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The following points can be discussed as negative indicators:

 Frequent accidents and near misses

 High staff turnover rate after an accident

 Absentees of Several workers

 Discrepancies in safety compliance

 Missing PPE

 Compromises in safety

 Underreporting of accident

 Missing emergency procedures

 Unsuitable and insufficient risk assessments

 Missing PTW

 Vulnerable group

 Lack of supervision

 Missing first-aid arrangements

 Time pressure of deadlines

 Missing recordkeeping of accidents

 Missing recordkeeping of inspection

 Missing recordkeeping of Maintenance

Task 3: Financial Arguments To Improve Health And Safety

Based on the scenario only, what financial arguments in relation to accidents, could you use to convince the
health and safety needs to be improved?

Following financial arguments can be discussed

Direct Cost:
 First Aid treatment
 Sick pay
 Repairs to equipment
 Lost or damaged product
 Downtime
 Overtime
 Fines in Criminal Cost
 Compensation payment to Victim
Indirect Cost:

 Investigation time
 Lost Employee Morale
 Cost of Additional Control Measures
 Compliance With Enforcement Notices
 Cost of recruiting and retraining additional employees
 Damage customer relationships
 Damaged Public image

Task 4: Investigating Incidents

4 You advise the directors that the organisation should carry out some health and safety performance monitor

Comment on the reactive (lagging) monitoring measures that could be put in place by the organisation.

Note: You should support your answer, where applicable, using relevant information from the scenario.

Following Reactive Monitoring measures can be suggested:

 Accidents Investigation
 Dangerous Occurrences Investigation
 Near Missess Investigation
 Ill Health Statistics
 Worker’s Complaints Analysis
 Enforcement Actions Analysis
 Civil Claims Analysis
 Accident cost Analysis
 Incident Statistics to find trends
 Incident Statistics to find patterns
Note: Here we are giving you only points that can be discussed in complete sentence form.
NEBOSH Does not mark word answer. Every point should be a complete sentence. Now do

Task 5: Prioritising Health And Safety Issues

5 You have decided to form a health and safety committee to help improve health and safety at the organisatio

Based on the scenario only, identify TEN health and safety issues that the committee should prioritise at the

Following issues can be suggested for prioritization:

 Poor H & S culture

 Budget for H & S techniques
 Trainings overdue
 No recordkeeping of Reporting & Recording
 Presence of Vulnerable Group
 Absence of SSOW
 Absence of emergency procedures
 Review of Risk assessments over due
 Promises of replacement of old machines
 Work Pressures
Note: Here we are giving you only points that can be discussed in complete sentence form.
NEBOSH Does not mark word answer. Every point should be a complete sentence. Now do

Task 6: Training Recommendations

Based on the scenario only, what training should the bakery arrange for the different types of workers, to ma
the recent accident less likely?

Following training opportunities can be considered:

 Refresher Training for first Aid

 Training for safe use of machine to operators
 Training for safe maintenance for maintenanve staff
 Training for accident reporting to workers
 Training to record keeping methods
 Training to young persons
 Induction training for new workers
 Training in emergency procedures
 Training of health and safety responsibilities to management and
 Training in reactive monitoring techniques to managers
Note: Here we are giving you only points that can be discussed in complete sentence form.
NEBOSH Does not mark word answer. Every point should be a complete sentence. Now do

Task 7: Emergency Procedures

7 (a) Why do emergency procedures need to be developed?

(b) What could have contributed to the failure of the emergency arrangements when dealing with the recent

Note: You should support your answers, where applicable, using relevant information from the scenario.

7(A) Why Do Emergency Procedures Need To Be

The following reasons can be discussed:

 Foreseeable incidents
 Risk controls failures
 The requirement is mentioned in the law
 Satisfaction of workers
 Insurance purposes
 Reduce losses

7(B) What Could Have Contributed To The Failure Of The

Emergency Arrangements When Dealing With The Recent
Following Emergency Arrangements failures can be discussed:

 Absence of emergency procedures

 No first aiders
 No Emergency response team
 No communication
 Repetition of accidents
 No Incharge for situation
 No training
 No burn treatments
 Emergency services not called
 No safety equipment
 Difficult tracing of victims
 No tools for getting in
 Life losses
 No arrangements to deal with traumas
 Different approaches of every worker to deal the situation
Note: Here we are giving you only points that can be discussed in complete sentence form.
NEBOSH Does not mark word answer. Every point should be a complete sentence. Now do

Task 8: Setting Suitable Health And Safety Targets

8 You propose a health and safety target to help improve health and safety
management system performance. You formulate the target action table

Who is
Target Actions required

Reduce recorded accidents Monitor accident statistics on a monthly basis Train workers
Top managemen
by 50% on accident reporting

Comment on the suitability of the target action table in helping to improve

health and safety management system performance. (15)

The following points can be discussed to address suitabilities:

 Setting Targets
 Specific Target
 Measurable Target
 Achievable Target
 Reasonable Target
 Timeframe to achieve the target
 Resources required
 Priorities undefined
 Responsible persons nominated
 Responsible persons but not nominated
 Recommended Actions to achieve Target
 Actions required but not recommended
 More actions that can be put
 Followup arrangement for the Action table
 Outcomes on achieving the target

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