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You hear a Dietitian talking with a patient

Dr: Okay Mr. Weiss looks like you haven’t lost any weight this month. Do you have any idea why that
might be?

P: Huh really! I feel like I have been trying really hard to lose weight in fact I thought I would take it a
step further in the past couple of weeks because I was a bit bad in the first week or so. So recently I have
been trying to cut out all carbs and any junk foods and you know I wanna be completely honest so I
wound up cheating on my diet.

Dr: Ha, Oh you need to stop being so strict with yourself. We designed your diet so that it would be
achievable when you try and do things too quickly and ,make too many changes to what your body is
used to it’s difficult to maintain long term and you end up over eating as a result. Also I can’t imagine
that you made you feel good about your progress when you kept going off-track.

P: No it really didn’t. I see what you are saying. I guess I need to be kinder to myself and be more patient
with this slow and steady route.

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