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(Từ ngày 7/2/2022 đến ngày 13/2/2022)
Compiled by Mrs Trang Anh
Facebook: Mrstranganh87


I. Lý thuyết
1. draw/capture/attract one’s attention: thu hút sự chú ý
Pay attention to sb/sth: chú ý tới ai/cái gì
2. pay someone a compliment: ngỏ lời khen ngợi, ca tụng ai
3. earn one's living: kiếm sống
4. break the law: phạm luật
5. catch the bus/taxi/train/plane: bắt xe buýt/taxi/tàu/máy bay
take the bus/ taxi/ train: đi xe buýt/ tắc xi/ tàu
6. make the habit of doing sth: tập thói quen gì >< break the habit of: bỏ thói quen (làm gì đó)
7. break the rule: phá vỡ quy định, quy tắc
8. save energy: tiết kiệm năng lượng
9. catch the flu/a cold: bị mắc cúm/cảm lạnh
10. consume one’s time: tiêu phí thời giờ
11. damage/ destroy the environment /a marine ecosystem/the ozone layer: phá hủy môi trường /
hệ sinh thái biển / tầng ôzôn
12. draw conclusions: rút ra những kết luận
come to/reach the conclusion: đi đến kết luận
13. break with tradition: đi ngược lại với truyền thống, thuần phong mỹ tục.
14. break someone's heart: làm ai đau long
15. Make criticism about sb/st = criticize sb/st: chỉ trích ai/cái gì
take criticism: nhận lấy chỉ trích
16. damage one’s credibility: làm tổn hại/làm giảm sự tín nhiệm của ai

17. break the contract: hủy, phá vỡ hợp đồng
18. cut/reduce a budget: cắt giảm ngân sách >< increase/raise a budget: tăng ngân sách.
19. catch one’s eye: bắt gặp ánh mắt ai đó, làm ai đó phải chú ý
20. collect data: thu nhập dữ liệu
21. make changes: đổi mới/ thay đổi
22. collect/ charge rent: thu tiền thuê
II. Bài tập áp dụng
1. They're organizing a campaign to ____________ people's attention to the environmentally harmful effects
of using their cars.
A. have B. draw C. take D. break
2. Don't ____________ any attention to Nina - she doesn't know what she's talking about.
A. pay B. earn C. get D. catch
3. She was worried that she'd arrive too late to____________ the last bus home.
A. catch B. get C. break D. make
4. I'm trying to get him to ____________ the habit of switching on the TV when he comes home at night.
A. make B. take C. get D. put
5. The judge ruled that the directors had knowingly ____________ the law.
A. caught B. got C. broken D. made
6. If you ____________ the rule, you’re going to be punished for it.
A. make B. get C. break D. do
7. We aim to manage and ____________ energy and water efficiently within all our premises.
A. save B. hold C. manage D. gather
8. I'm feeling a bit feverish - I hope I haven't ____________ the flu.
A. caught B. got C. broken D. made
9. Weekend shopping chores ____________ much of her time.
A. ate B. consumed C. fed D. built
10. Certain chemicals have been banned because they are ____________ the environment.
A. damaging B. injuring C. hurting D. harming
11. We decided to ____________ with tradition this year and go away for Christmas.
A. have B. draw C. take D. break
12. You should ____________ the bus if you want to see the sights.
A. have B. draw C. take D. break

13. Her ideas have ____________ a lot of criticism in the scientific community.
A. paid B. put C. made D. taken
14. The pensions scandal did a lot of ____________ to the Government's credibility.
A. damage B. hurt C. harm D. injury
15. They can take legal action against you if you ____________ (the terms of) the contract.
A. catch B. give C. break D. make
16. Local agencies were forced to ____________ their budgets by 50%.
A. cut B. bring C. get D. break
17. It was the unusual color of his jacket that ____________ my eye.
A. caught B. got C. broke D. made
18. Market research companies ____________ data on consumers' preferences.
A. make B. collect C. give D. raise
19. The new head of department is certain to ____________ some changes.
A. make B. take C. have D. do
20. Managing the property generally means ____________ rent and carrying out maintenance.
A. sharing B. giving C. collecting D. getting


I. Lý thuyết
1. make a call: điện thoại cho ai
2. conduct/carry out/do a survey: tiến hành cuộc khảo sát
conduct/ carry out/ do research/ an experiment: tiến hành nghiên cứu/ thí nghiệm
3. make a contribution: đóng góp
4. break the silence: phá vỡ im lặng
5. earn a living as+ N: kiếm tiền, kiếm sống bằng nghề gì
6. ease the pressure: giảm bớt áp lực
7. make a choice: chọn lựa, ra quyết định.
8. ease tensions: làm tình hình bớt căng thẳng
9. break promise: thất hứa
make promise: hứa
10. encounter a problem/ difficulty: gặp phải vấn đề/ khó khăn
11. make arrangements = arrange: sắp đặt, dàn xếp

12. raise funds: quyên góp quỹ
13. catch fire: bị cháy
14. make progress: tiến bộ
15. take turns to do/doing sth: thay phiên nhau làm gì
16. make attempts/efforts to do sth= try to do sth: cố gắng làm gì
II. Bài tập áp dụng
1. She has had to ____________ some very difficult decisions.
A. make B. take C. have D. do
2. The company is renegotiating its finances after struggling to ____________ the rent on its properties.
A. meet B. make C. take D. pay
3. We're not allowed to____________ private calls at work.
A. make B. take C. have D. do
4. We are ____________ a survey to find out what our customers think of their local bus service.
A. doing B. having C. taking D. making
5. A loud crash of thunder ____________ the silence of the night.
A. caught B. got C. broke D. made
6. They ____________ a research to find out what type of technical support customers might want.
A. conducted B. made C. gave D. took
7. She didn't ____________ much of a contribution at today's meeting, did she?
A. make B. take C. have D. do
8. He ____________ a living as a self-employed consultant.
A. earns B. makes C. gets D. receives
9. A decisive win would certainly help to ____________ the pressure on the team's captain.
A. help B. soften C. ease D. give
10. Some women ____________ a deliberate choice to rear a child alone.
A. make B. take C. have D. do
11. This latest incident will do nothing to ____________ tensions between the two countries.
A. help B. take C. ease D. give
12. He will work in partnership with a range of organizations to help ____________ discrimination against
disabled people.
A. eliminate B. get C. do D. take
13. Voters are bound to be mistrustful of a government that has ____________ so many promises.

A. caught B. paid C. broken D. made
14. We ____________ a problem with the fuel pump during safety tests.
A. took B. encountered C. gave D. encouraged
15. They'd ____________ all the arrangements for the party.
A. made B. took C. had D. did
16. We will____________ funds for reconstruction by disposing of assets.
A. make B. collect C. give D. raise
17. For reasons which are not yet known, the factory ____________ fire late yesterday evening.
A. caught B. got C. broke D. made
18. Alex is just plodding along at school, ____________ very little progress.
A. making B. taking C. giving D. doing
19. The mothers in our group____________ turns driving the children to school.
A. make B. take C. have D. do
20. She ____________ a few half-hearted attempts to join in their conversation.
A. made B. took C. had D. did


I. Lý thuyết
1. take responsibility for = be responsible for: chịu trách nhiệm >< deny responsibility: chối bỏ trách
2. raise one’s hand: giơ tay lên
3. try to do = attempt to do = make an effort to do: cố gắng làm gì
4. set a good example for/to sb: làm gương tốt cho ai noi theo
5. take action: hành động
6. make mistakes: phạm lỗi
7. come to/reach a compromise: đạt được thỏa thuận
8. make sth available to sb: cung cấp cái gì cho ai
9. make no distinction between: không có sự phân biệt giữa cái gì
10. make/ give/ deliver a speech: diễn thuyết
11. make an example of sb: phạt ai để làm gương
12. make a statement: thực hiện lời tuyên bố, trình bày (một quan điểm, vấn đề..)
13. take a trip: đi chơi
14. make no comment: không đưa ra ý kiến gì
15. raise awareness on/ about sth: nâng cao nhận thức về vấn đề gì.
16. take effect: trở nên có hiệu lực, có tác dụng
17. make money: kiếm tiền
18. make noise: gây ra tiếng ồn, làm ồn
19. play a vital role/ part in sth/ doing sth: đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong vấn đề gì/trong việc làm

II. Bài tập áp dụng
1. I refuse to ____________responsibility for what’s happened.
A. make B. take C. have D. do
2. Stephie ____________ her hand to ask the teacher a question.
A. made B. collected C. gave D. raised
3. You can't expect to have any friends if you don't ____________ the effort with people.
A. make B. take C. have D. do
4. We want our teachers to ____________ a good example.
A. set B. get C. make D. give
5. We can’t delay any longer – we have to ____________ action.
A. make B. take C. have D. do
6. I'm not blaming you - we all ____________ mistakes.
A. make B. take C. have D. do
7. House and Senate staffers are working long hours to try to ____________ a compromise.
A. make B. reach B. get D. do
8. She ____________ the conclusion that there was no more she could do.
A. made B. reached B. got D. did
9. One of the project's key goals is to ____________ the website available in different languages.
A. make B. take C. have D. do
10. This company ____________ no distinction between the sexes.
A. makes B. takes C. has D. does
11. I had to ____________ a speech at my brother's wedding.
A. take B. get C. make D. reach
12. The judge ____________ an example of him and sentenced him to prison.
A. made B. took C. had D. did

13. He threw paint over the fur coats because he wanted to ____________ a statement about cruelty to
A. make B. reach B. get D. do
14. She always flies business class when she____________ trips to the US.
A. gives B. takes B. turns D. puts
15. She was asked about the pay increase but ____________ no comment.
A. made B. took C. had D. did
16. The guidelines are an important tool for ____________ awareness about current management thinking.
A. making B. collecting C. giving D. raising
17. The medicine should ____________ effect quite quickly.
A. make B. take C. have D. do
18. ____________ money is the only reason I work on Wall Street.
A. Making B. Taking C. Giving D. Doing
19. If the washing machine gets out of balance, it ____________ a horrible noise.
A. makes B. takes C. has D. does
20. The kidney ____________ a vital role in the removal of waste products from the blood.
A. takes B. makes C. gets D. plays


I. Lý thuyết
1. living cost = cost of living: chi phí sinh hoạt
2. take a break: nghỉ ngơi, nghỉ giải lao
3. take/ have a look at sb/sth: nhìn ai/cái gì
4. do sb a favor= help sb: giúp ai
5. take an exam / sit for an exam = thi, kiểm tra
6. take notes =jot down: ghi chú
7. do/try one’s best: cố gắng hết sức.
8. take a bath/ shower: đi tắm
9. catch one’s breath: ngừng lại và nghỉ sau khi hoạt động thể chất để có thể thở đều lại bình thường; lấy
10. hold one’s breath: nín hơi, nín thở
11. take a deep breath: hít một hơi dài

12. take one’s temperature: đo nhiệt độ cho ai
13. make preparation = prepare: sửa soạn, sắm sửa, chuẩn bị
14. make the connection: nghĩ có sự liên quan với nhau
15. have a party: có một bữa tiệc hay sự kiện được tổ chức với mục đích giao lưu, giải trí với những đối
tác, đồng nghiệp hoặc bạn bè.
16. make room for: dọn chỗ, nhường chỗ cho
II. Bài tập áp dụng
1. The president ____________ the unusual step of altering his prepared speech in order to condemn the
terrorist attack.
A. made B. took C. had D. did
2. Wages tend to be higher in the south, but so are ____________ costs.
A. life B. live C. lives D. living
3. We'll work through till lunch but ____________ a short break at 11 o'clock.
A. take B. make C. do D. turn
4. ____________ a good look at this picture and see if you recognize anyone.
A. Make B. Give C. Take D. Do
5. I have been working all day so my body needs to ____________ a rest.
A. make B. give C. take D. do
6. Will you ____________me a favor and turn the oven on at four o’clock?
A. make B. give C. take D. do
7. Please _______ a seat!
A. make B. give C. take D. do
8. The buses weren’t running, so we ____________ a taxi.
A. made B. took C. had D. did
9. American students ranked fourth in those ____________ the geography exam.
A. taking B. doing C. making D. getting
10. In any disciplinary meeting, it is always advisable to ____________ notes.
A. make B. give C. take D. do
11. It doesn't matter if you fail, just ____________your best.
A. make B. give C. take D. do
12. I think I'll __________a bath and go to bed.
A. make B. give C. have D. do

13. I had to stop running to ____________ my breath.
A. pay B. earn C. get D. catch
14. How long can you ____________your breath under water?
A. save B. hold C. manage D. gather
15. I think we all need to stop the arguments, ____________ a deep breath, and remember why we came here.
A. make B. give C. take D. do
16. The doctor examined him and ____________ his temperature.
A. made B. took C. had D. did
17. We are ____________ preparations to fly Mr Goodall to the nearest hospital.
A. making B. taking C. giving D. doing
18. They're sisters? I knew their surname was the same, but I never ____________ the connection.
A. made B. took C. had D. did
19. We're ____________ a small drinks party for one of our colleagues who's leaving next week.
A. making B. taking C. having D. doing
20. James took the books off the little table to ____________ room for the television.
A. make B. give C. take D. do


I. Lý thuyết
1. do/cause damage: gây thiệt hại
2. do justice to sb/sth = do sb/sth justice: đánh giá đúng/phản ánh đúng thực chất của ai/cái gì
3. take a chance: đánh liều, mạo hiểm
4. do harm: có hại, gây hại >< do good: có lợi
5. do business with sb: kinh doanh/làm ăn với ai
6. do the cooking = cook: nấu ăn
7. do the housework/ household chores: làm việc nhà
8. make the discovery: khám phá, phát hiện
9. make suggestions: đưa ra gợi ý
10. have a headache: nhức đầu
11. have an operation: phải giải phẩu
12. have a baby: có con
13. make a complaint (to sb about sth): phàn nàn, khiếu nại với ai về điều gì

14. have breakfast/ lunch/ dinner: ăn sáng/ trưa/ tối
15. make fun of someone / something : chọc ghẹo ai, cái gì
II. Bài tập áp dụng
1. Recent discoveries about corruption have ____________ serious damage to the company's reputation.
A. made B. took C. got D. done
2. The state of Michigan has endowed three institutes to ____________ research for industry.
A. conduct B. carry C. get D. take
3. The final score doesn't____________ justice to our team's performance.
A. make B. give C. take D. do
4. I'm delivering my work by hand - I'm not____________ any chances.
A. taking B. doing C. making D. getting
5. Huge projects designed to aid poorer countries can sometimes ____________do more harm than good.
A. make B. give C. take D. do
6. Our firm ____________ a lot of business with overseas customers.
A. makes B. gives C. takes D. does
7. Who ____________ the cooking in your house?
A. makes B. gives C. takes D. does
8. I'll try to get back in time, but I'm not ____________ any promises.
A. making B. taking C. giving D. doing
9. I ____________ all the housework while he just does the dishes now and again.
A. make B. give C. take D. do
10. The two scientists both ____________ the same discovery independently, at roughly the same time.
A. made B. took C. had D. did
11. She's very independent and ____________ all her own shopping and cooking.
A. makes B. gives C. takes D. does
12. You can't watch TV until you've ____________ your homework.
A. made B. took C. got D. done
13. She ____________ some very helpful suggestions but her boss rejected them all.
A. made B. took C. had D. did
14. I ____________ a terrible headache, but even so I went to the concert.
A. made B. took C. had D. did
15. He has to____________ an operation on his shoulder.

A. make B. take C. have D. do
16. Sandra ____________ a baby on May 29th. We are very happy about it!
A. made B. took C. had D. did
17. I've____________ a complaint to the police about the noise.
A. made B. took C. had D. did
18. He likes to ____________ breakfast in bed on a Saturday morning.
A. make B. take C. have D. do
19. The other children were always ____________ fun of him because he was fat and wore glasses.
A. making B. taking C. having D. doing
20. We decided to ____________ a short weekend break in Paris.
A. make B. take C. have D. do


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