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Time for us to turn up the heat, Ryu!

- Ken

OPL: 10; SPL: 7; DPL: 10; FWPL: 7; HP: 1
Real Name: Ken Masters
Age: 29
Height: 5-9
Weight: 183
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Race: Human
Identity: Public
Alignment: Hero
Status: Active
Occupation: Warrior
Base of Operations: Somewhere, USA
Team Affiliations: None



SKILLS: Acrobatics 5 (+11) [Agile Feint], Athletics 7 (+10), Close Combat [Unarmed] 3 (+17), Deception
3 (+7), Expertise [Popular Culture] 4 (+5), Insight 6 (+9), Intimidation (+4), Perception 4 (+7),
Persuasion 4 (+8) [Connected], Ranged Combat [Hadouken] 6 (+12), Sleight of Hand 3 (+7), Stealth 3

ADVANTAGES: Benefit (3) (Wealth 3 [Millionaire]), Connected, Defensive Attack (1) (Unarmed),
Defensive Roll (1), Improved Critical (1) (Unarmed), Improved Defense, Improved Initiative (1),
Languages (1) (Japanese, 1 other, Base; English), Move-by Action, Power Attack (3) (Dragon Punch,
Hurricane Kick, Unarmed), Precise Attack (1) (Close, Concealment), Ranged Attack (2), Takedown (1)

[Martial Arts Training: Leaping 1 (15 ft); 1 pt
Fighting Array: 5 pt Array; 8 pts
HADOUKEN!: Ranged Fire Damage 6 (Flaw: Diminished Range [10/25/50], Distracting); 5 pts
Flaming HADOUKEN!: Ranged Fire Damage 6 (Extra: Secondary Effect, Flaw: Diminished Range
[10/25/50], Distracting, Unreliable [5 uses]); 1 pt
Hurricane Kick: Multiattack Bludgeoning Strength-based Damage 2 (Extra: Dangerous, Flaw:
Unreliable [5 uses]); 1 pt
Dragon Punch: Bludgeoning Strength-based Damage 2 (Extra: Dangerous, Flaw: Unreliable [5 uses]);
1 pt


Initiative +10
Close Attack +14 [Unarmed +3; Dragon Punch +5, Critical 19-20; Hurricane Kick +5, Critical 19-20,
Unarmed +17 [Unarmed +3, Critical 19-20]
Ranged Attack +6
Hadouken +12 [Hadouken! +6; Flaming Hadouken! +6]

Dodge +14 [DC24] Parry +14 [DC24]
Toughness +6 (+4 without Defensive Roll), Fortitude +7, Will +7

Enemy: M. Bison and Shadaloo.
Motivation: Ken loves challenges and constantly seeks to prove himself as a fighter.
Relationships: He is closest to his best friend and rival, Ryu, and his mentor Gouken. He is also a
devoted family man, who loves his wife, Eliza, and son.

Abilities 78 + Skills 24 (48 ranks) + Advantages 19 + Powers 9 + Defenses 15 = 145 / 145

Build Comments: I was never a fan of Ken, I was a Ryu guy all the way, but I know a lot of people who
are all about him. But the friendship/rivalry between the two main characters really helped innovate
the fighting game storytelling genre, no denying that.

Ken is pretty much Ryu’s equal. Ryu hits a little harder unarmed, but Ken’s pretty much the same
everywhere else.

Secret Origins: When Ken was about 12 years old, his father, a rich hotel tycoon, thought that his son
needed to learn about discipline, or his son would become a spoiled brat all of his life and try to
leech onto the Masters' family fortune. In order to do so, the elder Masters sent Ken to Japan to train
under his best friend, the mysterious karate master Gouken. At first, Ken was very hesitant to learn
from Gouken, wanting to go back to the United States, but later began to respect his master. He even
enjoyed the company of Gouken's adopted son, Ryu, since he had a foil to finally pull pranks on,
although this got Ken into a lot of trouble. Ryu and Ken would later become best friends and each
other's principal rivals.

When Ryu was in his early 20’s, Gouken decided that both of his pupils had grown up to be fine
fighters and decided that their training was over and could now leave the dojo. Ryu decided to travel
the world in order to continue his training, whereas Ken was finally happy to be going back home to
the United States after his years of straining his back for his master, Gouken, and finally learning the
meaning of humility. After coming home, Ken competed in many different Martial Arts tournaments
held in the United States, winning most of them.

The Story so Far: Ken did not participate in the first World Warrior tournament; instead, he fought in
(and won) the premiere U.S. Martial Arts tournament that had been previously won by Charlie Nash,
as well as meeting a very attractive girl named Eliza, who became his girlfriend.

After winning the U.S. martial arts tournament, Ken returned to his training ground to tell his master
Gouken the good news. There, he witnessed his master's death at the hands of Akuma. Enraged and
grief-stricken, he attacked Akuma, only to be knocked to the ground by a single blow.

Ken began wandering the world in search of Akuma, and his friend and fellow student Ryu; he
wanted to tell Ryu what happened to their master, and also hoped to win a match against him. He
eventually finds Ryu in seclusion. Ryu is dejected upon seeing his long-time friend, but Ken makes
him go try out a spar anyway. After winning, Ken realizes how stressed out his best friend is since his
fight with Sagat. Ryu explains to Ken that deep within him there is a burning rage - a power trying to
overcome him. Giving Ryu his red headband, Ken tells him to stay focused, which greatly cheers Ryu
up. Ken returns home and, with Eliza's support, begins training harder, knowing even with his recent
feelings, that Ryu is always stronger than he looks.

Ken begins to wonder about his own life. Ryu seemed to be on the right track again, but what of
him? Along the road to proving himself again, he encounters Karin, who tells him she has followed
his career and is trying to best her rival Sakura to prove she is superior. Ken advises her it's good to
have a rival, not for supremacy, but to keep on training harder and focusing. With this, Ken finds
himself again and is focused once more.

Going off to meet up with Sakura, they too have a friendly match, and Ken finally realizes that Ryu
has the right idea all along. Both he and Sakura begin to travel to find Ryu, but their path crosses
with that of Shadaloo dictator M. Bison. Ken confronts him but is easily defeated and placed under
Bison's hypnosis. Bison then uses brainwashed Ken to lure Ryu out of hiding. Once Ryu shows up,
Bison makes Ken fight him. Ryu wins and manages to release Ken of Bison's mind control.

Ryu then proceeds to fight Bison but loses and is, just like Ken before him, turned into a slave of
Bison's Psycho Power. Sagat appears and, enraged by Bison's actions, engages Ryu in an attempt to
break Bison's mental grip on him. The now free Ken, aided by Sakura, attacks Bison. This
intervention, along with Sagat's presence, makes Ryu come to his senses.

Recovered, Ryu takes on Bison once more. Bison senses Ryu's dark power (which Bison describes as
"The ultimate form of Psycho Power") and attempts to manipulate Ryu's mind once again. At his
friends urging, Ryu resists and defeats Bison with a powerful Hadoken. Ken is happy to see his old
friend again. With a promise of a new duel, the two part their ways.

Ken received an invitation to the second World Warrior tournament; however, since his last U.S.
Martial Arts tournament, he had let himself spend too much time with his girlfriend, Eliza, rather
than training. Only Ryu's personal challenge rekindled Ken's fighting spirit and persuaded him to
enter the second World Warrior tournament.

After the events of Street Fighter II, Ken is married to Eliza, something he had apparently vowed only
to do after winning a decisive victory against Ryu. However it is unknown if the two fought during the
tournament, or if Ken actually won if they even did. No details have been stated, although it is
heavily implied that they indeed did fight, and Ken won.

When a new tournament is announced, Ken is unsure whether to compete, as Eliza is now heavily
pregnant and he doesn't want to leave her. Sensing his inner conflict, Eliza assures him that she'll be
fine and that the baby isn't due for a while yet, so he should go meet up with Ryu and tell him she
says hi. Ken enters, and in the absence of gas stations near the location for the final, he parks his SUV
in a convenient spot, calls Eliza to check on her, and continues the rest of the way on foot. Over the
course of the tournament, he encounters his self-appointed rival, Rufus, although the results of that
match are unknown.

After the tournament, it is discovered that Gouken is still alive, and Ken and Ryu pursue him as he
leaves. Ken is upset that Gouken has not said anything to them, but Gouken counters that they no
longer need a master. Ken and Ryu head home on foot, and Rufus passes them by on his motorbike,
calling them losers. Soon however, Rufus' bike runs out of gas, and Ken and Ryu reach the SUV; Ken
offers Rufus and his girlfriend Candy a lift, but Rufus refuses.

Upon arriving home afterwards, he tells Eliza that although he did indeed get to fight Ryu, they had
been so busy with the rest of the unfolding events that they hadn't been able to give it their all. Soon
afterwards, their son is born and they name him Mel.

Ken then entered the third World Warrior tournament. By this time, a Brazilian teenager named Sean
had been pestering him to become his student, and Ken reluctantly accepted, beginning to train him.
He fought Sean in the tournament and won against him; however, he drops out upon realizing Ryu
was defeated by Oro. Ken begins to train his son Mel in rudimentary fighting techniques. He also told
Sean to go find Ryu and challenge him, giving him some free time with Eliza.

Though bored, Ken hears about a mysterious organization and goes to investigate, and he may have
confronted Urien. He does win his third straight U.S. Martial Arts tournament victory, which is a new
record, and offers the trophy to Sean, although his student says he wishes to earn it for himself. He
also learned that Ryu had sought him out and traveled all the way to New York from Oakland for
their long-awaited rematch. Tossing some friendly jabs at each other, both have a good fight. Since
then, Ken has continued to train Sean and Mel, handle his family and business, and keep up with his
old friend Ryu, although he has lost contact with him recently.

Characterization: While Ryu is the more serious and stoic of the two, Ken is the complete opposite.
He's flamboyant, unorthodox and unpredictable. He is an alpha male with a giant ego and constantly
reminds his opponents about his greatness. While he can be brash, egotistical, and arrogant at times,
his heart is pure. He is generally kind, friendly, a good person, and very easygoing. He never backs
down from a fight no matter how difficult it looks. Like Ryu, he believes in honor, hard work,
endurance, and discipline. He always gives his opponents the utmost respect, whether it is his
master Gouken, his best friend Ryu, or his other rival, Terry Bogard.

He is also a committed family man. He nearly didn't enter the second tournament in because he
didn't want to leave Eliza so close to her due date, and only entered when she assured him she'd be
fine. He still called her to check in and tell her to be careful on stairs.

Friends and Foes: He dearly loves his wife and son and is like brothers with his long time friend and
rival, Ryu. He has great respect for his mentor Gouken and has formed a bond with his apprentice
Sean. He, like Ryu and Chun-Li, has a great enmity for M. Bison and the Shadaloo syndicate.

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