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Himalayan Research Bulletin is the grateful recipient of a collection of materials relating to Kashmir assembled by David Lockwood and donated

to our use. Just what that use should be remains open to consideration, and we welcome suggestions from members about how to best make this resource available to those with an interest in the region. Our new holdings are enumerated below. Note that the Lockwood Collection contains some rare and unusual materials.

Bamzai, P. N. K. 1962. A History Bamzi, P. N. K. 1966. Kashmir

of Kashmir. and Power

Delhi: Metropolitian

Book Co. Boo Co. (P) Ltd.


Delhi: Metropolitan

Bazaz, P. N. 1954. The History Bazaz, P. N. 1959. Daughters Bazaz, P. N. 1967. Kashmir

of Struggle of the Vitasta,

for Freedom A History

in Kashmir. of Kashmiri

New Delhi: Pamposh. Women. New Delhi: Pamposh.

in Crucible.

New Delhi: Pamposh.

Beg, M. M. A. 1958. Sheikh



Srinagar: J & K Legal Defence Committee. Calcutta: The Statesman. London: Robert Hale Limited.

Bhagat, P. S. 1967. The Shield and the Sword. Birdwood, L. 1956. Two Nations Biscoe, C. E. T. 1922. Kashmir Campbell-Johnson, and Kashmir. in Sunlight

and Shade. London: Seeley, Service and Co. Limited. London: Robert Hale Limited.

A. 1951. Mission

with Mountbatten.


G. W. 1968. Pakistan's Lost Kingdom


with India,

1947 - 1966. New York: Frederick New York: Funk and Wagnalls.

A. Praeger.

Clark, 1. 1956. Hunza,

of the Himalayas.

Cohen, M. 1955. Thunder

Over Kashmir.

Bombay: Orient Longmans Ltd. Relations, 1947-1955. Amsterdam: Djambatan.

Das Gupta, D. J. B. 1958. Indo-Pakistan Denis, A. 1. 1934. Houseboating Denys, F. W. 1915. Our Summer

in Kashmir. in the Vale of Kashmir. Washington, D.C.: James Willaim Bryan Press.

Dhar, S. N. 1946. Kashmir Doughty,

in Stories.

Lahore: Kitab Mahal Allahabad. Valleys. London: Sands and Company. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday. Moscow: Nakua Publishing House.

M. 190 I. Afoot Through

the Kashmir

Douglas, W. O. 1952. Beyond the High Himalayas. Dyakov. A. M. 1966. The National editors 1957. Keys to Kashmir. Problem

in India Today.

Srinigar: Lalla Rookh. in Kashmir, A Memior. London: Nisbet and Co.

Elmslie. B. a. T., W. Burns 1875. Seedtime Elphinstone, Elphinstone, M. The History M. The History of India. of India,

London: John Murray. Volume Two. London: John Murray. Battleground. New York: Frederick A.

Fisher, M. W., Rose, L. E., and Huttenback, R. A. 1963. Himalayan Praeger. Gajendragadkar, P. B.1967. Kashmir - Retrospect and Prospect.

Bombay: University of Bombay.

Gompertz, G. M. M. L. A. 1928. Magic Ladakh. Gov't/British Gov't/lndian 1950. White Paper on Indian Pamphlets.

London: Seeley, Service and Co. Limited. States - 1950.

1966. Informational

Goyal, D. R. 1965. Kashmir. Gupta, J. B. D. 1968. Jammu Gupta, S. 1966. Kashmir,

New Delhi: Caxton Press. and Kashmir. A Study The Hague: Martinus Niihoff. Relations. Bombay: Asia Publishing House.

in India-Pakistan

Hafizullah, M. 1948. Towards Handa, R. L. 1968. History Hasan, M. 1959. Kashmir Honigberger,1. Ince, J., MD.

Aza Kashmir. of Freedom

Lahore: Imperial Printing Works. in Princely States. New Delhi: Central News Agency.



the Sultans.

Calcutta: Iran Society.

M. 1852. Thirty-Five 1876. The Kasmir

Years in the East. London: H. Bailliere. A Guide for Visitors. Calcutta: Wyman and Co.

Handbook: to Cashmere. in Kashmir.

Ireland, J. B. 1859. Wall Street Islam, Z. 1948. The Revolution

New York: S. A. Rollo and Co. Karachi: Pakistan Publishers. of 1965. Lucknow: Himalaya Publications.

Johri, S. R., Major. 1967. The Indo-Pak Kak, O. N. 1962. Through Kapur, M. L. 1968. Kashmir, Kapur, M. L. 1971. A History Karaka, D. F. 1953. Nehru


My Eyes, J & K Gov't. Sold and Snatched. of Medieval Jammu Tawi, author. (1320 - 1586 A.D.). New Delhi: Sterling. London: Derek Verschoyle - St. Jame's.


- The Lotus Eater from Kashmir.

Kaul, B. M. 1967. The Untold Story. Bombay: Allied Publishers. Kaul, G. L. 1969. A Six Millenium Kaumudi, M. A. 1952. Kashmir, Khan, A. 1970. Raiders Khan, R. 1969. Kashmir Review of Kashmir. Heritage. Srinigar: Chronicle Publishing House. House.

The Cultural

Bombay: Asia Publishing

in Kashmir.

Karachi: Pak Publishers LTD. Nations. Delhi: Vikas Publications.

and the United

Knight, E. F. 1894. Where Three Korbel, 1. 1954. Danger


Meet. London and New York: Longman's, Green and Co.

in Kashmir.

Princeton: Princeton University Press. and Kashmir. Delhi: Krishna Publishing Dispute. House. Delhi: International A. Praeger. Books.

Kulkarni, S. R., MA 1957. The Truth Lakhanpal, P. L. 1965. Essential


and Notes on Kashmir Survey.

Lamb, A. 1966. The Kasmir


A Historical

New York: Frederick

Lamb, A. 1968. Asian Frontiers.

New York: Frederick A. Praeger. Boston: Houghton Mirflin.

Lawrence, W. R. 1929. The India We Served. Lord, J. 1971. The Maharajahs.

New York: Random House. in Kashmir. London: Smith Elder and Co.

MacMunn, G. F. L. C. 1915. A Freelance Madhok, B. Kashmir: Madhok, Center

of New Alignments.

New Delhi: Deepak Prakashan. of Dr. Shym:! Prasad Mookerji. Bomhay: .Iaico

B. 1969. Portrait

of a Martyr,


Publishing House. Mahajan, M. C. 1963. Looking Maxwell, N. 1970. India's Back. Bombay: Leaders Press Private Limited.

China War. London: Jonathan Cape. In Kashmir. Delhi: Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. of the Indian States. Calcutta: Orient Longmans. Press.

Mehta, K. 1966. This Happened Menon, V. P. 1956. The Story Merrick, H. S. 1931.ln

of the Integration

The World's

Attic. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, The Knickerbocker Volume One. London: John Murray. Volume Two. London: John Murray. Romance. in Kashmir. - Kashmir. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, etc. London: Duckworth and Co.

Moorcroft, W. a. T., George 1837. Travels, Moorcroft, W. a. T., George 1837. Travels, an Oriental

Moore, T. 1817. Lalla Rookh,

Morison, M. C. 1904. A Lonely Summer

Mullik, B. N. 1971. My Years With Nehru Nazaroff, P. S. 1935. Moved On! Nehru, 1. 1942. The Unity Neve, A. 1933. The Tourist's Neve, E. Things

Bombay: Allied Publishers. London: George Allen and Unwin LTD. London: Lindsay Drummond.

From Kashgar Collected to Kashmir,

to Kashmir. Writings Ladakh,

of India, Guide

1937-1940. Skardo.

Lahore: Civil and Militray Gazette Press.

Seen in Kashmir.

London: Seeley Service and Co. London: Church Missionary Bombay: Manaktalas. London: Longmans, Green and Company. History of the J & K Rifles. Dehra Dun: Palit and Out!. Society.

Neve, E. 1915. Beyong the Pir Panjal. Noorani, A. G. 1964. The Kasmir


O'Connor, V. C. S. 1920. The Charm Palit, D. K. 1972. Jammu

of Kashmir. Arms,

and Kashmir

Panikkar, K. M. 1930. The Founding

of the Kashmir

State. London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd.

Parkash, D. R. 1948. Fight For Kashmir. Parma, R. K. 1969. A History proceeddings 1947. Kasmir Of Muslim

New Delhi: Tagore Memorial Publications. Rule in Kashmir. versus Tangle. Sheikh Delhi: People's Abdullah. Publishing House.

on Trial,


Lahore: The Lion Press.

Puri, B. 1966. Jammu

- A Clue to Kashmir Aspects

New Delhi: Balraj Puri. Problem. Bombay: Asia Publishing House. Press. Inc.

Rao, H. S. G. 1967. Legal Roosevelt,

of the Kashmir

T. a. K. 1926. East of the Sun and West of the Moon. Cornwall,

N.Y.: Cornwall

Sarar. M. R. 1972 . .J & K Year Book and Who's St:n, L. 1'. 1969. Slender Shamloo 191X. Speeches was the Thread: and Statements

Who 1972. lammu: Confrontation.

Ranbir Publications. Bombay: Orient Longmans.

Kashmir of Iqbal.

Lahore: AI-Manar Academy.

Sharma, B. L. 1967. The Kashmir Sharma, B. L. 1971. Kashmir Sharma, P. N. 19')7. Inside

Story. Bombay: Asia Publishing House. Delhi: Yikas. Kashmir. Delhi: Delhi Press.


Pak Occupied

Sherwani, L. A. 1967. India, China and Pakistan. Shridharani, K. 1959. Smiles From Rythms. Kashmir.

Karachi: Council for Pakistan Studies.

Bombay: Yom and Co.

Singh, Y. K. 1960. Varied Sinha, S. 1947. Kashmir:

Bombay: Asia Publishing House. of Asia. Allahabad: Ram Narain Lal.

The Playground

Stepht:ns, I. 1953. HornedMoon. Swinburne, T. R. 1907. A Holiday

London: Chatto and Windus. in the Happy Valley. London: Smith, Elder and Co. Srinigar: Home Department, Relations. Cambridge 1 & K Government.

Syed, A. 1967. Report Talbot, P. a. P., SL Tempk,

of the Commission 1958. India

of Inquiry.

and America,

A Study of Their Cambridge:

New York: Harper and Brothers. University Press.

S. R. C. The Word of Lalla the Prophetess. Speaking.

Tikku, S. (circa) 1930s. Kashmir Torrens, L.-c. 1863. Travels

Srinigar: Raina's News Agency. and Kashmir. London: Saunders, Otley, and Co.

in Ladak,


Trumbull, R. 1956. As I See India. New York: William Sloane and Associates. Tyndale-Biscoe, Tyndale-Biscoe, C. Tyndale-Biscoe E. D. 1930. Fifty of Kashmir, Years An Autobiography: the Stream, London, Seeley, Service and Co. of a School in Kashmir, 1880-


The Story

1930. Mysore: Wesleyan Mission Press. Yashisth, S. 1968. Sheikh Yigne, G. T. 1842. Travels, Yigne, G. T. 1842. Travels, Wakefield, Low. Weiner, M. 1968. State Politics in India. Wells, C. 1952. The Road to Shalimar. Wilson, H. H. 1960. The Hindu Wreford, History Princeton: Princeton University Press. Abdullah, Volume Volume Then and Now. Delhi: Maulik Sahitya Prakashan. One. London: Henry Colburn. Two. London: Henry Colburn. of Kashmir and The Kashmiris. London: Sampson

W. 1879. The Happy

Valley, Sketches

New York: Doubleday and Co. of Kashmir. Calcutta: Susil Gupta (India) Private Limited. XXII, .Jammu and Kashmir State, Parts I &

R. G. C. C. 1943. Census

of India

1941, Volume

II. Jammu: Ranbir Gov!. Press. Younghusband, S. F. 1917. Kashmir. London: A and C Black.

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