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Dear Amazon Seller Performance Team,

I am writing to address the concerns raised in your recent email regarding suspected sales of counterfeit
inventory on my Amazon account. I am deeply regretful of this situation and fully acknowledge the
gravity of the issues highlighted.

Root Cause of the Issue: Earlier in my Amazon journey, I had limited knowledge about the platform's
intricate policies. To manage my account, I engaged an agency headed by Mr. M. Bilal (email: I entrusted them with the task, believing in their expertise. Unfortunately, they
recommended and listed a questionable product under ASIN B0169M0NIQ without my direct
knowledge. Upon your alert, I sought necessary documentation from the agency, but they failed to
provide any concrete evidence, resulting in my immediate termination of our agreement.

Immediate Corrective Actions Taken:

1. Termination of the Agency: I have severed all ties with Mr. M. Bilal and his agency, revoking all
permissions to my Amazon account. The agreement with Mr. M. Bilal is attached for your

2. Inventory Review and Removal: All products in my inventory have been meticulously reviewed,
especially those for which I am not the registered rights owner or holder of the trademark.
Listings without proper documentation or questionable authenticity have been removed,
ensuring complete compliance with Amazon's guidelines.

3. Engagement with Brand Owners: I attempted to reach out and apologize to the brand owners
affected by this oversight, although they have yet to respond. I remain committed to rectifying
any harm caused.

Educational Measures and Policy Adherence:

1. Understanding Amazon Policies: Post this incident, I and my team undertook rigorous training,
thoroughly reviewing Amazon's Intellectual Property Policy, Anti-Counterfeiting Policy, and
several others. The policies I specifically delved into include, but aren't limited to:

 Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement

 Amazon Drop Shipping Policy

 Amazon Intellectual Property Policy

 Amazon Anti-Counterfeiting Policy

 Amazon Brand Name Policy

 Restricted products
2. Vendor University: To ensure a deeper understanding, my team and I have undergone an 8-
hour training session at the vendor university, covering crucial topics like product sourcing
guidelines, listing restrictions, and best practices in product authenticity.

3. Legal Education: Recognizing the gaps in our knowledge, I engaged with Saim INCEKAS Law Firm
to educate us on Amazon policies, intellectual property rights, and anti-counterfeiting measures.
This partnership will ensure that we remain updated with any legal changes and adhere to
Amazon's guidelines.

Preventative Measures for the Future:

1. Authenticity Verification: All future products will undergo a thorough check using the UPC/EAN
barcode at to ascertain their authenticity.

2. Manual Listing: Our team will list products manually, ensuring each product aligns 100% with
Amazon's policies. We'll use UPC to ensure correct ASIN listing and avoid potential intellectual
property infringements.

3. Supplier Verification: Every supplier will be vetted for reliability. Before purchasing any item for
resale on Amazon, we will obtain written authorization from the brand owner.

4. Safety and Compliance: Each product's safety and compliance requirements will be researched
and adhered to, ensuring the well-being of Amazon's customer base.

5. Active Monitoring: Our Seller metrics will be actively monitored to ensure alignment with
Amazon guidelines.

Documents Attached for Verification: Though I deeply regret my inability to provide the purchasing
invoices, I have attached all other relevant documents that validate my identity and the legitimacy of my

Closing Remarks: I understand and respect Amazon's commitment to a trustworthy marketplace. While
I made errors due to initial lack of knowledge and misplaced trust in an external agency, I am wholly
committed to rectifying the situation and ensuring no future violations.

I kindly request you to consider this appeal, keeping in mind the proactive measures and the steps taken
for a thorough understanding of Amazon's policies. I assure you of my utmost diligence and strict
adherence to these policies moving forward.

Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Warm regards,

[Your Name] [Your Seller Account Name]

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