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Databases and Data

Warehousing (SQL)
Dr. Kalpit Sharma

Lecture 1
Data Vs Information Vs Knowledge???

Lecture 1 Dr. Kalpit Sharma

In this course, we would primarily deal
with database-management system

They are a collection of interrelated

data and a set of programs to access
those data.

It contains information relevant to an


The primary goal of a DBMS is to

provide a way to store and retrieve
database information that is both
convenient and efficient.

Lecture 1 Dr. Kalpit Sharma

What's a Database?

Lecture 1 Dr. Kalpit Sharma

Database systems are designed to manage
large bodies of information.

Defining structures for storage of


Providing mechanisms for the manipulation

of information.

Ensure the safety of the information stored,

despite system crashes or attempts at
unauthorized access.

If data are to be shared among several

users, the system must avoid possible
anomalous results.
Lecture 1 Dr. Kalpit Sharma
Enterprise Information

Sales Accounting Human Resources

Lecture 1 Dr. Kalpit Sharma


Inventory Factory Logistics


Lecture 1 Dr. Kalpit Sharma

Banking and Finance

Banking Credit Card Finance


Lecture 1 Dr. Kalpit Sharma

Universities Airlines Telecommunications

Lecture 1 Dr. Kalpit Sharma

Web-based services

Social-media E-Commerce Online


Lecture 1 Dr. Kalpit Sharma


Lecture 1 Dr. Kalpit Sharma

Purpose of 4 Integrity problems

Databases 5 Atomicity problems

6 Concurrent-access problems
1 Data redundancy &
inconsistency 7 Security problems

2 Difficulty in access
Compare the above
3 Data isolation issues as in file systems

Lecture 1 Dr. Kalpit Sharma

When not to use a DBMS?
1 High initital investment in H/W, S/W, or training

2 Generality for defining and processing data

3 Overhead for providing

security, concurrency control,
recovery, and integrity functions

Lecture 1 Dr. Kalpit Sharma

Relational Model
Uses collection of tables
View of Data
Entity-Relationship Model
A database system is a collection of Uses collection of basic objects -- entities and
interrelated data and a set of relationships.
programs that allow users to access
and modify these data. Semi-structured Data model
Permits the specification of data where individual
Provides users with an abstract view
data items of the same type may have different sets
of the data.
of attributes.

System hides certain details of how Object-oriented Data model

the data are stored and maintained.
notions of encapsulation, methods, and object

Lecture 1 Dr. Kalpit Sharma

Physical level
How the data are actually stored.

For the system to be usable, it must

retrieve data efficiently. Logical level
What data are stored in the database, and what
Developers hide the complexity from relationships exist among those data
users through several levels of data
abstraction, to simplify users’
interactions with the system View level
Describes only part of the entire database.

Lecture 1 Dr. Kalpit Sharma


Logical Schema

Physical Schema

Instance & Schema??

Lecture 1 Dr. Kalpit Sharma

1 Potential for enforcing standards
Implications 2 Reduced Application Dev time

3 Flexibility

4 Availability of up-to-date info.

5 Economies of scale

Lecture 1 Dr. Kalpit Sharma

Data Model

Lecture 1 Dr. Kalpit Sharma

Lecture 1 Dr. Kalpit Sharma
Binary Relationship
Ternary Relationship
Lecture 1 Dr. Kalpit Sharma
Database System

Lecture 1 Dr. Kalpit Sharma

Recursive Relationship

Lecture 1 Dr. Kalpit Sharma

Lecture 1 Dr. Kalpit Sharma
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