The Twin Tale

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After RM told asmi about his and mamaji’s conversation at party.

Rm: so I and he had argument and this is the reason your parents abanded you this is the reason I
had to set you away from your own family and make you kim.

He paused and looked at asmi who was trmbeling her mind stopped working , her heart raced at
horse power she had cold sweat all over her body . she was in confused emotion she was happy
haring that angel is alive at same time she was sad that angel is alive . cause in destination either of
them has to die no matter what .

Asmi: she is alive ? my baby princess ? is she really? She looked up at rm for a answer that will clam
her .

Rm: yes she is . but, her life would be reason for your death .

Asmi: I wanna see her ,please … please just once I wanna meet her please please …. She joint her
hands and fell down on her knees infront of RM begging him to meet with angel . she had no
strength left .

Rm hold her with shoulder made her stand he wiped out her face and without saying anything
dragged her back to the car . when driver started the car he wishpered to her.

Rm: we need to save miss. Berry from them first hmm?

Asmi realised and everything started to hit her head one by one each and every thing she was all
desperate to know and see the blackness which was hidden from her for so many years.

She kept quite when they reached home walking in the house where they were supposed to stay it
was more like a rented villa , walking inside the house asmi was already trembeling , rm got a phone
call so , decided to take it and he asked asmi to go ahead when she was near steps she fainted and
fell on ground , the maid and servent present ran towards her and one of then=m came to rm and
inform him . he hung up the call and took her to bedroom and doctor came and check on her.he said
it was all her stress and not eating which made her faint nothing serious .

After sometime rm told everyone to leave them alone he got her changed in a long t-shirt and braide
up her hair thwn went got freshen up and lay beside her . and he gentallly stroke her hairs and
planted soft kisses on her head and face . she got back her sense and was about to get up .

rm: stay .

asmi layed back and rm slided his fingers throught her head lightly and pulled her closer by other

rm: its okay baby . you don’t have to be strong all the time . its okay to be weak and cry let me be
your protector let me be have some time to feel like your husband .

asmi: I am the root of this tree causing trouble so , its me who has to clean up . I have something on
my mind , I will call up to mr.grim ask hm to leave berry in exchange of me . I don’t want you to be
bothering and not anyone else .
rm: I don’t agree with it. You are not going anywhere . about miss. Berry she will be home till
morning and we are all done than .

asmi: what do you mean ? isn’t she kidnapped ?...........

before she continues herself her stomach grumbled …. She hold her stomach and lok=oked down
she was a bit embarresed

rm: don’t overthink you need to eat now. They have already prepared you food

he got up from bed so , did asmi but, before she stepps down her picked her up in bridal way and
came to dinnng room the servents served her food . she stared at it and dint had anything

rm: should I feed you ?

asmi : I will be back just hold.

She walked to restroom by herself and asked onr=e of the maid to comeover and help her . after
some time she came back and sat on table

Rm: are you okay ? is there something wrong?

Asmi: I got my periods . …. Can I have icecream please .

She said in low voice rm understood her sudden change and asked to get her ice cream

Asmi: can we both go instead by walking ?

Rm just nodded as he anted to fresh her mood and get distracted .

They walked out and went to a small hand stall and bought 2 kulfi they had it and asmi asked for
more so the man packed a whole dozen of ice cream for her . she smiled took the bag removed one
and started eating . rm chukled at how his girl goes throught insane and crazy mood swings with or
without periods . he paid the man and started walking again

Asmi: you know what ? I wanna say something to you .

Rm: what is it? Do you wanna say u had aboyfriend who buyed you this kulfi before our marriage
and that you still love him?

Asmi : I wish I had something like that to say but, no . I just wanted to say thank you my mr.potato
for everything fro very start till now , for every gift even the heicky , for wedding , for contract of me
and my family for vacation , for everytime you scholded me for every time you hit me for everything
every good and every bad thank you . cause I cant return you sauch a huge favour back so , thank

She needed sleep she was half asleep and also hungry which made her behave like a drunk person
and childish .

Rm: mr.potato , it’s a weird nickname for husband . don’t you think mrs.potato?

He looked at her who was busy having icecream

Rm: you know you can return me the favour that to without any cost ….

Asmi looked at him and frowed her eyebrows rm continued

Rm: you can make love with me …..

Asmi: love? Wait……. Isn’t it obvious we are married just for this reason that you want kid ? I mean
no matter what we are gonna have it ….. so , its just nothing like favour ……. Its our job.

She srugged her shoulders and finished eating .

Rm: if its our job then you are doing very very bad at it ….atleast I am trying but ,you nothing at all .

Asmi: listen its like I don’t like it we can go slowly , I am not expericed as you . I am a virgin and
never had any relationship I need time to understand all this

Rm: see you are already being a huge trouble maker so , atleast give me some rest in this case ?

Before asmi continue to quarrel with rm she saw few kids sitting at steert side who were hungry ,
she got up and walked to them and gave each of them a icecream to have . everyone smiled and she
hugged and kissed each one on chickes she waved them goodbye and walked back to rm .

Rm just smiled at his wife who has the best heart ever

Rm: you love and care for them who aren’t your anything .

Asmi: they have nothing but, pure blessings which are more important than this fame world we both
live in .

Rm and asmi walked back home

Asmi: about berry..

Rm: miss. Berry will be home anytime in morning that to safe .

Asmi: what is your deal?

Rm: that isn’t imp sleep now

Asmi: tell me

Rm: they are on there way , miss berry will return backan after this they will never cause her any
trouble she will be safe forever .

Asmi: they aren’t who will let it so easily . what did you gave them?

Rm: I didn’t gave anything . its just they wont use anyother person after this in anyway .

Asmi: last time . tell me

Rm: your mom . your mother did this all . she was the one who called me before you fainted. As
soon as she found out about miss.berry she went there by herself and got her out and she warned
mr.grim that afterthis he will never use or harm any family member or friend of yours , its just thing
between two sisters and no one has to interfare not even him.

Asmi: she very well know everything. Anyway that is okay now if berry is out of this.

Rm: we wil leave tomorrow afternoon itself .yet if you want..

Asmi: its better I stay away from this as much as I can so , no one will be dragged in .

Rm dimmed the lights and they went to sleep .

Next morning ,

Miss. Berry came home back asmi got a call fromm her

Berry: I need to talk to you right now come at my place or send me your address .

Asmi: am at airport , we are heading back and … I wont be back … ever again

Berry : we need to talk its very important , see dear just 10 min then its all on you just 1omin please .

Asmi looked at rm who was doing checking done she exhaled .

Asmi: we will fly an hour later .

Berry: great . just wait I am coming .

Berry who just arrived grabbed her bikes key and drove to airport .

At airport

Berry came and both of them sat a little away in a private room berry who was angry on asmi for
going back yet keeping that aside she told asmi;

Berry: angel is alive . your family and grims have a contract that…

Asmi: I know everything .

Asmi narrated her everything

Berry: but… don’t you think we should see what actually happen to angel we have to know her side
too so that we can find the truth . see I don’t know what it is , but I don’t think its all cause of family
contract or about dinesties at all .

Asmi: you wanna say my angel did it all on purpose ? huh are you blaming her ?

Berry: removed a small diary and forwarded to her. Not me , she . while searching about her I asked
your mom to let me search your old house and I found her diary there .

Asmi: she never wrote diary , she hated it the most .

She pulled the diary nd saw it and sarted to read it .

Berry: remember ashi you always said to me that the most complicated questions are the ones with
the most simplest and straight forward answers.

She stood up and hugged asmi tight

Berry: its complicated keep patients and don’t worse it .

And then both of them walked out and saw rm waiting for them , berry walked towards him

Berry: its just a misunderstanding between two sisters and make sure she [looked at asmi ] comes
back .
Rm: be ready for a warm welcome .

They bitted each other byes and went there ways .

On flight

Rm and asmi both were busy in doing there work snd completely forget about everything .

Asmi: rm .

Rm: hmm

Asmi: I am keeping a meet day after regaurding my company

Rm: what meet ?

Asmi: more like auction … I am selling the company .

Rm: no need .

Asmi: I am not asking you I am informing you about it , its my company and I am selling it .

Rm: YOU . ARE . NOT . if you want take break but, I wont allow to sell it . are you so greedy of money
that you are selling your own company .

Asmi: I am not doing it for money . I just wanna focus on our family that is …

Rm: our family ? or your twin huh ? which family you are talking about the one which we never
started ?

Asmi: why are you complicating things when they are not . we talked about it before , that I will stop
the company before I get pregnant isn’t it that your so called dynasty wants or I should say NEED a
king to rule then huh? That too I am the only one who has to give birth to him.

Rm: don’t you think you are exaggerating things when they aren’t . stop being soo much dramatic .

Asmi: dramatic seriously rm ?you wanna say there is something wrong with me ? huh ?

Rm: that is what I am saying exactly . its all in your head asmi . things are always simple and easy but
you keep making them complicated and always think you are the victim when in reality you are
not .depression , overthinking and victimizing your self . you have mentally destroyed your self .

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