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Afterwards, conduct research on your selected religion's relationship with politics, if any.

what ways is it engaged in politics? Why did its leaders decide to be involved in politics?

The relationship between Born Again Christians and politics is complex and
multifaceted, varying across individuals and communities. "Born Again" refers
to a Christian belief in spiritual rebirth or a personal conversion experience.
The involvement of Born Again Christians in politics stems from a combination
of religious beliefs, social concerns, and a desire to influence public policy in
alignment with their moral and ethical values.

Ways Born Again Christians Engage in Politics:

1. Voting with Advocacy: Born Again Christians often engage in politics by

voting for candidates or policies that align with their religious beliefs. They
may also advocate for certain social issues.
2. Political Activism: Some Born Again Christians actively participate in
political campaigns, join grassroots movements, or organize protests to
support causes aligned with their religious values.
3. Leadership and Representation: Many leaders within the Born Again
Christian community have taken on roles in politics, running for public office to
represent their beliefs and values. This can range from local positions to
higher political offices.

Reasons for Involvement in Politics:

1. Moral imperative: Born Again Christians often view their faith as a guiding
force for their actions in all aspects of life, including politics. They believe it is
their moral duty to bring about change in society in accordance with their
religious convictions.
2. Protecting values: Some leaders within the Born Again Christian
community might feel that certain societal or legislative changes challenge
their religious values. Involvement in politics becomes a means to safeguard
or reinforce these values in the public sphere.
3. Impact and Influence: Influencing political decisions allows these
individuals to impact society on a larger scale, shaping laws and policies in
line with their religious beliefs.
4.Cultural and Social Concerns: Many Born Again Christians are concerned
about issues such as family, education, and social justice, and they believe
that political engagement is a way to address these concerns at a systemic

✦ A mix of these factors frequently motivate Born Again Christian leaders to

get involved in politics. It's crucial to remember that within the Born Again
Christian community, there can be significant differences in terms of both the
degree of involvement and the particular issues that are prioritized by different
individuals and denominations.

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