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Case Study
Manish Pandit
22/23619, (H)
1. Understanding Business

2. Problem Analysis
Revenue Framework
Durban Analysis.

Marketing Analysis

3. Recommendation

4. Conclusion
1. South African education provider facing decline in their revenues.
2. South African Education Provider marketing efforts are not as effective as they were before.

Understanding Business

Offer Business & Management

Courses. Target Group Market Share


Undergraduate 20-45
1 2 3 Operations Area
-5 Major Players.
Offline Online Hybrid
-Also offers High -Urban Province of
Mode of Offering level certification South Africa
1. 2. 3.
Problem Analysis

Revenue Decline Analysis

Donations Research &
Publications There is a study Decline in
1. Enrollment over last 1.5
This decline is Primarily
Number of Enrolments 1. Fueled by restricted
Post Eligibility Criteria.

Client offers Courses Require

During 1. Higher Certification Pass
Where as Other Competitors
Process Eligibility also offers higher
certification Passes.
1. 2. 3.
Problem Analysis

Durban Province

Due to Setup of Many Manufacturing

Many Manufacturing Firms set Up 1. Firms A lot of technical skills related
Operations. jobs created. Leads to less demand in
Management & Business courses.

Client Offers Management & Business As clients competitors offers

2. technical skills courses seen
Related Courses Only.
growth & able to tap market.

Due to less Demand of

Competitions offers Many technical
3. Management & Business courses
Skills courses.
Client is facing Decline in revenue
in Durban Province.
1. 2. 3.
Problem Analysis

Marketing Strategies
Right Right Msg
Spokesperson Effective Marketing Require 3
Right Channel 1. ❑ Right Channel.
❑ Right message.
❑ Right Spokes-person.
Client Advertising

1. Television

Client Uses Traditional Ways to

2. Promote courses such as
2. Newspaper Advertising in TV & Newspapers.

Revenue Marketing Strategies

Include Provision of higher Certification Investing In right Channels.

1. 1.
pass in curriculum Such as LinkedIn, Twitter &
Other social Media for Ad.
Partnering with workplace as a training Sponsorships or Celebrity
partner to upskill their employees. 2. Endorsement can also generate
massive Publicity.
Long term: Innovate basket of offering.
3. Sponsorships or Celebrity
Such as adding Technical Courses. 3.
Endorsement can also generate
massive Publicity.

Client’s declined revenue is fueled by declined no. of Enrollment in Portfolio of courses offered.
❑ Client has Eligibility restrictions on lots of courses demand for higher certification pass.
❑ Competitors are having higher certification pass in their curriculum allows them to gain
market share & increase profits.

Durban Province (Most Declined Profit) noticed a lot of Technical jobs due to set up of many
Manufacturing Units.
❑ Client offers Management & Business courses which is less suitable for these technical jobs.
❑ It is recommended to add Technical courses and innovate basket of Offerings.

Client is relied on traditional ways of Marketing like TV & Newspapers.

❑ Client must focus on right channels such as LinkedIn, Twitter & other social media for
❑ Partner with workplace to train & upskill their employees.
❑ Evaluate sponsorships or celebrity endorsement to generate massive publicity.
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