2016 Mistakes

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Variation A :
5. E is the best answer, but A is also correct : not enough context to differentiate clearly
46. ice-cream could possibly be ‘bitter’?? (I’ve tasted some strange ice-cream in Mongolia!) – so to make this clearer ‘in this
text’ could be added to the question.
2.1 d. 2 and 3 are both correct
2.3 d. a ‘cooker’ is a kitchen appliance a ‘cook’ is a person! – So ‘ Mark isn’t a good COOK, …’

Variation B :
2. A could also be correct
14. TWO correct answers B and D
34. NO correct answer : the man says ‘He likes it strong and bitter.’ – meaning no (or very little) milk and no sugar.
37. TWO correct answers C and E
42. There is no correct answer because wicker is a material (noun) and all of the answers are adjectives. If the question read,
According to the author, wicker IS… there would be two correct answers A and B

2.1 g – 2 correct answers : 2 and 3

These verbs can be followed by either a to-infinitive or a gerund with almost no difference in meaning:

I began to learn languages when I was ten.

He began using this software three years ago.

2.2 g – ANSWER KEY MISTAKE – g=4 – the answer key has 7 twice
2.3 a. 1. Is a true answer but negative while the question is positive, while 2. implies that either Hulan or Suren likes dancing
BUT not both of them! i.e. only one of them
2.3 d. 1. Is a true answer but negative while the question is positive, while 2. implies that either Saruun or Hulan enjoys cycling
BUT not both of them! i.e. only one of them
Variation C :
14. this sentence is grammatically incorrect : Our teacher demanded that we brought our dictionary to the following class.
Demand can take an A-Equi infinitive object complement clause (I demand to see the evidence) but not a B-Raising infinitive
complement, which is what I demand him to do it is. It can also take an untensed that-clause (I demand (that) he clean my
room), but not a tensed one (*I demand that he cleans my room). Basically, all 4 varieties of complement clauses (infinitive,
gerund, that, Wh-) are determined by the matrix predicate, in this case demand. – John Lawler Mar 20 '15 at 14:27
29. the opposite of courageous (adjective) is cowardly (adjective) – coward is a noun.
44. having chronicle disease = CHRONIC
2.2 It is impossible to differentiate between a PACK and a PACKET are the same thing, - I had to guess 3 of the 8 matching
words! This exercise is much more difficult on this variation than on the other 3 variations.
2.3 a. has TWO correct answers 1 and 2
2.3 c. 4 Steve dislikes eating pizza, and SO does Dane. – although dislike is a negative word, it takes the positive SO instead of
2.3 d. 1 Both Dane and Steve DON”T listen to rock music.

Variation D :
4. Has no correct answer : the answer should be : ‘doesn’t he’ OR the question should be : Tuguldur has GOT two brothers .. in
which case the answer would be E. hasn’t he?
10. A, B, C and D are all correct answers! ??
33. This sentence is incorrect : possible corrections include : That song always REMINDS ME OF …. OR That song always MAKES
37. D is also correct
38. very unclear, A, B, C??
Reading : Mongolian и in Eugиne ??? Eugene
47. C and D are both True??
2.3 a. 2 is a true answer but the question is positive and the answer negative ; 4 implies that one or other of Tuul and Susan
enjoys gardening but not both!

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