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When? The answer is easy, always.

Even more, we should be able to let off steam not only every time we feel we need it, I think it
would be, at least, a weekly practice in our nowadays stressful world.

There are people who run away from confrontation and say yes to everything they are required for,
at work, with relatives, friends, this kind of people tend to accumulate more stress than people
with no problems in saying NO. And it is for them for who I recommend probably a dairy way to let
of steam.

But I think, the question should be: How is it healthy to let off steam?

Not all the ways we use to let off steam are heathy, for example, it is not heathy to get drunk every
time you have a problem, or eat kilos of ice cream, when you think is the only way to finish with
your stress. That is not healthy.

We can enumerate several ways to let off steam for sure are heathy and other ways, that looks like
healthy, but they are not really.

Its healthy to do exercise, its healthy meditate, its healthy to cry even shout if you need it, its
healthy to write, its healthy to listen music…etc

What about talk with friends?

Everybody probably answers, yes of course it’s the best way to let off steam.

And the next question is, ok its healthy for you, but do you think is it healthy for your friend?

No, it is no healthy for her or him, most of you are thinking: but my friend wants to know all your
worries. Yes, probably yes, but there is a big difference between tell our friend our problems and
give him or her them.

I mean, all of us have met in our life this kind of person that live moaning and complaining about
everything, this kind of persons, need somebody to moan and in my personal experience that kind
of person are not only unbearable even unhealthy.

When I was at university, I had one of my best ideas in order to this issue, I have never patented it
so I am going to tell you my idea, it consist in a machine to shout or express what you want when
you need urgently to let off steam. It should be as a phone box, absolutely soundproof, were you
can enter for a few minutes and express yourself, how you need to let off steam. You could find
them in the street at work, everywhere.

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