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No one makes mockery of my mighty horn!

- Unicorn

OPL: 9; SPL: -; DPL: 9; FWPL: 7; HP: 1
Real Name: Milos Masaryk
Age: 41
Height: 6-2
Weight: 220
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Skin: Fair
Race: Human Mutate
Identity: Secret
Alignment: Villain
Status: Active
Occupation: Government Agent; Mercenary; Criminal
Base of Operations: Mobile
Team Affiliations: KGB



SKILLS: Athletics 3 (+12), Close Combat [Unarmed] 2 (+9), Deception 4 (+5), Expertise [Military] 5
(+6), Insight (+2), Intimidation 6 (+7), Perception 3 (+5), Persuasion (+1), Ranged Combat [Blast] 2
(+7), Stealth 4 (+7), Technology 4 (+5, Vehicles 3 (+6)

ADVANTAGES: All-Out Attack (1) (Unicorn Blast), Improved Aim, Languages (1) (English, 1 other, Base:
Russian), Ranged Attack (1)

Enhanced Physiology: Speed 2 (8 mph/120 fpr), Leaping 2 (30 ft); 4 pts
Unicorn Armor: 35 pts Traits, Removable (-7 pts); 28 pts
Body Armor: Impervious Protection 2, Impervious Toughness 9; 11 pts
Unicorn Blast: Ranged Plasma Damage 12; 24 pts


Initiative +3
Close Attack +6
Unarmed +9 [Unarmed +9]
Ranged Attack +5
Blast +6 [Plasma Blast +12]

Dodge +6 [DC16] Parry +7 [DC18]
Toughness +11 (+5 Impervious), Fortitude +9, Will +4

Enemy: Iron Man.
Mental Instability: The experiments that gave him his powers, and Stark's attempts at curing his
rapid aging and cellular degeneration have caused him to have bouts of insanity.

Abilities 70 + Skills 18 (36 ranks) + Advantages 4 + Powers 32 + Defenses 5 = 129 / 129

Build Comments: I was torn about Unicorn’s PL but the more I thought about it, I really don’t want
him to be much a of threat to Tony without some help so PL9 it is. If I decide to bump Iron Man up a
PL or something, I’ll move him, too.

Secret Origins: Milos Masaryk was a Soviet intelligence agent assigned to track down the original
Crimson Dynamo, who defected to America after being tricked by Iron Man. Wearing technology
designed by the Dynamo, Masaryk gave himself the alias the "Unicorn".

The Story so Far: Unicorn battled Iron Man after Iron Man catches him spying on Stark Industries.
Although Iron Man crashes the Unicorn's plane, the villain manages to escape. The Unicorn was
among the villains affected by Doctor Doom's high-frequency emotion charger. As a result, the
Unicorn went to the Baxter Building to attack the Fantastic Four at the wedding of Reed Richards and
Susan Storm. He teamed with Beetle, Electro, Mandarin, and the Melter against Cyclops and Iceman,
but the resultant combination of their power blasts knocked them all out, and they were sent back to
the immediate past by Reed Richards with no memory of attack.

The Unicorn later allied himself with Count Nefaria for financial reasons, and participated in Nefaria's
attack on Washington, D.C., where Nefaria trapped the city in a force field. He again battled Cyclops
and succeeded in capturing him with help from the Eel, but he was stopped by the X-Men. He then
underwent experimental conditioning to augment his powers. With increased strength, he battled
Iron Man once more after attempting to extort money from the U.S. Congress, but he is again
defeated. The process left the Unicorn with "accelerated cellular deterioration", and he was taunted
with a cure by the Red Ghost in exchange for help against Iron Man. However, once it becomes
evident that the Red Ghost has lied, the Unicorn aided Iron Man and later escaped.

The master villain, the Mandarin, made a similar promise to the Unicorn and deployed him against
Iron Man again. On two more separate occasions, Unicorn's battle with Iron Man ended in Unicorn's
defeat. Using the alias "The Other", the Titanium Man used the Unicorn against Iron Man who is
finally able to capture Masaryk. In a dramatic turn, the very moment of his capture sees Masaryk slip
into a life-threatening coma. Iron Man takes Masaryk to the Avengers Mansion where teammate
Yellowjacket woke Masaryk and cured him of his debilitating disease. However, the process had the
result of driving Masaryk insane, and a disorientated Unicorn inadvertently activates the hidden
robot Arsenal. The Unicorn is stunned by the robot — which Iron Man drives off — and then placed
in stasis pending a cure for his mental illness.

Months later, Masaryk is freed when a fire broke out at Stark Enterprises. He resumed the identity of
the Unicorn and found and attacked Iron Man once again. He found himself on the losing end again,
but managed to escape.

Characterization: Unicorn still has a love for his home country, but otherwise he has basically
become a thug for hire.

Friends and Foes: He still bears a great grudge against Iron Man and generally allies himself with
however will pay him for supervillain work.

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