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21st Century Literature from the
Philippines and the World

Presented by: Erich S. Ebueza - cute



are stories told almost about entirely
in dialogue stimulating social
network exchanges. Narratives are
usually presented in blog, email, and
IM (Instant Messaging) format.
A "text-talk novel" typically refers to a
novel or literary work that is written in a
style resembling text messages or chat
conversations. It's a form of experimental
or avant-garde literature that mimics the
way people communicate in digital
messaging apps, complete with
abbreviations, emojis, and informal
1. Character: In a text-talk novel, characters are
represented through digital communication, such
as text messages, chat conversations, or social
media posts. Each character has a digital persona
that they use to interact with others in the story.
2. Setting: The setting in a text-talk novel is the
digital environment where the characters

3. Plot: The plot of a text-talk novel is the

sequence of events that unfold through the
characters' digital exchanges.
4. Conflict: Conflict in a text-talk novel can take
various forms, such as misunderstandings in
digital communication, online disputes, or
interpersonal conflicts expressed through text
5. Theme: Themes are conveyed through the
characters' interactions and conversations.
Digital Communication Format:Text-talk novels
are presented in a format that closely mimics
digital communication methods, such as text
messages, chat conversations, emails, or social
media posts. The entire narrative unfolds
through these digital exchanges, creating a
distinctive and immersive reading experience.
Informal Language and Online Slang:The
language used in text-talk novels is informal and
reflective of the way people communicate online.
It often includes abbreviations, acronyms,
emojis, internet slang, and the casual tone found
in digital messaging, making it relatable to
readers familiar with online conversations.
Real-Time Progression: Text-talk novels often
include timestamps or indicators of real-time
progression, providing a sense of immediacy and
chronology. This characteristic makes readers
feel as though they are following the story as it
unfolds in real-time, similar to how they might
follow a conversation on a messaging app or
social media platform.
For you, is Text-Talk Novel
important ? Why ? Why not?
Text-talk novels play a vital
role in 21st-century literature by
capturing the essence of
contemporary communication,
exploring relevant themes,
engaging younger readers,
experimenting with storytelling
formats, and reflecting the
impact of technology on
language and human interaction.
They are a product of their time
and offer unique insights into the
evolving landscape of literature
in the digital age.
“The pages may be digital, but the
emotions are real. Dive into a text-talk
novel and let your screen come alive with
the magic of words.”
Don't hesitate to ask any questions!

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