Human Following Robot PDF

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RAHUL DEV-2010052
A human following robot is an autonomous type robot that can follow
or track a person or object from a distance. It could be useful in
various scenarios like assistance in crowded areas, navigation support,
or even as companions. It can also help us in many fields like carrying
items, work with more accuracy in lesser time. This type of robot can
be close to humans as much as possible.

This will be an autonomous cobot operating on a rocker bogie. We
could either use multiple ultrasonic sensor or a servo motor with a
single ultrasonic sensor and IR sensors. Use of rocker bogie structure
will enable it to run on rough surfaces. Ultrasonic sensors can measure
distance and from we can use this data to navigate and follow a
human target.
• Arduino UNO
• Ultrasonic sensors
• Servo motors
• PVC pipes
• Angles
• Wheels
• Motor Driver
• Battery operated motor
• Breadboard
• Switch and Jumper wires
Previous year we have seen a similar robot which was sound
operating. It has issues with the sensitivity of the microphone.
The omnidirectional microphone setup had sensitivity issues
which cause difficulties in comparing the data coming from
the sensors. Hopefully use of ultrasonic sensor will solve this
issue and this one will be more agile than the previous one.
This is a fully autonomous intelligent machine which can make our daily
works easier and faster. As it can follow or track human or object it could
be used in:
• in the defense sector also to carry weapons for the soldiers.
• As a pet.
• Personal security.
• Can work as a trolley in shopping
• Can work as a stretcher in hospitals
• Home automation.
• Industrial automation.
This robot can be enhanced by adding more components like camera,
tracking device and make it more workable

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