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EDUCATION No English Vietnamese il to attend classes dén trutng, di hoc 2 Bachelor's degree baing ctf nhan 3 boarding school trudng néi trd 4 distance learning hoe tir xa 5 face-to-face classes dén tan lop dé hoc 6 | tofall behind with your studies | ° Két ae ee soe a to give feedback dong gép y kién 8 a graduation ceremony 18 t8t nghiép 9 higher education tr cdp dai hoc tré len 10 an intensive course khéa hoc cap téc, chuyén sau 11 | to keep up with your studios Seen 12 to learn sth by heart hoc thuée long By EDUCATION No English Vietnamese hoe sinh I6n tudi (hoc lai/da di 8 Sei stuart lam nhung van hoc Iai) 14 masters degree bang thac si 15 to meet a deadline kip han chot 16 to play truant trén hoc 7 private language school trudng tu day ngoai ngit ie asingle-sex school truéng hoc chi danh cho nam sinh/nit sinh 9 to sit an exam tham gia 1 ky thi 20 state school trudng céng lap nhitng thay cé la chuyén gia ve 2 subject specialist tinh we gi dé 2 to take a year out tam thdi nghi | nam rdi mdi di hoc dai hoc (gap year) 23 tuition fees hoc phi oa to work your way through vira di hoc vira kiém tién dé tra university hoe phi Zp

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