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I love listening to music, so I have a lot of favorite artists but my favorite is park jimin, the
singer of the Korean boy band, BTS. He looks adorable( đáng yêu) in real life with his short
black hair and tall lean build( thân hình cao gầy), both elegant( thanh lịch) and full of energy.
He always brings great ideas for his performances so that he can give his fans the best
performance possible. Some of his fun ideas include performing in an inflated bubble or
blindfolded while dancing on stage. He is my favorite member because he works hard and has a
caring nature. He is gifted with musical intelligence and incredible dancing skills( không thể tin
được) , which means he is very sensitive to rhythm( nhịp điệu) . For example, your baby might
listen to a song and dance to the beat of the song. Another thing is that he always cares about
others, he can feel other people's pain and comfort them, I think that's also a sign of emotional
intelligence. With all the fame and money he had, he never let that blind him to greed or
selfishness. After all, if I could have any dreams now, I would definitely like the chance to work
next to him, see his concerts. I can learn a lot from him like how to organize my time, how to
find motivation ( thúc đẩy) to work as hard as him.

2. Describe a subject that you liked at school

I am not sure how many of us have actually enjoyed studying geography in our high schools, but
I surely did. In fact, I enjoyed it a lot more than other subjects, and today here, I am going to talk
about how interesting the subject was, or why I really enjoyed it so much.
Now, I don’t need to introduce the geography subject since we all know what it is about. But,
just for the purpose of reference, geography is a field of science that is exclusively devoted to the
studies of the earth, lands and its features, inhabitants of our planet earth.
Of course, I was already fascinated about the geography of the world after learning about it in a
children’s book – a book which was given to me as a gift by my grandfather when I was only 5
years old. I started studying this subject in 9th grade. Besides, the teacher, who was teaching this
subject, knew perfectly well how to make this subject interesting .
Anyway, I enjoyed this subject in high school because I found it really .

3. Describe a website that you often use

Well, I have to say that among all those frequently used social media platforms such as
Instagram or most recently, Tiktok, I would simply choose to describe Facebook.
It goes without saying that Facebook is one of the biggest and the most widely used social media
platforms, where millions of users can create their own account, comment, share photos, you
name it. To the best of my recollection, I first used Facebook when I was an eighth-grader and
the idea of creating an account on it was a literal trend among teenagers at the time.
Facebook brings a lot of benefits. It is such a powerful means of communication that it helps
connect people from all over the world. Thanks to Facebook, I can keep in touch easily with my
family and friends .
Moreover, using Facebook is a good way to stay updated with what’s going on around the world.
All in all, I really enjoy surfing Facebook and my life would be tedious without it.

As a lifelong learner, I always desire to acquire new skills to become a better version of myself.
However, the skills I want to learn do not stay the same, as what I like depends a lot on my mood
at certain times. Right now, I am really into learning how to dance.Right since I was a young girl
, I have already loved to move my body to the beat of the music. In the past, I took part in loads
of extracurricular activities related to dancing, but I have never taken proper classes. Not until I
came across a random clip dance moves on TikTok did my love for dancing rise again.What
ignited my interest in taking dance lessons not only stemmed from my love for dancing in the
first place but also because of the advantages it may bring me. Firstly, dancing is such a perfect
way for me to resist, reduce and escape stress. . It would help me pull myself together, ready for
the next day or week. Another benefit of dancing would be to improve my physical strength.
Dancing means that you have to move your body a lot. This sure contributes to enhancing my
flexibility in movements, since certain dance moves may require all body parts to work. Besides,
it is also a form of exercise that can help you burn ample calories during the session.For a person
with a sedentary lifestyle like me, I am sure that dancing would definitely do wonders for my
well-being. Hopefully, in the upcoming time, I will be able to arrange my overall schedule for
some dance lessons. It would be great to be immersed in music and dancing.
5. language
English is an international language and it is a must to communicate in the fast-paced world. I
would like to learn English perfectly.English is the most familiar language across the world and
even people living at the farthest corner knows English. Therefore, having the right command
over the language is a must to make oneself familiar with the global people and the necessity of
this language is beyond imagination. We need English in every sphere of our life. Sometimes I
cannot speak the language properly while attending my school classes and make grave mistakes
in pronunciation of specific words. This is an embarrassing situation for me English is spoken
everywhere in this world. It is used for different purposes. The use of the language is so
necessary that it has become the first language for the majority of the developed countries while
the developing ones have made it their second language. The English language is needed to learn
newer things or issues, gather knowledge for everyday use, enjoy movies and television serials,
communication with foreign clients , travelling in foreign countries and booking for overseas
hotels during the trip, regular conversation in office, responding in classes, appearing on
examinations and many other purposes that could not be described into words. As a result, the
language has become the queen of all
language with its outstanding ability to impress the global people.Hope I will be able to learn the
language for my betterment.
6. a important job
I want to talk about a job that I think is very important to people all over the world and that is the
role of people in the medical profession. Doctors, nurses and all the professionals that make up
the health care system have such an important role in society. They heal, nourish, and save lives
every day.
Doctors and others in the medical profession need years of university training before receiving
'hands-on' training in hospitals or polyclinics. Years of study and training are required for highly
skilled people who often continue learning throughout their careers. People who want to work in
medicine are people who want to help people, academically and motivated.Skilled workers in the
health sector can help the country by providing services that benefit the people who live there.
By providing a good health care system, the country will be seen as a leader in government
systems, with quality healthcare provided free of charge.The role of doctors and nurses is really
important in every profession, because society needs them. They are often overworked and
underpaid for what they do, always giving and giving their best because they truly care about the
happiness of others.
7. opinion about studying at school until 18
although studying at school until 18 is very important , i quite disagree with this idea because of
many reasons. now, i will mention those things in this essay. First I'll talk about the benefits of
that. Going to school until the age of 18 can help you acquire more knowledge and skills. and of
course going to school will give you more opportunities when you finish college. It will also be a
favorable source to reduce the rate of social evils and underemployment.
Besides, it also has a lot of downsides if you don't go to school until the age of 18. For example,
nowadays there are many students who only go to school until the age of 16 and that will cause a
lot of social evils, they disrupt the classroom and everyone.
In short, going to school until the age of 18 can bring many benefits to students, but it can also be
detrimental to others. but in my opinion going to school will bring more benefits than
8. a family member you get on well with
Family relationships are an important part of a person's life, and for many people, their family
members are really the people they can always turn to whenever they're having a hard time. I am
no exception and for me, my sister is not simply a sister that I always respect, but more like a
soulmate willing to share the ups and downs of childhood and youth.Physically, she's much taller
and slimmer than me with a flawless tan. Needless to say, she's an outdoor enthusiast. In terms of
personality, she is someone who is always ready to help people when they are in trouble. She
always loves the idea of getting involved in various charitable activities and never misses an
opportunity to encourage others to do the same. Especially for me, she always tries to support me
if needed and I am very proud of her because she is an inspiring example for me to follow. Not
only did she tell me what was the right thing to do in life, she was always willing to listen
whenever I needed advice. It's important to have someone you can confide in and I'm pretty sure
she's that person. Every weekend, we usually take a leisurely walk around the blocks near our
house or go to the movies to see a new movie coming out. This is the time when we can share
almost everything and understand each other better. I guess I am very lucky to have such a great
sister like her and I know that many of my friends are still jealous and longing for such a great

The friend I like to spend my time with more than any other friend is Diep . I met her when I was
only 8 years old and was in primary school. After that, our intimate developed and we became
best friends.
One day she forgot to bring her math book to the school and I helped her with my book. We
talked for a long after our classes and our friendship started to begin. We went to high school
together . Since we are studying in the same city now, we can meet each other and spend time
together whenever we want. she is a kind and talented person who helps people and always
wishes the best for others. sHe is studying geography and she has a talent in geography.
Sometimes she even helps me solve difficult math problems in interesting way which helps me a
lot in my studies.
I like to spend time with her because we have many common interests. I never feel bored
spending time with her . Since we are friends for a long time, we understand each other very
well. A good friend always extends helping hands when we are in need, We do so many fun stuff
together and help each other in our studies. Good friendship, understanding and common
interests make us close friends and those are the primary reasons I like to spend time with her so

The friend I like to spend my time with more than any other friend is Diep . I met her when I was
only 8 years old and was in primary school. After that, our intimate developed and we became
best friends.
One day she forgot to bring math book to the school and I helped her with my book. We talked
for a long after our classes and our friendship started to begin. We went to high school together .
Since we are studying in the same city now, we can meet each other and spend time together
whenever we want. Because we go to school together, we see each other every day
she is a kind and talented person who helps people and always wishes the best for others. sHe is
studying geography and she has a talent in geography. Sometimes she explains some complex
mathematical theories in a very simple and interesting way which helps me a lot in my studies.
I like to spend time with her because we have many common interests. I never feel bored
spending time with her . Since we are friends for a long time, we understand each other very
well. A good friend always extends helping hands when we are in need, We do so many fun stuff
together and help each other in our studies. Good friendship, understanding and common
interests make us close friends and those are the primary reasons I like to spend time with her so

the sales of laptops stood at 19 units in january . there was a slight increase in the number of the
sales from 19 units to 20 units between january and february. the number of the sales increased
significantly from 20 units to 100 units between february and march. The peak was in March
with sales of 100 units but the period from march to april show a slow declined in the number of
the sales from 100 units to 80 units

10. an interesting old person you met

The old person that I find interesting that I would like to tell you about is my grandpa. Actually,
he was a very inspiring person. My earliest memories of him are probably from when I was
about 5 or 6 years old, because before that I didn't live with my bachelor so I didn't see them very
There are many reasons why I think he was very interesting. First, he grew up in Ha Nam . My
grandfather is a teacher for nearly 30 years, he has been the principal of a school for nearly 10
he always really loved to live in old houses in the countryside and filled them with all sorts of
antiques and lots of interesting gadgets, so it was quite fascinating for me and my brothers to
visit his house when we were young. Second, my grandfather was a real individual. But my
brothers and I thought she was really cool. She was also a very talented artist as well. he painted
many beautiful paintings, and learnt to play the piano when she was about 65. And because of
these things, my grandfather is someone I really admired.
Today I'm going to talk about a generous person who is well-known for his sincere efforts to
help people from all walks of life. He is my neighbor Trung , a college student . I have known
him since I moved to this neighborhood in 2010
Trung is in his 20s and he runs a shop in the city center. Besides selling and being a hard-
working student, he also volunteered a lot. His team distributes free medicines to patients and
gives valuable advice to people about how to lead a disease free life.
This is a great help for village dwellers. He has changed the lives of thousands of villagers in
kim table . His determination to improve the public health is praiseworthy.
In fact, he is a role model for me. I met Trung in 2010. Since we are neighbors, we know about
each other's work. I often accompany him as a volunteer in his health camps. Of course, if I am
ill, he is the first person I call.
Throughout my academic years, the teacher that has the most positive influence on me up until
now is Mrs.Lan . She is a young teacher teaching geography subject at my secondary school.
Ever since i was in grade 8 , I have heard a great deal of stories about her.
I first attended her class on geography last year and it was amazing. She never checked
attendance, but her classes were always full for some reasons. I think it was the interactive
teaching method that maked her classes different from the others. At the end of every lesson, she
gave us some reference materials and book recommendations to do the reading and research at
home, and we would use what we found to discuss relevant case studies in the next class. She
was very devoted to having her students understand rather than just remember, so she helped us
break down and analyze all information, encouraged us to raise our voices in class, and made
sure that we can grasp the intricacies of the subject.
I later on had a chance to work with Mrs. Lan. I have gained many skills and developed a good
habit of reading. I’ve always held her in high esteem, and during that time, we were able to
develop a more personal connection, and now I can see her not only as a mentor but also as a
great friend. She has changed my point of view on so many aspects and ignited my passion . She
is the person that I can turn to for help whenever I have a problem even if it is outside of school.
I cannot thank her enough for all that she has done for me

There is no doubt that mothers play an important role to raise the child, but due to the fact that
both parents are working, children need same care and affection form alternatives ways. In my
opinion, such responsibility should start form parents especially mother to grandparents.

Firstly, mother should devote time to up bring the child as this will ramp up the family bonds. At
least for first two years of little one, she should have maternity leave so as to show her affection
and devotion to the infact. Alternatively, mother can work part time hours owing to the fact that
during early years, child needs breastfeed and recognition.

Secondly, grandparents play an important role in children’s life. For example, throughout the
years, it has been argued that grandparents bring culture, tradition, values and social bonds in the
children's life. They can teach them while providing same care as parents do. Therefore, such
situation again upraises the same question of care.

Lastly, but not least, the recent years, the other options like baby sitter and kinder garden schools
have proven to take a lead for this job. . In addition to it, kinder garden schools are especially for
the little ones to care in an environment with other children.They play in a social environment
and somehow, learn qualities like d being diligent, public speaker and dignity.

in conclusion, there are number of alternatives, as stated, for up bring the child and some have
proven to be an effective choice. However, this is hard to find an exact replacement of mother’s
role because children still need much devoted person like mother although this could accompany
other options.

I live in an apartment. Since I live in a big city, it’s probably more convenient to buy a condo in
a building complex.

I prefer a cozy place, so,my apartment has 2 bedrooms and 2 balconies. In my opinion, this size
is perfect for a small family of parents and 2 sisters . When it comes to cleaning the house, you
wouldn't feel discouraged by all the chores you have to do.It is really great because my
apartment overlooked a bridge, and it islocated on a high floor. As a person who loves color and
nature, I decorate my house with a lot of paintings and plants. I would make a hanging garden in
one of my balconies and put small chairs and tables out, so that I could sit there and enjoy my
small garden. I use yellow -tinted bulbs and lamps all over the apartment to make it cozier.

I will try harder to be able to move out to a new apartment of my own, not under the
management of my parents.

15. hometown

I would like to introduce my hometown, Ho Chi Minh city.

Ho Chi Minh City, also known as Saigon, is located in the southern part of Vietnam. It is the
largest city in the country and is home to over 8 million people. The city was founded in the 17th
century and served as the capital of South Vietnam during the Vietnam War

One thing that is special about Ho Chi Minh City is that it is a mixture of old and new. On one
hand, you can find ancient temples and markets that have been around for centuries. On the other
hand, there are modern skyscrapers and shopping centres that have been built in recent years

As for whether Ho Chi Minh City is an ideal place to live, that really depends on what you’re
looking for. On the one hand, it is a vibrant and exciting city with a lot of energy and activity. On
the other hand, it can be quite crowded and hectic at times, and the air quality is not always great.
However, for those who are willing to put up with the challenges, Ho Chi Minh City can be a
wonderful place to call home.
16 historic place

In Hanoi, there’s a place that I absolutely love to talk about whenever history is mentioned. It’s
the Long Bien bridge, built over the Red River nearly two centuries ago by the French, who
colonized my country during that period.

It’s one of the links between the central part of Hanoi and the east side of the city. Because the
bridge is so old, it has been in place to witness many crucial events in Hanoi’s history. Long
Bien had been fixed many times when it was bombed during the war, and afterward, when we
constructed more modern bridges for dense motor traffic, this bridge became for cyclists and
pedestrians only.

Nowadays, the Long Bien is seldom taken by commuters, but it doesn’t feel any less important.
It actually has a role in adorning the landscape of Hanoi since it is so photogenic. The scenery on
the Red River becomes livelier with it, so you can understand why some consider Long Bien to
be Hanoi’s signature landmark.

although my house is far from here . I can’t remember since when I’ve felt an attachment to this
place. The Long Bien is certainly ancient by today’s standards, which is why I believe the
government should spend some money maintaining it. But at the same time, the work should be
done in a way that allows the bridge to retain its structural beauty.
17. foreign culture

Culture can be defined as the way of life for an entire society, they set a pattern of human
activities within a social group. Here I am going to talk about the culture that I like from other
cultures as an Vietnamese

As I said I am from Vietnam but I love the way the Indians celebrate their marriage , ceremony,
baby shower, etc.. We can say so many functions that Indians are celebrating in their country.
The Traditional formalities they have are very different.

As a movie lover I used to see lots of movies in various languages . I have seen a Tamil movie
which has a marriage sequence. It makes me more crazy about it, and it creates an interest in me
to know about the formalities and to see it.

Formalities are totally different from my own culture than Indian culture, for example marriage
functions are done with various formalities in India and they celebrate it for maximum 10 days
and for next few days they treat the bride and groom with a royal food feast. But in my own
country, marriage formalities have some documents where the groom and bride have to sign. We
had a party with our friends and it is an open wedding, not that many formalities are followed in
my own country.

Even though some cultures are followed in our own country, we like to learn about other
countries' cultures and sometimes we love to experience it.

18. books
When talking about my all-time favorite book, the first one that comes to mind is definitely
“Give me a ticket to childhood”.

Give me a ticket to childhood is a short story by writer Nguyen Nhat Anh. The work is one of his
most successful works and received the 2010 ASEAN Literature Award.

In the story's engaging storyline, going back in time, the author brought readers back to their
happy childhood years with the plot revolving around 4 naughty, innocent children. In that
beautiful childhood world of children, they have no worries about material or spiritual life but
are only happily immersed in the games and fun of childhood. Spread across each page are
humorous stories and fun jokes that make readers really wish to return to such pure emotions and
carefree times again.

Intertwining the situations of the four children, the author also adds to the book thoughts and
contemplations about people's present and past lives that make us ponder them.

So far, I have read a lot of Nguyen Nhat Anh's books, but every time I read "Give me a ticket to
childhood" I feel like I'm returning to my childhood.

19. app texting

There are several applications that I have downloaded on my smart phone but I think the one
application that is very important for me and I cannot barely live without is definitely
messenger . That is the application where I can talk to friends, family, and teachers. This
application can send photos, videos or necessary documents to others. We can also make video
calls or normal calls with friends or maybe with the whole group. That's exactly what I like about
using messenger

I have made my account on facebook. This application was the first I downloaded when I just
received a new phone. It has been almost more than four years since I have been using this
application . It is more like that friend you need when there is no one around.

The reason this app is so important for me is because using it I can learn so much and be updated
about the social life and then get updated about the latest news or songs or everything that is
happening in this world. It is so easy and yet so powerful.

20 films.

Well, to tell you the truth, I am a movie buff. Whenever stultified, I prefer watching something
spellbinding, be it a movie or a web series. So, just last week, when I was finding it difficult to
sleep at the night, I began navigating through the options available on Netflix. And then, I chose
the movie "Why her"

The movie was about a girl, a talented lawyer. She is a talented person admired by many people.
But she encountered a problem that caused her to be fired from her job and become a university

One of the reasons why I liked this movie is because it is the courage to try to find a way to be
successful again. The film is about the solidarity of college students trying to find a solution to
their teacher. They used their abilities, trying to learn everything. And that is exactly what this
movie celebrates as well. Right from the presentation to the lessons, the movie is enthralling and
hooking until the end. That's a lot of examples for me to learn from

19. game
Childhood is the golden phase of life. The memories of childhood always remain a great refuge
for a person throughout the life. Although like everyone else I too have played ample games in
my childhood but the one I am going to share here used to provide me a great sense of joy.

It was making the sand house. I very well remember that our house remained under construction
for three years. During that time, the piles of sand were commonly lying in the open area of our
house. We kept one of our feet in the sand and covered it with by pouring more sand onto it.
Then we pressed it until it hardened. The next thing to do was to take out the feet in such a way
that the sand might not get a crack on it, sometimes we were successful and sometimes our
attempt went futile as we drew the foot out of it. Another interesting thing to do was to stick a
flag made of paper on it.

The main competition was the stability of the sand house. The one whose house endured to stay
for long was considered to be the winner. It is a pleasure to recall that sometimes we picked up
the fight and broke the sand houses of one another.

Now all my play mates are busy in their lives but whenever we have a get together, the mention
of this game never fails to bring nostalgic memories and is the best one to recall

20. film make you lugh

imeless jokes trigger a smile and sometimes a chuckle too. A ’90s movie called 'Dumb
and the Dumber' had this effect on me. The story of two quick-witted men and how they reach
‘Aspen’ is rife with the comedy of errors. These errors are crafted judiciously into funny events
that made me laugh hard.

The two men, one driver, Llyod , and his best friend, Harry, set out to return a bag full of money
to its owner (Mary), who left it at the airport. The entire movie revolves around hilarious events
that ensued after the bag was dropped. Although the bag was left intentionally and was supposed
to be taken by the right set of people at the airport, little did the lady know that she would get it

Casting Jim Carrey in the movie indicates a fun element to its peak. Besides the cast, the entire
series of misunderstandings and madness had pulled the bar up for other nineties movies. The
scene where Harry wanted to use the washroom and, in that progression, was stopped by the cops
for over-speeding shows how Harry used beer cans to relieve his pressure. This, although unreal,
is a fun event. With Llyod adding to the humor each time victimizing Harry, he added laxatives
to Harry's drinks just before he was going for a date is yet another mindless and hilarious scene.

Such laughs that are not at the cost of someone's happiness are definitely something I enjoy. I
enjoy every bit of it, thinking that a movie is a movie. The entire journey in the car and the onset
of these events reflect stupidity at its best, making the likes of me want to watch it again.
21 sport

I would like to talk about my favorite sport, which is badminton, a popular sport in Vietnam.

I first knew about it when I was 8 years old. My father thought that I was a bit overweight so he
forced me to join a badminton training course with his friends. I have to admit that even though I
was a bit upset for being made to do something against my will, I soon got into it after only a

Besides, I also learned sports throughout 3 years of high school, so I could learn many new skills
and practice more every day at school.

Anyway, I still love this sport for several reasons: First, it helped me to lose some weight which
led to better health. Second, when I practiced the sport in the sports center near my house, I made
plenty of cool friends who supported me a lot in life. Last but not least, after knowing this sport,
I would say for sure I could overcome my timidity of being a big size person and make an effort
to change my look. All in all, I recommend this sport is a must-have pastime for everyone.

22. quiz show

Let me talk about a dating show on TV, which is really fun and brings the audience a lot of joy
and laughter. This type of shows is what they call ‘reality shows‘, but I’m actually not sure how
real it is.
OK, this dating show, known as ‘Do you wanna date somebody?’, was launched on TV around 5
or 6 years ago, but only recently did I get to know about it. It’s on air every Sunday afternoon, on
HTV7 Channel. One of most interesting shows from this series I’ve seen is the one in which a
beautiful Vietnamese lady and a handsome Japanese man were matched and met for the first
time on TV.
The man worked as a comedian, and the woman was a real estate agent. They seemed
to like each other, and the way they talked was natural and … looked real. There was actually
no drama in the show… but what I found funny was the Japanese
guy’s ability to speak Vietnamese. He understood spoken Vietnamese quite well, but he still
had difficulties speaking Vietnamese, and he also admitted that as kinda a joke. It’s OK, but I
wonder how they’re gonna overcome the language barrier in their relationship. A lot of similar
couples have, and. it’s actually none of my business really.
Anyway, dating shows like this series are, in general, good to watch cuz they bring viewers
moments of relaxation at weekends.
22. visit attraction
One of the most interesting places I have ever come to was Hoi An ancient town. Located in
Quang Nam, a central region of Vietnam. This place attracts tourists every year to come
and enjoy the wonderful time in Hoi An.

I went to Hoi An about 5 years ago when I was 11 years old . At that time, I never thought
I could have a wonderful experience in here. Hoi An is really a holiday destination for everyone
who love the breathtaking view and the atmosphere. Every house in Hoi An left me with some
memories about the past and also reminded everyone how prosperous the town had.

I visited Hoi An ancient town because I was craving for sampling the local food in here. The
cuisine of central region was so different from other regions. Although I and my parents had
planned on which places to visit, I always ended up going off the beaten track there were too
many interesting places to explore. The weather was also a factor which made me love this place
much. I believed the cool weather of Hoi An would dispel the heat of summer in southern area.

I really enjoyed my time in Hoi An ancient town. It was a one-of-a-kind experience, and if I have
enough money, I will gladly have another trip back to this town.


Tết is the Vietnamese New Year, a significant and vibrant festival celebrated in Vietnam. It takes
place in late January or early February, following the lunar calendar, and lasts for several days.
Vietnamese people worldwide participate in this celebration.

During Tết, streets and houses are adorned with colorful decorations, flowers, and traditional
symbols. Cleaning houses thoroughly is also an important part of the preparation, symbolizing
the removal of bad luck from the previous year.

Families prepare a variety of traditional dishes like bánh chưng, nem, and xôi. These dishes hold
symbolic meanings and are believed to bring good luck and blessings for the upcoming year.
Additionally, people make visits to their relatives' and friends' homes, exchange warm wishes,
and give lucky money in red envelopes to children

Personally, I absolutely love Tết! It's my favorite time of the year. The festival creates a joyful
and festive atmosphere, and I enjoy the traditional food and the reunions with my loved ones. Tết
is a time of happiness, gratitude, and hope for the future. It also fosters cultural pride and unity
among Vietnamese people.

24. clothes
One item of clothing that I wear most often is my pink cardigan . I wear it almost every day
during the colder months.
The cardigan is made of a soft and cosy wool blend fabric. It has a relaxed fit with a front pouch
pocket. The cuffs are ribbed, providing a snug and comfortable fit. The pink colour is versatile
and goes well with various outfits.

I enjoy wearing this cardigan for several reasons. Firstly, it provides warmth and comfort. The
soft fabric feels great against my skin offers an extra layer of cosiness when it’s chilly outside.
It’s my go-to garment for staying comfortable and protected from the cold.
Secondly, the cardigan is incredibly versatile. It’s easy to layer over different types of clothing,
such as T-shirts, long-sleeved tops. Whether I’m going for a casual outing, running errands, or
simply relaxing at home, the cardigan fits seamlessly into my everyday style.
It holds memories of past adventures and experiences. It’s like a cosy security blanket that
brings a sense of familiarity and comfort. Every time I wear it, it reminds me of happy moments
and adds a touch of nostalgia to my day.
25 food
I have a passion for cakes. However, if I talk about the cake that I like the most, it is Banh Xeo.
The ingredients for baking are very simple, including: flour, coconut milk, turmeric powder, salt
and onions, mixed with water. Next, the cake dough will be poured into the frying pan with
cooking oil applied and created a thin layer of cake. After about three minutes, we will sprinkle
shrimp, pork and bean sprouts on half of the cake surface and fold. Next, we will fry for another
twenty seconds.
Banh Xeo will usually be served with a dipping sauce. The cake will be cut into three to four
pieces, then rolled with rice balls and lettuce. Finally, we add in the prepared dipping sauce,
creating a perfect combination of flavors.
Just take a bite, you will feel its crunchiness, a little sweetness, fat mixed with the cool taste of
vegetables and herbs. If you have never tried this cake before, give it a try! It will be a pleasant
Well, I live in a beautiful house with my family which has decorated with beautiful furniture. I
have traditional or modern furniture at my home such as dining table, sofa set, chairs, study
table, TV cabinet, and so on. However, here I would like to talk about my dressing table which is
my favorite piece of furniture.
It is dressing table with a large mirror. This was made of wood and simple designs. It has 6
drawers that are used for various purposes such as makeup kit, for my hair accessories, for
bangle collections and so on. It is beautifully polished with Skyblue color which matches
perfectly with my room interior paint.
Firstly, whenever I have to go somewhere, I use it for doing my makeup. Apart from it, due to
the big storage space, I do not have to worry about placing my necessary things. Moreover, I use
it to place my makeup jewelry such as bangles, bracelets, chains and so on. Last but not least, it
is very useful for all other family members because they all use it for dressing up and looking in
the mirror before going out
There are a few reasons why I like it. First of all, the color combination of my wall paint and
dressing table goes perfectly with each other. Secondly, I am emotionally attached to this
furniture because my mother purchased it for me. Overall when I saw in the mirror, I felt more
confident. So that's why I like this specific piece of furniture.
27. picture
When it comes to my favorite photopgraph, the first one that springs to mind is the photo of me
and my two best buddies in sam son beach
I still remember vividly that that picture was taken năm trước , when I cùng lớp đi du lịch tại sầm
sơn . The natural landscape in this coastal city was incredibly stunning, so I and my friends
didn’t forget to snap a bunch of photos. When the sun was about to set, which was the perfect
time for stunning photographs. Therefore, we decided to take some pictures with that sunset to
capture the beautiful moment.
In the picture, three of us – wearing the same outfits – are standing with our backs to the camera.
As the sun set and got closer to the horizon, the light of the sun was reflected by the sky
overhead, creating a very beautiful background.
There are several reasons why I enjoy that picture. Well, firstly, it marked the very first time we
travelled together as a group as. What’s more, the light of the setting sun casts a beautiful golden
light, which relaxes me and gives me a sense of nostalgia every single time I look at that photo.
When talking about a major plant in Vietnam, I believe the first thing that springs to people‘s
mind mostly would be the paddy rice plant, or the cherry blossoms. But for me it would be an
underrated tree, the cocoa plant, on account of how much it contributes to our country and also,
to our great happiness in life. I mean, among all the products that we have the chance to enjoy,
chocolate is unanimously loved.
Had it not been for my visit to a Farm in Dak Lak last summer, I would still be clueless about
neither its appearance nor its contribution to our economy. It was such a once-in-a-lifetime
experience as I now know how chocolate is made, from beans to bars.
Back then I had known the chocolate came from beans. When I took my first step onto the farm,
it blew my mind to realize the little cocoa tree actually could reach a height of up to 12 meters,
making me just a tiny human standing in a farm full of large cacao trees. I could go on this for
hours but I guess we all should go there and see for ourselves.
It is difficult to say whether I like this plant or not, but definitely it would not take more than a
second for me to say I love chocolate and everything comes with it, and I bet the case is also true
for others. As now Dak Lak farmers are capable of growing qualified cocoa trees , this has
advanced their economic potential and ability to contribute to the global market, therefore
reducing the need for foreign assistance.
That’s how this plant does wonders for our macroeconomy on a whole. And for me, I am
grateful for the best chocolate to enjoy!
I am a food-lover and most of the time spend my evening leisure hours in different restaurants in
the city with my buddies. As a result, I have visited almost all the restaurants but I find the
green’ Café as the best one.
The restaurant was located in the center of the city and 10-minute drive from my residence.
Generally, people visited the restaurant as this was located at a prime location of the city . As a
result, it always remains crowded. The key attractive matter for the restaurant was that it offered
some of the most delicious foods of the city like milk teas, coffee, cakes and much more.
when I came here to participate in a party, I found the foods are up to the mark and the service
was outstanding. Besides, there were a wide variety of foods here and at a reasonable price.
Sitting arrangement inside the restaurant is also smart.
The restaurant provides almost all the common foods of the region and some of them are the
most popular ones. The restaurant is opened from morning till late night and caters the needs of
the customers all the time of the day.
They know how to cook and thus the tastes turn absolutely exceptional. So, I enjoyed eating here
and often come back to test the juicy cakes!
I’d like to talk about a piece of technology that I often use – my laptop. I purchased it
approximately two years ago, mainly for my studies and work-related tasks.
I got this laptop to replace my old one, which had become slow and outdated, making it difficult
to keep up with the demands of my coursework and job. I needed a new laptop that could handle
multiple applications, such as running statistical software for my research projects, video for
virtual meetings, and reporting assignments
As for how often I use it, I would say it’s an integral part of my daily life. I use it extensively for
at least four to five hours a day, sometimes even more. It has become my primary tool for both
academic purposes. I rely on it heavily for research, communication, content creation, and data
In terms of how I feel about it, I have a love-hate relationship with my laptop. On one hand, it
has greatly enhanced my productivity and allowed me to excel in my studies and work. On the
other hand, the technical challenges I face occasionally lead to frustration. Despite the
difficulties, I recognize the importance of keeping up with technological advancements, so I
continually strive to improve my skills and understanding of how to use my laptop effectively.
I believe that with perseverance and continued learning, I can overcome these challenges and
make the most of this essential tool in today's digital world.
31. daily routine
I would like to talk about my morning routine, which I really enjoy and find beneficial to my
day. Typically, I wake up at around 6:00 am and ready for the day. After that, I take a quick
shower to freshen up and feel energized.
Once I'm dressed, I usually make myself một cốc nước ấm sau khi làm vệ sinh cá nhân . This
helps me feel more prepared and focused for the day ahead.
After that, I prepare a healthy breakfast, which usually consists of some fruits, yogurt, and
whole-grain toast. I really enjoy cooking, so I take my time preparing the meal
In summary, my morning routine is something I really enjoy, as it helps me to feel energized,
focused, and positive for the day ahead.
32. what you do to keep health
Health is wealth and everyone is aware of that, but the way we keep ourselves healthy varies
from person to person. I would like to share with you something that I am keen on doing in my
leisure time to stay healthy, which is jogging
In my city, there is a walking track on the sides of the roads. I prefer running on these tracks. If
not, I also visit a nearby park that has a long-running trail, approximately 1.5 km in length.
Usually, on the weekdays, I go alone.
I took up this habit about 1 years ago. At that time, I was up to my ears with study to prepare for
my examination so I was a little bit stressed out. Then I thought that I needed to do something
energetic to release some stress, so I decided to have a crack at jogging.

At first, doing this was quite challenging for me because I led a sedentary lifestyle. I just sat in
front of my computer every day to complete my assignments. But after a few days of suffering
from muscle aches, I got used to jogging and kept doing it in the evenings.
Well, I have to say that this sport has helped me a lot in strengthening my physical health as well
as my mental health. Thanks to jogging, I was able to lose my fat belly and get lean. Now, to be
honest, I’m quite satisfied with my youthful appearance and trying to maintain it.
In the future, I am going to keep doing this to stay healthy and maybe I will try some other sports
too. That’s all!
33. winter
The Asian weather is divided into four seasons: Summer, Monsoon, Autumn, and Winter.

But today, I'd like to talk about the Winter, my favourite season. Though the entire year provides
us with many fun opportunities, Winter has something special, something whimsical that places
it on my list of favorites.

The winter season is jam-packed with events. I usually spend the wonderful evenings of this
season with my family. On Christmas and New Year's Eve, I distribute sweets to the public and
donate warm clothing to those in need.
You can feel the magic in the air when the first winter breeze blows through the trees. In my
country, the season begins in early November and lasts until late February. The coldest yet most
active season occurs in December and early January.
I adore cold weather because it brings people together; we all long for warmth, love, and
connection. The holidays bring big family meals and never-ending gratitude, and the wheel of
time seems to turn a little slower than usual.

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