Reiteration CSC Policy Leave Monetization

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Ormoc City

No. ________, s. 2017

To: Chief Education Supervisors

Elem./Secondary School Heads
Non-teaching Staffs
All others concerned


Schools Division Superintendent

Subject : Reiteration on Civil Service Commission (CSC) policy on Leave Credits/Monetization,

monetization and other concerns

Date : October 17, 2017

1. This office reiterates Civil Service Commission (CSC) Omnibus Rules on Leave 2010, Section 22,
wherein it states that: Officials and employees in the career and non-career service whether
permanent, temporary, casual, or coterminous, who have accumulated fifteen (15) days of vacation
leave credits shall be allowed to monetize a minimum of ten (10) days. Provided, that at least five
(5) days is retained after monetization and provided further that a maximum of thirty (30) days may
be monetized in a given year.

2. In regards to Monetization of 50% or more of accumulated leave credits, Sec. 23, Omnibus Rules on
Leave 2010 states that it may be allowed for valid and justifiable reasons upon the favorable
recommendation of the agency head and subject to availability of fund.

3. As stipulated in CSC Memorandum Circular No. 16 s. 2010, a half day absent in the morning is
considered tardy while a half day absent in the afternoon is considered undertime. In both cases, a
form 6 is not applicable since a leave should be availed for one whole day. Tardy and undertime
are to be deducted in vacation leave credits.

4. Policy and procedure on grant of Compensatory Overtime Credit (COC) should be followed.
Overtime services should come with approved office order/permit first from the head of office.

5. For purposes of uniformity, attached is the standard template for Special order for Service credits
grants for teachers. Please arrange it according to District. Likewise, names should be
alphabetically arranged so that the Person-in-charge will have easier and faster access to file box of
leave cards which is arranged alphabetically.

6. For wide dissemination and compliance.


CSC Omnibus Rules on Leave 2010

Enclosure to Division Memo No. ________ , s. 2017

Unified template on grants of Service Credits

No. Names District/ School No. of days Date Covered

(for Sec) claimed
e.g. e.g.
1 Penduko, Pedro 1 2 Sept. 14-15, 2017
2 Rivera, Marian 1 2 Sept. 14-15, 2017
3 Alba, Jessica 2 2 Sept. 14-15, 2017
4 Mendoza, Jennifer 2 2 Sept. 14-15, 2017

Prepared by:
Principal/School Head

Recommending Approval:
Chief (where the activity concerns)

Approved by:

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