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Spotting Spams and Fake User Identification

Pratik Navale1 Shardul Bhosale 2 Rutuja Kudande3 Mrunali Nalawade4

(Assistant Professor, Computer Engineering, SVPM’s College of Engineering Malegaon(bk), Baramati
( UG Students, Computer Engineering, SVPM’s College of Engineering Malegaon(bk), Baramati), ,,

Abstract— A cryptocurrency is a form of digital

currency in which all transactions are conducted
electronically. It is a soft currency and does not viewed on April
exist in the form of hard banknotes. Here we
highlight the difference with decentralized fiat
currencies, i.e. all virtual currency users can obtain 19, 2019, the
services without any third-party intervention.
However, obtaining services from these
cryptocurrencies may affect international relations virtual
and trade due to highly volatile prices. There are
different virtual currencies such as Ethereum,
Ripple, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Litecoin, etc. currency market
In our research, we focus specifically on one
popular cryptocurrency, Ethereum.
Among the many types of virtual currencies, value is close to
Ethereum is widely accepted by different
institutions such as investors, researchers, traders,
and policy makers. As far as we know, Our goal is 90 billions of
to implement efficient prediction models based on
deep learning, using different algorithms such as
LSTM, ARIMA, SARIMAX, XG boost, FB dollars, but it
prophet, to and compare them to find out the best
accuracy model for predicting cryptocurrency
varies from time
Keywords: prediction, Ethereum, cryptocurrency,
deep learning
time. Bitcoin is a
Virtual currency is a form of cryptocurrency, but it
is still an impressive technological achievement in
the world of digital marketing. Virtual currencies peer-to-peer
are here to stay, they cannot completely replace fiat
or traditional currencies. In this study, We attempt
to present an interesting new perspective from cryptocurrency
which the economic outlook sheds light on issues
of monetary management, the characteristics of
money, the political economy of financial in which all
intermediaries, and the nature of monetary
Virtual currencies are becoming popular and transactions are
used in the business transactions of businesses
around the world. Its popularity is due to its
innovative features such as transparency, simplicity not regu-
and growing acceptance worldwide.
lated or of dollars
controlled by publicly traded.
any third party. Due to its open-
Third-party source nature,
intervention clear,
between transparent,
customers is simple,
impossible. It is and time is
highly volatile saving which
market price leads all virtual
working 24/7. currencies in the
Market world.
As of April 19, 2019, the market capitalization of
capitalization of virtual currency is close to US$90 billion, but it
fluctuates from time to time. Bitcoin is a peer-to-
peer cryptocurrency where all transactions are not
bitcoin is regulated or controlled by a third party. The
intervention of a third party between customers is
not possible. Highly volatile market prices operate
increased 24/7. The Bitcoin market capitalization increases
from time to time.
The main challenge with Bitcoin exchange rates is
through time to high price volatility. The high price volatility
means that certain steps must be taken to accurately
predict the price of Bitcoin. Understanding the
time. In the forecast activity is necessary to judge the future
price of Bitcoin and build trust and acceptance
around the world. Affected by various factors such
current time, as a country's political system, public relations, and
market policies, Bitcoin's economic role and
international relations of various countries may
more than 71 determine different market strategies. Finally, the
lack of an official roadmap: some key challenges
and future developments for Bitcoin predictions
billions is consistent in that there is no clear description of
an unregulated trading platform for buy and sell
related transactions. The goal of our current IV.LITERATURE SURVEY
research is to use deep learning models to predict
Bitcoin price with greater efficiency and minimize
risk for investors and policymakers. Online reviews have best effect on today's business
& Commerce. decision making for buy Of Online
II. OBJECTIVE product generally depends of reviews given by the
users hence apportunistic seperate or groups.
1.Bitcoin price prediction with maximum product interests. try to operate product reviews For
their own interests.This paper introduces Some
efficiency using LSTM and ARIMA.
semi supervised & supervised text mining imitation
2. Compare ARIMA, SARIMAX, FB PROFET, to find fake online reviews also Contrast the
XGC REGRESSIVE and LSTM to find the most planning of both techniques. on
efficient algorithm for predicting cryptocurrency dataset Carry reviews.The charge of fake review
prices. spotting has been studied in 2007, with the
3.Guarantee lower risk and higher profit for Scanning of review spamming in this project, the
investors. authors Scanning the case of Amazon deduce The
manually labelling Fare reviews outcomes
III.RELATED WORK challenging as fake reviewers could exactly craft
their reviews in order to make them more definitive
There is not enough research on the use of for other users. SO the advance use of
machine learning for cryptocurrency corresponding or nearly corresponding as spam in
predictions, especially deep learning models. order to expand a model that locate fake reviews
According to research from 2016, more than Research on distributional.Foot prints has also been
600 articles have been published on the performed, showing relationship between
subject. Our literature review covers work on distribution a nomalies and deceptive. reviews from
amazon outcome & Trip Advisor.Fake review
Bitcoin (BTC) price prediction using different
Spotting is a particular application Of the common
techniques, the requirements and evaluation of problem of lying detection, where the two verbal.
recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and their & Non verbal guide Can be used. fake review
system architectures. We use different feature detection analysis has mainly utilized lexical and
selection mechanisms to get the most behavioral features. While other abord have taken.
important features and apply machine learning into account Social & temporal side .
methods. Textual characteristic have been advance in several
We Focus on predicting the fluctuating value Papers behavioral characteristic mention to non
of Bitcoin through sentiment analysis and verbal Feature of review. enterprise, such as the
identifying the relationship between positive number of reviews or the time of device where the
and negative sentiments. Nivethithaet et al. reviews was display they were used in order to
proposed the use of machine learning better the classification model resulting in inspire
algorithm LSTM for future stock price results introduced. behavioral property on Amazon
prediction. They focus specifically on time reviews and other reviews features .eg.number of
series forecasts, as they form the basis of stock commets , location of reviews , rating features etc.
price forecasts and other financial forecasting
models. Compared to the existing ARIMA V. PROPOSED METHODOLOGY
model, the LSTM algorithm provides efficient The proposed method considers four different
and accurate results. forecasting models based on deep learning to
Ross et al. [14] Of course, Bitcoin is the most predict the daily Bitcoin price by identifying and
popular new virtual currency, while its evaluating relevant features in the model itself.
security and volatility are questionable. This After applying both models to Bitcoin predictions,
research enabled peer-to-peer transactions of we can determine which model is more accurate for
bitcoins through the network and blockchain achieving our future goals and choose appropriate
technology. Using Various Machine Learning parameters for better performance. In this work, we
Algorithms to More Effectively Predict propose deep learning mechanisms such as LSTM,
Bitcoin Prices. ARIMA, SARIMAX, FB prophet, XG-boost which
is effective techniques for predicting Bitcoin prices.
We Create 4 different models using LSTM,
Since Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency, it
ARIMA, SARIMAX, XG-boost, FB propheet has to deal with price fluctuations over a short
to find out which model gives the maximum period of time. Describes the forecasting process,
accuracy. from data collection to Bitcoin price prediction
reviews have no impact on scale of e-commerce
3]through this paper ,we have to provide an
automatic solution for the rude or toxic words
problem people are facing when shopping on this
platform as we successful remove this toxic and
rude words.
4]this paper provides a technique to identify the
positive and negative comments.

The entire idea of project is taken on the behalf of
the rise in the use of ecommerce websites. We
researched a lot for the idea of the system then we
came to a conclusion that machine learning is the
domain from which we can built the required
system. After that we have collected the dataset of
Fig 1:Shows the Architecture of the System reviews.
We have preprocessed it and by using natural
A.Dataset:- language processing we came to a final result that
We are Using the module that will upload the whether the given review is going into spam or not
ecommerce that will upload the ecommerce and the respective user is fake or genuine.
reviews dataset and In those dataset the 50%
dataset are fake user or 50% are Genuion ACKNOWLEDGMENT
userl .Recentaly we have included our newly
created dataset. We take this opportunity to thank our project guide
B.Data Preprocessing:- and Head of the Department Prof.Dr.Y.D.Sinkar
It is need to clean the data due to the existence of and Honorable Principal Prof.Dr.Mukane S.M. for
fake or genuion user.Firstly, we remove their valuable guidance and for providing all the
punctuation and uppercase characters from our necessary facilities, which were indispensable in
datasets and convert them to lowercase. Then we the completion of this project report. We are also
removed special characters, unwanted characters thankful to all the staff members of the Department
for this datasets. Fake user and genuion user text of Computer Engineering of SVPM’s College of
were mixed in several of the comments. We Engineering, Malegaon(Bk) for their valuable time,
removed them from the dataset to achieve accurate support, comments, suggestions and persuasion.
outcomes.Then we have removed stop words, but We would also like to thank the institute for
we kept negation to get better outcomes. We have providing the required facilities, Internet access and
used dealying in the fake user and genuion important books.
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