Examen 2do Año

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Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación

Unidad Educativa Santa Marta

Name and surname: _________________________________________________ Identification number ______________________

Date: ____________________________ Grade: _________________ Teacher: _____________________

Examen Inglés

First conditional. Completa las oraciones siguientes.

1. If it _____________ (rain), we ________________________ (stay) at home.
2. If you _____________________ (know/not) the way, I______________________ (pick) you up.
3. My mum ______________________ (bake) a cake if you _______________________ (come) to see us.

Second conditional. Completa las oraciones siguientes.

1. If you ________________________ (study) harder, you ____________________ (get) better marks in your tests.
2. If I _______________________ (be) rich, I ________________________ (travel) around the world.
3. She ___________________________ (come) to the market with us if she ___________________ (have/not) to work.

Third conditional. Completa las frases.

1. If you _____________________ (help) us, we ___________________________ (finish) the work in next to no time.
2. I ________________________ (call) you earlier if I __________________________ (lose/not) your phone number.
3. They ________________________ (go/not) to the theatre by car if the weather
_______________________ (be) better.

Completa las oraciones siguientes conjugando los verbos en los tiempos que corresponda según el tipo de condicional.
A. If I _______________________________ (have) a compass, I would give it to you.
B. If he hadn’t been ill, he _________________________ (run) the marathon.
C. If you go to Ireland, you ___________________________ (need) a raincoat.
D. We ___________________________________ (miss/not) the train if we had got up earlier.
E. If we lived in the country, the kids __________________________ (play) outside all day long.
F. If they _______________________________ (eat/not) that much, they wouldn’t have got a stomach ache.
G. I will not be able to write you if you _________________________________ (give/not) me your address.

Identifica que tipo de condicionar es cada ejercicios y coloca tu repuesta colocando C 1, C2, C3… Según corresponda

A. If you eat too much, you get fat

B. If you didn’t live so far away, I would visit you more often

C. If you park here, you will get a fine.

D. If I had woken up earlier, I would have arrived on time

Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela
Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación
Unidad Educativa Santa Marta

Name and surname: _________________________________________________ Identification number ______________________

Date: ____________________________ Grade: _________________ Teacher: _____________________

Examen Inglés

zero Conditionals

Completa las oraciones de condicional cero conjugando los verbos como corresponda.

1. If you ________________________ (not/like) the soup, you ___________________ (not/have) to eat it.
2. If you _________________________ (heat) water, it (boil).
3. My dog _____________________ (get) hyperactive if I ________________ (not/walk) her twice a day.

First Conditionals

Completa las oraciones de condicional primero conjugando los verbos como corresponda.

1. If it _____________________ (rain), we ______________________ (not/go) to the park.

2. If you ___________________ (not/know) the way, I ________________ (pick) you up.
3. My mum (bake) a cake if you (come) to see us.

Second Conditionals

Completa las oraciones de condicional segundo conjugando los verbos como corresponda.

1. If you _______________________ (study) harder, you ______________ (get) better marks in your tests.
2. If I ________________________ (be) rich, I __________________ (travel) around the world.
3. She __________________ (come) to the market with us if she _________________(not/have) to work.

Third Conditionals

Completa las oraciones de condicional tercero conjugando los verbos como corresponda.

1. If you ____________________ (help) us, we ____________________ (finish) the work in half the time.
2. I _______________________ (call) you earlier if I___________________ (not/lose) your phone number.
3. They ___________________ (not/drive) to the theatre if they _________________ (know) about the snow.

Identifica que tipo de condicionar es cada ejercicios y coloca tu repuesta colocando C 1, C2, C3… Según corresponda

a. If I won the lottery, I would spend my life travelling.

b. If you scare a snake, it bites you-
c. If I had stayed in my hometown, I would have never found my job.
d. If you weren’t so scared of everything, you would have enjoyed the film.
Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela
Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación
Unidad Educativa Santa Marta

Name and surname: _________________________________________________ Identification number ______________________

Date: ____________________________ Grade: _________________ Teacher: _____________________

Examen Inglés
Completa los espacios en blanco para formar oraciones de condicional cero.

1). If there is a storm, my cat ______________________ (run) under the sofa.

2). The printer always_____________________ (break) if I need to print something quickly.
3). I get stressed if my mother-in-law _______________ (visit) for longer than a day.
4). If the waiters ___________________ (be) unfriendly, customers don't leave a tip.
5). The students don't care if the lesson _____________________ (be) boring.

Mixed Conditionals
Selecciona la opción que describe correctamente la combinación Identifica que tipo de condicionar es cada ejercicios y
de condicionales en cada caso. coloca tu repuesta colocando C 1, C2, C3… Según
a. If I were a better baker, I would have made the cake myself. corresponda
a) Situación pasada imaginada, resultado presente imaginado.
b) Situación presente imaginada, resultado pasado imaginado.
1). If you eat too much, you get fat
b. If we had won the lottery last night, we would be rich right now. 2). If you didn’t live so far away, I would visit you more often
a) Situación pasada imaginada, resultado presente imaginado.
b) Situación presente imaginada, resultado pasado imaginado.
3). If you park here, you will get a fine.
c. If the playground were safe, the kids wouldn’t have been injured. 4). If I had woken up earlier, I would have arrived on time
a) Situación pasada imaginada, resultado presente imaginado.
b) Situación presente imaginada, resultado pasado imaginado.

d. We wouldn’t be so hungry if we had ordered the food earlier.

a) Situación pasada imaginada, resultado presente imaginado.
b) Situación presente imaginada, resultado pasado imaginado.

e. If he were a nice person, he wouldn’t have shouted at the little girl.

a) Situación pasada imaginada, resultado presente imaginado.
b) Situación presente imaginada, resultado pasado imaginado.

f. If we had stayed together, we would be miserable.

a) Situación pasada imaginada, resultado presente imaginado.
b) Situación presente imaginada, resultado pasado imaginado.

Rellena los huecos utilizando los tres tipos de oraciones condicionales:

1. If I _______________ (know) the truth I wouldn’t have said that.

2. If you don9t hurry up, you __________________ (be) late.
3. If I _________________ (win) the lottery, I would travel around the world.
4. Water _______________ (boil) if you heat it enough.
5. If he ________________ (speak) better English, he would move to London.
6. If Peter _______________ (study) more, he would have passed the exam.
7. If Anna was taller, she _____________ (not wear) heels so much.
8. ______________you_______________ (go) to the park if it doesn’t rain?
9. I would be so happy if I ___________________ (be) to get married.
10. If we miss the plane, we ______________________ (go) by bus.
Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela
Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación
Unidad Educativa Santa Marta

Name and surname: _________________________________________________ Identification number ______________________

Date: ____________________________ Grade: _________________ Teacher: _____________________

Examen Inglés
Completa los espacios para formar oraciones de condicional cero.
1. If I cook, I _______________________ (not/do) the dishes.
2. Helen ____________________________(not/use) too much chilli powder if she's cooking for other people.
3. If the kids behave badly, we _____________________________ (not/give) them dessert.
4. I drink warm milk if I __________________________ (not/can) sleep.
5. After work, Kelly often does housework if she _________________________ (not/be) too tired.

First conditional. Completa las oraciones siguientes.

4. If it _____________ (rain), we ________________________ (stay) at home.
5. If you _____________________ (know/not) the way, I______________________ (pick) you up.
6. My mum ______________________ (bake) a cake if you _______________________ (come) to see us.

Second conditional. Completa las oraciones siguientes.

4. If you ________________________ (study) harder, you ____________________ (get) better marks in your tests.
5. If I _______________________ (be) rich, I ________________________ (travel) around the world.
6. She ___________________________ (come) to the market with us if she ___________________ (have/not) to work.

Completa las siguientes oraciones con el tipo de condicional correcto:

1. If I _______________ (know) the truth I wouldn9t have said those stupid words.
2. If I ________________ (have) more money I would buy a new house.
3. John _______________ (come) if Mary calls him.
4. If I _______________ (be) you, I would visit Ann.
5. You _________________ (not arrive) on time unless you hurry up.
6. If I __________________ (study) harder I will pass my two exams tomorrow.
7. Rose _______________________ (come) if you hadn’t been so stupid with her.
8. If you heat the water, it _________________ (boil).
9. Maria’s baby ____________________ (sleep) if you kept silence.
10. Vanessa ___________________ (pass) her exams if she feels confident.
Mixed Conditionals
Selecciona la opción que describe correctamente la combinación de condicionales en cada caso.
1). If the playground were safe, the kids wouldn’t have been injured.
a) Situación pasada imaginada, resultado presente imaginado.
b) Situación presente imaginada, resultado pasado imaginado.

2). We wouldn’t be so hungry if we had ordered the food earlier.

a) Situación pasada imaginada, resultado presente imaginado.
b) Situación presente imaginada, resultado pasado imaginado.

3). If he were a nice person, he wouldn’t have shouted at the little girl.
a) Situación pasada imaginada, resultado presente imaginado.
b) Situación presente imaginada, resultado pasado imaginado.
4). If we had stayed together, we would be miserable.
a) Situación pasada imaginada, resultado presente imaginado.
b) Situación presente imaginada, resultado pasado imaginado.

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