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Republic of the Philippines


F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte 4600, Philippines

GEC-4 Purposive Communication

Group 3: Suffer in Silence NO MORE: A Mental Health Awareness Campaign

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
1. To discuss what is mental health awareness;
2. To explain the difference between mental health and mental illness, and
3. To spread awareness and give motivation
4. and apply mental
Summary of Assignment

Abstract of the advocacy

The purpose of this advocacy is to address the issue and spread awareness about
the importance of mental health. By educating people about the problem, it also tries
to eliminate the stigma associated with those who experience mental health
problems. It will also help them to be aware of what they are going through and to
know the proper ways to deal with what they are experiencing. We would like to
reach a wide variety of people through the use of an infomercial, a form of television
advertisement. With this, we will be able to reach and educate a lot of people about
mental health problems, even from afar. This campaign will be more textual, as we
use infomercials to relay information and educate our audiences.

Defining the Purpose and Goals

The Multimodal Advocacy Project: Suffer in Silence No More: A Mental Health
Awareness Seminar, a campaign which aspires to not just encourage to an open
conversation about suicide prevention and mental health but also to educate about
the mental health with the help of experts as well as on seeking for the help of
professionals of early adults that are ranging to 18 - 25 years old in Centro ng
Mercedes, Barangay 1-7.After running a survey to the designated area along with
the experts we will assist and develop a strategies for helping themselves or others
that are experiencing mental illness or issues.

Drafting: Varying Purposes for Infomercial Media and Other Genre

What is Infomercial?
Drafting: (Looking for Creative Strategies and Planning towards to Growth)
Business, Awareness, others. > essentials

Infomercials are also used as a tool for business strategies such as; helps people in
terms of, communication, education, values, presentation, etc. infomercials have the
ability to influence things in order, and bring massive impact in business, programs,
enterprise, and so on.

the use of infomercials has been recognized, regarding to what program they might
stand. like; implementing mental awareness, improving business strategies, creating
patterns, promoting products, etc. And, also this will help the community to learn
different types of values into the program. The goal here is to set these important
Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte 4600, Philippines

GEC-4 Purposive Communication

messages and evaluate others that include—things that are common to their
interest, by sharing important values and help their Growth grow.

To perform or send the actual values presentation based on program, it needs a

certain amount of time— the infomercial will be longer of about 15mins/1hour
duration, by using a via television and transferred information, will eventually
enlighten the listeners and watchers to see this kind of practice.
Benefits of Infomercial Media:
 When it comes on presenting a persuasive call to action (CTA), tests
how it works and showcasing the product, infomercial
 Compared on the length of time that a commercial can air, infomercial
would cost substantially inexpensive
 Rather than a commercial an individual would rather avoid, the
infomercial in a which a form of entertainment hence produces an
engaging content that attracts the viewer in
 Compose
An infomercial is a form of television advertisement that is typically longer than a
traditional commercial and is designed to educate the viewer about a product or
service. However, infomercials can also be used for advocacy purposes, such as
increasing awareness about mental health issues.

To use an infomercial for mental health advocacy, we would create a longer video
that discusses the effects of mental health issues on individuals and society as a
whole, provides information about available resources for people struggling with
mental health, and offers ways that people can get involved in promoting mental
health awareness. The video would also include personal stories from people who
have experienced mental health issues, as well as interviews with mental health
professionals and advocates.

We would ensure that the infomercial is informative and sensitive to the subject
matter. The goal is to educate and raise awareness in a way that is respectful and
empowers those who are struggling with mental health issues.
Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte 4600, Philippines

GEC-4 Purposive Communication

Peer Review: Asking Specific Questions for the Writer
Questions about Topic
• Questions about Purpose
• Questions about Audience and Culture
• Questions about Genre and Media

1. Why did you choose this topic?

2. What is the purpose of the project? Is it to encourage open conversation or to
educate the audience on mental health and suicide prevention?
3. How will you be able to determine if the audience is really not aware about the
concept of mental health or related issues that they are experiencing?
4. Why did you choose your chosen target audience/respondent?
5. What will be the method in order for you to determine if the
respondents/audience really suffering from mental illness/es?

Revising: Responding to Questions

• Answering Questions
• Revising

1. This advocacy's goal is to deal with the problem and raise awareness of the
value of mental health. It also aims to reduce the stigma attached to people
who encounter mental health problems by educating people about the issue.
They will benefit from being aware of what they are going through and from
knowing how to appropriately handle it.

2. Through the use of an infomercial, a type of television advertisement, we

hope to reach a wide range of people. With this, we will be able to inform
many people about mental health issues, including those who are far away.
Since we use infomercials to disseminate information and educate our
consumers, this campaign will be more text-based.

3. We can use a variety of techniques and indications to establish whether a

group of people has any understanding of mental health concerns or other
relevant topics. Here are a few ideas: Create and distribute surveys or
questionnaires to ascertain the audience's familiarity with and understanding
of mental health. Ask questions about prevalent mental health issues, their
symptoms, their cures, and the prejudices around them. The understanding of
the audience will be shown through analysis of the responses. Pre-event
Assessments: To gauge the audience's prior knowledge before presenting or
leading a course on mental health, we can hand out pre-event assessments.
In order to measure familiarity with mental health concepts, the evaluation
may incorporate multiple-choice questions or open-ended questions.
Observational evaluations: Keep an eye on the audience's participation and
Republic of the Philippines
F. Pimentel Avenue, Brgy. 2, Daet, Camarines Norte 4600, Philippines

GEC-4 Purposive Communication

engagement during presentations or discussions about mental health. A lack
of awareness may be indicated by a lack of questioning, attentive listening, or
significant contributions. Take note of their responses to touchy subjects or
common misconceptions, which can also reveal knowledge gaps. Organize
focus groups with members who are representative of the target audience.
Open discussions concerning mental health should be had, and people
should be encouraged to express their opinions and understanding.
Recognize any widespread misunderstandings, areas of confusion, or
knowledge gaps that might appear throughout these interactions. Examine
current research, surveys, or studies on the awareness of mental health
among the target audience or comparable communities. This supplementary
information can provide light on the general awareness and comprehension of
mental health concepts. Informal Interviews or Conversations: Have a talk
with members of the target audience informally to determine how
knowledgeable they are about mental health. These exchanges might take
place offline or online, during social gatherings or during community events.
Pay attention to their opinions, convictions, and any misunderstandings they
may have. You can learn more about the audience's awareness of mental
health and connected issues by combining these techniques. You may adjust
your approach, content, and delivery with the aid of this information to
successfully enlighten and create awareness among the audience.

4. This age group frequently faces major life changes that might have an effect
on their mental health, such as starting a career, going to college, or
managing relationships. Furthermore, according to research, young adults
may experience particular difficulties with regard to their mental health, such
as stigma, a lack of understanding, and restricted access to support. You
want to address these concerns, enable this age group to get help, normalize
conversations about mental health, and encourage self-care by concentrating
on them. It's crucial to remember that, despite the fact that this age group may
be more vulnerable to specific difficulties, people of all ages can experience
mental health problems. It is critical to develop welcoming awareness
campaigns and assistance programs that address a variety of people

5. Following standardized clinical guidelines and diagnostic criteria is necessary

for validating the methods adopted for diagnosing mental diseases. In order to
assess people and determine whether they meet the criteria for particular
mental health conditions, mental health professionals use a variety of
validated assessment tools, such as structured interviews, self-report
questionnaires, and diagnostic manuals like the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).

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