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Department of Mathematics, National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra Dr.

Surender Ontela

MAIC 101: DCDE Assignment (Max. Marks: 10)


1. Answer all questions and all questions carry equal marks.
2. Write answers on a plain white paper and scan it to a single PDF file.
3. Name PDF file with your enrolment number and submit it using google form http:
// on or before November 26, 2023 5 PM.
4. Answer sheets received after due date shall summarily be rejected.
5. This assignment is for students of IT-A section only.
6. Students who submit answer sheets belonging to others will receive a marks of zero,
and such actions will be deemed unfair, leading to appropriate consequences.

Assignment problems
 
2 4 −6
1. Find the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of the matrix  4 2 −6 .
−6 −6 −15
2. If x = r sinθ cosϕ, y = r sinθ sinϕ, z = r cosθ, find ∂(x,y,z)
d y 2 dy
3. Solve the differential equation x2 dx 2
2 − 2x dx + 2y = x + sin(5 log(x)).

d2 y
4. Solve the differential equation dx2
+y = sin(x) using method of variation of parameters.
d2 y dy dy
5. Solve the initial value problem dx2
− 3 dx + 2y = 4e2x , where y = −3, dx = 5 at x = 0
using Laplace Transform.

MAIC 101 DCDE Page 1

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