Captain Carter

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I can do this all day.

- Captain Carter

OPL: 12; SPL: 6; DPL: 12; FWPL: 9; HP: 1
Real Name: Various
Age: 35
Height: 6-1
Weight: 180
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Skin: Fair
Race: Human
Identity: Public
Alignment: Hero
Status: Active
Occupation: Adventurer/Criminal
Base of Operations: Mobile
Team Affiliations: None



SKILLS: Acrobatics 8 (+15), Athletics 8 (+15), Close Combat [Shield] 1 (+15), Deception (+3), Expertise
[Military] 7 (+10), Insight 6 (+10), Intimidation 2 (+5), Investigation 6 (+9), Perception 6 (+10),
Persuasion 7 (+10), Ranged Combat [Thrown Shield] 5 (+15), Stealth 2 (+9), Vehicles 2 (+9)

ADVANTAGES: Benefit (2) (Status, Clearance – Captain Carter), Close Attack (2), Defensive Roll (1),
Equipment (4), Interpose, Languages (2) (French, German, 3 others, Base: English), Leadership,
Power Attack (2) (Shield, Unarmed), Ranged Attack (2), Takedown (2), Teamwork

Super Soldier Enhancements: Immunity 4 (Aging, Intoxication, Disease, Poisons [Limited]), Enhanced
Advantages 2 (Diehard, Great Endurance), Speed 4 (30 mph/500 ft pr), Leaping 2 (30 ft),
Regeneration 2 (1/every 5 rounds); 13 pts
Union Jack Shield: 45 pts Traits, Easily Removable (-20 pts); 25 pts
Shielding: Enhanced Dodge 4 (Flaw: Sustained), Enhanced Parry 2 (Flaw: Sustained), Enhanced
Advantages 2 (Improved Defense, Mobility*), Impervious Toughness 10 (Flaw: Sustained), Enhanced
Strength 5 (Flaw: Limited to Resisting Movement); 23 pts
Shield Mastery: 20 pt Array; 22 pts
Ultimate Defense: Immunity 80 (Dodge and Parry based attacks; Flaws: Concentration, Limited [not
against surprise attacks or sufficiently large area effects]); 20 pts
Shield Strike: Bludgeoning Strength-Based Damage 2 (Extra: Breaking, Penetrating 8]; 1 pt
Shield Toss: Ranged Bludgeoning Strength-Based Damage 2 (Extra: Penetrating 8, Ricochet 4, Flaw:
Diminished Range [10/25/50]); 1 pt

(20 pts)
Captain Carter Costume: Protection 2; 2 pts
Binoculars: Feature 1 (+5 Perception [Visual at Distance]); 1 pt
Mini-Tracer: Feature 1 (Tracking, 2 Mile range); 1 pt
Lockpicks: Feature 1 (Tools, Technology); 1 pt
Heavy Pistol: Ranged Ballistic Damage 4; 8 pts
Longsword: Slashing Strength-Based Damage 3, Dangerous; 4 pts

Initiative +7
Close Attack +14 [Unarmed +7; Longsword +10, Critical 19-20]
Shield +15 [Shield Strike +9]
Ranged Attack +10 [Heavy Pistol +4]
Thrown Shield +15 [Shield Toss +9]
Dodge +12 (+14 With Shield) [DC22/24] Parry +12 (+14 With Shield) [DC22/24]
Toughness +10 (+9 without Defensive Roll, +0 Impervious), Fortitude +9, Will +9

Enemy: HYDRA.
Power Loss: If Cap misses her target badly, or an opponent catches her shield, etc. she will have to
retrieve it, losing it’s powers and advantages.
Relationships: She is close friends with Black Widow and continues to long for Steve Rogers.
Responsibility: Captain Carter is held in the highest esteem amongst all the world's heroes, even by
most villains, for her courage and unwavering moral compass and she feels a strong sense of
responsibility to live up to that standard.
Man out of Time: Peggy still sometimes has problems coping in the new millennium.

Abilities 100 + Skills 30 (60 ranks) + Advantages 23 + Powers 36 + Defenses 12 = 201 / 201

Build Comments: I really dug the What If series and Captain Carter was a highlight. I was hoping she
would get a better run in Multiverse of Madness but that Illumnati was simply there to job to Wanda.

Not a lot of changes to her to core Cap, although she's scaled back skill-wise and a little stronger
because she was based on MCU cap who is definitely stronger than comic Cap.

Secret Origins: Captain Margaret Elizabeth "Peggy" Carter is a Strategic Scientific Reserve agent
during World War II. When Steve Rogers, the original candidate for Project Rebirth, was wounded by
Heinz Kruger, Carter volunteered herself as a replacement, despite John Flynn ordering received the
Super Soldier Serum, and became the first successful super soldier.

The Story so Far: Being given the rank of Captain and donning the colors of the Union Jack, she
entered the war leading the Allied forces against HYDRA as Captain Carter. Her first mission was a
successful one in which she retrieved the Tesseract, which was found and taken by Red Skull. In a
later mission to infiltrate a HYDRA train, Rogers was lost to an explosion and an avalanche. Carter's
final battle against HYDRA would result in a reunion with Steve and her sacrificing herself to stop the
Champion of HYDRA, going through a wormhole from which she emerged almost seventy years later.

Now a woman out of time, Carter joined S.H.I.E.L.D., but mourned the loss of Rogers, who she
believed to be dead. When on a mission with Natasha Romanoff to retake the Lemurian Star, Captain
Carter was summoned by The Watcher alongside several others to defend the Multiverse from
Ultron. Afterwards, Captain Carter was returned to her home reality, where Romanoff informed her
that Rogers' HYDRA Stomper armor had been found with someone inside it.

Characterization: Carter is very confident and brave, showing as she stepped in to receive the Super
Soldier Serum without hesitation. She is also not easily discouraged as shown when John Flynn told
her that they wouldn't have "a girl" fight for them. Peggy likes a good fight and visibly enjoys being
Captain Carter. She can sometimes be menacing, as shown as when she started to push the
Champion of HYDRA back in to wormhole the Tesseract had created, and when she angrily asked
Nick Fury where Steve Rogers was after she was teleported to the 21st century. Carter deeply cares
for her loved ones as she mourned Rogers after he was caught in the avalanche. She seems not to be
remorseful of the ones she kills, as she is used to it.

Friends and Foes: She is close with Natasha Romanoff and Nick Fury. She holds dearly to the memory
of Steve Rogers and her allies during the war.

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