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Sairay M.

Lambojon BEED-1A
Debit Card Challenge
I will buy a ticket to go manila to with my two brothers to see are mom
I am going to buy a land and chikens for my father
I am going to buy my own a printer and laptop.
I will save money for our study (me,my siblings, nieces and nephews).
I am going to buy a desing for my room.
I am going to buy a house furniture and appliances
I am going to buy vitamins and food:(canned goods, instant food, rice
I am going to buy a lot of shoes and clothes for the whole.
I plan to start a business concentrating in poultry and pigs.
I'm going to purchase some food and clothing to donate to some local
families who are poor.
I will buy school supplies for us and my cousins.
How do you feel as you do the Debit Card Challenge?
1. How do you feel as you do the Debit Card Challenge?
The activity helps me to think and reminds me of the things I need or want to
be happy, so I feel good while doing it.
It also helps me realize how little I actually want for myself. It's mostly for my
family. It makes me happy to see them happy.
2. Which among the items on your list you like the most? Why?

Among the list I have, I think what I like the most is the second list, buying
land for my father, because my dad said that when he is 60 years old, he wants to
have land on the farm, chickens, and a small house so that he can live away
from trouble and the Chimosa people.

3. If ever you were given the chance in real life to have one among the list, which
would you choose? Why?

In real life, if I could pick one from my list, I would go with the first one since
we want to see our mother again after so many years.
4. Does your choice differ from your answer in question number 2? Why or why
Yes, because we want to see our mother for a certain amount of time.
5. Let your classmate read your list. Ask him/her to give or write a quick
impression of yourself based on the list you showed him/her.
You're capable.
Stay Positive at All Times
Have faith in yourself
Be Joyful
Stay Inspired at All Times
6. Is the quick impression of your classmate has some truth about who you are?
Yes, because I always see the bright side of obstacles and challenges, I believe in
God, and I can accomplish anything with my parents' help.


Debit Card Challenge List
1. Go back to your Debit Card Challenge List. Put a mark on the left side of each
item with the following categories:
I am going to buy my own a printer and laptop.- B
I am going to buy a land and chikens for my father.- F
I will save money for our study (me,my siblings, nieces and nephews).-
I am going to buy a desing for my room. -H
I am going to buy a house furniture and appliances.- H
I am going to buy vitamins and food:(canned goods, instant food, rice
etc.)- F
I am going to buy a lot of shoes and clothes for the whole.- C
I plan to start a business concentrating in poultry and pigs.- F
I'm going to purchase some food and clothing to donate to some local
families who are poor.- F
I will buy school supplies for us and my cousins.- F
2. • Which among the categories you have the most in your list?
For my family have the most item in my categories.
• What do you think these things tell you about yourself?
These statements merely suggested that I value my family. My family and I
share the same possessions. My success is likewise their success. Being their
oldest, one of my greatest joys is being able to share what I have with them.
3. Make a reflection paper about material self. You may use your answers from the
above questions in making your paper.
Reflection paper about material self
The physical embodiment of who we are is known as the material self. In this
lesson, we discussed needs and wants in life, and as a result, I learned that our
needs and wants are what motivate our purchasing behavior. James William also
states that the material self relates to the things, places, or even people that have
the label "mine." Furthermore, I discovered that needs can transform into wants as
I studied this lesson. When we support our buying behavior, our needs like clothes
and shoes can become wants like when we have enough clothes and shoes to wear.
However, when we see a new trend or a sale, we want to buy because we believe
that we will be admired and idolized by others. Additionally, when we see a sale,
we want to buy because we worry that tomorrow or the next day there won't be one
fear of missing out. But whether we allow our needs to override our wants is up to
us. This lesson about the material self also taught me about material possessions.
All of us, especially women like me who are materially obsessed, have our
material belongings.

Women like to shop a lot; we have an obsession with purchasing clothes, shoes,
bags, makeup, and other items. Unlike men, we prefer to spend money on material
possessions and fulfill all of our wants rather than all of our needs, though some
men are compulsive shoppers. They say material possessions have an impact on
oneself, which can have both positive and negative effects. That is accurate. I
firmly believe that material possessions have an impact on our emotions; we
experience happiness when we obtain our desires and sadness when we don't. I can
relate my experience to this topic. In my experience, when I didn't get what I
wanted, I got depressed and angry at the people who were attempting to
communicate with me. I was ecstatic and felt loved when I received my wishes
fulfilled. In the modern world, material possessions also serve as a symbol of a
person's character and outlook. Some of us enjoy owning new, trendy items these
days, such as clothing, shoes, gadgets, and many more, because, as I previously
mentioned, we believe that if we have them, people will admire and idolize us and
that our expensive, trendy possessions will make us blend in with society.
However, in my opinion, having necessities is preferable to having items that will
only please us momentarily.
Collage Making
Research Paper
Make a research on the role of Filipino consumer culture to Filipino self and

Title: The Impact of Filipino Consumer Culture on the Filipino Self and Identity


This study examines the complex interrelationship between the development of

the Filipino self and identity and Filipino consumer culture. It explores how
consumer behavior, inclinations, and customs influence the formation of personal
and societal identities in the Philippines. This study employs an interdisciplinary
methodology, integrating perspectives from sociology, psychology, anthropology,
and marketing to offer a thorough comprehension of the impact of consumer
culture on the formation of Filipino identity.


People now live in a place known as the "millennial world," where, in contrast
to the past, you can easily access your basic needs and wants by touching the
screen of your device or by using other forms of technology. Given that you have
gadgets and an internet connection, you can purchase the goods you need and want
from anywhere in just a few seconds. The world keeps finding and developing new
inventions every time that can benefit humanity and provide them with a better
quality of life than they had yesterday.
As the world continues to innovate, people's perspectives also shift, causing them
to alter how they obtain the goods they desire to purchase. In contrast to earlier
generations, modern humans put their wants before their needs. People can be
easily persuaded by flowery words from product sellers and encouraged by various
types of advertisements featuring popular actors and actresses thanks to social
media and television.

The television, which is a primary source of product information for goods like
cosmetics and skin care, food and beverages, personal care, health care and
medication, household products, and home appliances, is one of the four factors
that influence the decision of a Filipino to purchase a product, according to reports
published by the "Rappler." Additionally, consumers are influenced by
advertisements. A Nielsen online survey conducted by Rappler revealed that 73%
of Filipino respondents said that the advertisement's portrayal of a product affected
their decision to purchase it. Furthermore, according to the Nielsen Global
Consumer Survey, 48% of Filipinos purchase products because they enjoy
commercials or find them persuasive.

The purpose of this study is to determine how Filipino consumer culture affects
Filipino identity and self. A definition of consumer culture is a society where the
consumption of goods and services is the primary focus of social status, values,
and activities. However, in consumer culture, a lot of what you do, value, and
define revolves around the amount of material you consume. Filipinos purchase
goods and services in the market in a special way. Additionally, Shidhar Sharman
defines "identity," as a general term used in the social sciences to describe an
individual's concept and expression of uniqueness. People also derive their
significance from their identity. The socio-cultural perspective has an impact on
how this progressive development within the personality forms. It speaks to the
ability to reflect on and be aware of oneself. Therefore, identity refers to a person's
complete personality in all its unique psychological, biological, and social


Communities' and individuals' identities are greatly influenced by consumer

culture. Given the Philippines' diverse population and rich cultural tapestry, it is
imperative to comprehend how consumer culture affects how people view
themselves. The purpose of this study is to investigate how Filipino consumer
culture affects how Filipinos view themselves and their identities.


to examine the essential components of Filipino consumerism.

to investigate how consumer behavior and the formation of Filipino identity are

to discover how globalization has affected Filipino consumer culture and how it
has affected the development of identity.

to gain insight into how advertising and the media affect how consumers perceive
themselves and their preferences.

Literature Review:

Filipino Consumer Culture: Analyzing the importance of family, social

connections, and cultural values is necessary to comprehend the unique aspects of
Filipino consumer culture. This section summarizes the research that has been
done on Filipino consumer behavior, emphasizing the role that interpersonal
connections, collectivism, and cultural traditions have played.

Identity Formation:

Identity formation is a complicated, multidimensional process. This section

examines identity formation theoretical frameworks and applies them to the
context of the Philippines. It looks at how consumer decisions become a vehicle
for negotiating and expressing identity.


Research Design:
A mixed-methods approach is used in this study, combining quantitative and
qualitative techniques. We'll be collecting information on consumer behavior,
preferences, and the perceived impact on self-identity through surveys, interviews,
and focus groups.


To make sure there is a thorough grasp of the topic, a varied sample of Filipino
people from various demographics, socioeconomic backgrounds, and geographic
locations will be included.


Consumer behavior patterns

Survey data analysis will highlight trends and differences in Filipino consumers'
purchasing habits. This section will highlight the trends, inclinations, and factors
that influence purchasing decisions.

Impact on Self and Identity

This study will consider how consumer decisions affect the negotiation and
creation of same individual and group identities. It will evaluate how much
Filipinos' perceptions of themselves are influence by consumer culture.


Globalization and consumer culture

That discussion will look at how globalization has affected Filipino consumer
culture and how that has affected the development of identity. The
topic encompasses the impact of international brands, media, and cross-cultural

Media and Advertising

This section analyzes how advertising and the media shape consumer
preferences and self-image. It will examine how idealized identities presented in
advertisements and how this affects Filipino customers.


This study includes our knowledge of the complex interactions established

between self-identity and Filipino consumer culture. This study sheds light on the
intricate relationship between culture, consumption, and identity in the Filipino
context by examining the various factors influencing consumer behavior and their
implications for identity formation.

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