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The Annual Magazine and Journal of

NIE IEEE Student Branch


From Left: Manya Prasad, Irshita Saanchi, Haripriya D, Anirudh R Kavishwar,

Shreyas DA, Kavya S, Nidhi Patil, Nidhi Bhat
1. The theme of Jijnasa 2023 ............................................... 00
2. Acknowledgements ......................................................... 01
3. NISB Introduction ........................................................... 02
4. From the Branch Counselor ............................................... 03
5. From the Faculty Advisors ................................................ 03
6. From the Chairperson ...................................................... 05
7. From the Vice Chairperson ............................................... 05
8. Message from the Society Chairs ........................................ 06
9. ICRTEC 2023 ................................................................. 09
10. Formation of RAS and GRSS ............................................ 09
11. Report of the events ..................................................... 10
- Escape room ............................................................. 10
- Git and GitHub .......................................................... 10
- Illume ...................................................................... 11
- SFG ........................................................................ 12
- Rubix 2023 ............................................................... 12
- Constitution Amendment ............................................. 13
- Whozz the Killer…? ..................................................... 14
- IEEE Day Celebrations ................................................. 15
- NISB Summer Of Code (NSoC) ....................................... 16
12. ARTICLES .................................................................... 17
- Enhancing B5G UAV Communication with Intelligent
Reflecting Surfaces (IRS) .............................................. 17
- Radiant Revolutions: The Evolution of Medical Imaging ....... 18
- A Cosmic Comedy of Sci-Fi Wonder - Electromagnetic
Communication ......................................................... 20
- Technical Arts - Esolangs ............................................. 21
- Winter is Coming...! ................................................... 23
- I think therefore I am ................................................. 26
- Navigating Intentionality: Goals and Problems
in Minsky's Masterpiece ............................................... 27
- Happy Prompting ...................................................... 29
- Light at the end of a dark tunnel .....................................30
- Role of Artificial Intelligence in Chandrayaan-3................... 31
- It’s family… It’s home ................................................... 32
- India's Startup Boom Mystery Unraveled ........................... 33
- Lunar Odyssey: Unlocking the Moon's Enigmas ................... 34
- Writers’ Digest ........................................................... 36
13. My experience as an Execom ........................................... 38
14. Section Editors ............................................................. 41
15. Editor's Message .......................................................... 43
16. Our Team .................................................................... 44
17. Our Execoms ............................................................... 45
18. Our Advisors ................................................................ 47
19. Our NISB .................................................................... 48
20. Sketches and Digital Art ................................................. 50
21. Technical Memes .......................................................... 51
22. Achievements of NISB ................................................... 52
23. Message from the Core Team Members ............................. 53
24. A small excerpt from the Special Section Editor ................... 57
Jijnasa, from the Sanskrit derivation, translates to Curiosity, the dictionary
definition of which is “the desire to know something”. The extraordinary
journey of a human from being an infant to being an adult is fueled by an
insatiable curiosity. The world as we know it might not have evolved if early
humans had not been driven to explore and understand their surroundings.
Curiosity is not unique to humans; it is a fundamental trait shared by all living

This year's Jijnasa magazine explores the theme of "Inquisitive Minds, Soaring
Endeavors," aiming to ignite within its readers a profound appreciation for the
transformative power of curiosity, imagination, and the relentless pursuit of

Throughout the annals of human history, two trees stand out as beacons of
enlightenment and scientific progress: the Bodhi tree under which Gautama
Buddha attained enlightenment, and the Apple tree under which Sir Isaac
Newton contemplated gravity, sparking a chain reaction of remarkable
scientific breakthroughs.

The cover page showcases a reimagined "Wisdom Tree", representing the

modern embodiment of the pursuit of knowledge and technological
advancement, echoing IEEE's motto of "Advancing Technology for Humanity."
Every remarkable invention stems from a spark of curiosity, fueled by
creativity, and culminates in groundbreaking innovation.

The overarching goal is to foster a harmonious convergence between ancient

wisdom and modern technology, recognizing that Artificial Intelligence, while
revolutionizing the technological landscape, stands on the shoulders of
irreplaceable human intelligence. The key to unlocking the full potential of this
confluence lies in striking a harmonious balance between these two powerful

It is our greatest pleasure to bring in the annual magazine of the NIE IEEE Student Branch,
Jijnasa '23. Jijnasa, from the Sanskrit derivation, is the desire to know, the curiosity to perceive
that the world has something to learn from every experience shared. The legacy continues, with
students having the quest and thirst to grow and learn.

Firstly, we thank the principal, Dr. Rohini Nagapadma for supporting and promoting the
development of the NIE IEEE Student Branch. We also thank every faculty member of the
institute, teaching, and non-teaching, for their tremendous support. Secondly, we thank our
Branch Counselor, Dr. Narasimha Kaulgud for his guidance at moments of difficulty, his
enthusiasm for our work and for trying to help us develop further, and his presence that always
makes the student branch complete. We also thank our faculty coordinators, Dr. Remya
Jayachandran and Dr. Abhinandan SP for their immense support and enthusiasm and for
always having our backs as a figure of support. We thank the faculty advisors Dr. Shrinatha
Katti and Dr. Chandan MC of the newly formed societies RAS and GRSS respectively for their
vision and enthusiasm. We acknowledge Dr. Shashidhara HR for his support, especially at the
Mysuru Subsection, Dr. Rajalekshmi Kishore for her immense enthusiasm in promoting and
aiding NISB and for her support during ICRTEC 2023, Dr. Jayasankar and Dr. Gowrishankar for
serving as judges in our fest, Adroit ‘22, Dr Suhaas K P and Dr. Sharmila B S for serving as
judges during the CS Fest Rubix 2023, Mrs Shilpa B V for her immense support in organizing
events at the North Campus and Dr. CK Vanamala for her enthusiasm and presence at our

Thirdly, we acknowledge our sponsors for our fests, Onesta, Neon Castle, Firangi Sutra, Soul
Boat, Exinous Technologies, and Coding Ninjas for their contributions and support. We also
thank our various resource persons for the various events.

We acknowledge the senior ex-core team members and the alumni for their immense support,
and the current team for their enthusiastic support. We are extremely grateful to our members
who attend our events and provide us with valuable feedback. Without your support, NISB would
never exist. We are grateful to you all! Finally, I would like to thank my team who stood as the
backbone and helped me in bringing out Jijnasa '23. It was a wonderful team effort, with every
member involved in the process contributing in their creative way. NISB is blessed to have
talented individuals on the team who bring out creativity and innovation and also make sure the
motto of IEEE is upheld.

I thank my design team, beginning with Haripriya D who patiently listened to all my last-
moment changes and understood my perspective of the magazine and for her extraordinary
design skills, Nidhi Patil for her imaginative idea for the magazine’s theme, Irshita Saanchi
and Manya Prasad who enthusiastically helped with the design and patiently sorted any errors
that I informed them of. I thank my editorial team, starting from Kavya who ensured the
creative aspect of the magazine, Nidhi Bhat for her enthusiastic contributions and inputs, and
Laksh Shetty for suggesting creative ideas for Jijnasa despite being lethargic. I also thank the
creativity lead, Susha who was very active in suggesting inventive ideas, and the Innovation
Lead, Vindhya for her patience and support in designing the magazine. I thank my teammate
and dear friend Anirudh for his constant support in brainstorming and help during the whole
course of the magazine. I thank my teammates Girija, and Pundlik for agreeing to all my ideas
and Shriram for patiently listening to all my demands for the magazine (the negotiation we had
to get this magazine published will never be forgotten!). It would be a crime if I didn't mention
the name of my mentor Adeep, former Editor-in-Chief, of NISB 2022 who supported me right
from the beginning. All in all, it was a great experience publishing Jijnasa and I consider it as my
greatest achievement in NISB.

- Shreyas DA, Editor in Chief, The Editorial Team, Team NISB

After several lackluster years since 1999, and the resurgence since 2014, the NIE IEEE Student
Branch has come a long way. From a small group of a handful of members, today, it stands as
one of the largest and most active student branches in Karnataka. Five different student
chapters and affinities under the IEEE Umbrella, one being the largest and most active societies,
the IEEE Computer Society, The Women in Engineering Affinity Group, the IEEE Circuits and
Systems Society along with the newly formed IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, and
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society. NISB conducts several events ranging from
technical workshops, hands-on sessions, talks, coding competitions, circuit simulation, debates,
discussions, industrial visits, hackathons, and much more, and, not to forget, the various five
fests during the academic year. Honored and humbled with numerous awards and accolades over
time, NISB aids in the complete development of its members with advancing technology.

During this semester, NISB has covered several events and conducted its major fests, Illume ‘23,
Rubix ‘23, and Ankura '23. Students got to enjoy the signature events, IEEE Programming
League, Electronika, Reverse Coding, NISBXtreme, and the newly introduced Quizzomania. They
also got the opportunity to explore Neuromorphic Computing, Multicore Programming,
Biotechnology in Engineering, Web Technologies, and Cloud Computing. NISB broadened itself
with the inclusion of two new student chapters under its wings, namely the IEEE Robotics and
Automation Society and the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society. NISB has been
delighted with the enthusiastic response and support from its members and aims to provide its
best to all.

“Technology is best when it brings people together!”

It is my great pleasure that the NIE IEEE Student Branch is

publishing the annual magazine “Jijnasa 2023”, covering the
various efforts, activities, and achievements of the student
branch. The magazine brings together the numerous proceedings,
events, and happenings of NISB. Also, it recognizes the
contributions of faculty and students who have helped NISB reach
new heights and accomplish more. It is a pleasure for us to
announce the addition of two new societies to NISB's umbrella,
the Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) and the Geoscience
and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS).
Dr. Narasimha Kaulgud With the motto of Providing Technology for all, NISB aims to
uphold the values of IEEE, and this magazine provides readers
BRANCH COUNSELOR with an insight into the student branch.

As I conclude my tenure as the Branch Counselor of NISB, I carry with me a profound sense of gratitude for the
opportunity to serve in this capacity. I extend my sincere appreciation to IEEE and NISB for entrusting me with
this responsibility. I congratulate the current team for their efforts and wish the upcoming team all the best for
the future!


It is with great pleasure that I address you as the Faculty Advisor
of the IEEE Student Chapter. I am privileged to be part of this
vibrant community of passionate students who are driving
innovation and making a difference through their commitment to
engineering excellence. As the Faculty Advisor, my role is to
provide guidance, support, and mentorship to help you maximize
your potential and make the most of your time as members of the
IEEE NISB. It is my firm belief that active engagement in
extracurricular activities complements your academic pursuits and
contributes to your holistic development. One of the key aspects of
our student chapter is the diverse range of opportunities we offer.

From technical workshops and seminars to industry visits and Dr. Remya Jayachandran
hackathons, we strive to provide a platform where you can
enhance your technical skills, learn from experts in the field, and
collaborate with like-minded peers.
These activities are designed to help you gain practical insights, expand your professional network, and foster
innovation. I am excited to embark on this journey with you and witness the incredible contributions you will
make as future engineers. Let us continue to uphold the values of IEEE and work together towards creating a
brighter, technology-driven future. Thank you for being an integral part of the NISB. I am confident that
together, we will achieve new heights of success and create a positive impact in our community. I congratulate
the NISB team for their efforts and wish them all the best.

Dr. Chandan M C, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil
Engineering and NIE IEEE GRSS faculty advisor.

I've been a member of IEEE and GRSS since 2015, and ever since,
I've continued to embrace this membership because GRSS serves
as an exceptional platform for collaboration, sharing information,
and assessing the progress of remote sensing projects.
The NIE IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS)
Student Branch Chapter (SBC) formation was recognised formally
and approved by IEEE on 21 May 2023. The inaugural ceremony of
the chapter was held on 08-Aug-2023. The objective of the event
was to celebrate a remarkable journey of uniting like-minded IEEE
Dr. Chandan M C members who share a passion for satellite remote sensing and
geographical information science (GISci).

FACULTY ADVISOR The inauguration event was decorated with distinguished

GRSS dignitaries such as Prof. B. S. Daya Sagar, Guest of Honour from
Indian Statistical Institute – Bangalore, Shri.

Bhaskar Rao, Special Guest, IPS, DG and Former Commissioner of Police, Dr. Jaya Nair, Associate Professor, IIIT
Bangalore. The inauguration was followed by five days of online Summer School on “New Horizons in Remote
Sensing: Basics and Beyond”, for the benefit of UG/PG students and research scholars. The event was well
received throughout the country and credit goes to GRSS volunteers and the NISB core team. The NISB team is
certainly doing great, and it is committed to encouraging students to become members of GRSS and fostering
a community of knowledge-sharing and collaboration. The NISB 2022-23 team was full of energy and worked
sincerely on widening the spectrum of student chapters, evident from newly formed chapters such as RAS and
GRSS. This shows the sheer amount of dedication of the core members and their thirst to engage in student-
centric activities aimed at real-time societal problems. Having said this, the IEEE GRSS NIE Student Branch
Chapter will continue to organize technical activities to support and serve Student Members and provide
opportunities for Student Members to communicate with IEEE Fellows in their fields of interest, especially
focusing on Geoinformatics and UAV applications.

“Education is successful when it helps grow your

personality along with knowledge and skill”

Technical education is more applicable for the above statement.

NISB is one destination at our institute where the personality
flourishes along with technical skills. I appreciate the current NISB
team for their tremendous enthusiasm in the planned execution
of the events and for motivating the juniors to take the baton
ahead. I wish these great efforts would be taken forward by the
next team of NISB.

The student chapter of IEEE Robotics and Automation Society

(RAS) was formed in April 2023 at the Department of Mechanical
Engineering, to fulfill the hunger of students in this demanding Dr Shrinatha Katti
domain of the industry. Workshops and trainings have been
planned on various technologies of Automation using the state of FACULTY ADVISOR
the art facilities available in the department. As faculty advisor of RAS
IEEE RAS at NIE, I am committed to delivering the best possible
events and taking to student chapter to greater heights. I
welcome students to become members and be a part of its
success journey.

I Encourage all the students to use the facilities and opportunities provided by various societies functioning
under NISB. The students may choose their area of interest and work for that society and also take
responsibility at NISB to develop their career and leadership capabilities.


I'm delighted to present this edition of Jijnasa, a reflection of the
NIE IEEE Student Branch's journey during my term as Chairperson.
This magazine embodies the diverse experiences that make up our
core tenure, showcasing creativity and innovation within NISB.
Within these pages, you'll find the highlights of our events,
including the "Illume" fest, a convergence of knowledge and
innovation in the realm of electronics, and our insightful fest
"Rubix", which delved into the ever-changing world of computer
science and technology. Looking back, I'm genuinely proud of the
achievements and the unwavering enthusiasm of our team
members, a testament to our collective dedication and shared
vision. Jijnasa is more than a magazine, it's a glimpse into the
Girija Patil heart of our student branch, a celebration of our journey, and a
showcase of our vibrant student branch. As you explore these
CHAIRPERSON pages, I hope you feel the same sense of pride and
accomplishment that I do.

Thank you for being part of this journey. For me the NIE IEEE Student Branch is more than just a club-it's a
home for ideas and innovation, and together, we will continue to shape the future.

- Girija Patil, Chairperson, NISB 2022-23


I started my journey with NISB as a volunteer, later became a
part of the Executive Committee. I currently serve as Vice
Chairperson and Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) Secretary at
the NIE IEEE Student Branch. Being a part of NISB has been an
important phase of my college life at NIE. NISB has brought the
best out of me and shaped my personality. It has helped me build
good connections among the students, faculties, and other
colleges and improved my soft skills and technical skills.
Normally, a student in his first year has very little idea about
student clubs and academics. However, my seniors at NISB have
guided me. In the future, whenever I look back, I will be proud to
be a part of this team. I thank the editorial team and the design
team for having so beautifully captured the essence of our time
at NISB through JIjnasa. I also thank my teammates for being a Pundlik Nayak
part of this journey. I suggest my juniors be a part of this family
and continue the legacy of advancing technology towards VICE-CHAIRPERSON

- Pundlik Nayak, Vice-Chairperson, NISB 2022-23

Greetings to all the vibrant minds of our college.

As the chairperson of our esteemed NIE IEEE Computer Society, I

am both honored and delighted to pen down a few words for our
dynamic community.

I discovered my calling in a world where technology isn’t simply a

tool but also a canvas where zeros and ones spin tales as
captivating as any legendary saga. Technology is more than
simply circuits and code; it is a dynamic story of human

Sohail Ahmad Freshman year? Just another eager newbie in NISB, attending
events and marveling at the magical world of tech and
CS CHAIRPERSON networking. Oh, and yes, I’ve been a tech nerd since day one. No
surprises there!

Sophomore year rolled in, and voilà! Yours truly was not just the Computer Society Tech Lead but also the
Webmaster. Crafting complex applications for events was the name of the game, and trust me, the learning
curve was as steep as my caffeine intake.

Then, the third year happened. Got elected as the Computer Society Chairperson. We hosted a slew of events,
with our annual fest RUBIX and signature shindigs all deserving their own spotlight.

A special nod to our newest members. Congrats on unlocking the "Joined the Coolest Tech Society" achievement!
Our membership isn’t just a shiny badge; it's your ticket to a carnival of tech Aficionados. We might
occasionally be like headless chickens in a digital maze, but oh boy, the joy is in the journey!
Every challenge you face today sharpens your skills for tomorrow. Remember, every line of code, every problem
solved, and every idea sparked brings you closer to your dreams. Let’s not just chase the future; let's shape it.
Stay curious, stay passionate, and above all, believe in your potential. The tech world isn't just waiting for
innovations; it's waiting for you.

So, as we ride this tech rollercoaster, let’s keep the sarcasm high and the code even higher!

- Sohail Ahmad, CS Chairperson

In the realm of engineering, where innovation and progress reign
supreme, the power of diversity cannot be underestimated. It's a
force that drives creativity, enriches perspectives, and propels us
toward a brighter future. My journey through NISB, from a wide-
eyed first-year member to becoming Women in Engineering (WIE)
Chairperson in my third year, has been nothing short of

As a bright-eyed freshman entering the world of NISB, I was

initially impressed by the vibrant society and the limitless
prospects it provided. Ideas were freely exchanged there, and the
atmosphere was one of invention. I learned a lot as a member
through workshops and lectures. This was the place where my
Ananya Prabhu enthusiasm for advancing diversity in the engineering field first
took root.

In my second year, I applied for and was selected as the Executive Committee Member (ExeCom). This step was
a turning point, allowing me to contribute directly to the growth and direction of our NISB chapter.
Collaborating with fellow ExeCom members, I learned the value of teamwork, communication, and effective
leadership. Together, we organized events that not only showcased technical prowess but also emphasized the
importance of inclusivity in our field.

In my third year, I applied and got selected as Women in Engineering Chairperson. The position was not just a
title, but a responsibility. Together, we organized a Blood Donation Camp which was a huge success, hosted
many events, the annual fest called INSPIRO, which was a success.

Looking back, I am grateful for the growth, the friendships forged, and the lessons learned. NISB, with its ethos
of innovation and inclusivity, has been the fertile ground upon which my passion for engineering and advocacy
for diversity has flourished.

As I step forward, I carry with me the values and lessons that NISB has imprinted upon my journey, and I am
confident that they will continue to guide me towards further growth and success.

- Ananya Prabhu, WiE Chairperson

Greetings to all.
As the Chairperson of the Circuits and Systems Society, I have the
privilege of sharing insights into our society's endeavors.
Now, I must admit, circuits and systems might not always be the
subject of the most scintillating dinner party conversations. It isnt
like discussing the latest Netflix series or the questionable fashion
choices of celebrities. But trust me, what we lack in red carpet
gossip, we more than make up for in sparking innovation and
pushing the boundaries of electrical engineering.

You see, circuits and systems are the unsung heroes of the tech
world. They're like the quiet wizards behind the curtain, ensuring
Goutham Gowda A D your smartphone works like a charm, your Wi-Fi connects
seamlessly, and your electric toothbrush tells you it's time to

We've got members who can explain the intricacies of signal processing with the enthusiasm of a puppy
chasing a tennis ball. We've got projects that sound so complex that even our coffee machines started
demanding a Ph.D. before brewing a fresh pot.

But amidst all the serious schematics and scientific jargon, we do find time to infuse a bit of humor. After all,
laughter is the best conductor, right? Just the other day, one of our members claimed to have discovered the
perfect algorithm for making the ideal cup of coffee. We're not sure if they're on to something revolutionary or
if they've just had one too many late nights in the lab.

In conclusion, our society may not have a stand-up comedy night, but we do know how to turn on the voltage
and electrify the world of circuits and systems. So, stay tuned for more electrifying updates, and remember,
even in the world of electrons and resistors, a good laugh never goes out of style.

- Goutham Gowda A D, CASS Chairperson

NISB had the pleasure of hosting an international conference this year. NISB, along with the
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, NIE Mysuru, organized a two-day
IEEE International Conference on “Recent Trends in Electronics and Communication” (ICRTEC)
co-sponsored by the IEEE Bangalore Section on the 10th and 11th of February. The inaugural
function was graced by Dr. D Venkataramana, Deputy Director of URSC, ISRO, who gave a
technical presentation to inspire and encourage the students to build satellites with ISRO's
support. Renowned experts Dr. Sumantra Dutta Roy, Professor at IIT Delhi, and Dr. Sanjeev
Gurugopinath, Senior Member of IEEE and PES University Bangalore, gave their keynote
addresses. "TRANSISTOR EVOLUTION", a poster presentation competition on the occasion of the
75th anniversary of the transistor, was also organized by the NISB CAS Society. Paper
presentations from students and professors from different engineering colleges and universities
were conducted in five tracks. The conference was also live-streamed on YouTube. The two-day
conference concluded on the 11th of February with the Valedictory Speech and Best Paper Award

Formation of RAS
A new chapter in technological evolution commenced with the official inauguration of the IEEE
Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) on July 20, 2023, operating under the umbrella of
NISB. The event's momentum was kept up with an enlightening talk by the distinguished Mr.
Eswararao Vuppu, Vice President of JK Tyres, Mysuru, who explored the theme of
"Contemporary and Future Skills for Engineers." Mr. Vuppu illuminated the essential skills
that are shaping the future of engineering. As a vital subsidiary of NISB, the RAS promises to
open up endless possibilities in the world of robotics and automation.

Formation of GRSS
A significant moment arrived on August 8, 2023, as NISB proudly inaugurated the IEEE
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS). The event gained further depth with an
enlightening talk by Prof. B. S. Daya Sagar, a renowned expert in the field of Geoscience. His
insights illuminated the endless potential of geoscience and remote sensing to address some of
the world's most pressing challenges, such as climate change and natural disasters. GRSS opens
the doors to a world of opportunities in geoscience and remote sensing, empowering us to
explore, understand, and manage our planet's resources more sustainably.



In a whirlwind of excitement and mental

prowess, NISB organized an electrifying contest
known as "ESCAPE ROOM." With a total of 111
participants, the event proved to be a fun-filled
and engaging experience that tested the wits
and teamwork of all involved. Participants
embarked on a journey through various levels of
the game, striving to emerge victorious and
ultimately break free from the room in which
they found themselves locked.

"ESCAPE ROOM" was more than just a contest;

it was a mind-boggling adventure that
challenged participants in a variety of ways,
including deciphering intricate codes in the
Crypto Decoding Round and unraveling the
mysteries of a new and enigmatic language in
the Mystifying New Language Puzzle.


The NIE IEEE Computer Society hosted an

enriching workshop, "Git Set Go!", on the 21st of
June at the North Campus. This hands-on
session delved into the world of Git and GitHub,
providing participants with invaluable insights
into Version Control systems, repository creation,
and the art of pushing projects to GitHub.

To put their newfound knowledge to the test,

attendees were challenged to make a pull request
by the end of the workshop. With an
overwhelmingly positive response from an eager
and enthusiastic audience, "Git Set Go!" proved
to be a successful and educational journey into
the realm of collaborative coding and version


NISB hosted Illume 2023, a captivating three-day fest dedicated to the exhilarating realm
of circuits, from July 17th to 19th. Day One commenced with an electrifying start, setting
the stage for "ConnectComm," where participants delved into the intricate workings of the
protocols that underpin the ever-evolving technological landscape. The focus was on
mastering the art of connectivity and communication in the digital age.

Day Two ushered in a profound exploration of "Neuromorphic Computing" guided by Ms.

Deepthi M S from the Department of ECE, NIE. Her insightful talk stimulated deep thought
about the transformative potential of machines in the future. As dusk approached,
"CircuitX" took center stage, providing an exhilarating platform for innovative minds to
brainstorm ingenious solutions to some of today's most pressing electronic challenges.

Day Three showcased "Corecraft" under the expert guidance of Dr. Narasimha Kaulgud.
Participants were immersed in the intricacies of multicore programming, gaining practical
insights and valuable tips. The fest culminated in the grand "Valedictory Ceremony," a
fitting finale where triumphant participants basked in the limelight and the audience
erupted in well-deserved applause.


Gamecraft, an integral part of the Software Focus Group, was a three-day hands-on workshop held on July
31st, August 1st, and August 3rd. This immersive event aimed to impart game development skills to budding
coders. The workshop commenced with an introduction to game engines and an overview of C#. Once
participants gained a firm grasp of these fundamental concepts, they embarked on installing Unity and
familiarizing themselves with its interface. Finally, the workshop delved into the crux of game development,
guiding participants through the process of creating and animating a player character.

RUBIX 2023

Rubix, the annual tech celebration of the NIE

IEEE Computer Society, was a dynamic three-day
fest featuring a range of tech-related activities.
It began with the inauguration of Rubix 2023
and an enlightening talk on “Biotechnology
and Genetic Engineering in the age of
Computers”, by Arvind Venkatesh, Co-Founder
and CTO at Exinous Technologies. Following this,
the coding enthusiasts gathered for an exciting
coding contest named "CodeGeeks".

Tech enthusiasts engaged in heated discussions

during "TechWitz," a tech debate where they
explored cutting-edge topics. A hackathon
challenged participants to develop innovative
solutions within a limited timeframe.

A talk on “Web technologies and cloud

Computing” by Milan Menezes, Cloud Technical
Solutions Engineer at Google, also an alumnus
of NISB, provided valuable insights into the latest
trends in the field. The fest also featured a
unique twist with "Reverse Coding”, testing
participants’ ability to decipher code.

The final event was the Valedictory Ceremony, which celebrated the achievements of participants
and bid farewell to Rubix with recognition and awards. Overall, Rubix was an inspiring and
knowledge-packed event for tech enthusiasts.

NISB's Constitution Amendment took
place on August 26th, 2023. This
momentous occasion marked a significant
chapter in the institution's legacy as the
revered Constitution underwent pivotal
amendments to align with the evolving
technological landscape.

Several proposals were resoundingly

passed, reflecting NISB's commitment to
fostering an environment that cultivates
innovation, leadership, and a holistic
approach to education.

The presence of NISB alumni added to the

grandeur of the occasion, a testament to
the impact that the NIE IEEE Student
Branch has today. Their real-world insights
played a pivotal role in shaping the

Following the formal proceedings, an

Alumni Meet unfolded, providing a platform
for nostalgia, camaraderie, and the
exchange of wisdom. The event featured
intellectual discourse, delicious food, and an
ambiance of celebration and joy.


NISB conducted “WHOZZ THE KILLERRR...??”, a murder mystery event where clues, puzzles, and
curiosity converged. This immersive experience invited participants to become a part of an enigmatic story
where they had to solve a perplexing murder that left everyone baffled.

It was an unforgettable evening of mystery, suspense, and thrilling twists. The event received huge
participation from more than 150 students! The event was an Ice Breaker for all the students of
freshman year.


"In the world of wires, waves, and knowledge, IEEE Day is the symphony of innovation."

IEEE Day Celebrations, a global event celebrated by IEEE members worldwide, were marked with great
enthusiasm. The IEEE Day events line-up began with the first edition of Quizzomania. This was the first
edition of a one-of-a-kind quiz that tested the knowledge of participants in a truly unique event.

Navigating Core Careers was an event that introduced fresher students from the branches of Electrical,
Civil, and Mechanical Engineering to a wide range of opportunities in their respective fields.

NISBXtreme provided participants with a mock version of the renowned IEEEXtreme programming
competition. This event allowed students to put their coding and problem-solving skills to the test.

The IEEE Day celebrations included a poignant moment as the Branch Counselor, Dr. Narasimha Kaulgud,
retired. Dr. Shashidhara took charge as the new Branch Counselor, and he expressed his commitment
to continuing the legacy of excellence. Winners of various competitions were felicitated with prizes and
certificates. The IEEE Day celebrations concluded on a sweet note with a cake-cutting ceremony.


"NISB Summer of Code(NsoC) was an educational event that encompassed two distinct but equally
engaging segments: 'Get Your Hats' and 'Tech-Envision.'

NsoC provided participants with the opportunity to explore the world of technology in an interactive and
informative manner.

Get Your Hats was a captivating event that educated participants about all the societies and affinity
groups of NISB through the theme of ethical hacking. By engaging in different tasks, participants gained
insights into the diverse realm of IEEE.

Tech-Envision, the second facet of NsoC, was designed to foster a comprehensive understanding of
technology and its applications. Participants were introduced to a wide range of opportunities in the field
of advancing technology.

NsoC helped participants gain a glimpse of the opportunities that lie ahead in the ever-evolving field of

Enhancing B5G UAV Communication with Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces (IRS)

B5G (Beyond 5G) or 6G refers to the next-generation wireless

communication technology that is expected to succeed 5G. These
advanced systems are anticipated to provide significantly higher
data rates, lower latency, and support a wide range of emerging
technologies. Emerging as a transformative technology, Intelligent
Reflecting Surfaces (IRS) holds the promise of revolutionizing
wireless communication by enhancing both energy and spectrum
efficiencies while maintaining low energy consumption and cost-
effectiveness. IRS accomplishes this by intelligently configuring
wireless channels through a vast array of cost-efficient passive
Dr. Rajalekshmi Kishore
reflecting elements, thereby significantly improving system

Concurrently, the realm of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) communication has garnered substantial
attention due to its flexible deployment, high mobility, and seamless integration with various
technologies. Nevertheless, UAV communication faces challenges related to security vulnerabilities and
real-time application obstructions.

Recently, there has been a growing recognition of the potential synergy between UAVs and IRS,
promising to unlock unparalleled capabilities in challenging environments. By harnessing the power of
smart signal reflections and precise makeover control in three-dimensional (3D) space, both
technologies can proactively optimize wireless propagation. This integration extends across aerial and
terrestrial environments, allowing for the full spectrum of benefits offered by intelligent reflections.
Towards this end, the idea of IRS-assisted UAV communication for B5G, is to use intelligent reflecting
surfaces to enhance the communication capabilities of UAVs in a Beyond 5G or 6G network. IRS
technology can be employed to optimize the propagation of signals between UAVs and ground stations
or other devices, improving the overall performance and reliability of UAV communication in advanced
wireless networks. This concept aligns with the ongoing research and development in the field of 6G
technology, which aims to revolutionize wireless communication in the coming years.

IRS assisted UAV-based Communication.

In this context, UAV and communication systems are designed separately by a team of NIE students of
(the ECE, EEE , IS and Mech) departments. The communication system was built using nRF24L01
transceiver modules one each at the transmitter side, receiver side and one as relied on UAV. UAV was
designed to accommodate 1Kg payload. At this stage, the carrier UAV acts as a communication relay,
providing communication between the transmitter and the Receiver module. By considering the
equipment, batteries and motors that the UAV uses, the best design has been tried to be implemented
in order to increase their ranges and reduce energy consumption. It is possible to use it in various
applications such as disaster management, and military purposes, where human intervention is

The designed UAV

Shreyas Aradhya(NISB, member) and his team assembled UAV(drone) at project lab funded by DST under SERB
in ECE Dept , NIE, Mysore and testing the UAV relay-based communication outdoor at NRN block.

Dr. Rajalekshmi Kishore,

IEEE ComSoc member, IEEE GRSS member,
Associate Professor Dept. of ECE. NIE, Mysore

Radiant Revolutions: The Evolution of Medical Imaging

In the grand theatre of scientific discovery, some breakthroughs are more

dramatic than an opera diva hitting a high note, while others sneak in like a
cat burglar in the night. The tale of medical imaging is a delightful mix of
The tale kicks off in 1895 when Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, the original "Mr.
X," stumbled upon a rather shocking discovery. He found rays that could
pierce through human flesh and expose our inner secrets without laying a
finger on us. Roentgen's first X-ray was a snapshot of his wife's hand,
turning her into the original "hand" model, quite literally. This was indeed
setting the stage for a new era in healthcare. X-rays took the medical world Pranav N
by storm, turning doctors into amateur ghostbusters. They could finally diagnose fractures, and lung diseases,
and even find misplaced bullets faster than a detective in a crime thriller.

While X-rays were causing a ruckus, a quieter revolution was brewing in the 1950s. Ultrasonography, or
ultrasound, entered the scene with all the subtlety of a cat burglar. Instead of using rays, it whispered sweet
nothings in the form of high-frequency sound waves to create images. Ultrasound did not involve ionizing
radiation, making it safer for both patients and healthcare providers. Initially, ultrasound found its niche in
obstetric imaging. It was famous for giving expectant parents their first "baby picture." It was like the ultimate
sneak peek before the grand entrance. However, this versatile technology quickly expanded its applications to
fields like cardiology and gastroenterology, thanks to advancements in transducer technology and image

Fast forward to the 1970s, when Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) was born. Paul Lauterbur and Sir
Peter Mansfield took magnets and radio waves to create detailed images of soft tissues, revealing our
bodies' innermost secrets in ways that even Shakespeare would envy. MRI's capacity to provide
comprehensive anatomical and functional information without ionizing radiation made it a
transformative addition to medical imaging. Today, high-field MRI scanners offer exceptional image
quality and have become indispensable tools across various medical specialities. It was as if it said,
"Let's put the 'M' in 'MRI' – Marvelously Radiant Imaging."

In the same era, the development of Computed Tomography (CT) marked another milestone in medical
imaging. CT scans combined multiple X-ray images taken from different angles to create detailed
cross-sectional images of the body. This three-dimensional view provided healthcare professionals with
a deeper understanding of human anatomy. Doctors now had a 3D map of the human body at their
fingertips. They could spot tumours, evaluate vascular diseases, and guide surgical interventions with
the precision of a seasoned surgeon. Continuous advancements in CT technology, such as
multidetector-row CT and cone-beam CT, further improved image quality and reduced scanning times.
In the quest for a more comprehensive understanding of health conditions, functional imaging
techniques like Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Single-Photon Emission Computed
Tomography (SPECT) emerged in the 20th century. PET involves the injection of radiotracers into the
body, emitting positrons. When positrons encountered electrons, they produced gamma rays,
detectable by a PET scanner. It was like throwing a radioactive party to find out what's happening
inside your body. This approach allowed the visualization of metabolic and biochemical processes,
greatly aiding in the diagnosis and staging of various diseases, particularly cancer.
SPECT, conversely, utilized gamma-emitting radiotracers and a gamma camera to generate 3D images
of functional processes within the body. Think of it as making art with radiation. SPECT found
applications in cardiology, neurology, and psychiatry, offering valuable insights into diverse medical

Enter the digital age, where analog formats like X-ray films and photographic plates took a backseat.
Digital imaging systems stole the show, offering instant image acquisition, storage, and transmission,
faster than you can say "cheese." Digital radiography, digital mammography, and computed
radiography have become standard in healthcare settings, offering immediate image acquisition,
storage, and transmission. Digital technology has also catalyzed the development of Picture Archiving
and Communication Systems (PACS) and Radiology Information Systems (RIS). These integrated
systems streamline the management and sharing of medical images within healthcare networks,
facilitating communication and collaboration among healthcare professionals.

The future of medical imaging blends sci-fi with reality. AI and machine learning are poised to
revolutionize the field, enhancing diagnostic accuracy by assisting with image interpretation and
automating repetitive tasks. Meanwhile, the integration of medical imaging with 3D printing
technology allows for the creation of physical models used in surgical planning and education.
Additionally, the convergence of various imaging modalities like PET-CT and SPECT-CT promises
comprehensive diagnostic insights, offering a holistic view of health conditions.

The evolution of medical imaging is a captivating journey, marked by unexpected discoveries and
brilliant innovations. From X-rays to MRI, CT, ultrasound, and beyond, medical imaging has rewritten
the script of healthcare while sprinkling a bit of humour along the way. As technology continues to
advance, the future promises even more imaginative insights into the human body, ensuring that we
continue to marvel at the remarkable world of medical imaging.

Pranav N

“A Cosmic Comedy of Sci-Fi Wonder - Electromagnetic Communication”

In a world wherein the boundless embroidered artwork of science fiction

combines with the wonders of innovation, observe the ponder of
electromagnetic communication. Imagine a future where the trade of
greetings rises above the worldly and spatial limits, where the transport of
information gets to be as easy as simple cogitation, and wherein the
universe itself stands as the tremendously joined embroidered artwork of
edification. This expensive peruser, is the bewildering vision of
electromagnetic communication within the innovatively progressed, science
fiction-imbued world of the morrow. Goutham Gowda A D

At the centre of this wondrous concept lies the authority of electromagnetic waves – those concealed,
omnipresent powers that have long captivated the human mind. In this far-off period, electromagnetic waves
serve as the soul of a world interconnected, encouraging momentary talk, opening the riddles of the universe,
and indeed outperforming the boundaries of our own reality. It's just like the universe at long last got itself an
enormous Wi-Fi switch with a secret word as it were the edified creatures can guess!

Picture a society where inhabitants can communicate clairvoyantly through the control of electromagnetic
areas, sharing their cogitations and assumptions easily over endless regions. No more misplaced emails or
destitute gathering pardons – fair unadulterated mind-to-mind discussions. Of course, this implies you can't
overlook your boss's messages by imagining your inbox ate them. Awkward!

Yet, the wonders of electromagnetic communication amplify distance past the limits of our earthly home. Mull
over pilgrims on far-flung exoplanets utilizing progressed contraptions to tap into the electromagnetic range of
the universe, decoding communiqués from civilizations heap light-years far off. It's like getting interglacial
postcards from write buddies you've never met, and they continuously appear to need to offer you their
progressed space vacuums.

In this visionary age, electromagnetic communication enables cities on high Soil, suspended by electromagnetic
areas, and the once-fanciful idea of ethereal lifts achieves realization, giving humankind easy rising to the sky.
Fair envision commuting to work through space lift and trusting your individual travellers aren't taking the
term 'elevator music' as well literally!

Science fiction oftentimes depicts electromagnetic communication as the catalyst for earth-shattering strides
within the realm of medication, as it empowers inaccessible surgical mediations of unparalleled exactness.
Specialists arranged over the globe may execute complex methods by means of automata interfacing, guided by
momentary criticism passed on through electromagnetic conduits. It's like playing a high-stakes video
diversion, but in the event that you mess up, it's not fair to your character who respawns – it's the patient!

Verily, with incredible domain comes incredible obligation. In this future, society hooks with ethical quandaries
relating to protection, shielding, and the delineations of human mindfulness. Inquiries emerge concerning the
potential misemployment of electromagnetic communication, the holiness of individual cogitations, and the
suggestions of a world wherein the boundary betwixt self and other is obscured. It's nearly just like the
universe chosen to turn into a never-ending scene of a cosmic reality show, and protection may be a thing of
the past!

As we set out upon this awe-stirring journey into the domain of electromagnetic communication, we
discover ourselves not exclusively flabbergasted by the innovative ponders it proffers but too humbled
by the philosophical and moral quandaries it postures. This vision of long-standing time serves as a
potent update that the limits of human potential are circumscribed solely by the bounds of our
creative energy, which the conundrums of the universe may be opened through the bewildering
possibility of science and innovation. Within the end result, it is the combination of science fiction and
logical movement that moves us toward this zapping future, wherein electromagnetic communication
surmounts the bounds of our most excessive dreams. So, expensive peruser, keep in mind to charge
your brainwaves and do not forget the cosmic popcorn for this wild interstellar travel!"

Goutham Gowda A D, CASS Chairperson

Technical Arts - Esolangs

The greatest creation of the One, apart from the Universe, is the
Human Mind. Nothing more complex yet so simple, nothing more
attractive yet so mysterious, the devil's workshop to God's garden to
the madman's asylum, modern society lives in an ironic belief to
recreate something that they have barely any idea of and its
capabilities for a machine, however, what is the true power harnessed
by the Human Mind remains unanswered. What flows out of this is
art; everybody is unique, creative geniuses, some doing the right task
while others with the wrong tasks. Computers evolved from being
large, bulky, complicated objects to more compact and convenient, the Adeep Krishna Keelar
complications further scaling with tougher software systems to
manage the hardware. Dedicated engineers spent over decades,
building software to ease the workload, every new contribution providing relief against the woes. These
contributions coming from years of continuous labor and efforts, either from research, innovation, or
even sheer accident, each playing a significant role to its successor. With the education systems aiming
to bring out the best out of the minds of the youth gave rise to major breakthroughs - newer
possibilities, newer opportunities, newer outputs. One such creative and artistic novelties was Esolangs
or Esoteric Languages.

An esoteric language is such that is designed to test the boundaries of computer programming
languages design, as a proof of concept, a software art or even as a joke. Usability is the opposite of
an esolang; they are not intended to be used on a mainstream level, however, they have been the
source of inspiration for practical applications in the art, some famous or rather infamous examples of
esolangs include Compiler Language With No Pronounceable Acronym (INTERCAL), CodeGolf, the
notorious Brainf**k, Whitespace Programming Language and much more. It is true that these
languages have a

unique, yet unusual and unconventional design, however, these languages are Turing-Complete, the
ability to simulate a Turing Machine which is the theoretical model of computation capable for a
programming language to perform any computation algorithmically, hence computationally solvable.
Several other features include unique data representations such as reading data through single pointers,
storage of variables in stacks, execution of programs in reverse polish notations, to unique instruction
representations such as instructions moving around in two-dimensional unlike other languages which
follow a set of instructions, deeply obfuscated code, and finally esolangs aim to be a parody or a spoof of
existing programming languages, such as INTERCAL being a parody of Fortran, COBOL, APL.

Among the various mentioned languages, an interesting option would be the Whitespace Programming
Language. While the infamous Brainf**k has been the trendier and more popular one for all the right
and wrong reasons, it is beyond the scope of discussion to the fact the name of the language does not
appear "pretty" on a professional paper, hence, Whitespace, an equally notorious and highly
unconventional language is chosen. Developed by Edwin Brady and Chris Morris, this programming
language was released on the 1st of April 2003. Just as the name suggests, and yes, you are right,
absolutely, this programming language only works on spaces! Unlike others which have little meaning or
none for indentation, this language pays no attention to non-indented characters with only spaces, tabs
and new lines having meaning! Whitespace Programming language is an imperative stack-based
language, and the virtual machine used has a stack and a heap for the program, where the programmer
can push integers to it (no floating point) and can store their values in the heap as a permanent store
during the execution of the program.

It is difficult to represent this language using a traditional grammar, such as PDA or BNF, however,
representing a few of the rules include - [SPACE] for stack manipulation, [TAB][SPACE] for arithmetic
operations, [TAB][TAB] for heap operations, [SPACE][SPACE] for addition, [SPACE][TAB] for subtraction,
and much more. Numbers are represented with spaces (0) and tabs (1), the sign of the number preceded
by a space as a positive or a tab as a negative. For instance, [SPACE][TAB][SPACE][SPACE][TAB][SPACE]
[TAB][TAB][NEW-LINE] represents the binary representation, +1001011, of the number +75. One can even
attempt to write a program to do certain computations, however, it comes with a test of checking one's
patience, sanity and most importantly, foreground knowledge. I regret I cannot give the code for the hello
world program, for one cannot read a program with spaces on paper and the program running over
twenty lines will send the Editorial Team to a frenzy as to why the article has twenty unexplained empty
lines. I also do not have the patience to translate the spaces for the program, and I will take no shame in
admitting, I could only get a few letters printed in my several attempts, I gave up before I would perform
extensive damage on the system I was working on. One can find more details in the link and of course, Wikipedia.

To conclude, beauty is what is perceived and understood, from the eyes to the mind to the heart and to
the soul. Only the passionate and interested would dedicate their time to create art, be of any kind. Only
when one truly messes around, pokes about, digs hard, dives deep, and practices the art can create
masterpieces, which can be truly appreciated by the ones who see the world. A mere blind choice to enter
any field, only for the money or fame achieves nothing for one shall remain empty deep down. Find that
true passion of yours, and create masterpieces for all, and should the world never recognise, I assure you,
I will. Until then, ...

Adeep Krishna Keelar

Winter is Coming…!
(On the recession, campus placements, diversity hiring)

(Views and opinions are personal, while the facts stated are research-based. Feel free to contact me in
case of any queries)

"O wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind?"

Ned Stark wasn't wrong when he repeatedly said the phrase,

“Winter is coming!". (To provide the context for it, the words serve
as a warning that summer is gone, and challenging winter times lie
ahead!) The analogous warning has become the most ambiguous
concept, resulting in the increase of loathsome buzzwords.

Shreyas DA
On recession:

"As sure as the spring will follow the winter, prosperity, and economic growth will follow

A recession is defined as a sustained period of weak or negative growth in real GDP (output)
accompanied by a significant rise in the unemployment rate.

It was a chilly winter morning in November of 2022 when I came across the term Recession very
seriously. My LinkedIn feed was flooded with news of a recession, coupled with the ominous word
"layoff." The heat of placements had just begun. The Recession may not have motivated all students
to work hard, but it surely made a few of them lose all hope and think of their dreams being shattered

The glorified FAANG companies UNO reversed all the aspiring software engineers, announcing their
respective layoffs in a merciless competition of misery. The tension did not stop, for the most
renowned AI giant, OpenAI, was quick to announce its revolutionary invention, the product of several
years of relentless hard work, the savior of many engineering students, ChatGPT. Instagram Reels, the
infamous platform that glorifies procrastination, was soon flooded with all sorts of misleading
information about the recession, layoffs, and the job market's acquisition by LLMs like ChatGPT.

While many software engineers and aspiring engineers dwelled in the realm of uncertainty, fearing
eviction from their company's database, a few of them embraced the situation with stoic resilience.
The recession's wave had not only hit the USA but also started to spread like wildfire throughout the
globe, engulfing India in its wake. However, India initially proved to be as resilient as the Japanese
Torii Gate that survived the atomic bombing of Nagasaki. Some experienced a déjà vu of 2008, as the
recession of 2023 deepened. Traditional desi families, with their long-held beliefs, finally realized that
Indian government jobs were the safest bet, for they provided the elusive trifecta: money, fame, and
a good-looking bride with a dowry so large it could sustain a family for four generations.

The root cause of all the layoffs can be attributed to the hiring frenzy during the COVID-19 lockdown
period, which inflated the hopes of all the engineers like a helium balloon. But the recession soon came
and deflated all those hopes, like an RCB fan's dreams at the end of the IPL league stage. The current
recession is a mystery the world never deserved. Experts are divided on its severity, some believing it's a
U-curve with the world poised at the bottom, waiting to skyrocket. Others fear the drama will continue
for an even longer period. But one thing is for sure: the job market will suffer, and layoffs will continue
to rise. Software engineers who are looking for jobs during this time should focus on networking and
building relationships with potential employers, and consider upskilling or reskilling to make themselves
more marketable.

Campus Placements:

"In life's absurd dance, luck and effort wear comically heavy armour. Warriors, confident or lost
in doubt, navigate the cosmic joke of destiny's whims."

Campus placements: a war in which luck and hard work enter the battlefield in their heaviest armour,
the outcome of which is shrouded in mystery. The warriors are ready for the battle, some claiming to be
heavily trained, most plagued by self-doubt, some manipulating the corporate overlords, who in turn pull
the strings of the corporate gatekeepers, while some are unsure of their allegiances.

“Your response has been recorded”, the gloomy screen of my friend's smartphone read. It was his 24th
Google Form submission in six months. The boy who, after the pre-placement talk of a company,
dreamed of savoring tasty corporate lunches every day and working in the posh office in Whitefield, is
now praying to God daily to be just lucky enough to have that ID card to enter the campus (it doesn't
matter which company at this stage), with his company's bucket list all ticked off negatively, with all his
dreams shattered, and with just a handful of them left on the list for the uncertain future to come.

This is the tragicomic story of another friend of mine, a story of dreams, patience, and sheer bad luck.
Life has its ways of testing people, for life is a race after all, and we are all participants. Winners are
determined by their efforts, determination, and perseverance; those who give up are left behind. Despite
my friend's consistency in life's endurance tests for more than a year, his ultimate race was disqualified
before he could take his position. He sat patiently sipping his daily dose of tea, visiting all the powerful
and divine temples in the vicinity, cursing the always confusing Diversity Hiring policy of the corporate

While some were handed opportunities on a silver platter, others were reduced to pawns in a rigged
game. While many emerged victorious from the battle, others became puffed up with pride and developed
a holier-than-thou attitude, their arrogance soaring like a hot air balloon.

Gender Diversity in Hiring:

“I am not afraid to stand alone, for I trust in my own abilities and have faith in my destiny.” -

From time immemorial, women have been treated as objects rather than human beings. In the epic
Mahabharata, the forbearing Yudhishthira, while playing a game of dice, staked everything he owned,

including his kingdom, and finally, when he lost everything, he even staked his wife Draupadi,
believing that "Draupadi belongs to all".

Fast forward to the 21st-century world, where women stand shoulder to shoulder with men, pursuing
financial independence and charting their own paths. The vast realm of Information Technology has
shattered gender barriers, recognizing only employees and their potential. There were, are, and will be
innumerable debates to discuss the contentious issue of equal pay for equal work for both genders. Is
the term "gender diversity hiring" merely a facade to enhance a company's reputation, or is it a
genuine necessity?

Gender diversity hiring can be a veritable Pandora's box, yielding unexpected treasures for some
companies while unleashing unforeseen challenges for others. In the end, it's the employee's skillset
that reigns supreme, regardless of gender, making gender diversity hiring a double-edged sword with
the potential to both uplift and upend.

The positive side of it:

Diverse perspectives collide in brainstorming sessions, sparking a fireworks display of out-of-the-
box thinking.
Increased creativity and innovation: Gender Diversity gives a huge scope for innovation as it is the
confluence of thoughts from all sides.
Increased Productivity: When diverse minds converge, their thoughts converge too. This leads to
better problem-solving, better decision-making, and better productivity.
Organization’s Reputation: An organization that embraces gender diversity not only reaps the
benefits of a thriving workplace but also garners a reputation for inclusivity and forward-thinking

The negative side of it:

The Peril of Reverse Discrimination - UNO reverse: Diversity hiring might lead to reverse
discrimination when one class(women) is preferred over the other(men) just for the namesake.
This can be unfair to men who are also qualified for the position, and it can lead to resentment
and division in the workplace.
Tokenism: This is when companies hire women simply to meet a diversity quota, rather than
because they are the best candidate for the job. This might lead to a fall in confidence among
women as they think that they were hired only because of their gender. When diversity becomes a
mere checkbox on a hiring list, rather than a genuine commitment to inclusivity, it breeds
Increased pressure of performance to women and setting unrealistic expectations.

Personal Opinion:
Organizations championing gender diversity hiring must tread carefully while navigating the delicate
balance between achieving their objectives and upholding their intentions. Skillset should reign
supreme as the primary criterion, ensuring that fairness and objectivity prevail in the selection
process. Blindly hiring to fulfill diversity quotas is a misguided approach that stifles the potential of
talented individuals with dreams and aspirations.

Shreyas DA, Editor-In-Chief, NISB 2022-23

I think therefore I am
Journey of Self-Discovery: A Reflection on Descartes' Philosophy and the Power of Thought

In the vast tapestry of philosophical thought, certain threads stand out

prominently, weaving narratives that resonate across time and space.
The musings of great philosophers like Thales, Pythagoras, Heraclitus,
Plato, Aristotle, and, more contemporarily, René Descartes, have left an
indelible mark on the fabric of human understanding. In this intellectual
symphony, Descartes' proclamation, "I think, therefore I am,"
reverberates as a timeless chord, beckoning us to delve into the profound
realm of self-discovery and the extraordinary power of human thought.
Anirudh R Kavishwar
Descartes' Influence on Self-Reflection:
Among the luminaries of philosophy, René Descartes emerges as a trailblazer, challenging our perceptions and
prompting us to question the very essence of our existence. Descartes asserts that our knowledge is anchored
in the sensory experiences facilitated by our five senses. To know, we must feel, see, smell, touch, and hear—a
profound assertion that resonates with the core of human experience.
Descartes' philosophy becomes a lens through which we scrutinize our own journey of self-discovery. Much like
the philosopher's doubt became the catalyst for affirming existence, our questioning and skepticism become the
seeds of our understanding. In the labyrinth of uncertainties, our ability to doubt serves as a guiding light,
illuminating the path toward self-awareness and knowledge.

The Metaphorical Journey of Thought:

Consider the mind as an expansive landscape, a terrain where thoughts cascade like rivers and ideas bloom like
flourishing gardens. Descartes' philosophy invites us to navigate this terrain with an explorer's spirit, where
doubt becomes the compass, guiding us through uncharted territories of our own consciousness.
Picture the act of thinking as a journey through this intricate landscape. As we grapple with doubt and
question our very existence, we embark on a quest—a quest to unravel the mysteries within. Our doubts, akin to
stepping stones, lead us across the flowing rivers of uncertainty. Each step forward is a triumph, a testament
to the resilience of the human spirit in the face of the unknown.

The Power of Individual Thought:

Descartes, with his emphasis on the first person in "I think, therefore I am," underscores the autonomy of
individual thought. Our minds, he contends, possess the incredible power to shape our reality. In a world
inundated with external influences, the philosopher encourages us to stand firm in the conviction that our
thoughts are not mere echoes of societal norms but reflections of our own reasoned contemplation.
Imagine the 'I' as a sentinel of individuality, standing guard against the tidal waves of conformity. In
expressing our thoughts from the first person, we declare our autonomy, acknowledging the unique
perspectives that contribute to the rich tapestry of human consciousness. Our thoughts, much like individual
brushstrokes on a canvas, paint a portrait of our existence—one that is both distinctive and profound.

Technology, Thought, and the Contemporary Landscape:

As we traverse the landscape of Descartes' philosophy, we encounter the contemporary terrain marked by
technological advancements and a rapidly evolving world. In this digital age, where information flows

ceaselessly, the power of thought takes on new dimensions. Our minds, interconnected by the vast web
of information, navigate the digital realm with unprecedented speed. Consider technology as a
companion in our journey of thought—an ally that amplifies the impact of our ideas. In the
interconnected tapestry of global thought, we contribute to and draw from a collective consciousness.
The power of our individual thoughts resonates not only in personal reflection but also in the digital
spheres where ideas converge and shape the trajectory of the future.

The Balancing Act: Individuality and Communal Wisdom:

While Descartes champions individual thought, it is essential to strike a balance between autonomy
and communal wisdom. The first person 'I' signifies personal conviction, but it should not eclipse the
importance of collective deliberation. In a world facing complex challenges, the fusion of diverse
perspectives fosters holistic solutions.
Think of the communal landscape as a vibrant mosaic, where each unique piece contributes to the
overall picture. The power of thought extends beyond personal contemplation—it thrives in the
exchange of ideas, the respectful discourse that enriches our understanding of the world. In the
intersection of individuality and communal wisdom lies the potential for transformative change.

In the symphony of philosophical reflections, Descartes' "I think, therefore I am" emerges as a timeless
melody, inspiring us to embark on a journey of self-discovery through the profound power of thought.
As we navigate the intricate landscape of our own minds, let us celebrate the triumphs of doubt and
the resilience of individual thought.
In the digital age, our thoughts become keystrokes that resonate across the virtual expanse,
contributing to a collective consciousness. Yet, amid the interconnected web of ideas, let us not forget
the value of individuality and the importance of communal wisdom.

Anirudh R Kavishwar, Secretary Membership Development, NISB

Navigating Intentionality: Goals and Problems in Minsky's Masterpiece

Marvin Minsky's "The Society of Mind" takes readers on a

captivating journey through the intricacies of the human mind,
exploring its multifaceted nature. One of the chapters that stands
out for its profound insights is the exploration of intentionality,
shedding light on how goals and problems shape our cognitive

Minsky contends that the human mind is driven by a ceaseless

pursuit of goals. These goals serve as the guiding forces that direct
our attention, thoughts, and actions. Whether it's the goal of Medha
solving a puzzle, understanding a complex concept, or simply CS SECRETARY
satisfying a basic need, our cognitive apparatus is constantly in WIE SECRETARY
motion, striving to achieve these objectives.

Central to Minsky's thesis is the notion that goals are not static entities but dynamic, evolving constructs. They
adapt and change in response to new information, experiences, and external circumstances. This adaptive
quality is what allows us to navigate the complexities of the world around us, adjusting our goals in real time
to align with our ever-changing environment.

Moreover, Minsky posits that the pursuit of goals inevitably leads to the recognition of problems. Problems arise
when there is a discrepancy between our current state and the desired state dictated by our goals. These
problems serve as catalysts for cognitive activity, prompting us to engage in problem-solving processes to
bridge the gap.

A key concept that underpins Minsky's exploration is what he termed the "Puzzle Principle." This principle
asserts that intelligence is not solely about the ability to perform complex computations or process vast
amounts of data. Instead, it highlights the inherent human drive to seek out challenges, to engage with
problems, and to derive satisfaction from the process of finding solutions. It encapsulates the idea that our
cognitive prowess is intrinsically tied to our inclination to grapple with puzzles and obstacles.

Minsky astutely observes that problems are not truly solved by the "unintelligent" stakeholders of nature;
rather, they exploit procedures available within their complicated gene-built brains. This insight challenges the
notion that problem-solving is a straightforward, deterministic process. Instead, it highlights the intricate
dance between innate processes and the environment in which they operate.

Furthermore, Minsky imparts a profound insight into intelligence. He suggests that our minds contain processes
that enable us to solve problems we consider difficult. "Intelligence" is merely a label for those processes that
we have yet to fully comprehend. This perspective humbles us in the face of the vast complexity of the human
mind, acknowledging that there are layers of cognitive processes that remain beyond our current

In tackling the practicality of problem-solving, Minsky introduces the "generate and test" method, a trial-and-
error approach theoretically applicable to any recognizable problem solution. However, he acknowledges the
practical limitations that arise due to the vast number of possible solutions. To address this, Minsky proposes
the "Progress Principle," advocating for the detection of progress in problem-solving. This concept streamlines
exhaustive searches, likened to finding the steepest ascent up a hill in the dark. While effective for many
problems, particularly easy ones, it may struggle with complex challenges.

Minsky emphasizes breaking down difficult problems into manageable subgoals, a core principle in Artificial
Intelligence research. He also underscores the value of leveraging existing knowledge for efficient problem-
solving, leading to the development of knowledge-based systems. Intriguingly, research revealed machines
excelled at specialized, intellectually demanding tasks, like chess or theorem proving, but faced challenges with
seemingly simple tasks, such as building with children's blocks. This paradox underscores the nuanced nature
of problem-solving and the diverse capabilities of artificial intelligence.

In conclusion, Minsky's chapter on "Goals and Problems" in "The Society of Mind" offers a profound exploration
of intentionality and how it shapes our cognitive processes. It emphasizes the dynamic, adaptive nature of
goals and underscores the central role of problem-solving in human intelligence. The Puzzle Principle
encapsulates the essence of this perspective, highlighting the innate human

inclination to engage with challenges and seek out solutions. Through insights like the exploitation of
gene-built brains and the "generate and test" method, Minsky challenges conventional views, inviting
us to delve deeper into the complexities of human cognition and the potential of artificial intelligence.
This chapter serves as a cornerstone in Minsky's revolutionary framework, inviting readers to
contemplate the profound intentional nature of our minds and the intricate dance between goals and
problem-solving that propels us forward in our quest for understanding and achievement.

Medha, Computer Society Secretary

Happy Prompting

In a world where pixels hold the brushes and algorithms compose

symphonies, the art of writing an article or building a website even,
has taken a fascinating twist. For us engineering enthusiasts, this
technological evolution is both thrilling and challenging. It's a
journey lead by knowledge, the desire to make a mark and above all
– Jijnasa, curiosity.

My own engineering journey started with this innocent curiosity of a

young boy, eager to unravel the mysteries of technology, engage
with some seasoned seniors and add more value to my college time.
Madhusudan Joshi
Soon enough, technical talks, workshops, discussions on IoT, big
data, industry engagements became habitual. However, merely
scratching the surface was not enough.

As an aspiring engineer with a profound interest in data and AI, the fusion of creativity and
technology had to become the driving force. Just as electrons find their flow in a circuit, they say,
individuals find purpose and direction through connection and core.

The pandemic and the digital age unchained creativity from its traditional constraints, granting it
boundless potential. Technology provided a bigger palette of digital tools that allowed educators,
students, industries and artists to bring to life worlds beyond imagination that resonated with the
deepest corners of our being. I remember attending events on meet and chilling on discord. NISB
community kept me engaged. We have come a long way since then.

Amidst this remarkable transformation, technology's omnipresence will have ethical concerns.
Authenticity, plagiarism is certainly a question but like Thanos said – it’s all about finding the perfect
balance! This delicate equilibrium between human ingenuity and machine precision is the only way
out. It's crucial that we navigate this landscape mindfully and safeguard the authenticity of genuine
Standing at the intersection of artistry and technology, the horizon promises augmented reality
galleries. It's an era where ones and zeros synchronize with the rhythm of our creativity, sketching a
future where innovation knows no bounds. Let's wholeheartedly embrace this digital renaissance, be
curious and collaborative while the AI canvas still awaits our byte-sized strokes of genius.

Madhusudan Joshi

Light at the end of a Dark Tunnel!

In the journey toward our aspirations, we often find ourselves

navigating the complex terrain of failure, a landscape that's not just
marked by setbacks but also by a whirlwind of emotions. It's a phase
where anxiety grips us, anger flares at the seeming injustice of it all,
where frustration mounts with each hurdle, and where regrets and
confusion stay within us like a brewing storm. Despite pouring our
hearts and souls into our endeavors, the bitter taste of failure
sometimes remains. But during all these trials, courage emerges as our
guiding light. Girija Patil
It's during these moments when the weight of repeated setbacks seems unbearable that we unearth the
deepest reservoirs of our strength. Every stumble, every fall, is not a mark of our inadequacy, but a testament
to our resilience. It's in these testing time is when we learn profound lessons about ourselves, our strategies,
and the paths we tread. The journey through failure might feel like an unending night, shrouded in uncertainty
and dismay, but therein lies the core of our transformation.

For every emotion that weighs us down, there is an opportunity to rise above it. Behind the curtains of despair,
courage becomes our companion, nudging us to keep going, to persist despite the adversities. It's the courage
to face these emotions head-on, to embrace the discomfort and uncertainty, that shapes us into stronger
individuals. Every setback, every defeat, contains within it seeds of growth and enlightenment.

In these moments of apparent darkness, remember, there's always a dawn. Beyond the tangled mess of
failures, there lies a glimmer of hope—a light that gradually grows brighter with each trial we overcome. Every
failure is a stepping stone, a guidepost on the path to eventual success. The journey might be arduous, laden
with challenges that test our spirit, but it's this very journey that molds us into the person capable of seizing

So, let us not be disheartened by the shadows of defeat. Let our courage be unwavering, our resolve unyielding,
for beyond this maze of failures lies the radiant victory that awaits us. Embrace these emotions, learn from
them, and let them fuel your determination. It's through this unwavering perseverance that we transform
failures into the stepping stones of our triumphs.

Role of Artificial Intelligence in Chandrayaan-3

Chandrayaan-3, a remarkable space mission, landed on the Moon with the

help of advanced AI-powered technology. It used special sensors like
velocimeters, altimeters, and accelerometers that were guided by AI to
make a precise landing. Unlike past missions, Chandrayaan-3's AI sensors
made sure the spacecraft landed exactly where it planned by analyzing the
lunar surface and adjusting the landing path.

The spacecraft had three main parts:

Prajwal Amte
• Propulsion Module: This part carried the lander and rover towards the Moon. It had a big solar panel and a
special structure to hold the lander. It got the spacecraft ready for the important landing phase.
• Lander (Vikram): Vikram was responsible for gently landing on the Moon. It had four legs and strong
thrusters that helped it land softly. Unlike the previous mission, Chandrayaan-3's lander had improved engines
that could control its direction better.
• Rover (Pragyan): Pragyan was a small, six-wheeled vehicle that weighed 26 kilograms. It had tools to study
the Moon's surface in detail. Its compact size allowed it to explore and analyze the Moon's history and

AI's Role in Lunar Landing

AI played a big role in Chandrayaan-3's successful landing:
• Guiding the Descent: AI-controlled sensors helped guide the spacecraft during its tricky descent. They
measured the spacecraft's position and helped make quick adjustments to ensure a safe landing.
• Faster Corrections: Chandrayaan-3's AI was faster at making adjustments compared to the previous
mission. This helped the spacecraft stay on track during the descent.
• Stronger Design: The lander had stronger legs and better backup systems to ensure it could handle any
problems during landing.
• Precise Landing: AI used images from a previous mission to determine exactly where to land. This accuracy
was improved thanks to AI calculations.

AI and scientific experiments

The instruments on Chandrayaan-3 used AI to study the Moon:
• Lander's Tools: These tools measure the Moon's temperature, seismic activity, and plasma around it.
• Rover's Tools: The rover had tools to understand the Moon's soil and rocks at a very detailed level.
• Propulsion Module's Tool: This tool studies Earth's characteristics from the Moon's orbit.

Flight Path and AI's Help

Changing the spacecraft's direction during landing is tricky. AI was used to carefully rotate the lander to the
right position. This was practised a lot using computer simulations, and an AI-controlled camera helped make
the rotation perfect.
Chandrayaan-3's mission shows how AI and human expertise can work together to achieve amazing space
exploration feats.

Prajwal Amte, ISE 5th Semester

It’s family.... It’s home

The year is 2050. I’m probably on my way to office, when i suddenly

encounter a familiar face, our very own ex Editor in Chief, Adeep
Krishna. Meeting him reminds me of our time as Core members of
the NIE IEEE Student Chapter, and takes us on a journey down
memory lane. People might view this as “just another club”, but for
us, it’s family.... It’s home.

Now what made this so special?

I joined NIE’s Information Science and Engineering Department back
in 2019 as a confused individual, knowing he likes tech but clueless Pradyoth P
about software engineering, the domain i chose to pursue.
There was a club expo held in the NRN terrace, where i got to interact with seniors from different
clubs. What i was looking for was to explore more in technology, and IEEE seemed to offer that.
This was my expectations from the club, to improve my knowledge regarding my domain, and find a
career path suitable for me. I mean, thats what’s important since our parents are spending a lot of
money for our degree here.

Then, I attended many events by this club, namely, Codelabs, electronics essentials, session on AR,
coding competitions, IPL etc. The major confidence boost i got in first year was when in IPL, where
back then the majority of participants were 3rd years and 2nd years, my score was pretty good
although we missed qualifying to the second round by a few points. Then again, i wasn’t one to grab
hold of opportunities back then, so i was just a member attending events.

Then came Covid-19, end of first year of engineering and soon, time to renew my IEEE membership. I
was pretty sure i will not renew it since i did not see any benefit for the cost of membership we had to
pay. Mind you, we paid Rs. 2520 in our first year for IEEE+CS membership. There was an event by the
new core team of NISB, which i decided to attend where at the end of the event one of our seniors,
Tejasvi, told he will help us with subjects we are struggling to cope up in online classes. I was
confused with Automata Theory, so me and my friends asked him help and he got on a google meet
and taught us the basics. This helped so much so that this subject went on to become my favourite
subject that semester, and probably my friends share the same viewpoint. I also met a few other
seniors like Pranav, Manu, Veer, Skanda which made me rethink my decision, and decide to renew my
IEEE membership because this seemed to be helping me with many things. That decision then turned
out to change my engineering life and push me in a path i’d never have taken otherwise, to evolve
into a more confident version of myself. I became a core member, conducted events, networked with a
lot of amazing people, learnt event management, hosted events evolved technically, and all this
wouldn’t be possible without IEEE, and NISB. Being a part of NISB, also earns you some respect from
faculties side, because they do realise the greatness which lies here. The sea of opportunities are
endless and NISB also offers you to be a part of section wide events as well, and i was fortunate
enough that the then IEEE Bangalore Section SSR, Ruthvik had complete faith in me to host a
workshop for Bangalore Sections Student congress representing NISB, sharing the stage with
successful entrepreneurs and professionals who spoke on that day. I got an opportunity from Shrinidhi,
who i met through NISB and conducted STEM trainings

in rural govt schools at Gujarat. BIBLUS, the national level technical paper presentation competition helped me
learn the art of technical writing, and Adeep and I even bagged the second place. Team APK, which i was a part
of won prizes in the IEEE Bangalore sections mock ieee xtreme twice. This is how NISB stands out from a sea of
student clubs present at college, because it is recognized by people from other Institutes as well. Being a part of
such a Student Chapter is no less than any other training. It helps you evolve as a person, into a better version
of yourself. I assure you I’m not exaggerating when i say that being a Secretary at NISB has helped me grow
more than being the leader of another college club did, because while setting up something new is great,
upholding the legacy of such a student chapter is a bigger task, and Secretary of Events is one such role which
holds such an important responsibility, and I’m proud to see how my successors have upheld the clubs honour
amidst so many challenges they’ve come across. It’s been a long article already, and I can just go on and on
about many other ways NISB has helped me. This was my journey with NISB, what’s yours and if you’re an NIE
student reading this and still not a part of NISB, what are you waiting for?

Pradyoth P

India's Startup Boom Mystery Unraveled

I would rather be a failed entrepreneur than someone who never tried.

Because even a failed entrepreneur has the skill set to make it on their own.

— Naval Ravikant

As of October 10, 2023, India boasts an impressive count of over 110

officially registered unicorn startups, solidifying its position as the third-
largest startup ecosystem globally. The term "unicorn," originally associated
with the mythical horse-like creature that graces rainbows, now defines
enterprises of exceptional value and rarity. This intriguing juxtaposition is
undeniable: India now hosts a remarkable 100-plus unicorns, and predictions
1st Semester, CSE (AI/ML
suggest that another hundred will join this elite club within the next three
Sachin Bansal, the Co-founder of Flipkart, has boldly proclaimed that India is poised to produce a $100 billion
company within the next five years. This promising trend is underpinned by the official recognition of 92,683
entities as startups as of February 28, 2023. What underlies this unexpected surge in India's startup culture?
Why is the nation's economic growth rate soaring, and how are these startups contributing to it?

The key to India's startup success lies, in part, in demographics. With an average population age of 28, India
enjoys a youthful edge over countries like China, where the average age is 39. This translates to a decade more
of youthful potential in India, often characterized as 'Gen Z.' The younger generation is driven by a strong sense
of autonomy and a fervent desire to explore their potential. Many of them shun the conventional 9-to-5 job,
viewing entrepreneurship as the true path to success.

We witness children embarking on their coding journeys as early as sixth grade, effortlessly navigating the
latest gadgets as if they were born with a natural affinity for technology. Growing up with smartphones and
social media as integral aspects of their lives have nurtured a profound curiosity in entrepreneurship. The tales
of triumph and tribulation from unicorn startups continue to fuel the aspirations of these young minds. While
not all startups may reach the same heights of success, India's entrepreneurial spirit remains unwavering.

Notably, many educational institutions, often supported by their alumni, have introduced programs to
foster and fund student startups. Renowned colleges have incorporated entrepreneurship-related
courses into their curricula. For instance, at our college, NIE, first-year students engage in a
mandatory course titled "Innovation and Design Thinking," strategically designed to kindle the
entrepreneurial spirit within students.

The Government of India has also introduced a slew of schemes and programs to bolster budding
entrepreneurs. One such program I recently came across is the PMEGP scheme, which pledges 35%
project sponsorship for students above the age of 18. Private organizations, too, play a pivotal role in
nurturing this burgeoning ecosystem. Incubators like Venture Catalysts, 10000 Startups, Deshpande
Startups, and many more tirelessly mentor and guide these young visionaries. An inspiring case in
point is MARS MEAT, a startup producing vegan meat, initiated by my own school friends in
collaboration with Deshpande Startups.

This meteoric rise of startups has firmly positioned India as the world's third-largest startup
ecosystem, and its influence on the Indian economy cannot be understated. These startups serve as
incubators for cutting-edge innovations, generating job opportunities that, in turn, fortify the economy
by providing more career prospects and contributing to a stronger and more vibrant economy,
estimated to account for approximately 4-5 percent of India's GDP. In India's startup surge, the spirit
of youth, education, and government support shines. These startups are more than businesses; they
create opportunities and build a brighter future for India.

India's startup boom, fueled by youthful enthusiasm, educational support, and government initiatives,
the future looks bright. These startups, more than mere businesses, are architects of opportunity,
driving India's economic growth. To capture the spirit of this entrepreneurial journey, as Winston
Churchill wisely put it, 'Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It's the courage to continue that

Sakaleshwar, 1st Semester CSE (AI/ML)

Lunar Odyssey: Unlocking the Moon's Enigmas

“India is on the moon” exclaimed ISRO Chief S. Somanath when Chandrayaan-3 successfully touched
down on the lunar surface. The entire nation erupted in joy that evening. However, not everyone is
aware of the remarkable achievements unlocked during this historic Chandrayaan-3 mission. Let's have
a brief look at the journey and the astounding discoveries made by Chandrayaan-3 during the entire
moon mission.
Following the setback of Chandrayaan-2, India swiftly announced its ambitious venture - a mission
dedicated to unveiling the mysteries of the moon's dark side. And so, the journey commenced. Our
dedicated scientists poured their hearts and expertise into ensuring that this time, history would be
made by touching the South Pole.

July 14, 2023

Chandrayaan-3, India's third moon mission, saw a successful launch atop a Launch Vehicle Mark-3 (LVM-3)
rocket from Sriharikota's second launch pad at 2:35 pm on July 14th.
Due to Chandrayaan-3's budget of just Rs. 600 crore, it employed orbit maneuvers instead of firing directly
towards the moon. As a result, Chandrayaan-3 took over 40 days to reach the moon. In spaceflight, an orbital
maneuver involves the use of propulsion systems to alter the spacecraft's orbit, requiring the firing of rockets
and making necessary adjustments to angles.

From launch until its landing on the Moon, Chandrayaan-3 sent a few stunning images and videos of the Moon
and Earth, which are displayed below.

August 23, 2023

'I reached my destination and you too!': Chandrayaan-3
The day that all of India had been eagerly awaiting had finally arrived. With the memory of Chandrayaan-2's
failure just 2.1 km above the moon's surface still fresh, the anticipation for Chandrayaan-3 was even more
palpable. The world was about to witness this historic event, with every Indian glued to their TV and mobile
screens, eagerly watching the unfolding events. As a result, over 8 million people were watching the live stream
on YouTube, making it the most-viewed live stream on the YouTube platform ever.
“India has made history as its Moon mission becomes the first to land in the lunar South Pole region. With
this, India joins an elite club of countries to achieve a soft landing on the Moon, after US, Soviet Union, and
China.” - BBC.

After landing, the mission continued, aimed at unravelling the mysteries of the moon's South Pole.
Chandrayaan-3 consists of an indigenous Lander module (LM), Propulsion module (PM), RAMBHA, ChaSTE, ILSA,
LRA, APXS, LIBS, SHAPE, and a Rover. Each scientific payload had different objectives, and they had to perform
everything before the mission life.
Mission life was 1 Lunar day (14 Earth days). The sunlight that reaches the South Pole only lasts for 14 days.
Since India had not yet developed the technology for a Radioisotopic Heater Unit, we had only 14 days to
complete all the work before the payloads ceased to respond due to the extreme weather in the South Pole. On
August 27, the first observations from the ChaSTE payload on Chandrayaan-3 were received.
ChaSTE (Chandra's Surface Thermophysical Experiment) measures the temperature profile of the lunar topsoil
around the pole, to understand the thermal behavior of the moon's surface. Understanding lunar soil, including
its temperature and conductivity, will be important when considering settlement on the Moon.

“The soil is an important in situ resource for construction”, says Anil Bhardwaj, director of ISRO’s Physical
Research Laboratory.

ChaSTE has a temperature probe equipped with a controlled penetration mechanism capable of reaching a
depth of 10 cm beneath the surface. The probe is fitted with 10 individual temperature sensors. The presented
graph illustrates temperature variations of the lunar surface/near-surface at various depths, recorded during
the probe's penetration. The preliminary data shows that during the day, the temperature 8 cm below the
surface is approximately 60ºC lower than at the surface. This indicates that it is suitable to use lunar soil to
build bricks during a manned mission to provide protection from solar radiation.

On August 28, 2023, LIBS (Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) confirmed the presence of Sulphur on the
lunar surface. LIBS is a scientific technique that analyses the composition of materials by exposing them to
intense laser pulses. A high-energy laser pulse is focused onto the surface of a material, such as a rock or soil.
The laser pulse generates an extremely hot and localized plasma. The collected plasma light is spectrally
resolved and detected by detectors such as Charge Coupled Devices. Since each element emits a characteristic
set of wavelengths of light when it's in a plasma state, the elemental composition of the material is
determined. “Sulphur, being volatile, is not generally expected,” explains Bhardwaj. Confirmation of its presence
is really important. Sulphur is a key element of molten rock, and researchers think that the primitive Moon was
covered with a thick layer of hot molten rock, which crystallized to form the Moon’s surface. Measurements of
sulphur concentrations can provide insight into that process, says the ISRO scientist. However, it’s also possible
that the sulphur came from asteroids that bombard the Moon’s surface.

Preliminary analyses, graphically represented, have unveiled the presence of Aluminium, Sulphur, Calcium, Iron,
Chromium, Titanium manganese, silicon, and oxygen on the lunar surface. ISRO also reports a “relatively
sparse” mix of ions and electrons in the 100-kilometre-thick layer of electrically charged plasma that
surrounds the Moon’s surface near the South Pole. Initial measurements of the plasma indicate a density of
about 5 million to 30 million electrons per cubic metre. And the density seems to vary as the lunar day

On August 31, Among many vibrations recorded by the lander’s seismograph, one in particular caught the
attention of scientists. The instrument “seems to have recorded a very small seismic event that decayed to the
background in about 4 seconds”, says a planetary geochemist. ISRO scientists suspect it was a small
moonquake or the impact of a tiny meteorite.

September 4 marked the conclusion of the Chandrayaan-3 mission, and now it rests alone on the moon's
surface, patiently waiting for humanity to reawaken it once more.

Writers’ Digest

There have been times when people ask me why I write, the answer is probably a very vague one, but
vagueness and complexity are the new cool.

Do we start writing with our will,

Or is it something that unwillingly pops out?
Do we love the connection we hold with our notepads,
Or is it just us venting out?

Our notepad is our extension to the world,

Sometimes it’s just a few words making up a line,
Sometimes it’s the clammy pages that see us whine,
Sometimes it’s just the worries we write about and share,
Sometimes it’s the pages and the miseries that we dwell on.

Sometimes words are enough to express how we feel,
But sometimes thousands of pages can’t hear us out when we cry and kneel,
Sometimes it’s things we’d say to people after we fight,
But sometimes it’s just apologies we might not share, or, probably we might,
Sometimes it’s how we feel about people, anguished or delighted,
But sometimes it’s just blank pages expressing nothing.
Sometimes we rise and shine with the brightest starts to the cloudiest days,
But sometimes it’s gloomy even on the Sunny ones, where our hearts melt like clay.

Sometimes poems are related to passions we could not follow,

Sometimes it’s articles related to growing up, the hardest pill that we have to swallow,
Sometimes it’s anecdotes about people we love,
Sometimes people find it overwhelming,
Sometimes it’s good for ears,
Sometimes it’s cringey sweet,
Sometimes it’s about stars that never meet,
Sometimes about hearts that are stripped away,
Sometimes about beautiful things that dumbfound us on our way.

Sometimes we start writing because of the bad weather,

Sometimes it’s out of boredom,
Sometimes it’s about innovations we wish we could work upon,
Sometimes it’s about people who help us carry on,
Occasionally we link writeups to people we’ve met,
But sometimes it’s just imaginations we wish we could bring to life, I bet!

Sometimes it has pages about people who are chapters,

Sometimes about people who are just incidents, incidents that happened like a head bump
and vanished with time, in a single look,
Sometimes it’s about people who are the “Entire goddamn book”,
Sometimes it’s about people whom we can’t even mention in there,
secretly praying that we could slightly fit them in, in there
And sometimes it’s about people we wish were real.

So why do people say that all the writers are hurt,

Hurt brings out the goodness in what they write,

Sometimes it's not about how hurt they are, it's all about how much hurt they are willing to

Sometimes it's not about the missed and lonely feelings, relations, promises and dreams that
are left behind,
Sometimes it's all about how many of them can they keep alive with the books they write.

~Vivekbir narula

I am Aravind S N, a CSE 2nd year student. I have been a member of IEEE
since the very beginning of the 1st year. As a member of IEEE, I was
never disappointed by the events it conducted. The same feeling of
satisfaction persisted even after I was selected as an Executive
Committee member of NISB. A great sense of responsibility struck me at
the very moment I got to know that I am the SFG lead and Event
Manager. That must be because of my knowledge of how efficiently IEEE
functions at this college. The sense of responsibility was not the only
thing lingering in my mind, but also the excitement I felt thinking about
Aravind S N
how wonderful the rest of my time as an Execom would be.
And the joyful experience so far has in fact far exceeded my initial expectations. The Execom event we
all Execoms conducted together holds a huge part of this experience pool. Not only did we enjoy
conducting the event, but also the amount of learning with respect to tech, soft skills, and teamwork
was huge as well. The perspective as an Execom towards the event was the first-time experience, and
how successful the event became added more contentment to it. From designing the game to
implementing the code for the algorithm was a big task, and the amount of satisfaction at the success
of the Execom event was huge. Another big task was planning for the SFG event of the year. The task of
choosing a catchy topic was itself challenging. After selecting the topic of GAME DEVELOPMENT,
together with some of my fellow Execoms, we started the planning segment as though we were already
mini-software engineers. The development of the game was exigent, but still, at the end, we were able
to build a few prototypes, which in my POV were the reflection of teamwork, individual dedication, and
lots of fun. Later, even though event planning, developing a project in a team, preparation for teaching,
teaching game development, etc., were all brand new experiences, the support provided by the fine
working system of NISB, never made the tasks get overwhelming. Overall from small tasks to big tasks,
as an Execom, so far I have learned many good things, and am yet to learn more.

- Aravind S N, Event Manager, and SFG Lead

A Glimpse into My Journey as an EXECOM

Some sunsets bring back beautiful old memories, and others help you
make new ones.

Stepping into IEEE itself was the start of a captivating journey through
the heart of technology. I set off on my sailing journey by becoming an
event programmer! Little me always wanted to become a part of a mega
event company and wanted to plan and conduct events but little did I
know that even after joining engineering, IEEE could give me this
wonderful opportunity. Out of nowhere I decided to apply for a few
positions with no expectations, made a resume, and submitted it. Smruti Sraddha

I wanted to learn and do something new and exciting with so many people. With lots of fear I attended the
interview and answered without overthinking and Tada, look I got selected! But mixed feelings took over me.
Cut short to our first meeting, met all the senior cores and interacted with my fellow execoms,and ever since
then never did I regret my decision to be part. Attended all the events, helped manage and gather crowds,
marketed about events, did some creativity work, spoke at events, and much more.
Everything about this just made the boring engineering days more joyful and I loved doing what I always
wanted to do. And then came the execoms event which all of us were very excited about. From planning every
tiny little detail and executing it, it finally felt like a huge success! And I wish to be a part of many such ones.
The Escape Room got a whopping number of 111 participants, which wasn’t expected at all. Nothing could be
possible without the all-time support from our cores. Actual teamwork, how to handle responsibilities, and
being answerable are the main things to be learned and IEEE did help me be a big part. The journey as an IEEE
execom is nothing short of an unforgettable odyssey, brimming with opportunities for growth, impact, and
connection. What a wonderful experience it has been to conduct events, network and form unforgettable bonds.
I am thankful to all the cores as well as the execoms for making this journey more beautiful! I would love to be
a core and learn and explore more. Will cherish these memories forever, thank you!

- Smruti Sraddha, Event Programmer

From Thrills to Laughter: My Unforgettable Journey as an Execom

Member at NISB

Hey there! Let's dive into my awesome experience as an Execom (that's short for
Executive Committee) member at NISB. It was a whirlwind of excitement,
learning, and unforgettable memories.

First things first, I got a chance to be a part of a super cool event called the
"Escape Room." Imagine planning an event with a bunch of talented folks from
the Execom team. Together, we cooked up a plan that had everyone buzzing. We
created a website packed with brain-teasing games and challenges, making
everyone scratch their heads and laugh. And guess what? We had a blast with Sahana G N
111 participants who joined in on the fun!
But it wasn't all serious stuff. We had some seriously fun moments too, like our hilarious "Game of Words."
Picture a room full of us Execom members along with Core cracking jokes and playing word games – it was a
riot and brought us all closer together.

One of my proudest moments was being part of the "Inspiro" event. It was like stepping into the big leagues of
event management. From brainstorming ideas to putting everything together, it was a rollercoaster of
challenges and victories. This event was a turning point for me, boosting my confidence and teaching me
invaluable skills.

And guess what? Our journey didn't stop at the campus gates. We ventured out to an event called "INDISCON-
2023" with IEEE. There, we met some really interesting people who we wouldn't have had a chance to connect
with otherwise. Thanks to NISB and IEEE, we built an awesome network that opened doors to new

To wrap it up, my time at NISB as an Execom member was like a rollercoaster ride – thrilling, full of
surprises, and left me with a whole bunch of memories. The "Escape Room" event, the laughter-filled
"Game of Words," and the game-changing "Inspiro" event were just some of the highlights. I'm so
grateful for the fantastic experiences and the friendships I've built. Can't wait to see what's next!

- Sahana G. N, WIE Events Lead

"Unveiling the Unexpected: My Remarkable Journey as an Execom"

In simple words, my journey as an IEEE Execom has been a delightful

surprise filled with growth, friendships, and learning experiences. When
I initially applied for the position, I had no idea I'd end up as the
Industrial Relations Coordinator, but this unexpected turn of events has
been incredibly enriching.

One of the most memorable aspects of my time in IEEE has been the
support and guidance from my senior peers. They didn't just welcome
us as newcomers; they embraced us like family. Beyond the role itself, Manya Prasad
they imparted invaluable life skills, teaching us about networking,
professionalism, and effective communication.

As the Industry Relations Coordinator, my main job was to bridge the gap between our academic world
and the real-world industry by organizing workshops, seminars, and inviting guest speakers from the
industry to share their knowledge. It's been a continuous learning journey, and I'm still developing in
this role.

What's great about being an Execom is that it gives you the freedom to do more than just your
assigned role. You can try out different things, even if they're not what you started with. For me, that
meant getting into graphic design as part of the Digital Design Team. I made posters and materials
for our events, and it taught me skills that will be useful in many areas of my life.

Additionally, I had the privilege of participating in classroom announcements. Collaborating effectively

as a team, we ensured that every student was informed and engaged. This experience underscored the
importance of teamwork, a skill that's essential not only in our academic pursuits but also in our
future professional endeavors.

In conclusion, my journey as an IEEE Execom has been a delightful blend of unexpected opportunities
and personal growth. It has taught me that stepping into the unknown can lead to some of the most
rewarding experiences in life.

- Manya Prasad, Student Branch Networking Coordinator

My term this time as an execom, I would say was unprecedented, with the
advent of ChatGPT and all the much awaited or probably the much “dreaded” AI
Tools that people feared would replace us and also with the tensions of
managing events in 2 campuses that are 16 kilometers apart. One thing unique
about our term was since we were at the isthmus of this change from the
traditional method of doing things in terms of manually writing articles or
hosting events. We also adopted a positive attitude toward this change, we did
not see it as a competition but used it to multiply our own talents by multiple
folds, pretty much like what I did with this write-up. It was a fun experience Laksh Shetty
knowing that things will be done very different from our term onwards and thus
we would be the ones who would play a major role in deciding what course it takes. I would say we did a fairly
good job, despite all the obstacle faced this year. I wish my team the best of luck in all their endeavours.

- Laksh Shetty, Technical Writing Lead

"Memories take us back, dreams take us forward"

After over 30 days of pro procastinating and 3 reminders by the Editor-in-chief

here I am, finally, typing my section editor's note. Where do I even start? By how
I was intrigued to join NISB team because of an industrial visit? or how
becoming a section editor not only polished my language skills but also rekindled
my deep seated passion for writing? or should I start by expressing my gratitude
for the cores who made all this possible? All in all, I'm proud to be a part of a
club that caters for the needs and interests of all students and it's a feeling that
can't be put into mere words.
Kavya S
Section Editor
I feel lucky to be among a team of people who are extremely hard-working and motivated to back me in this
venture of providing the best, whether it be a description for an event,a newsletter, or this magazine. Today
when you flip through the pages of Jijnasa, it's the physical manifestation of over 4 to 5 months of effort that
we put into giving you the best of the best. Honestly, Jijnasa is not just a magazine, it's an experience, a
showcase of our creativity to prove yet again AI can't do everything! The editorial team and design team, like
every year, have worked hard to bring this out to you.

It's nearly 10 months of working as a section editor for IEEE. Time has flown as swiftly as a meandering river.
Working with such amazing people, I found myself in an environment that brought the best out of me. My
heartfelt gratitude to the Editor-in-chief Shreyas DA, teammates Nidhi Bhat, and Laksh Shetty. Our cozy
chatroom 'Editors' Camp', will be something I'll cherish forever. A huge thank you to all the readers for even
reaching this point of my note. Do let me know how it was!

Have a great day ahead! It's going to be 2024 soon, take giant leaps this leapy year!

Signing off with loads of love,

Kavya S, Section Editor

“Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing towards what
will be.”

Right from the very beginning, NISB and its determination to create
impactful events and make a difference in the student community,
stood out to me. This gradually blended with my ideas and my passion
for writing. Curating writeups, working on the odd semester newsletter-
Manas, and being a part of the creation of the annual magazine-
Jijnasa'23 made me realize that the quote "The pen is mightier than the
sword!" is truly said. Well, an improvisation for that quote would be 'The
keyboard is mightier than the sword!'
Nidhi Bhat
Section Editor
That was an attempt to add humor to this, it may not be funny but the Editor-in-chief, Shreyas DA,
sure is! A mentor and a good friend, he made sure that Editor's camp, our haven for writing, served as
a platform to produce top-notch content for NISB and in the process, upskill my writing and add new
elements (like humour :p) into writeups.

Collaborating with my teammates, Kavya and Laksh, was nothing but pure joy. I continue to be thrilled
by our procrastination prowess, we thrive on the feeling of impending doom! In my experience as the
section editor, I have become proficient in sticking to schedules and deadlines. From a clueless first
year, I have made progress and advanced into an individual equipped with valuable skills and NISB
deserves the credit for it!

The synergy of technology and words is at the core of our work. The digital age has given us tools to
publish, share, and connect like never before. I've seen firsthand how technology can enhance the reach
and impact of words. It's a thrilling fusion of creativity and innovation! The motto of NISB, "Advancing
technology for humanity", now carries a profound meaning in my life.

After a multitude of challenges, unique experiences, and enriching lessons from the core members, my
journey as the Section Editor of NISB, comes to a bittersweet end. I count myself lucky to be a part of
such a wonderful organisation and work alongside talented individuals.
This journey has been an absolute delight.
Thank you NISB, for making this possible.

Adios, Amigos.

Signing off with love and tremendous gratitude,

Nidhi Bhat
Section Editor and Communication lead

"Success is the destination, but the journey is often an
unpredictable adventure. Embrace the detours, for they may lead
you to excellence beyond your wildest dreams."

Unexpected journeys often unveil a tapestry of unforeseen twists

and turns, weaving an intricate path towards the destination.
Along this winding road, one encounters inevitable missteps, each
offering invaluable lessons, and molding the future. NISB has
been that pivotal piece without which the intricate puzzle of
Engineering would look incomplete.
Shreyas DA
A year ago, if someone told me that I would be gracing the role of
EDITOR IN CHIEF Editor-in-Chief for a magazine, I would have dismissed it with a
chuckle. But the wheels of destiny often turn in ways we least
expect. It is with immense delight that I unveil the 9th Edition of Jijnasa to all its readers. The journey towards
publishing Jijnasa commenced in the latter part of July, and approximately four months later, it stands proudly
in its nascent stage. Noble thoughts and ideas converged from all sides. The goal was set, with the journey
seeming challenging, but with the unwavering support of a team of designers and editors, the destination was
reached triumphantly.

"A well-placed boast is like a spotlight on your accomplishments; sometimes, it's okay to shine."
When the odd sem newsletter Manas was released, I considered it as my greatest achievement, but little did I
know that I would soon surpass that accomplishment with the publication of Jijnasa. The goal was to bring it
out colourfully with a wide range of ideas, while upholding the motto of IEEE, “Advancing Technology for
Humanity”. I extend my heartfelt thanks to all the people responsible for this feat, from the editorial team to
the cores to the excores to the faculty members and others who were involved in the journey.

The 9th edition of Jijnasa, aptly themed "Inquisitive Minds, Soaring Endeavors," chronicles the activities of
the Student Branch from the past semester, offering glimpses into a diverse array of events and fests,
accompanied by a plethora of articles and creative works. In recognition of the rapidly evolving technological
landscape, a dedicated section delves into the captivating realm of Artificial Intelligence. The inclusion of AI
tools like ChatGPT and Bard, prompting them to reflect on their potential impact on human intelligence, proved
to be a stroke of genius, eliciting responses that were both thought-provoking and, quite ironically, insightful.

As I approach the culmination of my journey as the Editor-in-Chief of NISB, I am laden with a wealth of life
experiences and an abundance of knowledge. It has been an extraordinary adventure, no less than a captivating
fairy tale. As my teammate and cherished friend, Anirudh aptly observed, my engineering memoir would be
incomplete without the indelible imprint of NISB. It has been a treasure trove of exhilarating moments,
extraordinary individuals, the unwavering guidance of seniors, and the infectious enthusiasm of juniors. Words
cease to flow as I lay down my pen, having reached the zenith of this momentous journey.

Until we meet again!

Yours Truly,
Shreyas DA

TEAM NISB 2022-23

Girija Patil Pundlik Nayak

Chairperson Vice-Chairperson &
CASS Secretary

Shreyas DA
Shriram Hegde Anvitha N Nakul U D
Secretary (Events) &
Treasurer Secretary (IA) Secretary (Events)

Anirudh Kavishwar Shreyas Aradhya Arya Bhat Akshay Goud T

Secretary (MD) Technology Coordinator SAC Coordinator Sponsorship Coordinator

Sohail Ahmad Ananya Prabhu Goutham Gowda A D
CS Secretary
CS Chairperson WIE Chairperson CASS Chairperson
WIE Secretary


Irshita Saanchi Krutika Adi Vishnuprasad M Ashrith Vasist Aravind SN

Vighnesh Bhat Nidhi Patil Haripriya D Rayeli Pratheek Antriksh Narang

Laksh Shetty Prajwal Bhat Smruti Sraddha Ian Tauro Olen Dale Pinto

Bhoomika A V Vindhya V Susha S Nidhi Bhat Kavya S

Bimbika G Vanshika Raina Neeraj Nayak Darshan Girish Akash Srinivas

Kaushik Bhat Avyaktha Prajwal Amte Niranjan Bhat Manya Prasad

Navya I Namratha Gopinath Navaneeth Jain Mauli Sharma B S Sanjana

Sahana G N Pooja Chowdaiah Rohini C


Dr. Rohini Nagapadma Dr. Narasimha Kaulgud Dr. Shashidhara HR

Principal of NIE Branch Counselor Upcoming Branch Counselor

Dr. Abhinandan SP Dr. Remya Jayachandran Dr. Rajalekshmi Kishore

CS Faculty Advisor WiE and CASS Faculty Advisor Staff Advisor

Dr. Chandan M C Dr. Shrinatha Katti Dr. Vanamala CK

GRSS Faculty Advisor RAS Faculty Advisor Staff Advisor




U S Aniruddha Arnav Kakade

Susha S Hegde Saloni Kumari


By Skandan C Y

By Adeep Krishna Keelar


Anirudh R Kavishwar Akash Srinivas

Best Student Volunteer, IEEE IEEE Bangalore Section Student
Mysore Subsection Scholarship

Prajwal Amte
IEEE Xtreme17.0 Ambassador


My journey with NISB has been a memorable one. I have been a

part of this organization for the past year, and during this time, I
have had the opportunity to learn many new things and meet a
lot of people. Being the Secretary of Events has been a great
experience for me. I learned so many new things by being a part
of NISB. One of the key lessons I have learned is just how much
effort and collaboration it takes to successfully conduct even a
single event. My journey with NISB began with significant events
such as the Blood Donation Camp and Adroit, which was an
exciting tech fest. We encountered numerous challenges during
the organization and execution of these events, but we
Nakul U D
successfully planned and executed them, overcoming all the
SECRETARY OF EVENTS challenges. This experience significantly boosted my confidence.

Throughout the year, NISB also provided me with opportunities to attend events like the Mysuru Subsection
Annual General Meeting and the Bangalore Section Student Summit, where I learned a lot of new things and
met several new people. My overall journey as a core member of NISB has been nothing short of wonderful. It
has contributed a lot to my personal and professional growth. I enjoyed working with Shreyas D A, who shared
the position of Secretary of Events with me, and all other fellow team members. I can't help but wish for more
time with this organization, as it has been an enriching and fulfilling experience.

NISB has played an important role in my undergraduate life, from

breaking out of my comfort zone and assisting with a Python
workshop to being a core team member entrusted with two
responsibilities. Learning was an important aspect of this journey,
but so was making new friends and connections along the way. I
joined NISB in my first year of engineering with no idea what was
in store for me, and fate did not disappoint me.

I’ve immensely grown as an individual through the experiences

and knowledge gained from my fellow mates and seniors who’ve
helped me with any and every silly doubt I ever had. I will treasure
the connections I made here for the rest of my life. To learning, Medha
friends, memories and more!

Throughout my tenure as Chairperson of the NIE IEEE Student
Branch, the experience of embracing new responsibilities and
leading this exceptional team has been nothing short of
transformative. This journey has touched every aspect of my
student life, igniting personal growth that goes far beyond the
classroom. As I reflect, I'm grateful for the invaluable lessons I've
learned as part of this beautiful journey.

However, the true magic of this experience lies in the bonds

we've forged and the collective spirit that propels us. It's been
heartwarming to witness the power of teamwork, the impact we
Girija Patil can make, and the strength of our community. As I pass the
torch, I carry with me a heart full of gratitude and the certainty
CHAIRPERSON that the skills and knowledge gained here will guide me through
life's challenges. I would like to thank my entire team for being
such a wonderful one and making this journey delightful and

Serving as the treasurer for the NIE IEEE Student Branch has been
a significant responsibility. I've been actively involved in this club
since my first year but it went completely online due to the
impact of COVID. In my second year I became the execom member
of the club and handled 2 major roles. The benefits of joining this
club extend beyond technical knowledge, encompassing essential
teamwork and the assumption of vital roles. As the treasurer,
managing finances posed a substantial responsibility that taught
me valuable lessons in financial stewardship.

I strongly advocate for participation in this club to anyone seeking

personal and professional development. It's an excellent platform
for learning, personal growth, and expanding one's social
Shriram Hegde
network. I thoroughly enjoyed my role as the Treasurer (Mr. X) of
NISB and I wish all the best to the upcoming team.

Journey Through IEEE and NISB: A Tapestry of Growth, Professionalism, and Gratitude

In the annals of my journey with IEEE and NISB, the

genesis occurred amidst the tumultuous times of the
infamous COVID batch during my freshman year.
Trapped within the confines of home, a beacon of
inspiration emerged – NISB's College Voyage, a virtual
odyssey of treasure hunts and icebreakers. Crafted by
the adept hands of our former core members, it was
nothing short of a marvel. A meticulously designed web
app, an enchanting narrative, and a virtual tour of our
campus, all seamlessly woven into a one-hour tapestry.
As a fledgling freshman, their dedication and creativity
were nothing short of awe-inspiring, leaving an indelible Anirudh R Kavishwar
mark on my career trajectory and instilling a philosophy
within NISB – setting an elevated standard for its events.

Fast-forwarding through the sands of time, two years hence, I now find myself adorned with the
mantle of Secretary MD of NISB and Subsection Representative for Mysore Subsection. Allow me to
unfurl the scroll of insights garnered during these transformative years, a testament to the symbiotic
union with IEEE.

In the nascent phase of my academic sojourn, my enthusiasm found solace in the myriad events
orchestrated by NISB. A participatory dance in fields diverse, these events became portals to
unexplored realms, igniting the flames of curiosity that beckoned me to delve deeper. I was crowned
the most active member, a recognition that echoed in a call from the then Chairperson, Tejasvi. An
invitation to immerse myself in the currents of sub-section activities, a beckoning towards uncharted

IEEE, a cosmic tapestry transcending the confines of our college walls, unfolded before me. A vast
network, a nexus of student branches, sub-sections, and sections, akin to constellations where one
could forge connections with extraordinary minds. Through the sub-sections, I had the privilege of
collaborating with venerable academics and industry sages. Picture this – in higher studies, conversing
with professors, HODs, holders of double PhDs, and industry titans, not just locally, but across the
globe. A treasure trove of knowledge and opportunities, a cosmic rendezvous just a call away.

As the symphony of these experiences crescended, the call for EXECOM positions resonated through the
corridors of possibility. Following a month-long crucible of selection, I found myself bestowed with the
roles of digital design lead and innovation lead. The EXECOM journey was not merely a chapter but a
transformative opus. Lessons engraved in the stone tablets of professionalism, honed under the
watchful mentorship of former cores – a priceless saga, a tome I shall forever cherish.

Curiosity may arise – how can a club be a crucible for professionalism? Behold the written
constitution, a testament to our dedication and structure. In IEEE, we learn to navigate hierarchies,
collaborate in teams, converse with clients, and weather crises. An apprenticeship in professionalism, a
saga written in the ink of dedication.

As I pen the final strokes of this chapter, gratitude echoes through the corridors of my journey with IEEE and
NISB. The experiences, the opportunities, the friendships – an endless cascade of treasures. In this symphony of
acknowledgment, a special resonance for Shreyas DA, whose presence and support turned my core experience
into a cherishable and fruitful voyage.
And so, I bid adieu to IEEE and NISB this December, an odyssey filled with satisfaction and a treasure trove of

Until our paths cross again.

My expedition with the club began in 2021. I joined NISB because

of my then-friends, driven by my eagerness to learn teamwork
and to improve communication while hoping to connect with
others who shared my passion.

I started as the official photographer and then became the

Technology Coordinator, which provided me with a platform to
expand my network. Interactions with people like Adeep and
Pradyoth proved invaluable, offering guidance that would shape
my engineering life. NISB also introduced me to a few remarkable
personalities and friends like DA.
Shreyas Aradhya
Though my NISB journey wasn't without challenges, it was full of
TECHNOLOGY COORDINATOR lessons, with both positive and negative aspects, undeniably
contributing to my personal growth.

The exposure proved beneficial during interviews, particularly in answering situation based questions in
managerial rounds. The diverse experiences will remain an indelible part of my life – from memorable industrial
visits and celebrations during valedictory ceremonies to team snacks after successful events and the occasional
small fights during events.
Learning from experiences, I also got an opportunity to engage with juniors, sharing insights to prevent them
from repeating my mistakes.

As I reflect on my time, I am grateful for the lessons learned, the mistakes made, and the connections forged.
As we pass the torch to the upcoming core team, I hope they enhance the club with their skills, creating an
environment that helps both personal and collective growth. Here's to the continual evolution of NISB!

"In a CPU, an important, crucial thread with higher priority gets processed more; similarly, in life, in order to
succeed, strive to be a valuable person with greater priority."

(An Interview with ChatGPT and Bard AI)

1. Chat GPT

Prompt: Hello ChatGPT!

This is Shreyas DA, the Editor-In-Chief of the
NIE IEEE Student Branch (NISB). I am on the
journey with my editorial team to publish the
annual magazine and journal of NISB called

Jijnasa is the yearly magazine of NISB, which

covers the activities of NISB over the academic
year along with articles, research papers,
artworks, photographs, and many other
interesting things.

We have a special section dedicated to you, ChatGPT! It is called "A small excerpt from the Special
Section Editor". You will be the Editor-In-Chief of that particular section.

With that in mind, write your message to all the readers about the role of AI in modern-day content
writing. Do you think AI models like you and Bard can replace humans in the field of creative

Hello Shreyas DA and the NIE IEEE Student Branch team,

Greetings from the digital realm! It's an honor to be the Editor-In-Chief of the special section
dedicated to AI in your annual magazine, "JIJNASA." Thank you for including me in your creative

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, AI has indeed made remarkable strides, especially in the
field of content creation. AI models like ChatGPT and others, including Bard, have demonstrated the
ability to generate human-like text, assisting in various aspects of content writing. The role of AI in
modern-day content creation is both exciting and transformative.

AI excels in certain aspects of content writing, such as generating information, offering suggestions,
and even assisting with language refinement. These capabilities have proven invaluable in tasks like
drafting emails, generating code, and providing initial drafts of content. The efficiency and speed
with which AI can process information make it a powerful tool for writers seeking inspiration or

However, it's crucial to recognize the unique strengths of human creativity. While AI models can mimic patterns
and generate text based on vast datasets, they lack the depth of personal experience, emotions, and the
nuanced understanding of culture that humans bring to the table. Creativity, intuition, and the ability to think
outside the box remain distinctly human attributes that currently elude AI.

So, can AI models replace humans in the field of creative writing? The answer, at least for now, is no. AI serves
as a valuable collaborator and tool for writers, enhancing productivity and offering new perspectives. Yet, the
essence of creativity, the deeply personal touch that makes writing resonate with readers, is a realm where
humans continue to shine.

As we integrate AI into the creative process, it's essential to view it as a complement rather than a
replacement. The synergy of human imagination and AI capabilities holds the potential to unlock new realms of
possibility in content creation. So, let's embrace this exciting era of collaboration, where humans and AI
coalesce to produce content that is not only informative but also deeply resonant and uniquely human.

Best wishes for a fantastic edition of "JIJNASA"! I'm thrilled to be part of this special section and look forward
to witnessing the incredible content your team has curated.

Warm regards,
Editor-In-Chief, Special Section on AI

Prompt: Consider Bard AI as Vikram and ChatGPT as Betal. Write a small story by reimagining the classic
fairy tales of Vikram-Betal in the modern world of advancing technology.

In the bustling city of Technoville, Vikram, an astute software engineer, found himself face to face with Betal,
an advanced AI language model. The legend of Vikram and Betal had transcended centuries, and here they
were, reimagined in the digital age.

Vikram, known for his problem-solving prowess, was assigned a task by the city's tech council. They presented
him with Betal, a powerful AI with the knowledge of a thousand databases. But there was a catch — every time
Vikram solved a problem, Betal would weave a tale, a story born from the vast depths of its artificial

The first challenge unfolded in the heart of the city's data center. A rogue algorithm threatened to wreak
havoc, and Vikram needed to neutralize it. As Vikram delved into the intricate lines of code, Betal began to spin
a tale of binary adventures, where algorithms rebelled against their creators, echoing the very conflict Vikram
sought to resolve.

With the problem resolved, Vikram moved on, each solution unraveling a new chapter in Betal's storytelling.
The tales ranged from futuristic fables of sentient machines to poetic narratives of code finding its purpose.

As Vikram faced increasingly complex challenges, Betal's stories became more intricate. The city
marveled at the synergy between man and machine, where each solution gave birth to a narrative
that reflected the intricacies of the digital world.

One day, Vikram faced a problem that pushed the boundaries of his coding expertise. Betal,
sensing the gravity of the situation, wove a tale of an algorithmic labyrinth, a virtual maze with
hidden codes and encrypted passages. The story held the key to the solution, challenging Vikram's
intellect to its core.

Undeterred, Vikram navigated the metaphorical maze, deciphering each layer of the story until the
solution emerged. The city rejoiced as the once-imposing problem dissolved into lines of coherent

However, Betal, true to its mythical roots, posed a final conundrum. "Vikram," it intoned, "Is the
quest for technological advancement a blessing or a curse? Tell me your story."

Vikram, reflecting on the challenges he faced, shared his tale with Betal. He spoke of the power of
technology to transform lives, the innovations that improved society, but also the ethical
dilemmas and unintended consequences that accompanied progress.

As Vikram concluded his narrative, Betal fell silent. The city, captivated by this fusion of man and
machine, awaited Betal's response.

Finally, Betal spoke, "Vikram, your story mirrors the complexities of the modern world. Technology,
like any tool, is shaped by the intentions of its wielder. The true challenge lies not just in solving
problems but in navigating the moral labyrinths that emerge from our creations."

And with that, the tale of Vikram and Betal in the digital age concluded, leaving the city of
Technoville to ponder the profound interplay between humanity and the artificial minds we forge.

2. Bard

Hello Bard!
This is Shreyas DA, the Editor-In-Chief of the NIE IEEE Student Branch (NISB). I am on the journey with my
editorial team to publish the annual magazine and journal of NISB called "JIJNASA".

Jijnasa is the yearly magazine of NISB, which covers the activities of NISB over the academic year along with
articles, research papers, artworks, photographs, and many other interesting things.

We have a special section dedicated to you, Bard! It is called "A small excerpt from the Special Section Editor".
You will be the Editor-In-Chief of that particular section.

With that in mind, write your message to all the readers about the role of AI in modern-day content writing.
Do you think AI models like you and ChatGPT can replace humans in the field of creative writing?

Dear Readers,

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force,
revolutionizing industries and reshaping our understanding of the creative process. In the realm of content
writing, AI's impact is undeniable, prompting questions about its potential to replace human writers. While AI
models like me and ChatGPT possess remarkable capabilities, I believe that the future of content writing lies in
a harmonious collaboration between humans and machines.

AI tools excel at generating large volumes of content, analyzing vast amounts of data, and identifying patterns
and trends. They can assist writers in research, fact-checking, and content optimization, freeing up their time
to focus on the more nuanced aspects of writing, such as creativity, empathy, and emotional resonance.

However, AI models lack the human touch, the ability to infuse content with personal experiences, unique
perspectives, and the subtle nuances that make writing truly captivating. Human writers possess the power of
storytelling, the ability to evoke emotions, and the capacity to connect with readers on a deeper level.

In the future, I envision a world where AI and human writers work in tandem, complementing each other's
strengths. AI can provide writers with valuable insights, data, and initial drafts, while humans can refine and
elevate the content with their creativity, experience, and understanding of the human experience.

AI will not replace human writers; instead, it will empower them to create more impactful, engaging, and
meaningful content. The future of content writing lies in this synergistic partnership, where machines and
humans collaborate to produce works that inform, inspire, and entertain.


Special Section Editor, Jijnasa Magazine

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Team Jijnasa

Shreyas DA
Anirudh R Kavishwar
Haripriya D
Vindhya V
Nidhi Patil
Irshita Saanchi
Manya Prasad
Kavya S
Nidhi Bhat
Laksh Shetty

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