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After saru gets kidnapped and ASMI and RM found that they are going to be parents again and are
now driving home back .

Asmi’s phone was with RM and while driving

Asmi : rosey do you want to see prince ?

Rose : [was pretending she is asleep, jumps up] yes mummaaaaa

Asmi: so you weren’t asleep

Asmi takes rose in her arms and makes her seat on her lap , asmi hiss a little in pain as she was still
weak . RM looked at asmi in questioning way

RM: no need , we will go later its important you take rest we are straight going home .

Rose: but… papa I really..

She got cut off by rm

RM: baby don’t you want your baby sibling to be healthy ? yes . so , for that we need to let mom
take rest understand?

Rose went silent for some time and then spoke

Rose: okay , but you have to give me a wish in exchange

She looked at him with arms folded on chest

Asmi chukled and patted her head little

Linda: in back seat , like mother like daughter .and giggled so did all

RM: so, what is your wish ?

Rose: I will ask when I need it I am preserving it for something special .

Rm: hope you just don’t get me troble .

Then linda took rose back as asmi is still weak they reached home and rm took asmi in bridal way
and rested her on bed

Asmi: I want to talk to her , don’t know why but, I feel a little uneasy

Rm: kissed her forehead and stroked her hairs : you aren’t well that is it okay , I will call them all you
don’t worry , now sleep .

She hum him in reply and went to sleep , he took out both of their phones and saw saru’s message
to them and also suga had called him a 100 times

He went out of the room and called suga

Rm : suga ? are you okay ? and I got message from saru where is she ? what happened ?

Suga: hyung …… she left me….. I broke her ….. her heart….. her believe her trust… I broke our
relation…. I destroyed everything …… he started to cry

Rm: suga first stop crying and check on prince and don’t panic are you at home ?

Suga : yeah am here only and prince is sleeping ….you bring noona to take his care

Rm hmm and hung the call , he cant take asmi she is of 2 lives now this will be not good for her he
decided to take linda along as she will take care of him

They reached there and saw all chaos suga was bombarding his all men with anger and frustration
while prince was cerying in hands of one maid linda saw him and ran towards him and clamed him
down and rm asked them to pack all stuff of prince so they can take him back with them linda and
other maids nodded and went to his room .

Suga: what do you mean you cant track her ? I want to know where is my wife ?

Man: boss we are trying to find her even we sent all our men to search her we will find her.

Suga : you better do or…

Rm: its useless to range yourself on them , don’t you think it was you on first place …

Suga stooded on his place without saying anything rm indicated all men to leave and search her
phone address they all bowed and went out .

Rm walked to suga and put his hand on his shoulder rm saw suga was crying so he hugged him and
said everything will be fine . and asked to tell him everything that happened

Rm: just calm down she is angery on you and that is all she said me that she wont do anything stupid
and she just need some time for herself . give her some space she needs it , after all taking care of
you , prince then this house her work all of it ….. so , just let her be for some time ..
Suga: do you think she will ever come back to me ? will she leave me ?

Rm had no answeres for his questions cause saru was and unpredictable person no one knows what
she will do , but never did she deed something stupid .suga asked all of his men to come back and
they all did . after that rm asked suga to come along but he denied and said he will come
afterwards .

Rm ,linda and prince came home linda made prince sleep beside asmi and went to her room , rm
rested himself on bed it was almost morning he couldn’t sleep , so decided to go work at afternoon
he messaged his PA and went to sleep.

Suga’s pov

Saru found out … I have done it many times before but , after getting in relation with her it was my
first time ….. don’t know is she overreacting …. I mean she could have beat me up , took price with
her and go to noona but , she just went leaving both of us. We aren’t married so, if she left it wont
matter her in anyway. Saru please I am sorry … ahhh this girl please come back I need you prince
need you we need u please . he couldn’t sleep and drank in his house bar he saw saru’s diary he saw
all her daily task and day written .

He saw she got so many proposal and so many boys and men tried to get her but she denied them
all , he saw her loyalty even behind his back , in one page she was telling jennie about a boy who
followed her and message her [which suga read before] and jennie asked her why doesn’t she clear
the chat and what if suga founds out so, saru replied her that when bond is pure you believe in your
partner and not in what people say or show you .

This broke his heart …. He read and in one of them she said to asmi that

Saru: ashi , I don’t wanna believe what I saw and heard I really pray our bond is strong. If he said by
himself the truth I will except him I might also forgive him but, I will never forget it . it just hurt me
that he sleep with someone else even after having me , was I not enough … you know how much
touch sensitive I am and how much scared iam of all those sex things still , I did everything he
wanted me to do , not caring of my will or wish ever even after having prince I was really not ready
get physical still asmi in every thing I ignored myself and just did for him so , he will be satisfied he
will be happy . I thought if I gave him whatever he wanted at least I will have assurance that even
without marriage we can be happy , we will to together . I don’t know in what thing I went less that
he did such a thing . I never got fathers love , nither a brother’s love , but asmi only on your saying I
waited for that one man who will complete all my empty space who will love like a father every
where who will protect me like a brothere in public and love me like his everything and u I thought it
was him my suga but , I think its not suga and no more mine …….. it was written today itself might be
before going .

Suga felt like he killed his beloved wife with his own hands. He throughed the diary and screamed
saru’s name loudly his men came running to hi to check on him . suga sat on his knees and stared at
the diary across the room .

Suga : get me that bastered taehyung .

With that he took the diary and went to saru’s private small room and slept there remembering her.

Next day

In afternoon , rm told asmi that they brought prince here as last night saru had to go to other city for
an emergancy case , which she thought was true as the text from saru said same thing she didn’t
argued much . she called her PA and asked to come at home so , she can plan her next 3 months
schedule as RM has warned her to not go to work for first 3 months she knows it as its her second
pregnancy but, understands RM its his first time of becoming father so , she simply agrees his every
word .

Rose was happy to have prince to play with she played with him before going to school and after
coming back , before asmi or rm use to go with rose but, now RM goes or he sends james to take
send her to school and bring her back .

At asmi’s home with her PA taehyng also came which no one liked but, could do anything .

He saw prince and purposely asked that is saru here ? asmi straight forwardly said that she is out of
city .

V: I am really sorry to her ?

Asmi: sorry for saru why?

V: that her husband cheated on her with other woman .

Hearing it she wided her eyes and asked him

Asmi: who told you ? its nit true..

V: actually yesterday we meet up in afternoon …he told asmi t everything that to so , innocently that
he has done no sin .

Listening this asmi couldn’t understand anything and was stressing up linda who was there with
prince imideatly asked asmi to take prince I his room , to distract her. She went and linda asked PA
and taehyng to leave .

They were about to go but, suga’s men came in and started dragging v with them no one opposed
them as they all very well knew this man he destroyed asmi and now saru he wont rest in peace

Asmi was in rose’s room making prince fall asleep , she was al confused that what was happening
she kissed prince’s forehead and got up and went down stares and called rm she told him everything
and asked for explanation , he said he will at home in 20 min . he came .and told asmi what happen .

Asmi: rm why you aways hide it from me ?

Do you guys think I am going to spoil it ?

Come on now itself we will go and ask her to come back I will talk to her she got her phone but,
sarus phone wasn’t reachable .

Rm calmed her down and explained her everything. She just nodded and went silent but, millions of
things were running through her mind .

At sauga’s house

He beat up V really badly to get all information . suga was so mad that as soon as his men brought V
in hall without wasting a second he started punching his face , and throughing him on random things
and breaking stuff on him none of his men dared to interfare cause they knew if they did they die.

After a good hours of beating suga sat down on the tea table which was in center of hall sweating
like river flow his last night dress which was unchanged got torn his fist was all bloody, while V was
lying in one of the corners completely filled with blood , cuts and all that …. Suga while breathing
heavily looked up and closed his eyes to get in air . at a moment he saw saru shouting at him

Saru: its all okay but you should do all your mess in basement this house is yours but this hall is mine
I took lots of efforts to make it look good and you simply blood it out . she started picking up stuff
while still scholding him.

Suga chukled still in same position his smile faded when he heard V hissing in pain as suga’s men
drag him infront of him . suga took a long breath in and bend forward interving his fingers together
and steadily opened his eyes and looked at V in extrem range .

Suga: now tell me where is she ?

V: chukles in pain . that even after having so many girls who are much better than her huh? Is she
that ‘s tastey ?

Suga got up and was about to slap him but before he does V fell side ways as a baseball bat of still
his him on neck he screamed in pain . suga saw him and couldnit process what just happened when

Asmi: I knew I would need the bat she said .

She was leaning against RM’s chest while he hold her by shoulder she kept the bat on ground and
used to support her stand . she was still weak .

RM : that is more than enough he took the bat from her and handed to one of men .

Suga: noona? What happened ?

RM: she is weak . she was in hospital yesterday . she dragged me here forcefully she couldn’t stand
saru”s absence .

Suga hold her by other side and both made her seat on couch suga was about to get up when asmi
hold his wrist and made him face her and hugged him.

Asmi: I am sorry . hugged him tight

Suga was caught offgaurd by her actions but when it processed it he hugged her back and patted her
back .

Asmi: she wont forgive you but, she also wouldn’t leave you . she loves you suga she really does .
Right now asmi told suga what he needed to hear and not what he wanted to .

Suga looked up at RM who aslo gave him a assuring smile suga lowered his head and closed his eyes
and both brother and sister hugged each other comforting each other in saru’s absence

Rm orderd men to clean up the house and take V to base of mafia house

After some time they broke the hug and asmi , suga and rm drove to there house.

Rose, linda and princes went to playground . suga asked for grust room but , asmi told him to use
saru’s room which was in her house [bff thing] he took warm shower and every second he was in
room it felt like saru was there which made him calm down and relax . he came down and asmi was
in kitchen preparing some food with james fro them . suga walked down and asmi gave him a simple
yet weak smile .

Asmi: james will treat them up [pointing his wond] I will go cal rm we will have some food together .
he nodded and asmi walked to RM’s room and entered closing door behind .

Asmi: he is downstares . he is really regrating it . I don’t know why he did it ?

Rm: for us.

Asmi : what? Us? Why?

Rm: lets go down I have a good news for you both.

And he hold asmi and walked down asmi was just blank .

Rm: how you fell?

Suga: much better . noona is really a therapist as saru always said .

Rm: okay so, I wannna tell you both that I found her location and she is all safe .

Asmi+ suga: huh? You talking about saru ? gasp

Rm: yes , she is in very next city and all ahain thanks to asmi cause she is living in the NGO’s geust
house which asmi and saru run. We all are driving to pick her up to night .

Suga : got up and took his gun and ran outside in open space [ asmi , rm AND JAMES RAN BEHIND ]

Suga fired his gun all empty on the manikens which were there for practice he then through the gun
down , screamed his lungs out and finally kicked his gun away . and screamed again .happy tears
rolled down his eyes he had a huge smile on his face .

They all were happy soon kids also came back suga couldn’t leave prince and was constantly telling
him that they are going to get mom back home .
At night after dinner everyone sat in limbo and drive to where saru was . they asked for her room
but, they said that she had dinner aand went in backyard and sat on bench alone.

Suga wanted to run and hug her but , asmi stopped him and she was waititng to make her calm first.

Saru’s pov

I just came I was so stupid I didn’t brought prince my poor baby is suffering whithout any fault , I just
hope he is good anyways ashi will be taking good care of him . she huffed closed her eyes head up
and lost inthinking . when

Asmi: why don’t you ask prince himself ? that is he good or not.

This didn’t madde saru schok at all she was most probably had an idea that ngo staff will inform her
by email about her stay here .

Saru: did he cried a lot? She sat properly and forwarded her hand asking her for prince .

Asmi: he need you saru

Saru started breast feeding him .

Asmi: I am not talking about prince I am saying about suga . I saw him suffer he is really guilty and
regretting it you know before you leave I and rm both went to his office and…… asmi told her
everything that happened behind her back .

Asmi : I know you cant forgive him and you have all rights on him… but…

Saru: asmi please even if he is reggetting he should be and u know this better than me. Moreover I
don’t own rights on him .. am I am not his wife …. I am just his whore no no whore is who id officially
one I am for sure one of his.

Asmi kept her hand on saru’s mouth and shut her up.

Asmi: dare not to say that don’t compare yourself to anyone you are are unique one and only.

Asmi took prince who felt asleep in his mother’s embrance and gave it to linda who take took him
away with her . now it was only saru and asmi left alone

Both went mum and didn’t said anything then asmi spoke

Asmi: see sargam whatever it is leave it now you just come back home for prince you have all right
oh him to get angry if you want you guys talk things out.

Saru: is it that simple? Just moving on ? I told you but , he was late and I don’t want him now…. I
don’t even want him anymore … I can stand on my own feet I can be a alone mom …..

Asmi: why …

Saru: why not asmi ? my mom did raising a alone child whithout a husband I was raised without a
dad …. Evevn you did it u were on your own raised rose and also handle business… then why cant I ?

Saru: I am not taking any desicioun in alone : I am leaving him moreover I am taking prince with me .
as we aren’t married no divorce or court need it is so simple . thanks for bringing prince to me ..
With that saru got up and started walking

Asmi: you dare not to do that he loves you and he has already got punishment isn’t it enough . and
that child also belongs to him doesn’t matter if you are married or not you need to talk to him. U just
cant take his child away from him.

Saru: really? Think again at least he knew he has kid with me. Not like you who hide it from her
husband , V never knew he had kid with you asmi. And if you are so much concerned of him then go
and get married to him and take care of him and his needed anyways you are good at it…….

Asmi couldn’t control herself and raise her hand to slap saru but, stopped . tears rolled down her
eyes she couldn’t process anything. Saru didn’t notice how pale and weak asmi was since she

Asmi: I… I am…. Sorry [ lower her hand] sorry sargam I am sorry . she fell on her knees and sr=tarted
crying while saying sorry to saru.

Saru: asmi stop now , don’t shade your crocodile tears infront of me , don’t make me look villan
now . you are being exxagrating stop being extra and please leave.

Asmi: I know you are angry I know you need sleep and some alone time . but, please I know how it is
to be a alone mother the world is not like what it is shown. Your mom had her family on her back her
dad , her brothers , even I had my dad …. Saru it is not what you see … please don’t leave him please
I beg you … please

Saru: asmi please go.. she almost screamed oh her she had all anger now asmi made it flow out.

Saru: you say I should go back to man who slept with other slut even when he had a kid with
me ..who hide it all behind my back. No I cant . just think if RM went to sleep with some sluts and
fucked them and you know it but , still waited for him and at last you get is betraying…. Think asmi
you and your both’s child . hold up you aren’t having kids together so it would be easy for yo..

Before she completes her sentence she felt a strong stink on her chicks …..

Suga: ENOUGH miss sargam you are angry on me I was the one who hurt you not her. She was just
helping you out and you keep on insulting her .

Asmi: no noo suga [ she slapped him the same way he slapped saru] how dare ou slap her …. She
was just crying.

Suga: see miss sargam . stop it noona she doesn’t desrve your love . lets go

Asmi: but , suga you and she..... plesase she was crying …

Suga hold her by shoulder and started walking .

Saru: a..asmi

Suga: stoped and truned to her …. And she is pregnant with hyung’s child . so , please
Suga and asmi walked away they went to fix things but, ended it worsing them .asmi cried a lot rm
was just comforting her whole night they all stayed there only . after few hours linda and james with
rose meet with saru they had good talk , then left her all alone.

Saru started thinking and was really feeling bad cause this time her hormons went out on wrong
person. She thought off everything moreover she was really shock that asmi was preganant again

Next morning asmi was really at bad weakness she need to be hospitalized they all were preparing
to leave when saru came everyone gave her smile except suga , she sigh and walked towards asmi .

Saru: hey. I am here to clear things up ….

Asmi: saru before you say anything… I am sorry ….. for everything …… I did wrong or hurt you . and I
wanted to give you this news ….. I .. iam preganant with RM’s child .its one month now .. she started
to sob . and please whatever you take decision please stay in contact please …… and don’t apppart
stay please …. She hold sru’s hand kept her forehead and started to cry. Rm hold her back clam her.

Saru: listen me first you potato … this caught everyone offgaurd and everyone went silent. I am not
going to leave you guys I am staying with you along with prince . everyone was happy.

Rm: we still have space wanna hope in ?

Saru: I would love to oppa . if you don’t mind . she looked at everyone and then stop her gaze at
suga . he sigh and walked towards her put her on his shoulder and walked inside a huge hall and
made her stand in center.

Suga: I am sorry for last nights slap .

Iam sorry to not smile at you in morning .

I am sorry to bring or carry you here in this way. He stoped

Saru: there are thngs more important than this for which you must say sorry .

Suga: no I cant say sorry for sleeping with other woman even when I had you.

Saru didn’t said anything and started walking away…

Suga: because it is not worth your forgiveness …

Saru stopped in spot .

Suga: I know you would never forgive me in anyway .

Saru sigh and started walking again

Suga: but…. I love you sargam …. Forever… and I am only yours my heart beats only for you …..and if
you went now without saying anything I will assume that you hate me ….i will have no reason to live

Saru didn’t said anything and walked out she ran inside her room and cried her heart out

Suga had tears in his eyes yet smile on his face …..

Suga: I know you love me my babylove .

With that he removed the gun from his waist and hold it close to his heart he was about to pull the
trigger when someone snatch the gun from him and through it across the hall floor and hugged him
tight .suga opened his eyes and saw saru hug hi while crying

Saru: why are you so bad why? Why are you always trying to leave me ? why?

Suga: I love you baby love . I am only yours .

He hugged her back and both stayed there for while and then they broke the hug .

Suga : and for the world’s most pure girl

As soon as he said this white , navy blue and silver ballons started to fall on them and few young girls
one with white flowers , one with purple lotus and last one with chocolates walked towards them
suga bowed down and handed it all to her

Suga : that evening I came to tell you but I was late… so. Miss.babylove I am here to confess my sin I
made and wanna ask for forgiveness and give you my apology to live with you and our son back
where I only belong to you you and only you .

Saru didn’t said anything for few seconds and it felt like world freez for that moment

Saru: its never to late . and your confession and apology is accepted . yet , you know vwry well I
cant forgive you this hard for me . she paused . I can live with you and OUR son just cause I am his
biological mother and you as his biological father ….

Suga got up and everyone else walk in and out of blue asmi and linda placed a veal on saru’s head
and rm and james made suga wear his jaket and rose with prince in cradle walked in and gave suga
a small black box and winked at saru and moved aside .

Saru was blank until suga bent down and opened the box which showed a black and white diamond
ring which signifies their personalities.

Suga : not just as biological parents but as eomma and appa and as in-laws for princes’s wife . miss.
Sargam will you marry me ? and be my wife for this life and also for every next life of mine ?

Saru : tears stream down. Me ? your wi..wife ?

She asked in happiness

He nodded

Asmi : except it one time offer . wont get anything after so, better take it now .

Saru: paused and inhaled the air steadily

Suga: for us mrs. min yoongi

Hearing this saru couldn’t be any more happy ever

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