Pre-Vocational Studies

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1. Packaging is the ___ of goods or Product into an open container (a) getting (b)Putting

2 Which of the following is not among (a)Boxes (b)Bucket ©Trays

3. Basket is used for packaging (a)fruits and vegetable (b) maize (c) Palm oil

4. The creation of awareness to Create demand is the task of transportation (b)Pricing


5. The Process of encouraging the sales of Nigelan agricultural Produce out of the Country
(a)export (b) foreign exchange (c)Impromotion

6. Export Promotion Involves the sales of Nigerian agricultural Produce. (a)within the country
(b)outside the country (c) to the government

7. Farm diary records (a)different farm Operation are the one (b) time the farmer eat his dinner
(c)time farme visit his doctor.

8. A Consumer is (a)any body who buy good and service (b)any body who a visit the doctor
(c)any body who consume.

9. Which is not amorg. (a)Tickets (b) Book (c)Receipt

10. Sale Invoice include (a)Name and address of the seller (b)seller (c)Sign.

11. Source document is a (a) generation (b)document (c)dary.

12. A book keeper is expected to keep accurate (a)Record (b)Time (c)Date

13. The following factors can affect the Choice of packaging materials except (a)nature of
Produce (b) distance to market (c)bulkiness or size of the Produce

14. The price at which the Quality of good demanded is equal to the quantity (a)Customer Price
(b)market Price (c)equilibrium price

15. Perishable Crops such as Onions, tomatoes usually cost much during the rainy season
because of (a)high demand for these crops during the rainy season than in the dry Season
(b)heavy rainfall
(c)high supply of these goods during the rainy season
16. The price of agricutual produce is determiined by the force of (a)Supply (b)demand and
supply (c)demand

17. It provides employment opportunities and increase in standard of (a) Living (b)Live (c)Place.

18. Farmers income can be explain as (a)expand their farm (b) build houses, pay their children
School (c) All of above

19. Promotion of Political recognition and bilateral trade relationship America, Europe and Asia
are well known in the world because of It Impact of ____,___and____ (a) technology,
equipments and machines (b) food, crops crops and house (c) Crop, Livestock and produce.

20. Packaging Criteria which is not among (a) Nature of the produce (b) Day old (c)Live or
frozen or Dry Stock.


Answer all Questions

1a. Define packaging.

b. List 5 advantage of packaging
c. List the 3 Packaging Hems we have.

2a. List four example of local packaging

b. List five factors that Can Influence the choice of packaging container
c. List 5 source of document.

3a.Define farm Record.

b. Define book keeping
c. Define Invoice.

4. Write short note on.

a. Tickets.
b. Receipts.
c. Farm Record
d. Bank Statement.
e. Pricing & Advertising


1. Agriculture is the____ (b)Science (b) Biology (c)IRS

2. Man collect fruit such as (a)Banana (b) Sweet (c)Pawpaw

3. Farmers produce food for (a) feeding (b)donkey (c)materal.

4. Animals are classified base on (a)size (b) Nothing (c ) colour

5. Example of small animals (a)Snail (b)Dog (c)human

6. Example of large animals are (a)Fish (b)Snail (c) horse

7. Farm animals are (a)Source of food(b)pothing Nothing (c)thank You.

8. Weed are___ (a)Plant (b)food (c)wild.

9. If you want to Start a farm the farm Should be (a) on top of a will (b) near a Stream (c)near
place of worship

10. Paid hired labour on a big farm include (a)tractor operators (b) Pilots (c)psychologist.

11. Money is needed by farmers for (a)Land Preparation (b)all of the above
(C)buying goat and sheep

12. The manager on a commerial farm (a)make sure that his staff eat three time a day (b)does
not work (c) delegates work to his subordinate Staff.

13. Insect acct account for what Percentage of crop Losses per year (a)10 (b)30 (c)50

14. One of these is not a bitting and chewing insect (a) Butterfly (b) Cricket (c)grasshopper

15. Which of the following method of weed Control is used by the small farmer (a)mechanical
weed control (b) herbicides (c) Cultural weed control.

16. Bird cause high seed Losses to the crops listed excepted one. (a) Rice (b) Pawpaw (c)

17. Land, money, labour, water, labour are example of (a) Production (b) mix farming (c)Labour.

18. It is Possible to raise ___ during dru season (a)water (b) Crops (c) money

19. We use ___ to Plant (a) Biscuits (b)clothes (c)Soil

20. Water is needed in both__and__ (a) Plant and animals (b)Pen and Paper (c)office and


Answer only 4

1a. Define Agriculture

b. Importance of Agriculture

2a. What is weed

b. Five factors of Agriculture.

3a. That are pest.

b. Advantage of weed.

4a. What is Aquatic animals.

b. What is large animals.

5a. What Is fruits and vegetable.

b. List the Important of food

6a. What are small animals

b. List 5 Raw mateials You know

INS lTRUCTION: Answer all the questions in Section A and any two questions in section B.

1. _____ is one that Varies Sinusoidally or periodically, in such a way as to reverse its direction
periodically. (a) A direct Current (b) Transformer (c) An alternating current (d) An automatic

2. The Commonest form of an a.c. can be represented by the equation (a)I= Isin2ft (b) I = ISin
2πft (c) I = V. Sinπf (d) T = 2πft
3. _____ Current is that Steady Current which will develop the same quantity of heat in the
same time in the same resistence.(a) Root-mam-Square (b) pover (c) Resistance (d)

4. The relationship between Voltage V, and Cucrent I, is stated by (a)Michael Faraday (b) Nicola
Tesla (c) Orsted Ohm (d)Coulombs

5. ____ is the opposition to the flow of a.c. offered by a Capacitor or an inductor or both. (a)
capacitance (b) Impedence (c) Reactance (d) Resistance

6. The unit of inductance is (a) Coulombs (b) Farad (c) Henry (d) Ohms.

7. _____ is the overall opposition of mixed Circuit Containing a resistor,an inductor and/or a
Capacitor. (a) Impedance (b) Reactance (c) Resistance (d) Power factor

8. ____ is the state of vibration of a periodically Varying systery at a particular time. (a)
Reactance (b) Phase (c) Amplitude (d) Point

9. _____ is said to occur in an a.c. Series Circuit when the maximum Current is obtained from
Such circuit. (a) Resonance (b) Resistance (c) Reactance (d) Reaction Quotient.

10. ____ Proposed an atomic model which visualised the atom as homegenous sphere of
positive charge inside of which are imbedded negatively charged electrons. (a) Niels Bohr (b)
John Dalton
(c) J-J. Thomson (d) Max Planck

11. Which of the following is Positively charged?

(a) alpha particle (6) Beta Particle (c) Gamına rays (d) Visible light

12. Which of the following is not a radio active element?(a) Uranium (b) thorium (c) Titanium (d)

13. Neutrally charged radiation of a redioactive elements is (a) Gamma rays (b) infrared
radiction (c) alpha particle (d) Beta Particle

14. Who Unravelled the nature of radiations emitted by radioactiv elements? (a)Henri Becquerel
(b) Marie Curie (c) Pierre Currie (d) Albert Einstein.

15. Planetary Model of atow was proposed by (a) Henri Becquerel (b) Ernest Rutherford (c) J-J.

16. _____ is a Continous movement of an electric charge in Conductor. (a) Resistance (b)
Current (e) Reactance (d) institution
17. ______ is a device used to store electric charges.(a) Battery (b) Cell (c) Capacitor (d)

18. ____ is Credited as the father of atomic theory

19. Radioactreity was discovered by (a) Henri Becquerel (b) Albert Einstein (c)Marie Curie (d)
Louis Debroglie
20. ____ of a radioactive element is the time taken for half of the atoms initially present in the
element to decay. (a) Half-life (b) Radioactive decay (c) decay Constant (d) Fission


1(a). Defme Root-Meam- Square (R.m.s.) Current.

(b) What is an inductance?
(c) Find the Peak Value of a Sinusoidal Current when the root mean square Value of the current
is 30A.

2. Briefly discuss the Contribution of the folowing Scientist to the development of the knowledge
of atom.
(a)J.J Thomson
(b) Ernest Rutherford
(c)Neil Bohr

3(a) What is Energy quantization?

(b) What is photo-electric Effect?
(c)Calculate the wavelength of an election moving at a Velocity of 10⁶ m/s. Given that M =
1×10^-30 Kg, [Take Speed of light= 3*10⁸ m/s, h=6.636×10^-34 Js, e=1.6×10^-19C] of lighe =

4(a) Define Radioactivity.

(b) List any five radioactive elements you know.
(c) Copy and Complete the table below:


INSTRUCTION: Answer all the questions in section A and any four questions in section B

1. ____ is anthing whose Magnitude can be measured or determined. (a) Measurement
(b)quantity (c)unit (d) dimension.
2. _____ are the basic quantities that are independent of others and cannot be defined in terms
of other quantities or derived from them. (a) Derived quantities (b) fundamental quantities (c)
vector quantities (d) scalar quantities

3. ____ are quantities that are obtained from the combination of two or more quantities. (a)
Derived quantities (b) fundamental quantities (c) vector quantities

4. ______ is a motion of a particle about its axis (a)Random motion (b) oscillatory motion (c)
relative motion (d) rotational motion

5. Which of the following is an example of a Derived quantity? (a) Temperature (b) momentum
(c) length (d) Time

6. The motion of a mass attached to a spiral spring is an example of (a) circular motion (b)
oscillatory motion (c) rotational motion (d)brownain motion

7. All the fourroing forces are the subdivision of force field except (a)Fictional force (b) Magnetic
force (c) Gravitational force (d) Electric force

8. _____ is the first person to Systematically stidly motion. (a) Sir Isaac Newton (b) Galileo
Galilei (c) Robert Hooke (d) Albert Einstein

9. _____ is defined as the quantity of matter in a body. (a) Weight (b) Mass (c) Time (d) Length

10. When a body is placed over another, a force acts between the Surfaces in Contact and this
force is called____
(a) Limiting friction (b) Momentum (c) Grimcity (d) Velocity

11. Which of the following is not a method of reducing friction? (a) Streamlining (b) Ball bearing
(c) Resistance (d) lubricanting

12. ____ is defined as the force that acts to prevent two surfaces in Contact from sliding or a
body resting on another from slipping (a)Static friction (b) Sliding friction (c) Kinetic friction (d)
Dynamic fiction

13. Static friction is also referred to as____ (a) stationary friction (b)Sliding friction (c) Kinetic
friction (d) Dynamic friction

14. Which of the fourwing quantities is costant during Circular motion (a) acceleration (b)force
(c) mass (d) Speed

15. An object of mass, 4kg moves in Circle of radius 8m at Uniform Speed of 32 m/s. Calculate
angular Velocity (a) 5 rad/second (b) 7md/Second (C)10 rad/second(d) 4rad/second
16. An object of mass 4kg moves in a Circle of redlies 8m at uniform speed of 32 m/s. Calculate
the Centripetal force.
(a) 512N (b) 500N (c) 712N (d) 77N

17. The force hat is required to keep an object moving in a circular Path is called
(a) Magnetic force (b) Rectilinear force (c) frictional force (d) Centripetal force.

18. ____ is the ability or Capacity to do work.(a) Work (b) Energy (v)Power (d) Force

19.____ is Said to be done whenever a force move its point of application to a distance in the
direction of a force. (a) work (b) Energy (C)power (d) Force

20. _____ is the rate of change of displacement with respect to time (a) Acceleration (b) Speed
(c) Velocity (d) Monmentum


1(a) Define Physics.

(b) Mention any four (4) branches of Physics you Know.
(c) Define the term Energy
(d) List any four (4) forms of energy you know.

2(a) Defime the following terms;

(I) Quantity
(ii) Magnitude
(iii) unit
(b) Distinguish between fundamental quantities and derived quantities.
(c) what is measurement?

3(a) Define the term Motion

(b) Briefly Explain the four (4) types of motion treated under Kinematics
(c)What is meant by relative motion

4(a) Define force

(b) Discuss the two types of force.
(c) Give one example of each of the above listed (in 4b) above.

5(a) Define fiction

(b) Mention two (2) advantages and disadvantages of friction.
(c) An object of mass 25kg moves at 5m/s round a circular Path of radius 5m. Calcuate:
(I) Centripetal acceleration
(ii) the Centropetal force.
.INSTRUCTION: Anser all the questions in section A and any questions in Section B



1._____ is the degree of hotness or coldness of a body.(a) Heat (b) Temperature (c)
Thermometer (d) Joules

2._____ is an instrument that is used to measure the degree of hotnest or Coldness of a body.
(a) Thermometer (b)Ammeter (c) Galvanometer (d) Potentiometer

3. All the flowing are the qualities of a thermometer except. (a) Opposition (b) Construction (c)
Calibration (d) Sensitivity

4. _____ thermometer is based on the quantity of heat radiated by a body. (a) Resistance (b)
Liquid-in-glass (c)gas Volume (d) Radiation

5. The upper fixed point value of the Celcius Scale is____ (a) 75°C (b) 78°c (c) 100°c (d) 273°C

6. The lowerfixed point Value for the Kelvin scale is______ (a)273K (b) 0K (c)323K (d) 100K

7. Clinical thermometer is an example of _____(a) Radiation thermometer (b) Resistance

thermometer (c) Thermocouple
(d) Liquid-in-glass thermometer

8. The temperature range of clinical thermometer is____ (a)50°C to 60°C (b) 10°C to 15°C (c)
35°c to 43°c (@100,°

9. The temperature of a healthy person is about.(a) 25°C (b) 0°C (c) 100°c (d) 37°

10. The general behaviour of matter was stated theoritically by (a) Principle Conservation of
Energy (b) Newton's law of Cooling Curve (c) Archimede's principle (d) Kinetic theory of matter

11. The relationship between the volume of a gas and its pressure is stated by (a) Charle's law
(b) Pressure law (c) graham's Law (d) Boyle's law

12. The relationalip between the volume of a girs and its absolute temperature is green by (a)
Charles law (b)law of floatation (c) Avogadro's law (d) Dalton's law

13. At Constant Volume, the pressure of a given mass of a gas is directly proportional to
its_____ (a) absolute volume (b) number of moles (c) absolute temperature (d) density
14._____ is an instrument used in measuring the pressure of a gas (a) A Manometer (b) A
barometer (c) A thermometer (d) Anemometer

15. If the volume of a fixed mass of hydrogen in a Container is 30cm² at a pressure of 50mmHg,
find the volume of the gas if the pressure is 60mmHg at Constant temperature. (a) 25cm³ (6) 40
cm³ (c) 35cm² (d) 100cm²

16. _____ is defined as the process of reducing heat loss to the Surrounding. (a) Calorimetry (b)
Lagging (c) Reduction (d) Conduction

17. Which of the following is not a type of Calorimeter? (a) glass calorimeter (b) beaker
Calorimeter (c) Regnant Calomake (d) bomb calorimeter
18. The instruments used in measuring the quantity of heat is known as _____ (a) calorimeter
(b) Barometer (c) Thermometer (d) Temperature

19. The process by which a solid changes to liquid is Known as _____ (a)Sublimation (b)
Melting (c) Evaporation (d) Conderl

20. Calculate the quantity of heat required to melt an ice of 0.7 Kg which has latent heat
Gapacity of 3.4×10^5J/kg. (a)283KJ
(b) 1000J (c) 238KJ (d) 323K


1(a) Distinguish between heat and Temperature.

( b) List three types of thermometer.
(c) List the thermometric Substances of the above listed. thermometers.

2(a) State Boyle's law.

(b) Write the mathematical expression of Boyles law.
(c) Sketch the graphical representation of Boyle's law.

3(a) State Pressure Low.

(b) A mass of a gas at a Pressure of 50mmHg is heated from 27°C to 97°C. If the Volume is
maintained at Constant Calculate the pressure exerted by the gas.

4(a) Define Specific Heat Capacity.

(b) Define Heat Capacity.
(c) Find the quantity of heat required to raise the temperanture of 0.5 kg of Copper from 16°C to
116°C [assuming the specific heat Capacity of Copper = 400J/KgK]

5(a) what is a wave?

(b) List and Explain the two clauses of waves
(c)Give three examples of each of the above listed wave Classes.

J.S.S 1


Answer All questions in saction And B and any four (4) questions in section C


1. _____ study of the Component of a busines the enviroment (a)Basic science (b)Business
studies (c)computer educaution

2. If you study business studies you can became any of them EXCEPT. (a)Banker (b)office
Practice (c)Cashier

3. All are components of business studies Except (a)marketer (b)commerce (c)Book-keeping

4. ______ it describes the process of inputting data into the Computer in order to get information
(a)computer education (b)commere (c) keyboarding

5. We have _____ components of business studies (a)6 (b)4 (c)5

6. An office is a room in an organisation where People are _____ (a)Play (b)Shopping (c)work

7. Principal's office is an example of an office In a ____ (a)School (b)markett (c)bank

8. We have ____ types of office (a)2 (b)4 (c)6

9. _____ is a person who performs mainly routine Jobs in an office (a)principal's (b)Bursar
(c)clerical staff

10. ____ is another word for confidentiality (a)gossip (b)Secret (c) none of the abovle

11. _____ may be defined as any activity that a Person is engaged in to earn a living (a)Work
(b) Stress (c)honesty
12. The following are some of the attributes that show that you have the right attitude to Work
EXCEPT. (a)hard work (b) Reliability (c)marketing

13. A _____ attitude that goes for a long time is harmful. (a) Positive (b)Negative (c)stress

14. ____ It Putting related matters together. (a) Receiving Information (b)storing information
(c)Arranging information.

15. The _____ deals with the day-today running of the organisation (a)Departmental office
(b)General office (c)staff office.

16. A_____ this means that a clerk has to be neatly and smartly dressed at all time.
(a)Good health (b)Good appearance (c)Clerical officer


17. Small office is usually found in small organisation


18. Large office can be found in small organisation


19. The type of work being done in an office to somatimes used to describe the office

20. The office where cash business are transaction is called a ticket office.

Answer only four (4) questions
1.Define an office

2. mention the functions of an office

3. What is Business studies

4. List three (3) Components of business studies

5. List the Five (5) Personal qualities of a clerk

J.SS 2
Business Studies

Answer All questions in Section A and B and any four (4) questions in Section C

1.___ can be simply means the study of trade buying lmand selling of goods and services
(a)office (b)Commerce (c)Business studies

2. Sound knowledge of ___ help Individuals to earn a standard living. (a) consumer (b)Home
trade (c) Business studies

3. _____ involve all activities containing buying and selling. (a)Trade (b)market (c)sell

4. ____ are transportation that take place in the (a)land transportation (b)Air transportation
(c)Rail transportation

5. We have ____ types of advertising (a)6 (b)4 (c)2

6. _____ Is a way of informing customers about a new product. (a) Advertisement (b)Inform

7. ____ is a place on an organisation where People can invest or borrow money, change money
In to foriegn currency. (a)Home (b) market (c)Bank

8. _____ is also one of the oldest medium of advertising in Nigerian (a) radio (b)Newspaper

9. ____ is the process of exchanging information between two or more persons.

(a)communication (b) Business (c)Telephone

10. ____ is a powerful means of advertising because it covers wide areas (a)Bill board
(b)Banners (c) Radio

11. ___ is an arrangement of financial protection Provide by a campany against harm

(a)Bank(b)Advertising (c)Insurance

12. we have ___ types of Insuranice (a)6 (b)5 (c)3

13. _____ this involves the buying of good in large quality from producer or manufactures and
selling to retails (a)aid to trade (b)wholesale trade (c) Retail trade

14. Before ____ television was not popular medium of Advertising in Nigeria or Africa (a)1924
(b)1959 (c)1960

15. Trade hep the producer to sell his or her goods to the consumers.

16. Trade gives bad value to a nation currency


17. Advertising it Provide more information about the product

True /false

18. In 1959 television was populer medium of Advertising In Nigeria.


19. Radio is a powerful means of advertising in Villages where is not electricity people can use
batteries to operate their radio sets.

20. Business Studies it equip students with the knowledge needed to become self employment

Answer 4 questions

1.What is Business studies.

2. list 3 Importance of Business studies.

3. Define Trade

4. What is Advertisement

5. mention 5 forms of Advertising media you know

Business Studies

Answer All Questions in section A and B and any Four (4) questions in section C


1.____ has its owe set of rules or a system of running it's affair (a)office (b)Bank (c)store
2. Once on order is received, it immediately goes to the____ (a)clerk (b)sales office Personnel
(c) wholesaler

3. The standard bill or invoice consists of an original and____ carbon copies (a)four (b)four

4.____ is an electronic device which accepts Processes, Stones and retrieves information or
data (a) computer (b)typewiter (c)calculator

5. The____ is essentially and adding machine with a cash drawer (a)Adding machine
Adaptation (b)photocopy Technique (c)Cash Register Adaptation.

6. A____ is a business document issued to the buyer by the seller in respect of a sum of money
Paid (a)Cheque (b)Receipt (c)bill and Invoice.

7. There are number of methods that can be used to make payment for Services (a)6 (b)3 (c)5

8. _____ another bank Instrument by which money is transfered from one person to another (a)
bank draft (b)bank transfer (c)F-pigment

9. A____ is like a cheque drawn by the bank on itself (a) Bank draft (a) Cash (a) choque
10. ______ is a Systern of masking transaction or paying for goods and services through an
electronic medium without the use of chaque or cash. (a) ATM (b) POS (c)E-payment
11. ______ is a place where materials or goods of a particular kind are kept for future use (a)
Store (b) Stock (c)Delivery note
12. ______ Refers to the apply of good of. Product available for sale or distribution (a)Stock -
taking (b) store (c)stock
13. we have _______ types of store (a)2 (b)5 (c)3
14______ is like the picture of all the items in the store (a) Requisition form (b)stock record
(c)gate pass
15______Consists of the tools, machines and furniture needed to perform the jobs in an office
(a) stamp (b) photocopier (c) office equipment.


16) office equipment enables the office to function Properly. True/false

17) Photocopier is a mechanical device for cutting paper. True/false

Cabinet is used in the office to store business 1 filing cabis document. True/False
18) Filing eabint is used in the office to store business document. True/False
19) Cash can be withdrawn and Payment can be made at anytime of the day using an ATM
card. True / False
20 Stapling machine it also called laminating machine True/false
SECTION C Answer four questions in section C
1 What is office Equipment

2 Define office procedure

3 list three types of store records

4 state three Procedures for making Payments

5. write the full meaning of ATM/POS


1.Comprehension passage
The Hedgehog

(a) The hedgehog is a little beast who likes a quiet wood. True/false
(b) Complete the sentences.
prickly, digs, ball, wood, eyes, Snout

(a) it has a funny little __________

(b) it roots and ________ for food.
2. Sam and the monkeys
Complete the Sentences.
Copycats, Swinging, Jungle, Selling
(a) Sam lived near the__________
(b) He was ___________ hats.


Whole numbers 1-5

1.(a) write number 1 - 5.
(b) circle round group of one object.
2 Put the following in correct Counting order starting from the Smallest.

(a) 2, 1, 3, 4, 5: ___ ___ ___ ____ ___

(b) 3, 4, 1, 5 2: ___ ___ ____ ___ ___

3 write in words.
a. 1 = ______________
b. 2 = ______________
c. 3 = ______________
d. 4 = ______________
e. 5 = ______________


Do you know your number?

(1) (a) write numbed 1-20

(b) (Mixed numbers) Smallest first.

first numbers are written

(1) 19 20 17 18 16 = 16 ___ ___ ___ ___
(2) 33 30 31 32 27 = 29 ___ ___ ___ ___
(3) 49 47 50 49 48 = 46 ___ ___ ____

My Alphabet

1.write the capital letters A-L

b. write the small letters a-l

2. Complete with small letters.

eg R r B b

M ___
N ____
Q ____
W ____

flowering plants.

1.Flowering plants are plant that have at a Coloured flowered at a Stage of their growth.

2. The flowed are usually beautiful, bright, Scented und Colourful



1.Soil, air and water are parts of the non-living things


2. Soil is the top layer of the earth.


3. Different types of Soil are. Loamy Sail, sandy sily and clay Soil.

4. Air is the mixture of gases, he breathe in air through our nose.



Draw and colour A Cup and A ball


I can read my book


1.Arabic alphabet.
How many letters does Arabic language have in its Alphabet? 20 or 30

2. How many ayat does Suratul fatiha have? 7 or 9


people places and things to rerespect.

1. Respect is part of our culture. True/False

2. We must respect our parents.


3. We must respect our teachers


Basic 2

First Term Examination


Underline the correct answer

1. 1,_,_ ,_, 5
(a)2 3 4 (b) 6 78

2. _,_,_,9,10
(a)11 12 10 (b)6 7 8

3. 10,11,_ _ _
(a)12 13 14 (b)20 21 18

4. 11,18,12,1,3,8
(a)12,11,18,10,8 (b)1,3,8,11,12,18

5. 15,22,16,17,24,25
(a)15,16,17,22,24,25 (b)22,16,15,17,24,25

6. 14,10,98,16,19
(a)10,9,8,14,16 (b)8,9,10,14,16,19


9. 2tens and 3units
(a)22 (b)23

10. 4tens and 8units

(a)48 (b)40

11. 3tens and 3units

(a)33 (b)30

12. In 36, 3 Stands for____

6 Stands for ____ (a) (b) tens

13. In 48, 4 stands for _____

8 stands for _____ (a)tens (b)units

14.In 98, 9 stands for ___

8 stands for _____
(a)tens (b) units


English language

Underline the correct answer

1. ___and___ Duck were afraid of Mr fox

(a)Mr and Mrs (b) Mrs

2. Mr and Mrs Duck were afraid of___ (a)Mr fox (b)Mr Duck

3. Mr fox He loved to eat____ (a)fish (b)duck

4. Mrs fox had ___ yesterday (a)Three cub (b) 2 cub

5. ____ one day "Now Mr Fox will need a bigger diner for his family. (a) Mr duck (b) Mr

6. Mr fox was a___

7. The next day Mrs Duck went for a__

(a)frozen (b)Swim
8. who said good morning.
(a)Mrs fox (b) Mr duck

9. ___ is much bigger than me.

(a)Mrs fox (b)Mr duck

10. Down fell ____ In to The cold water

(a)mr (b)mr fox

11. Mr fox had Three Cubs


12. He was greedy He love to eat ducks. True/false

13. Mrs duck was afraid of mr fox


14. I usually go bed at nine o'clock. True/false.

15. Mr Duck is much bigger than me



1.Senses are organs of the body that help us to do certain things


2. We can see thing with our eyers


3. A blind person can not see what I can see


4. Sense of sight is the ability to other observe things with the eyes.

5. We hear the Voice and Sound of thing with our ears.


6. Sense of hearing is the ability to listen With the ears


7. Smelling is the ability to perceive thing with the nose.

8. The nose enables us to know whether an object has pleasant or unpleasant Smell

9. Sense of taste is the ability to detect flavour or taste In the mouth by the tongue True/false.

10. I can use my tongue to know whether a thing is Sweet bitter or Salty

11. A nursing sister giving medicine to a baby


12. Soil is the top layer of the earth. True/false

13. Air is the mixture of gases. True/false.

14. A boy using a magnifying glass to examine the particle of the Sample of soil. True/false

15. Sense of touching is the ability to detect object by touching


Prevocational StStudies.

1. farm tool are materials used on the farm to to different types of work

2. Cutting tools are used for cutting plants and tree


3. A man using shears to Cut flowers


4. A boy Clearing the bush with a Cutlass True/false

5. A man harvesting rice plants with sickle. True/false

6. Digging tools are mostly used to dig or till the soir


7. A man Cultivating the land with a hoe


8. A man digging the Soil with a pick axe True/false.

9. A man using a shovel to gather Some Sands

10. Carrying tools are Used to Carry Things like farm produce from the farm to the market for

11. A women carrying farm produce with a head pan


12. A man using a wheel barrow to carry Load


13. A farmer using a rake to gather rubbish in the farm


14. Gathing tools are used to collect thing farm


15. A man Cutting a tree with a Saw



(a)19,20 (b)16,17

2. 71,72,_,_,_
(a)70,16,10, (b)73,74,75

3. 189,_,191,192,_
(a)190,193 (b)180,181

4. 196,197,198,_,_
(a)191,195 (b)199,200

5. _,181,_,183,_
(a)186,187 (b)180,182,184

Basic 5

1.A_____ is always used at the beginning of a Sentence (a)Capita (b)Small Letter (c)Noun

2. A____ is a naming word because it names of person place or thing (a)proper noun
(b)common Nouns (c)Noun

3. We write____ to an organization or the person that you do not know (a)A letter (b) capital
Letter (c)Noun

4. ____ are used to show exactly what somebody has said.(a)speech (b)Quotation mark (c)
question mark

5. We use a ____ when we ask a question (a) quotation mark (b)noun (c) question mark

6. We use an ____ to show that something belong to a noun (a) ownership (b) apostrophe
(c)none of the above

7. ___ is an action or a doing word that we use in different tense. (a)Noun (b)adverb (c)Verbs

8. A____ is a group of Sentence base on one main Idea (a)paragraph (b)opening (c) sentence

9. _____ is a way of listing things In the order In which they aprear in the alphabet. (a)dictionary
(b)Alphabetical order (c)word

10. When writing formal letter we write you ____address (a)own(b) top (c)date

Essay part

1. Rewrite these letter Sentences using Capital letters and full stop
a.I study german in school every Thurday

b. I am an American but I live in ireland.

2 write (5) Example of each

3. What is a letter
b. How many types of letter do we have write them

4. What is question mark

Basic science $ technology

1. _____ is a part of the activities of man in his environment right from the beginning (a)reason
(b)waste disposal (c) activities

2. _____and____ are types of waste (a)solid refuse & liquid wastes (b) disposing (c) material

3.___and ____ environment factors good health (a) A clean& tidy (b) not clean (c)clean &

4. ____ flies which carries of germs and diseases (a) hazard (b) waste attract (c) epidemic

5. _____ is the act of convicting waste to other useful material (a)waste recycling (b) converting
(c)none of the above

6. ____ is the surrounding where we fine ourselves (a)home (b)our environment (c) school

7. It can be our home, school ____ and ___ (a) market, place and community (b) market place
(c)none of the above

8. _____ are attracted to live In a healthy environment (a)man (b)woman (c) people

9.___ and ____ are secured in a healthy environment (a) healthy (b) people (c)life&safe

10. We must sweep our ____ regularly (a) home (b) school or market (c) surrounding

Essay part

1. What is material?
2a. What is maintenance?
b. List 3 types of material?
3. There are three types of maintenance
4. Mention the use of each material


1. ____ refers to plants that grow where they are not meant to grow (a) weed (b) plant (c)maize

2. Weed are unwanted plant. True/false

3. Elephant grass and stubborn grass are plant which constitute weeds. True/false
4. Weed makes farmers loss some of their crops during harvest. True/false

5. ____and ____ the measures control against weeds (a)boy and girl (b)food and water (c)
biological and cultural

6. ____ are animals and insects that feed on crops and infect them with diseases (a)pests
(b)weed (c)All

7. ___ and ___ are the insect pest as well as animal pests (a) Grasshopper and termites (b)
lizard and rabbit

8. Eating the leaves and roots of crops in the farm can cause damage. True/false

9. Clear the surrounding bushes and grasses can control pest. True/false

10. ___ and___ are the agent of crops disease (a)fungi and bacteria (b) school and virus

1.what is weed?
2. What is pest?
3. Write (2) name of insect pest
4. Write (1) damage caused by pests

Religion and National value

1.___ is the first man Allah created (a) prophet Adam (b) prophet Muhammad

2. A man would live for a destined period after which angel ____ would take his soul (a) Azrail
(b) Rilwan (c)Jibril

3. It is a reality that every soul will taste death. True/false

4. After the death of all human beings,the world will come to an___ (a) Beginning (b)end (c)All

5. ___ is a strong feeling of duty and love we have for somebody. (a) loyalty (b)civic (c) religion

6. ___ and ___ are the sign of loyalty (a) obedience and respect (b) Dishonesty and disrespect

7. ____ and ____ are the consequences of disloyalty (a)lack of development and failure (b)
honesty and respect
8. _____ means going in front and guiding others to follow and work to achieve goals. (a)
leadership (b) loyalty

9. ____ and ____ are types of leadership (a)democratic and autocratic (b)good and bad

10. Leadership is needed in every aspect of ____ (a) school (b) environment (c) society


1.What is a leadership
2. Write one type of leadership
3. What is loyalty
4. Write 2 evidence of loyalty
5. Write the names of the four women mentioned in the Qur'an


SS 1

1.Value is the___ of a thing (a)Justice (b)value (c) worth.

2. The types value include___ and____ (a) Discipline and courage (b)food and items (c)value

3. Honesty makes a man to be honourable (a)True (b) false.

4. value re used to determine or Control the __ of People in the Society (a)Objective (b) people

5. Law caribe define as a body of ___ and ___ through which a society is governed to maintain
peace and orderliness. (a) law and crime (b) society and government (c)rules and regulations

6. Citizenship can be defined as the ____ right that a person has to belong (a)legal (b)Countig

7. the body of Law that relates to crime is (a)Criminal Law (b)body law (c) public law

8. Alhajı (Sir) Ahmadu Bello is a Politician and was the first Premiere of the Northern Nigerian
region from 1754-1966 (a)True (b)false.
9. Democracy as a system of government (a)exercise (b)Jump (c) false their Political Power
through Periodic election

10. party system allow different Political parties to operate and Compete for Power during
(a)election (b)assembly (c)Hall

11. Constitution refer to the body of__,___and___ (a)rules,Principles and traditions

(b)Convention, Preamble and Act (c) Nigeria,Niger and Sundam

12. we have 3 arms of government (a)Executive, legislature and Judiciary (b)Citizen, individual
and Decres (c)Political,economic and social

13. The Local Government is the ___ tie of government Structure in Nigeria (a)Seventh (b)first

14. Youth empowerment is the Process of making young people the ability ___ and the agency
to make decision (a)authority (b)power (c)Law.

15. Communication is the Process by which information is exchanged___ Individual (a) off (b)
between (c)Skills.

16. Right to Life is Right of a Citizen (a)True (b) false (c)Run

17. Political Party is an organized ____ of people.

18. Democray is the system of government (a)false (b)Run (c) True.

19. The origin of democracy is tracable to the ancient (a)niger (b) Nigeria (c)Greek.

20. We have two types of democracy (a)Direct and indirect (b)stake and nation (c)Roles and

Answer 5


1.Define and explain democracy

b. State the characteristics of democracy

2. what is Youth empowerment.

b. what are benefits of Youth empowerment

3. What are full meaning of HIV and AIDS? b. mention the major causes of HIV
4. what is value.
b. what is fairPlay, Honesty, Justice, Probity.

5. what do you undestand by Contentment

b.State five attributes of selfishness

6. Define and explain the meaning of Cultism.

b. State the orgin and reasons for cult group



1.____ are the sayings deeds and approval of Muhammad (S.A.W) which all Muslim must
uphold (a)Hadith (b)tauhid (c)tajweed (d) report

2. _____ Is define as the tradition, practice, or way of life of prophet Muhammad (a)qiraah
(b)Sunnah (c) spoon

3. The collector of Sahih_albukhari ____ (a) Ana's (b)Sadiq(c) Muhammad bin isma'il

4. Sahih al-bukhari collected 600,000 hadith


5. Islam is built upon ____ pillers (a)15 (b)10 (c)5

6. Honesty is the act of sincerity devoid of lies and Cheating


7. ____ Is an attribute of honesty. (a)Sincerity (b)book (c)pencil

8. _____ Is also an attribute of honesty (a)class (b)school (c)Honour.

9. ____ Is the opposite of honesty. (a)Dishonesty (b)television (c)pencil.

10. ____ is a group whose members share close,personal, long lasting relationship (a)primary
social group (b)secondary (c) tertiary

11. ____ enable its members to work for the growth of the community (a)family (b)Nuclear

12. Belief in Allah is also a piller of Islam True/false

13. _____ daily prayers
(a)10 (b)15 (b)5

14. We have ___ pillars of Islam (a)16 (b)20 (c)5

15. Qur'an is to be recited in salat while Hadith cannot be recited during solat

16. all muslim must belief in the day of resurrection


17. Sahih muslim was also known as Abul-husain muslim bn Al-hajjaj


18. Significance of zakat to help allevate_____ (a)poverty (b)school (c)classroom.

19. Subuh prayers has____ raka'ats

(a)20 (b)6 (c)

20. Magrib prayers has ____ raka'ats

(a)6 (b)7 (c)3



1.Mention five pillars of Islam

2. How many daily prayers to we have?
3.Write 3 names of collectors of Hadith.



1.Hadith one on Nawalui's collection was narrated by (a)Abu haf's Umar ibn khattah (b)Aisha

2. All action's are driven by ____ (a)Intention (b)aspects (c)deivation.

3. Whoever innovates anything in this matter that is not ours will have it rejected True/false
4. ____ are the messengers of Allah that serve as link between Allah and the believers (a)mulk
(b)Angels (c)curves.

5. Mikail is the angel of charge of ____ (a)Sand (b)food (c)rain.

6. isra'it is the angel in charge of___ (a)soul of every livingthing (b)book (c)pencil.

7. Israfil is the angel of ____ (a)school (b)school fees (c)trumpet

8. _____ Is the quality of always behaving to moral principles that enables people to respect
and trust you. (a)sleeping (b)integrity (c) sitting

9. ____ Is the act of being open and sincere (a)Honesty (b)boy (c)Girl.

10. ____ Is the happiness that someone feels when he has everything he wants (a) effects
(b)contentments (c)biro

11. Is the dishonest and illegal behaviour of officials or people in position of power _____
(a)Corruption (b)sin (c)register.

12. ____ entails entails obeying & regulations and making others obey them (a) textbook
(b)register (c)discipline.

13. ____ Is a country made up of Independent States with the power to make their own
decisions.(a)federation (b)state (c)country.

14.____ Is a country where there are many ethnic groups (a)genetic (b)biology (c)Heterogeneity

15. A federation must have written constitutions


16. ____ Is the study of people In the society. (a) basic science (b)Social studies (c)physics.

17. ____ Is a group of people living together and are related by blood (a)family (b) television

18. to become good citizens of the community is an objectives of social studies


19. _____ living together In the family also brings about joy and happines (a)happiness (b)book

20. Good ____ Living together in the family develops a good Social behaviour in a child.
(a)social behaviour (b)ksis (c)family.

Answer 3 Questions.

1.what is family?

2. what is federation?

3. what is Angels?

4. What is contentment?

Religion & national values


1.____ contains the fundaimetal laws through which a country Is governed (a)constitution (b)
essential (c)colony.

2. The history of constitutional development dated at the year ___ (a)1914 (b)1904 (c)1966

3. _____ establish the governor-general office (a) lounge (b) lord lugard (c)colony

4. ____ establish the Council (a)Constitution (b)family (c)lord-lugard.

5. Richard constitution was established in the year (a)1930 (b)1946 (c)80

6. ____ Is the Constitution which means that two Important Statements must be adhered to
(a)Supremacy (b)phone (c)Charger.

7. ___ refers to all things that are contained In man. (a)Commitments (b)Contents of human
being (c) eye

8. _____ refers to an event or item of information Known to have happened and which is
confirmed. (a)book (b)facts (c)children

9. ____ isAn idea that applies to a group of people or things (a)Generalisation (b)explain (c)

10. _____ are people living together and are related by blood (a)Children (b)family(c)mother

11. ____ Is the type of family group that consist of parents children and other close relatives. (a)
extended family (b) family (c)Nuclear family.
12. ____ s the husband and the head of the family (a) Uncle (b)brother (c)father

13.____ is the daughter of the brother or sister of the father or mother (a)Niece (b) brother (c)

14. Grandson & grand daughter are also called ____ (a) children (b) father © grandchildren


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