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Proactively identify compromised systems

Data breaches are increasing and when your organization is hit by malware and viruses, you risk downtime
or even reputation damage while you work to fix the breach. Even if you have an incident response plan,
adding the right software can help you identify compromises faster.

What Is Cerberus? A Different Approach—Reliance on

Cerberus, an option to FTK , is an automated malware
Sandbox or Signature-Based Solutions
triage platform solution. It is designed to integrate with Since Cerberus doesn’t rely on the use of sandbox or
FTK, empowering organizations to proactively identify signature-based solutions like traditional malware analysis
compromised systems. It’s a first layer of defense against tools, your team can detect the breach sooner and minimize
the risk of imaging unknown devices and allows you to the impact to your organization.
identify risky files after processing your data in FTK. Then
you can see which files are potentially infected and can
Support & Training
avoid exporting them. Cerberus is one tool in your malware Our goal is to provide superior technical support, product
arsenal and helps you identify potentially malicious files. training and development to ensure users achieve the most
With Cerberus, you are able to: value from their technology investment.

• Determine both the behavior and intent of security Support options can be found at
breaches sooner by providing complex analysis prior to a and include:
full-blown malware attack.
• Telephone technical support
• Strengthen security defenses and prevent malicious
• A knowledge base portal containing solutions to common
software from running with state-of-the-art technology
called whitelisting.
• A discussion forum where users can post questions and
Cerberus helps you answer these and other questions:
find answers
1. When does the file run—at startup, or when other • User guides, quick-reference guides and more!
services are activated?
Training options can be found at
2. What ports is it attempting to communicate through? and combine a unique teaching
3. Is it communicating back to a website or other server out methodology with state-of-the-art technology. Options
of your network include in-person classroom, live online, or via our Learning
Management System (LMS). For access to LMS visit
How Cerberus Works

1 2
Criminal creates a virus and arms Executable comes into contact
it with an executable. with Cerberus.

3 4
Cerberus is able to sniff out the Cerberus communicates the
malicious intent of the malware malware’s plan of attack and
by emulating all the paths capabilities to its owner instead
throughout the executable. of merely reporting what it
did during a few executions.
In other words, Cerberus is
Cerberus’ instinctual analysis of
letting the malware think it’s
the situation allows its owner to
calling the shots, while in
quickly identify threats while not
reality, Cerberus is exposing the
wasting time with benign files.
malware to even closer scrutiny.
Since malware can usually detect
By emulating the instructions
that it’s running in a sandbox,
internally, an analyst need
the heightened awareness of
not worry about malicious
Cerberus is essential for triaging
executables invading
an executable that has malicious
their machine because of
vulnerabilities in the sandbox

Visit us online: © 2021 Exterro, Inc.

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