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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 7 Issue 5, September-October 2023 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

A Study of Difference in Understanding of Gender Inequality

Mr. Rajat Peter1, Dr. Abhilasha Pathak2
Ph.D Research Scholar, 2Research Supervisor,
Sri Satya Sai University, Sehore, Madhya Pradesh, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Mr. Rajat Peter |

This research paper explores the multifaceted nature of gender Dr. Abhilasha Pathak "A Study of
inequality and the various perspectives surrounding it. It delves Difference in Understanding of Gender
into the social, economic, and political factors that contribute to Inequality" Published in International
Journal of Trend in
gender disparities, examining how societal norms and stereotypes
Scientific Research
perpetuate inequality. The paper also highlights the importance of and Development
intersectionality, recognizing how gender inequality intersects (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
with other forms of discrimination. Additionally, it explores the 6470, Volume-7 |
impact of gender inequality on individuals and society as a whole. Issue-5, October
By shedding light on these different understandings, this research 2023, pp.91-94,
paper aims to contribute to the ongoing dialogue and efforts URL:
towards achieving gender equality.
This research paper takes a deep dive into the diverse perspectives Copyright © 2023 by author (s) and
and interpretations of gender inequality. It examines the social, International Journal of Trend in
economic, and political aspects that contribute to this issue. The Scientific Research and Development
paper also explores how societal norms and stereotypes play a Journal. This is an
role in perpetuating gender disparities. By considering Open Access article
intersectionality, it acknowledges the interconnectedness of distributed under the
gender inequality with other forms of discrimination. terms of the Creative Commons
Furthermore, the research paper investigates the impact of gender Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
inequality on individuals and society as a whole. Through this
comprehensive exploration, the aim is to foster a greater
understanding and promote meaningful progress towards gender Keywords: Gender disparities,
equality. Gender wage gap, Women's
empowerment, Gender-based
Gender inequality refers to the unequal treatment and violence, Glass ceiling
opportunities based on gender. It can manifest in various ways,
such as unequal pay, limited access to education, and
underrepresentation in leadership roles. Societal norms and
stereotypes often contribute to these disparities. Research has
shown that addressing gender inequality requires a multi-faceted
approach, including promoting gender equality in laws and
policies, challenging gender stereotypes, and empowering
individuals to challenge and dismantle gender-based
Gender inequality is a complex issue that has been important to recognize that gender inequality
studied extensively. It encompasses various intersects with other forms of discrimination, such as
dimensions, including social, economic, and political race, class, and sexuality. By understanding these
factors. Socially, gender norms and stereotypes can different aspects, we can work towards creating a
perpetuate inequality by imposing certain roles and more equitable and inclusive society for all.
expectations on individuals based on their gender. In this research paper, we're gonna dig deep into the
Economically, women often face wage gaps and whole concept of gender inequality and explore the
limited access to employment opportunities. different ways people understand it. Gender
Politically, women are often underrepresented in inequality is a big issue, you know? It's not just about
positions of power and decision-making. It's guys and girls, but also about social, economic, and

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59869 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 5 | Sep-Oct 2023 Page 91

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
political factors that play a role in keeping the diverse perspectives and experiences. Additionally,
inequality alive. We'll also look into how society's quantitative methods like surveys are used to gather
expectations and stereotypes keep feeding into this statistical data and analyze trends. By combining
problem. By understanding these different these approaches, we can provide a well-rounded
perspectives, we can start working towards a more exploration of the different understandings of gender
equal world. So, get ready to join me on this journey inequality.
as we unravel the complexities of gender inequality! In addition to the literature review and surveys, we
Let's dive into the topic of gender inequality and also considered utilizing case studies to delve deeper
explore its different understandings. Gender into specific instances of gender inequality and
inequality is a complex issue that goes beyond just understand the complexities involved. This mixed-
the surface level. It's influenced by social, economic, methods approach will allow us to gather both
and political factors, and deeply rooted in societal qualitative and quantitative data, providing a
norms and stereotypes. By examining these different comprehensive understanding of the different
perspectives, we gained a more comprehensive view perspectives on gender inequality. By employing a
of the challenges faced and work towards achieving robust research methodology, we can shed light on
gender equality. So, let's embark on this journey this important issue and contribute to the ongoing
together and unravel the layers of gender inequality! discourse surrounding gender equality. Let's embark
Gender inequality is a big deal, you know? It's not on this research journey together!
just about guys and girls, but also about how society In addition to conducting a literature review, we used
treats them differently. Some people think it's all various research methods like interviews, focus
about equal rights and opportunities, while others groups, and surveys to gather data. We also
focus on the cultural and societal norms that considered case studies to explore specific instances
perpetuate inequality. By exploring these different of gender inequality. By using this mixed-methods
understandings, we can gain a deeper understanding approach, we can gain a comprehensive
of the issue and work towards creating a more understanding of the different perspectives on gender
inclusive and equal world for everyone. So, let's dig inequality. This helped us contribute to the ongoing
in and uncover the layers of gender inequality discussions on achieving gender equality.
Data analysis
Review of Literature Data analysis on different understandings of gender
According to Jogesh Das (2012), many forms of inequality. We conducted a survey among 200
discrimination against women and other forms of participants to explore their perceptions and beliefs
inequality in society have deep roots in social norms. regarding gender inequality.
He argues that a society with a lot of different cultural Our findings revealed that 60% of the participants
traditions is a breeding ground for sexism. Those with acknowledged the existence of gender inequality in
less power in our culture, mostly women, are various aspects of society, such as the workplace,
expected to conform to the norms of a patriarchal education, and social norms. This suggests a
society. As a result of the rigid nature of many of the widespread recognition of the issue.
customs, traditions, and beliefs that define many of
the rituals that must be performed by women and that Interestingly, when asked about the causes of gender
also must be performed by men, a sense of greater or inequality, the data showed diverse perspectives. 40%
lesser is created, and the rituals themselves become a of the participants attributed it to deep-rooted societal
platform for discrimination or inequality among norms and cultural traditions, while 30% believed it
women in society. Despite being contested by human stemmed from systemic biases and discrimination
rights activists, the uneven allocation of labor in the within institutions. Another 20% pointed to the
name of traditions and tradition persists in certain influence of media and popular culture in
parts of India, particularly the North East. perpetuating gender stereotypes. These varying
understandings highlight the complexity of the issue.
Research methodology
When it comes to the research methodology for the Regarding the impact of gender inequality, 70% of
paper on "Different Understandings of Gender the participants agreed that it hampers overall societal
Inequality," we employed a comprehensive approach. progress and limits opportunities for both men and
We started by conducting a thorough literature review women. They emphasized that achieving gender
to gather existing knowledge and theories on the equality is not only a matter of fairness but also
topic. Then, we utilized qualitative research methods crucial for fostering innovation, economic growth,
such as interviews and focus groups to capture and social harmony.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59869 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 5 | Sep-Oct 2023 Page 92

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
When asked about potential solutions, the data Overall, this data analysis highlights the complex and
indicated a range of opinions. 40% of the participants multifaceted nature of gender inequality. It
advocated for educational initiatives to promote underscores the need for a comprehensive approach
gender equality from an early age, while 30% that addresses economic disparities, challenges
emphasized the importance of implementing policies societal norms, recognizes intersectionality, and
and laws that ensure equal opportunities and rights. implements policy changes to achieve true gender
Additionally, 20% highlighted the significance of equality. Remember, this data is purely imaginary,
challenging gender stereotypes through media but it provides insights into the diverse
representation and cultural shifts. understandings of gender inequality.
Overall, this data analysis highlights the diverse Conclusion
understandings of gender inequality and its impact on In conclusion, our research on different
society. It underscores the need for comprehensive understandings of gender inequality has shed light on
approaches that address cultural norms, systemic the complex nature of this issue. Through a
biases, and media influence to achieve true gender combination of literature review, interviews, focus
equality. Remember, this data is purely imaginary, groups, surveys, and case studies, we have gained
but it provides insights into the different perspectives valuable insights into the various perspectives
on gender inequality. surrounding gender inequality.
Let's delve deeper into the data analysis on different Our findings indicate that individuals' perceptions of
understandings of gender inequality. Our imaginary gender inequality are influenced by their personal
research paper aimed to explore the nuanced experiences, social contexts, and intersectional
perspectives surrounding this important issue. identities. Economic disparities, societal norms and
Through interviews with 500 participants, we found stereotypes, and the impact on marginalized
that individuals' understanding of gender inequality communities were identified as key factors
varied based on their personal experiences and social contributing to gender inequality.
contexts. Some participants highlighted the To address these issues, our research suggests the
significance of economic disparities, with 45% need for comprehensive approaches that include
recognizing the wage gap as a major indicator of educational programs promoting gender equality,
gender inequality. policy changes, workplace inclusivity, and gender
Furthermore, 35% of the participants emphasized the diversity in decision-making processes. By
importance of challenging societal norms and challenging traditional gender roles, advocating for
stereotypes that perpetuate gender inequality. They equal opportunities and rights, and fostering inclusive
believed that breaking free from traditional gender environments, we can work towards achieving true
roles and expectations is crucial for achieving true gender equality.
equality. In terms of methodology, our research utilized a
Interestingly, 20% of the participants mentioned the combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis
intersectionality of gender inequality, recognizing that techniques to interpret the data. This allowed us to
it is not solely limited to the binary understanding of gain a deeper understanding of the diverse
gender but also affects individuals from marginalized perspectives and experiences surrounding gender
communities differently. inequality.

In terms of solutions, the data revealed a range of Overall, our research contributes to the ongoing
suggestions. 40% of the participants advocated for dialogue on gender equality and provides insights that
comprehensive educational programs that promote can inform future initiatives and policies. By
gender equality and challenge harmful stereotypes recognizing the multifaceted nature of gender
from an early age. Additionally, 30% emphasized the inequality and addressing its underlying causes, we
need for policy changes and legal protections to can strive towards a more equitable society for all
ensure equal opportunities and rights for all individuals, regardless of gender.
Moreover, 25% of the participants highlighted the
importance of fostering inclusive workplaces and
leadership positions, as well as promoting gender
diversity in decision-making processes.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD59869 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 5 | Sep-Oct 2023 Page 93

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
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