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My Philosophy of Teaching

The American University in Cairo

CELE 512: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Learning for Young Learners

Dr.Dalia Elshahed

My Philosophy of Teaching

I have been working as a teacher for nine years as I believe in the importance of

education. Teaching for me is not a job like any other job because I have my own

philosophythat makes me motivated to be a teacher. My philosophy of teaching is that I want

my students to become independent learners. An independent learner is the one who knows

very well how to use his skills for making a bright future. He is able to express his feelings

and ideas clearly, to play an important role in improving the society, to motivate himself to

gain more knowledge and to work on his action points to be a better person. To apply this

teaching philosophy, there should be an effective role of me as a teacher in


Children's future depends on what they are taught through their growing up journey

from their parents, family, teachers and community. “A rich language environment is

important to children’s early learning, and can have strong effects on early language,

vocabulary, reading, and math skills, as well as on children’s social-emotional development”

(Talk, Read and Sing Together Every day, n.d.). Nurturing them in a safe environment to

explore their world and themselves will impact their future in a good way. Guiding them

using the needed instructions while giving them the chance through trial and error to learn

from their own experience of discovery in a child friendly environment will help in

improving their skills.

As for education in a child friendly environment, it is important to enhance our

children’s cognitive, fine and motor skills. It is the right way to help children to gain

knowledge, to explore their horizon and to be able to communicate with people from

different cultures and accept other people’s differences. “Schools can provide kids with

things that they might not get at home, some kids obviously. The chance to work with other

people in a supportive environment. The chance to be part of a team. Not necessarily the
actual explicit curriculum, what is going on behind the scenes. It is a place for kids to find

themselves” (The Role of beliefs in Teacher Agency, 2015).For me, the purpose of education

isn’t only teaching academics for children but alsoshaping their personality to become good

citizens in the future.

Being a teacher plays a critical role in preparing children for their future. That’s why I

always sharemy knowledge by using different teaching methods, strategies and many

interactive activitiestocreate an engaging environment in order to make sure that my different

types of students are able to absorb these concepts. As a teacher, I believe in my students’

abilities and follow their pace in learning. I also work on theaction points in their

personalitiesthrough our thick conversations, supporting them and encouraging themto grow

up to be a better version of themselves. I always try to create a bond and connect with them

by showing caring to all of my students, listening to them carefully, guiding and offering

advice when it is needed. I have a strong belief that theteacheris a role model to his students,

so before asking your students to be good people you need to be first this good respectful


I will always choose being an educator to help in shaping my students’ future by

using all the educational methods and strategies I have been learning from this course.

Changing people's mindset andhelping them to be more civilized tocommunicate effectively

and to do something for their society is my motive to be a teacher.



Gert Biesta, Mark Priestley & Sarah Robinson (2015) The role of beliefs

inteacheragency,TeachersandTeaching. Retrieved from


Weber State University. (na). Read and Sing Together Every Day! Tips For Preschool

Teachers & Other Early Childhood Education Program Providers. Utah, USA: Weber

State University. Retrieved from


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