies. Ruled by motivating Fire and grounding, protective Earth,
Houseleek assists us in balancing our own energies, encouraging us to leave our
heads and follow the wisdom of the body. Independent in their care needs and
yet interdependent in terms of how each plant relies on others to spread and
thrive, Houseleek also guides us into the wisdom of the Crown chakra, knowing
that we are all unique expressions of one greater whole.
Houseleek’s communal clustering and sharing of their resilient
interdependence, teaches us to come together as a community to best
support each other’s growth.

Provide bright to moderate, indirect sunlight and thorough watering
only when the soil is dry.
Arrowhead thrives in crowded and shaded tropical forest floors because she’s
also able to rise up, climbing trees to access more precious sunlight. Arrowhead
learned to leave behind the known and comfortable, finding her inner courage to
climb the trees and reach their heights.
Magically, Arrowhead is protective and healing. Like the Water element that
rules her, she holds space for all our emotions, including our sorrows, our fears
and our traumas, while gently reminding us of the capability and courage we can
only find within. Her heart-shaped leaves communicate her ability to connect us
deeply with our own hearts, making Arrowhead a powerful plant to use for deep
inner work. Place her on your altar or in a sacred space where you meditate,
journal and reflect. Arrowhead’s power to hold space and stimulate heart-felt
courage makes her a potent plant ally to use for healing, especially in therapy,
embodiment and energy work spaces.
Energetically, Arrowhead is well-balanced in both yin and yang energies,
making her an ideal plant for balancing the energy in any space. In our homes,
she extends her grace, strength, protection and heart-centred focus everywhere
she is.
Arrowhead’s heart- and arrow-shaped leaves remind us to follow the
knowing and courage of our heart, for it will always point us in the right

Prefers moderate to bright, indirect light but can also tolerate low
light. Water consistently and allow the soil to dry out slightly between
A member of the daisy family, Feverfew has sunny little flowers that bloom
in all directions. His magic is protective, proactive and healing. He protects us
from overthinking and from accidents caused by distractions. Feverfew is also
associated with protection from illness. In medieval times, when the plague was
ravaging Europe, Feverfew was planted outside homes to ward off the illness
from all who lived inside. To this day, Feverfew is still planted as a protective
and medicinal herb in many medicinal gardens, including my own.
Energetically, Feverfew is a master healer, enhancing our intuition, our self-
worth and our immunity. He does this through influencing our Solar Plexus and
Third Eye chakras in particular. Feverfew guides blocked energy – an energy
that leads to overthinking, poor clarity and headaches – out of our heads and
back into our bodies, where we can better process, digest and act upon the
information we receive daily.
Eager to assist in healing the mind, body and spirit, Feverfew shines his
light upon us, illuminating our path away from mind-made fears back into
our embodied worth.

Tolerates full sun or light shade. Water consistently so the soil remains
damp, but not soggy.
Thyme’s ability to boost our healing along with our mood is part of her
magical appeal. In ancient times, Greek and Roman soldiers carried sprigs of
thyme with them into battle to increase their strength and courage, as well as to
ease their passage into the afterlife, should they die. In medieval times, women
gave sprigs of thyme to knights and warriors as tokens of love and courage.
Thyme is a powerful herb to use for attracting and keeping love, along with
enhancing courage and confidence. Dried thyme makes a powerful, protective
and clarifying smoke – the purifying smoke clears away stuck and old energies,
filling your space with a sense of release, peace and love. Thyme holds a special
space for the pain of grief, making her a potent herb to work with when grieving
a loss.
Small and sturdy, Thyme reminds us that strength is not measured in size,
but in action – and she loves to take action. She spreads and climbs her way
through gardens, calling in pollinators like bees, butterflies and moths with her
miniature and prolific blooms. Despite her small size, Thyme is courageous,
being brave enough to grow and thrive in conditions that other plants avoid. She
can handle hot sun, drought, poor soil and even growing in rock walls, with a
grace and ease that permeates her entire being. Call on Thyme’s courageous
essence when you want to take action, especially around something you fear.
Potent, powerful and tiny, Thyme teaches us that courage and bravery
are not created from a lack of fear, but rather from the actions we take in
the face of fear.

Prefers bright sunlight and free-draining soil in temperate climates.
Baths are amazing tools for soothing the mind, body and soul. Immersing
yourself or your feet in warm water is therapeutic and adding medicinal plant
compounds takes self-care to the next level. Herbal bath additives, like thyme,
stimulate the mind, body, and spirit, enhancing our courage to live in love.

2 handfuls of fresh thyme sprigs

1–2 cups of bath additive, such as Epsom salts or sea salt
Small flameproof pot with a lid
Stovetop burners
Bathtub or large basin for a foot bath
Large spoon
Optional: Bath additives such as:
Epsom salts – for sore muscles
Sea salt – for energetic cleansing
Ground oatmeal – for skin moisturising
Optional: Additional magical herbs such as:
Basil – for positivity
Lavender – for deep relaxation
Mint – for abundance
Rosemary – for clarity
Rose petals – for acceptance and love
Optional: Crystals for the bath such as:
Citrine – for abundance and confidence
Clear Quartz – for amplification
Rose Quartz – for unconditional love
Tiger’s Eye – for courage

Gather and clean your materials, activate your magic and bless them.
Add thyme sprigs and any additional herbs (other than rose petals)
to boiling water and cover. Let the herbal tea (decoction) simmer on a low
heat for 15–30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Meanwhile, run your bath. Add water-safe crystals (like those listed
here) to the bath water, if you wish, and stir in the bath additive with a
Pour the herbal tea through the colander into the bath water. If
desired, sprinkle rose petals into the water.
Carefully submerge yourself in the magical water. Breathe deeply
and feel your body sink into a botanically infused state of surrender,
relaxation and receptivity.
Savour your botanical bath soak and call upon memories of times
when you took action despite your fears. Commend yourself for your
Soak for as long as you like and allow yourself to fully receive the
rejuvenating properties of the bath.
To avoid competition on the forest floor, Air Plants developed their own way
to reach safe spaces in the jungle. Up they went to the airy branches of the trees,
where they could access everything that they needed to survive.
As a type of epiphyte (a plant that grows on other plants), air plants use thin
roots to attach themselves to stems, branches, bark and stones (or sometimes
wires when grown at home). They use special scales on their leaves to absorb
both water and nutrients from the air. This is a reminder that we are also able to
receive and absorb creative insights and ideas, which are constantly flowing to
Magically, air plants help us to break through creative blocks by allowing us
to access more intuitive guidance and cosmic connections.
Energetically, air plants exude an aura of curiosity, creativity, independence
and imagination. Some exude a softer and restorative yin energy, while others
are spiky and full of yang energy. For this reason, air plants are great for
decorating the home, as they balance these energies and create a better flow of
energy through the space.
Secured high in the branches of tropical trees in the wild, the small yet
mighty air plant reminds us that to change our reality, we must first change

Prefers moderate sunlight or partial shade, and to be fully submerged
in water for a 30-minute soak every ten days or so. They love rain
Everybody gets stuck sometimes or feels personally, professionally or creatively
blocked. Thankfully, Nature helps us unblock our creative and intuitive energies.
By creating natural crafts, like this air plant and crystal terrarium, we activate the
Sacral and Third Eye chakras, unblock stagnant energy and get our creative
juices flowing.

Glass vessel with an opening at least as wide as your hand

Incense or herbal smoke wand, to cleanse the terrarium (see Crafting
Herbal Smoke Wands)
Craft sand in a colour of your choice
1 or more air plants in shapes and sizes that fit the vessel
1 or more Sacral-activating crystals
1 or more Third Eye-activating crystals
Spoon and wooden skewer
Optional: Decorative items representing the Four Elements

Clean and dry the glass vessel. Then, energetically cleanse it by

circling it with incense, herbal smoke, selenite or your activated hands in an
anticlockwise direction.
Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and release any tension and
worry with each exhale. Activate your magic and bless your materials.
Gently press with the fingers of your left hand into your Third Eye
chakra (just between and above your eyebrows). Rub anticlockwise, then
clockwise a few times, as you breathe deeply.
Place your right hand on your Sacral chakra, (underneath the belly
button, just above the pubic bone). Breathe deeply and set an intention for
your crafting session, such as unblocking creativity or gaining clarity.
Release expectations, perfectionism and self-doubt, and just be in
the present moment with your materials, the plant(s) and yourself.

Pour sand into the bottom of the vessel. Using a small amount of
sand keeps your plants and crystals contained inside the vessel. Using more
lets some materials stick out. The choice is yours!
Arrange air plants in the vessel, then add decorative elements, if you
Hold a crystal in each hand and take a deep breath. Bring up a
feeling of joy and think about your original intention.
Continue breathing deeply and hold on to this feeling. Then, place
the crystals inside the terrarium, letting your intuition guide where you
place them.
Step back and appreciate your creation. Commend yourself for your
Place the charged terrarium on your altar, workspace or in your
bedroom, to connect with the magic, creativity and intuitive guidance you
called in.
Adaptable and independent, light bounces off the shiny leaves of the ZZ
plant, brightening up even the darker corners of our homes.
ZZ’s magic supports us in our ongoing growth and love for lifelong learning.
The ZZ Plant loves to help us focus and get curious, while stimulating our
creativity. ZZ enhances the joy we feel when we discover new topics that light us
up, making them a powerful plant ally for diving deep into research. ZZ is
especially wonderful for children, having a supportive influence over their
growth, learning, focus and creativity. Keep ZZ near your workspace as you
research a new project, or style them in your children’s study and creative spaces
to enhance their continued growth and learning.
High in action-oriented yang energy, ZZ reminds us we are meant to learn
and grow throughout our entire lives, especially in ways that feel as expansive
and joyful as possible. ZZ understands that to embody this wisdom, we must
learn to acknowledge, accept, adore and even re-parent our inner child. The ZZ
Plant asks us to remember and connect with this child deep inside, embracing
and accepting ourselves in all stages of our learning and growth.
The ever-independent ZZ Plant shares the wisdom of self-belonging with
us, reminding us that the belonging we desire begins when we learn to
belong to ourselves.

Tolerates all light conditions, from low light to bright light, and prefers
the top few inches of soil to dry out between waterings.
‘Love the world as your own self; then you can truly care for all things.’
Lao Tzu, Chinese philosopher
Fully embracing the plant magic life and utilising Nature’s magic requires
deep connection attained through rituals that increase our awareness, sensitivity
and perceptions. Rituals connect us with the magic all around us and infuse our
own magic into everyday actions and encounters. Rituals transform the ordinary
into the extraordinary. They bridge the physical world with the magical and
spiritual one and create pathways within that lead us back to the essential magic
of our Soul. Rituals teach us to live with gratitude for all that Nature provides us
and invite us to keep Earth’s vitality in mind.
By engaging with the rituals in this book, and making them your own, you’ll
feel the plant’s magical energies take root inside you. I invite you to make
changes and innovations and to craft these rituals and practice in your own
unique way! Here’s how I use these rituals and practices.


Activating Magic
Lemon: Gratitude, Grounding & Energising Morning Practice
Oak: Daily Tree Meditation
Give Back to Earth
Thyme: Botanical Baths
Fiddle-leaf Fig: Embodiment Dance-Off with Fiddle-leaf Fig


Basil: Herbal Candle Magic
Lemon Balm: Lemon Balm & Honey Manifestation Spell Jar
Mint: Confidence Spell Bag
Air Plants: Unblocking Creativity Air Plant & Crystal Terrarium
Basil: Herbal Candle Magic
Creating Your Altar
Sage: Crafting Herbal Smoke Wands
I conduct the remaining rituals whenever needed or as I feel guided
Beyond personal transformation, a plant magic lifestyle ripples out into
transformational actions that benefit the whole planet. Reconnecting to Nature’s
magic reminds us of the sacred reciprocity that exists between us and the Earth.
It’s a conscious give and take and a full immersion into gratitude, responsibility
and interconnectivity. Living the plant magic life means existing in harmony
with Nature and keeping Earth in mind.
Plants, and our relationship with them, play a large role in our sustainable
future. From adapting to climate change, to eliminating plastic waste, to healing
the waters, soil and chronic health conditions, plants provide a clear way forward
into a clean, healthy future for Earth and all her children. Here are a few ways to
support a greener, cleaner, healthier and happier future:


Make a habit of finding gratitude in your life. Gift your breath and energy to
Earth, along with offerings like blooms, compost and waste reduction. Receive
Earth’s energy and love in return by grounding your Root chakra daily.


Whenever possible, purchase produce from farms utilising regenerative
practices like; natural fertilisers and pest control, crop rotations, composting,
ecosystem-based food forests and soil restoration.


Along with their unethical, and unhealthy animal treatment, the meat and
dairy industries are massive contributors to climate change. They emit huge
amounts of greenhouse gases and use ridiculous amounts of pesticide-laden
feeds and antibiotics. In some areas, they clear-cut and burn old-growth forests
to create grazing or growing lands. There are awesome plant-based meat and
dairy alternatives these days, along with organic and co-op farms that provide
more sustainable, and ethical meat and dairy options.


If you have a yard, plant fruiting trees suited to your climate, like apple or
avocado. Grow edible and medicinal herbs and shrubs, like rosemary and
lavender, and play around with vegetable gardening. Or, grow herbs in
windowsill pots or indoor growing towers or get involved in a community


Bring your own reusable bag(s), water bottles, beverage cups, straws and
cutlery. When you do have plastic waste (because let’s face it, plastic is freaking
everywhere), hold a vision for all future disposable packaging to be made from
biodegradable plant materials, like cactus-based plastic, or corn starch


Support those who guard the forests and defend the water, air and soil,
including indigenous communities and non-profit organisations worldwide. Plant
more trees whenever possible and donate to, or volunteer with, organisations
reforesting the world.


Stay involved, do your research, support and vote for those who uphold
policies that protect Earth from destructive and polluting practices. Ultimately,
governments, industries and corporations must commit to ending their pillage of
the planet. We the people encourage this commitment to Earth, through our
voices, actions, money and votes.
Living a plant magic life is a life tapped into Nature’s rhythms and cycles,
and the remembrance of our own magical essence. It is one of interconnectivity
and accountability, gratitude and empowerment. Most importantly, a plant magic
life means remembering the Divine that flows through you, and loving and
appreciating yourself unconditionally, just as you are, flaws and all. A plant
magic life focuses on ever-expanding growth, and the potent magic of loving
yourself as fully as you are loved by the plants and all of Nature. May you
always know the blessing of Nature’s love, the life-affirming energy of the
plants, and the magical essence of your own Soul.
Rachael Cohen is a Nature connector, spiritual life coach, plant stylist,
energy worker and intuitive medium. She’s the the creator/owner of Infinite
Succulent, a San Diego-based wellness and botanical styling company and the
author of Infinite Succulent: Miniature Living Art to Keep or Share (Countryman
Press, 2019). Rachael’s previous work as an environmental educator and wild
animal specialist left her anxious about society’s destruction of Nature. Then, a
creative relationship with plants transformed her life. Now, Rachael is dedicated
to reconnecting people with their souls through Nature’s infinite love and
creative, intuitive and magical interactions with the natural world.

My infinite appreciation and gratitude go to the many talented people whose

support was integral to the creation of this book. To my amazing editor Kate
Burkett for her ever-present encouragement. To the talented designer Olivia
Bush, brilliant illustrator Maya Hanisch and the whole team at Hardie Grant.
Thank you for turning my words into such a beautiful experience of a book.
To my agent Tisha Morris and my writing coach Jeanne Faulkner without
whom this book would never have been written. Thank you for helping me
cultivate my voice, and grow this book into what it was meant to be. And thank
you for reminding me of the writer I am.
Thank you to the two years of initial rejections I received when first
proposing the concept for this book. Each rejection redirected me to grow and
strengthen my magical connection to the plants and Nature, while preparing me
to become the messenger for the plants’ wisdom and magic.
To my countless teachers and guides in all forms, human, plant, animal,
mineral and spirit. To the plants for reminding me of our worth, deservingness
and magic every single day. To Mother Earth for always holding us in her
embrace and for whispering words of belonging and interconnection straight into
my heart. Thank you to the ancient wisdom holders of herbal medicine, magic
and spiritual-based ecology, for remembering the truth of our existence despite
society’s attempts to force forgetfulness. Thank you to my spiritual mentors,
Marie Manuchehri and Alyson Charles, who, like the plants, helped me
remember my own magic and the magic of the whole world.
And thank you to my family. To my parents, for instilling within me a deep
connection to nature and a desire to create more love, wisdom and healing in the
world. To my husband Greg for his love and support and for taking over morning
duties so that I could stay up late writing every night for months! And to my
glorious children, A & Z, thank you for choosing me as your mother, for
deepening my soul’s connection and for teaching me to keep growing always.
abundance 1, 2, 3, 4
accessories 1
activating magic 1
agate 1
air (element) 1
air plant (Tillandsia) 1
air plant & crystal terrarium 1
alocasia 1
aloe vera 1
beautifying aloe vera face mask 1
altars 1
amethyst 1
anxiety. see stress reduction
apophyllite 1
apple (Malus domestica) 1
healing apple cider vinegar tea 1
arrowhead plant (Syngonium podophyllum) 1
attraction 1, 2
authenticity 1, 2
autumn 1
aventurine 1
avocado (Persea americana) 1
awareness 1, 2

bags 1
mint confidence spell bag 1
Bagua map 1
basil (Ocimum basilicum) 1
basil candle magic 1
beauty & bathing
beautifying aloe vera face mask 1
magical rose body scrub 1
thyme botanical bath soak 1
black tourmaline 1
blessing 1
body scrubs: magical rose body scrub 1
borage (Borago officinalis) 1
boundaries 1, 2

cactus 1
calcite 1
camomile (Chamaemelum nobile or Matriricariria chamomillala) 1
candles 1, 2, 3
basil candle magic 1
carnelian 1
cauldrons 1
celestite 1
chakras 1
balancing 1, 2
change 1, 2, 3
children 1, 2
Chinese evergreen (Aglaonema) 1
chrysanthemum 1
citrine 1
cleansing 1, 2, 3
crafting herbal smoke wands 1
clear quartz 1
colds & flu. see immunity
collaboration 1, 2, 3
common elder (Sambucus nigra) 1
confidence 1, 2
connection 1, 2, 3, 4
courage 1, 2, 3
creativity 1, 2, 3, 4
crown chakra 1, 2
crystals 1

dancing 1
embodiment dance-off with fiddle-leaf fig 1
directions 1
dragon tree (Dracaena) 1
drinks. see teas

Earth (element) 1
Earth: giving back to 1, 2
east 1
ecophobia 1
elder: common elder (Sambucus nigra) 1
immune-boosting elderberry syrup 1
elderberries, immune-boosting elderberry syrup 1
elemental tools & decor 1
elements 1
emotional pain 1, 2, 3, 4
energy 1
chakras 1, 2
crystals 1
masculine/feminine 1
environment 1, 2
equipment 1
eucalyptus 1

face masks: beautifying aloe vera face mask 1
fairies 1
feminine energy 1
feng shui your jade 1
fern 1
feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) 1
fiddle-leaf fig (Ficus lyrata) 1
embodiment dance-off with fiddle-leaf fig 1
fire 1
friendship 1, 2, 3
full moon 1

geranium 1
golden pothos (Epipremnum aureum) 1
grief 1, 2, 3, 4

happiness 1, 2
hawthorn (Crataegus) 1
healing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
medicinal uses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
heart chakra 1, 2
homes: feng shui 1
hope 1, 2
houseleek (Semper vivum) 1

illumination/clarity 1, 2, 3, 4
immunity 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
elderberry syrup 1
magical rose body scrub 1
individuality 1
infusing 1
intuition 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

jade plant (Crassula ovata) 1
feng shui your jade 1
jars 1
jasmine (Jasminum officinale) 1
journaling 1

labels 1
labradorite 1
lavender (Lavandula) 1
learning 1, 2
rosemary tincture for remembering 1
lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) 1
lemon balm spell jar 1
lemon (Citrus limon) 1
energising lemon morning ritual 1
longevity 1
love 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
luck 1

magic 1
accessories 1
activating 1
elemental ideas 1
of nature 1
plant magic 1
seasonal ideas 1
magic portals 1
malachite 1
masculine energy 1
materials: blessing & infusing 1
meditation 1, 2
oak tree meditation 1
memory 1
mint (Mentha) 1
mint confidence spell bag 1
the moon 1
motivation 1, 2, 3

nature 1
new moon 1
north 1
nurturing 1, 2, 3, 4

oak (Quercus) 1
oak tree meditation 1
orchid 1
oregano (Origanum) 1
outdoors 1

palm 1
passion flower (Passiflora) 1
pelargonium 1
pestle & mortar 1
Philodendron 1
pine (Pinus) 1
plant magic 1
plants and creativity 1
portals 1
directions 1
elements 1
seasons 1
sun and moon 1
positivity 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
pothos: golden pothos (Epipremnum aureum) 1
prosperity 1, 2, 3, 4
protection 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
snake plant protection & attraction spell 1
trees 1
purifying 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
pyrite 1

quartz 1

rainbow fluorite 1
rebirth 1
receptivity 1
regeneration 1
relationships 1, 1.
see also friendship; love
relaxation 1
restorative 1
rituals 1
air plant & crystal terrarium 1
basil candle magic 1
beautifying aloe vera face mask 1
bless & infuse 1
cleanse or purify 1
crafting herbal smoke wands 1
embodiment dance-off with fiddle-leaf fig 1
energising lemon morning ritual 1
feng shui your jade 1
healing apple cider vinegar tea 1
immune-boosting elderberry syrup 1
lemon balm spell jar 1
magical rose body scrub 1
mint confidence spell bag 1
oak tree meditation 1
rosemary tincture for remembering 1
snake plant protection & attraction spell 1
thyme botanical bath soak 1
root chakra 1, 2
rose quartz 1
rose (Rosa) 1
magical rose body scrub 1
rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) 1
rosemary tincture for remembering 1
rubber tree (Ficus elastica) 1

sacral chakra 1, 2
sacred space 1
blessing & infusing 1
sage (Salvia) 1
crafting herbal smoke wands 1
seasons 1
secateurs 1
selenite 1
self-acceptance 1, 2
self-love 1, 2, 3, 4
self-worth 1, 2
sensuality 1, 2, 3
sleep-inducing 1, 2
smoke wands: crafting herbal smoke wands 1
smoky quartz 1
snake plant (Sansevieria trifasciata) 1
snake plant protection & attraction spell 1
sodalite 1
solar plexus chakra 1, 2
south 1
lemon balm spell jar 1
mint confidence spell bag 1
snake plant protection & attraction spell 1
spiritual connection 1, 2, 3, 4
spring 1
sterilising 1
stress reduction 1, 2, 3
success 1
summer 1
the sun 1
Swiss cheese plant (Monstera deliciosa) 1

teas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
healing apple cider vinegar tea 1
tenacity 1
terrarium: air plant & crystal terrarium 1
third eye chakra 1, 2
throat chakra 1, 2
thyme (Thymus vulgaris) 1
thyme botanical bath soak 1
tincture: rosemary tincture for remembering 1
tools & decor 1
apple (Malus domestica) 1
common elder (Sambucus nigra) 1
dragon tree (Dracaena) 1
hawthorn (Crataegus) 1
oak (Quercus) 1
pine (Pinus) 1
willow (Salix) 1

wands 1
crafting herbal smoke wands 1
waning moon 1
water 1
waxing moon 1
wealth 1, 2, 3, 4
west 1
willow (Salix) 1
winter 1
wisdom 1, 2, 3
workspace 1

yarrow (Achillea millefolium) 1

ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) 1
Published in 2022 by Hardie Grant Books, an imprint of Hardie Grant Publishing
Hardie Grant Books (London)
5th & 6th Floors
52–54 Southwark Street
London SE1 1UN
Hardie Grant Books (Melbourne)
Building 1, 658 Church Street
Richmond, Victoria 3121
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,
without the prior written permission of the publishers and copyright holders.
The moral rights of the author have been asserted.
Copyright text © Rachael Cohen
Copyright illustrations © Maya Hanisch
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data. A catalogue record for this book is available from
the British Library.
Everyday Plant Magic
eISBN: 978-178488-563-2
Publishing Director: Kajal Mistry
Commissioning Editor: Kate Burkett
Copy Editor: Caroline West
Proofread: Kim Scott
Index: Cathy Heath
Design and Art Direction: Olivia Bush
Illustrator: Maya Hanisch
Production Controller: Nikolaus Ginelli
Disclaimer: Please note that the information provided in this book is for
education, connection and inspiration only, and is not meant to be used to
diagnose or treat any medical conditions. It’s always recommended that you do
your own research and consult with a licensed herbalist, naturopath,
aromatherapist or healthcare practitioner when beginning to work with herbal
remedies, especially if you have any health conditions, are on any medications,
are pregnant or looking to become pregnant or you’re breastfeeding.

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