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Episode 1

DHAD!!!!! Gate shut. she walked away but her heels eco was still being heard and soon all felt silent.
Her teary eyes made her vision blur but, she wished the world to be unseen for now. On the busy
street of city night with all crowd and horns she felt left out and alone, thinking and thinking and
thinking and overthink her past she sobbed her heart out.

*Phone rings *

“original baby” it showed. picked it up without seeing


ORIGINAL BABY: stay there wherever you are, stop! I am coming there.

??: hmm.

*Hanged up*

She settle herself at a side bar leaned down and complete blanked up.

*10 min later *

Holding her shoulder someone picked her up and other put a shawl on her. trying to just move eyes
up she saw it was ‘Sara’ her bestfriend the one “OriginalBaby”. before finishing seeing who is it she
hugged her very tightly but, firmly. and pour her heart and core out from the way of her eyes .and
after few minutes made herself fall asleep. Sara hold her tight and took her in the backseat and put
her head on lap and the other started driving towards home.

OTHER: I think this time it’s really insane. but, finally she did it.
SARA: yes! [slowly glancing at sleeping beauty of her]

Sunlight escaped in the room through the all space between curtains and some rays fall on her face
disturbing her up.

*voice of curtains been moved aside *

SARA: good morning y/n.

STARLET:[sitting up and tied a messy bun up.] morning.

SARA:did you slept well?

STARLET:Yes as you know my shorts just make me easy way sleep………

[check on the cloths she was wearing in shock]

STARLET: who did this [freaked out and crazy]

SARA: clam down babe it’s me who else could and don’t worry I closed my eyes [ while making the
bed and paused] maybe?

STARLET: shocked and angry a complete confused look.

Laughter burst out [both where allowed by each other to do so and it was completely normal]

*Sara …. Breakfast bring Starlet if she is awaked and she don’t forget to flaws.*

SARA AND STARLET:yes mom [giggled and started the day]

*The both got freshen up and flaws and went to have their breakfast*

SARA’S MOM: are you fine dear?

STARLET:yes mumma. I felt a little low last night but it’s okay now.

[Sara’s mother hugged Starlet and served her the breakfast]

SARA: ouch!! Manddy….

MANDDY: what ?? have your breakfast quit. don’t you have manners??

STARLET:you would never change would you?

*Manddy was a bit shocked cause he was unaware of Starlet’s presence and the little secret was that
he had crush on his twin sister’ s bestfriend and this secret was unknown to Sara. *

MANDDY: I was not informed about your guest’s presence?

SARA: why should you be knowing that she is my guest and no one of your’ s.

SARA’S MOM:shut up u both Manddy have it quit got that and Sara go to your room you guys have to
leave for caffee

[Starlet and Sara went out of the dinning room and while going upstairs Sara’s father called Starlet
to have a private talk ]

*Starlet never called Sara’s father dad as she called her mother mom, cause Starlet had father but,
she lost her mom at 1o*

SARA’S FATHER: I had a talk with Mrs. lane [his assistant and family affair specialist lawyer] after you
called up yesterday and he said within few days all work would be done. I gave him your number he
would talk to you regarding same.

*Sara’s father was a senior lawyer in court and highly respected citizen of the city and also a
good friend of her dad. actually their friendship was the reason of Sara and Starlet meeting *

STARLET: thanks uncle. You really helped me a lot [a bit emotional]

*Sara shouting because they were getting late *

STARLET:I would take your leave uncle. And really thank you .

*Sara’s father smiled and waved them*

In change room

SARA: tell me what happened last night. What was the decision made?

STARLET: last night …

*** previous night***

Starlet was getting ready as she and her dad decided to go out for dinner tonight to celebrate her
late mother’s birthday. She wore her mother’ s old black dress and her favouritered hell shoes.

she knocked on her dad’s room

STARLET:dad I am ready. Let’ s go

STARLET’ S FATHER:[while opening the door] yes, my princess. let’ s get going.

STARLET’ S STEP MOTHER: honey! some of our elders have came to visit us

*I was about to say why didn’t Miss. Sattler interrupted *

STARLET’S FATHER: sorry, dear we have to drop our plan.

STARLET: it’ s okay dad we can go later. [ she didn’t really mean it]

*they went down stairs to attend the meeting actually the unexpected meeting*

In Starlets’ s family meeting

ELDER:we have decided that Starlet is a grown up now and is eligible for marriage so, let her give the
examination of final year and you can marry her off this year itself.

STARLET’S STEP MOTHER:I agree. marring her off would be a sight of relief for us.
*Starlet’s father got remarried when she was 11 due to their family pressure and she had a step
sister who was 10 years younger than her and a step brother too who was 12 year younger than

STARLET:No,I don’t want to get married so early. I want to live my own life. Dad please say

Starlet’s father was mum and didn’t utter a single word and left the meeting.

STARLET:okay Miss. SattlerI never wish this but, I have no other option left

*while dial on phone *

Phone conversation

STARLET:hello, uncle [Sara’s father] please talk to Mrs. Lane and finalise all things I am ready to sign
on official bond and in full sense is ready to leave the Sattler family …. Forever.

SARA’S FATHER:are you sure?

STARLET: [without wasting a second] yes 100% sure

*hanged up the call*

STARLET’S STEP MOTHER: [silently smirked] see such a girl she is . she never accepted me but, not even
respecting you all.

STARLET: enough mam now, you won’t need that drama anymore I am leaving your family soon and
this house right now.

*took her phone and message Sara about she has left house and took her shoes and went out.*


STARLET: and rest you know.

SARA: I know.

the went out wearing their uniform and Sara went on cash counter where as Starlet took notepad,
pen and some menus in her hand and ready for today’ s work.

Episode 2
At lunch break

SARA: so bored just a hectic day wasn’t it?

STARLET: I will be true to you I actually felt better and I am going to do a double shift today .

SARA: [ joining her hands and bowing infront of starlet ] oh god she is great and weierd.

STARLET: bless you child [both giggled]

SARA:okay but, I am tierd so I am leaving now. I will go to spa have a great message and leave for
home. just call me if need anything.

STARLET:fine, but don’t forget to pay in spa cause u always do or tonight u have do double shift at his

SARA: shut up. I know u don’t need to worry [picks her bag and leaves]

Starlet [smiles]

SARA:turns back was angry but, said : don’t overwork yourself I will come to pick you

starlet nodded and waved . both went there way .

at evening when the cafee was about to close

2 really expensive cars stoped infront of cafee a a man steped out of one car and opend the door
and a black shiney shoe step down and simultaneously happened same with the other car .

Both sat on the same table but, opposite to each other one of the men came towards starlet and
orderd 2 dark coffe . starlet nodded and in few moments borught them .

*Meanwhile *

Man 1 : I am not happy with what u did . but, one last chance. things can be change

Man2: [thought ] I wont change my desition

Starlet put the first cup for man 2 and she was about to keep the other for man 1

The man 2 shouted at the man1 but it got hit to starlets fingers and then to cup all the coffe blast out
. and the fight started .

Starlet : oh god ! [ the tray fall down and she holded her fingers and tried to hide herself from the
gunshots ]

Man2: I shouldn’t have gave you chance [ while getting up from his seat and removing his golden
gun simultationsly ]

Dhuf dhuf dhuf *3shouts*

Man 1 killed man 2 on the spot [ fight stop]

Starlet : what the hell [ walking over the dead bodies ]

[eye contact with man 1 ]

Stalet: iam innocent I don’t even know them leave me, iwont tell anybody about it . I sware .

Man1 : [smirked at starlet ] take her in my car

Few of his men took her to his car and made her sit there

Starlet : please leave me please nooooooooooooooo [tears started srolling down her eyes ]

[starlet actually reacted like a kid who is forced to go to school]

Starlet saw a white cloth completely turned red by blood unevenly as if someone used it to wipe
bold off .after seeing it she stoped crying and looked at man 1

Man1:[ taking her hand which was hurt in his hand ] don’t worry its just a small cut it will get healed
soon okay [ he wiped out all the blood from her fingers ]

Starlet : [ was so lost in him that she forgot everything she didn’t even noticed her cut cause she
was busy adoring him]……..

Man 1: hello …

Starlet: [suddenly pulled her hand out of his and folded her hands and looked forward ] yes..

The car stoped infront of a hospital man 1 opend the case infront of him which was filled with guns,
gold, money,and some white powders and also some protections .

Removed a bunch of money and forwarded it to starlet

Man1: it’s a pay for the Caffey and those fingers to

One of the men opened the door and said : this way girl

Starlet just steped out of the car and as soon as she left the door shut and car went like swift .

Starlet: [ realised its real and saw the money in her hand and just exzaled heavily and walked in the

*meanwhile in the car*

Men: JK don’t tell me you are in her

The name of man1 was JK

Jk: smirk , why should not I ? and just mind your thing jin

Jin: yes yes [smiling] so?

Jk: so? You know what . get her [looks away ]

*Starlets phone rings*

Original baby : hello starlet are you okay / are you okay ? are you alive ? and where are you? What
happened at this Caffey? Where are you lost?

Starlet: wait wait take your breath first . iam all right and in nearby city hospital wait at Caffey iam
coming there.

Sara : you are saying that you are alright and in hospital have you got hurt on head and you don’t
come wait there iam coiming to pick

Hang up the call

Sara while setteling herself on the backseat says to herself : this girl is just

Maddy: what happened ? where is she ? [from drivers seat]

Sara: don’t ask anything to ask her when we gert her. And for now take to the city hospital

[Maddy drives disappointedly ] they pick starlet from the hospital .

Maddy: are you okay ?

Starlet: hmm [looking towards sara]

Sara was completely angry and didn’t even looked at her

And then the drive back home was completely silent

After reaching home they all had dinner together and then starlet had a bath .

After bath she came downstares where everyone was sitting .

Sara : its okay dear everthing is going to be fine [ she hugged starlet and made her fell better]

Starlet : yes I hope it gets over soon .[hugging her back]

Sara’s mother: come I will redress your wond .

[Starlet walked and sat besides her and forwarded her left hand which was injured .]

Maddy: miss. Eye witness would you like to share your experice with us.

Starlet : smiled gentaly . yes why not .

Starlet told them everything except she been droven to hospital and about the cash . till the story
was over sara’s mother dressed her .and bothe sara and starlet said good night to them and went in
the bedroom .

Sara : [closing the room’s door ] so.. was he handsome ?

Starlet: what ?

Sara: come on don’t act infront of me I know u would never go to a hospital by your self and he
being a ganster man you are surly in him .dont shy tell me.

Starlet : [truned complete red ] how do you get me always man…..

Sara : just say na…

Starlet told everthing to her .but, they got intereupted when maddy called them down in a panicked
voice. They went down.

Maddy increased the voice of the televition where a news channel was on

*the news showed*

The cctv footage of the Caffey where they showed the footage taking starlet in car and the car drove
away .

Reporter: this a Caffey footage that the police got from the caafey . the girl is said to be still missing
and is suspected as been kiddnaped by the underworld gang Purple world who’s leader is JK the
most wanted criminal in the whole continent .

[Photo of man 1 was showed on the screen ]

Starlet got shocked and fell a little unconseous but, sara hold her and she was in her sence back.

Starlet:I hoped it gets over soon…………

[ Atleast that was what she supposed it to be]

Episode 3
Sara: starlet don’t cry come put on your jakect [throughing a hoody towards her ]

Starlet : sinfing what ? where are we going now at this hour? And….

Sara : we are going to station to clear things up .now just shut up and move yourself …

Manddy : I am up to

Sara nodding yes to him all 3 of them go in car and drove towards station .

Manddy stop the car and 3 of them where abou to get in when few people stopeed there way and
grabed starlet and forcefully took her in car with them and while manddy and sara opposed them
they got chorloform and fell there .

Starlet: leave me you little basterds I will kill you all leave me now [ while trying to lose there grip
from her’s ]

They didn’t even listen her and one of them just stab her a injection ih her thigh
Starlet: hey what the hell are you doing ? what was that? Y… go..nna ….pay……. [ falled
unconseous] after a hour the car stopped infront of a mansion and the men carry starlet in and
layed her on a huge king size bed which was on 2nd flored room and tied her hands to one of its
corner .

??: hm….. so whats up to her do you really think it would work?

men: I do think boss . you are always right.

?? : smirks

Starlet fells a little heavy in head and complete weak in her body getting her conseousnessback .

Starlet: what the fu#k I m complete blank ………. Whee the hell iam ..

??: you woked up [ telling rest of men to leave and closed the door with only 2 off them in room]

Starlet: who are you? What do you want ? and why the hell iam brought here ? and why are you
closing the door [ while trying to get up of the bed ]

??:shu……. [walking close to her] you will find all , gorgeous

Starlet:[realised she is tied to bed ] wh..what ? gorgeous …. Are you out of your mind ? let go

??: you are not brought to let go [leaned a more close to starlet’s face] you are here as my guest.

Starlet : hu… guest ? a person who is forced to sit in car and then bee injected with something to
uncoinceousness and tied to bed . is a guest.

?? [moves back] : you are the one who mr.jeoun took in his car and also did your medical and was
sent free….. so this must the case you are the ‘queen’ . aren’t u

Starlet took a moment to understand that situation and understood that mr.joen was jungkook for
sure . but, she really didn’t know about ‘queen thing’

Starlet: listen I don’t know what are you talking about the queen thing and I also don’t know who is
mr.jeon and if your talking about the café thing then he just droped me till hospital okay nothing
more .

??: smirks oh so u don’t know anyone and anything [ while removing his coat and put it on chair
next to bed]

Starlet : yes , so if you have got your answers let me go .

??: I didn’t said I got my answeres and what I think is you have forgotten everything and I should
remind u ..[ he just leand completely on starlet making her moved locked .

Starlet: complete insecure and scared ] please I beg you leave me I am innocent . please don’t do
anything wrong to me .

??: I said your not brought to let go .a nd you better coprate or I have other ways to handle girl like
you. [he got up to the same injection she got in thigh which was kept beside bed on the desk and
filled it up ]

Starlet :[ crying and begging ] please noo let me goo crying

??: don’t worry baby its just get easier [ whie injecting it to her at sameplace again]

Starlet helplessly felt unconseoius

The men untied her from bed and removed her hoody and seat pants and also untied her hairs and
kissed her wait and grauduallu moving up till her collar bone he moved her on her stomach and back
up and removed her bra hooks and was about to remove itbut,

Dhd dhddhd [gun shots ]

Befoe he could get up men in black suit enterd the room and surroned him with all guns pointrd to
his head .nd a mn in black shorts and t shirt WITH A GOLDEN GUN IN HIS HAND CAME FROM
BEHIND OF this men . this was junkook

??: I can explain it……. Wait I am so sorry I didn’t know it would be so real…[ scared and schoked]

Jk: smirk [ lokked towards starlet and the injection beside the bed ] explain………. You wont need to

[points the gun on his hed and ] and ask your brothere up about it up he is waithing for you there.
[shouts ]

Those men took the body with them out and after everyone left jk just gazed at door and a young
girl a little older than starlet enterd

Girl: bro somrtimes I really fill I am your servent and not your sister,

Jk: genny , [ he moves out of the room and ] iam waithing here .

The girl was jk’s little sister genny .genny out starlets cloths on and murmured to herself

Genny: hey ‘ iam genny your in law sis and you are really lucky .

And geny opend the door and jk was just waiting there and looked with such a hopeful eyes towards
genny . genny giggled

Genny: don’t worry iam not a lesbin and yes I have dressed her up just get her to car I cant pick her
up. As she is druged [showing the injection ] and this is really a havey dose I don’t know when will
get her consciousness till mor ,or 2 days or …

Jk: wait in car iam coming [before she could fifnish and enterd the room]

Jk saw starlet laying on bed and was soo mesmerised by her beauty and innocence . he kissed hae
forhead and took her up in bridal way . and took her to backseat and put her head on gennys lap and
saod: you dare not to move. Genny nodded.

And jk , genny and starlet in one car and jk drived .

On the way to jk’s house starlet mumbled : please , noooooooooo, let go, let go
Don’t do anything to me .[ and.. shouts out loud ] nooooooooo and gets up in shoked jk breaks and
car stops all were shocked

Starlet was sweating and heavy breathing herself and checking on her cloths .

Genny :clam dowmn you are safe now no one gonna harm you. [ hold starlet by shoulder and makes
her sit proper .

And gave her some water to dink . starlet was soo weak due to injection that couldn’t even held the
bottle and then genny fed her the water and starlet just kept her head on genny’s lap .

Starlet: sara this dream is just got me freaked up I am glad you are with me. Manddy lets go home .
[ fall asleep]

Genny looked at jk and understood that starlet was not in her conseouisness and then they just
drived . they reached to a place where a private plane was waiting for them as soon as they reached
few men brought a stretcher on wich starlet was mad to sleep on and the strlet , genny and jk enterd
the plane and in plane one man was waiting for them . he was jin.

Jin: so you killed his brother too.

Jk: how could I leave him

Jin was clam cause he know all about starlet as jk told hhim to follow her due to which they came to
know about this too.

Jin: what are gonna say in meet about chan brothers death

Jk: i..

Genny : interrupted them] shut up u guys you can discuss this later too . frist we need to take her to
hospital . her body temp has increased and even she is sweating a lot . I think the drug was really
dangerous .

Jk: quikly went towards where starlet was laying and checked it by himself. Took his phone and said
to the hospital .

Jin : took the injectionand some photos of it and send to some and then called

Jinon call: you know what to do we are going at base 2 and be prity sure no mistakes .

Hangs up

Jin: she will be fine .[ he cassured jk]

Jk: hm.. but , was not really assured

They went to a big building [base2] which had inbuilt hospital she was given antidote was keot
under observation for few hours.

Jk: genny be here and inform me everything iand jin are leaving to base 1.

Genny : nodded yes [ looked at jin and wishperd] take care of him

Jin: don’t worry I wont leave him.

Genny witwd with starlet and and jk with jin leaved the base.

After an hour or later

*on call*

Genny: where the hell have you been lost this is getting out of control.

Jin: we are on the way just a few min more

Genny: quick .

Hanged up

Genny: doctor what now ?

Doctor: sorry but , have to give her ansthiseya I know its wold be dangerous but , a little has to be
given or it would worse up.

Genny: [ thinks ] kay .

Starlet: what are you giving me again why the hell am I done so ? what have I done wrong to you
please … [screaming and crying]

Starlet was actually hit by a panick attack in hospital after she get her conseiousness back and was
shouting ,screaming adnd just out off control.

Starlet fainted back again .

Genny : sigh you haven’t done anything wrong iam sorry .

[ you will get all this paid back girl……..]

Episode 4

Back sara and manddy

Sara: my head fells heavy ] gets up and realized wat happen and search for starlet and manddy .

Manddy : get up [shaking him from shoulder ] get up u stupid wake up

Manndy :[ gets up and gains his sence back ] are you okay what about starlet ? where is she ?

Sara: even I don’t know where she is . we should go inside and let see.

Sara and manddy both went in the stationand told them what has happened and thought that
starlet was taken away by jeon junkook.

Officer: so who do do you think has done this?

Sara: who else that mr.jeon junkook that basterd

Officer: [looks at sara and all of the people in office] are you out of your mind ? go home and sleep
nothing has happened .

Sara: what? File the case and search for her how could you do this [ angrily]

Officer pushesh both off them out and says don’t dare to come back

Sara: I will see you u basterd remember me I will kill youyou….

Mandy : sara ….sara shut up [ makes sara quite] listen this wont work rist lets go home and see what
to do .lets go.

Sara agreed unwillingly .and both of them drived home.

*present in hospital*

Jk: how is she now ? what happened that you called all of a sudden?
Genny: she had a saviour panick attack and they had to give her aneshtisheya to clam her down.

Jin: wh..what? what the hell is going on ?

Doctor: I wanna talk to you guys , please

Jk and genny went and jin waitwd back

Doctor:[ kept a report infront ] this is her report which was taken to check doseage of the drug .

Genny: drug? Which ?

Doctor: this drug is actually a…. a harmful one . only 1mililiter can make you go in comma

And she was given a whole bottle in half half dosage twice. And due o….. ah…

Genny: what comma? And this is oh…. No….

Doctor : ……

Jk: do whatever it takes and don’t worry about money I want her alive and safe . [bang the table
while getting up] get that . and left

Genny also went behind him .

Jk walked passed jin and didn’t even glanced and drove as fast as he can

Jin to genny: sometimes I really feel like he has some of this screws loose .

Genny: looking at report ] this iscrazy the drug has caused wery thing in her body soo imbalanced

Jin: looking at her: so little miss. Doctor has grown up now.

Genny was actually a medical student and studied about nerve system .

Genny: smiled : fine . get the arrangements of shifting her at home done .

Jin nodded and bothwent there way.

*few days later*

Starlet: ah my head . [sees around] not again [ in pin]

[checks on her cloths they were changed ] I don’t know how and why but, I am a toy now [pitting on

Starlet thought that she was been used as toy and couldn’t remember anything.

Genny and a servent with a trowlly in which some mediciens injections , water and a dress was kept.

Genny:[with a complete happy and strong smile] thank god you are awake [dials and says she is

Starlet : [confused ] why are you so happy for me ? and who are you and whats this all?

Genny : hi I am jeon genny . mr.jeon jungkooks little sister . a soon be doctor and also your future
sister-in-law. [giggled]
Starlet: [took some time to understand] so you are jungkook’s sister and a doctor to.

Genny nodded and forwarded some tablets and water towards starlet .

Genny: have them .

Starlet: are you gonna send me back to slepp so your next coustemer will use me .

Starlet thought that they brought her for that and she couldn’t remember anything after she was
druged the secnd time .

Genny: [laughed] no no .this tablets will reduce your headace and body pain . [starlet took them]

And yes , no one slept with you are safe .

Starlet: what? Are you kidding me. Then what was all that man bedroom , the hospital and here and
my cloths.

Genny : [took the clots and towel in hand ] hold on . I wil tell you everything frist take shower and
get changed so you will be refreshed .

Starlet was a little better but, still was not having her full strength back hence the servent and genny
helped her out through out.

Starlet was completely blank and was really tensed.

After starlet was changed . they went to dinning room to get some refreshing food for her.

Starlet: was not willing to eat but, had to cause she was not having any enery in her. So, what are
you saying is true am I really untouched.

Genny: yes, 100% and narrated all the story to her. But, didn’t told about report cause jk has told her
not to.

Starlet was glad to hear that but ,was not happy.

Starlet: I wanna talk to sara please.

Genny:[ thought] yes, but, don’t tell her anything say that you escaped and staying in hostel and this
way she would be out of all this. [handed her the phone]

Starlet:[nodded and agreed that Sara should be out of this. ] DIALED HER NUMBER


Starlet: hello , sara its me

Sara: stood up from chair] star is that you really . you know how much glad iam to hear your voice.

Sartlet: iknow I know .

Sara : okay leave that , te me where are you and is that mr.jeon jungkook basterd with you I wil kill
him . how dare he did that to you .

Starlet: what jk no no ,stupid no that men were some local gangster who did always get girls and I
escaped from there and iam safe I got shelter at a local hostel and don’t worry about me.
Sara: really, I thought he was the one but, how did you escaped and send me the address I will come
to pick you up.

Starlet: thanks to your self defence lectures . and no don’t come to pick me I have some work here I
will come back as it getd over.

Sara: work what ? and where the hell you are ?

Starlet : its about our family thing and don’t worry I am safe . okay bye see you soon,.

*hanged up unwillingly*

Sara: bu.. but

Sara you are hiding it but if its your wish even you must have your reasons take care love [ says to
herself ]

Starlet: I do.. don’t know was it right .

??: yes , don’t worry they will be fine and even you to. [ entering the room]

Starlet and genny saw jk and jin entering thr room .jk stood beside starlet and jin grabbed an apple
and started eating it.

Jk: hello [grapping starelets hand and kissing it] iam jungkook . [moved a chair beside starelet and sat

Starlet: ah..ah hi..

Jin:[waved at her] iam jin jk’s assistant, manneger , helper driver in short his bestfriend.

Starlet: hi , and thank you all for saving me . but, I don’t want to be burden on you guys I will take
your leave .

Jk: no , I mean you have your course remained and even you are not safe for now.

Genny: yes, being a doctor you are not allowed to go anywhere and will stay here okay

Starlet; ah. But, …..

Jin: we will feel better if you stayed please.

Starlet nodded and genny took her in garden so she will feel better

Starlet: thank you genny really . I am so thankful of you guys.

Genny: its okay dear and now u are my friend so no sorry and no thank you .

They came here and saw beautiful garden where all fav flowers of starlet were planted .

Starlet: this black rose, and all white flowers and tulip this all at one pace how?
Genny: bro orderd us to do so around 2 years ago . and he specialy planted them in this order we
don’t know why but , when he retruned from London trip he said so.. don’t know what got stuck to
him .

Starlet: jk ..londen

*flash back 2 years ago*

Starlet: hey sara take my photos with this flowers fast .

Sara : ah come on star we have to go

Starlet pulled sara forcefully towads a men who was holding the boquet of black rose white flowers
and tulip.

Starlet : excuseme sir, please can we take a pic of this flowers just one

Men: [ looked around ] okay

Starlet took pictures and returned the boquet back to him .and said thank you .

And while going said I wish I had a garden of this at my home .and walked away .

*present *
Starlet recognised the man he was jk.
Genny: hey, lets go you need to take some pills now.
Starlet : yes .

After taking pills genny said she will go and buy some stuff for starlet and will be back soon .

Starlet : agreed and went to sleep .

Genny: [ coming downstares] jin, I need to go to market to do shoping for her would you like to
join me.
Jin: yes , I was anyway bored with jk . lets go
Genny: bro are you also joining us?
Jk: no, I am tierd I will rather rest.

Genny and jin went and now jk and starlet were left alone in the house.

Starlet woke up and felt hungry she got down bed and went down . she grabbed a banana and
wend to have a glance of house .

Starlet : tis is just so beautiful house I wish I would own it.

Jk: [from behind] you can

Starlet got scared and the banana fell on ground. Starlet thought she was left alone at home.
And she turned back

Starlet: so its you , I thought I was alone .

Jk: I wont let you be alone ever .[mummering to himself]
Starlet: what……
Jk: are you hungry ? should I order something for you .
Starlet: yes, if you don’t mind do ordre me some noddles and soup.
Jk : sure [ looked to one on his man who nooded yes and went]

After 15 to 20 min later they where on table .

Starlet took frist bite: yummy , its so tasty [ looking to her noodles]
Jk: is it really good . should I taste it
Starlet:[forwarded her noodles] yes for sure .

Jk: leaned forward to starlet’s face and kissed her lips .

Jk: yes its really good .

Starlet : still , di.. did you just…. [ standing on her place] no… and fainted.

Jk: no not again , [ he held her bridal style and took her to her room ]

Whispered to her , finally u are mine …. I waited for you for really long. …..

Episode 5

Around an hour after genny and jin came back home.

Jk was analysing some documents on his laptop in living room .

Genny: I am so done now. [exhales and relaxes herself on couch] shopping drives me crazy,I couldn’t
stop myself when see things I love.

Jin: hey, anyone help. [holding a lots of bags and 3 to 4 men behind him also holding bags and box] I
….. a …. Nooooo [falls backward on the men behind making all things fall and all thing scatter]

Genny and jk start’s to laugh at jin .

Jin gets up trumbling in boxes and bags.

Jin: ahh.. thus is just ..[ gives angry look to genny]

Jk: smriks , I knew it .

Jin: jk u wher knowing this. If you where not my besti I would have killed you now..

Genny laughs at this and and picked some bags and ordred men to keep other things in her room.

Genny: brother where is starlet , I think mess was no less than a bom blast and still she hasn’t shown

Jk: actually she is asleep.

Genny: what she is still sleeping . we left around 3 and its approx. 5 isn’t that a lot.

Jk: [told that they had food and she fainted] so that is the reason she is still asleep.

Jin: just a kiss…. [surpised] bro if inly a kiss made her faint the what would happen if……

Genny: guys… ahh… shut up…[ walking towards stares] I don’t think its because of brother .

Genny went in starlets room and saw a little sweat on her body even when the room was complete
cool she tried to wake her up..

Genny: hey, starlet wake up …. Get up girl . a girl like you shouldn’t sleep a lot . come on see what I
brought for you[ making noise of bangs in her hand] starlet

Genny was a bit, nervous cause starlet didn’t move nighter she said or murmured anything she
checked her pulse rate and she droped her hand down and run towards stares shouting to jk and jin
to hurry.

Genny: guys fast its an emergency

Jkand jin: what ? why the hell are you shouting..

Genny: her heart is beating fast and even she is sweating hurry… call the doctor now…

Jin: jk you got her really hard man [ in a funny way cause they thought genny was just kidding]

Jk: smirked and ignored

Genny:[ walking really fast and twisted jk’s ear] are you deaf I said IT’S-AN-E-MER-GANCYYYYYYYY..

JK: [pushing genny away from his ear ] okay I got that …[a bite angrily] { dialled and said some imp
codes } and make arrangement to handle her from here itself{Hnged u}

Genny, jin and jk went upstairs to starlets room so they can check on her ,and they saw her shivering
and shouting in sleep same as she did in the car and starlet got up in pack again]

Genny hold her tight and tried to clam her down .

Genny: no .. nothing has happen or will happen . quite quite iam with you you are safe . cam
down …sh….

Starlet was in sences but, really was crying her soul out on genny’s shoulders she finally puilled
herself back and became quite.

Jin: [went near her and gave starlet a clam hug] don’t worry I am with you we are with you.

Jk was mum and just saw all this without uttering a single word

After some time the doctor and a nurse and some othere helped for equipments arrived.

Dr.; [thetscope on starlet] inhale … exale…. Okay fine .

Dr. turned to the nurse and they had a little talk and nurse brought some tablets for starlet to have.

Till time all equipments where arranged in the room .

Dr: mr.jk I think we should leav them alone for some time [ making his way out]

Jin and jk undertood that some internal test where to be done and jin,made all men leave and he
went down with the dr.

But, jk was tll there watching at starlet but, she tried to ignore him. And the room was filled with
silencte .

Genny broke the silence with her voice.

Genny: Ithink brother ….

Jk: [returning back from his thoughts] y..yes genny

Genny: you should leave now[ rudely and in bossy way]

Jk : I was about to don’t order me [ left the room closing the door]

Genny, starlet and the nure giggled a little. And ther nurse did all the test and simultaneously wrote
all the readings of the machines on paper and aftter that she gave some note and 2 tablets to genny
and left the room.

Starlet: [in thinking but, asked genny] do you think its because of that injection [and got lost in her
thoughts again]

Genny:[ bite nervouse cause she was warned by jk not to tell starlet about the report of doctor ] its just that you are a little sick nothing else.
[genny handed one of the tablet to starlet and passed water to her making her ignore the topic]

Genny: don’t overthink you will get well soon .[ took the glass back and placed it on table also she
opened the cubord and started arranging cloths and things she brought for starlet today.

Nurse went downstares and handed the papers to doctor .doctor analyised it carfullt and handed
back the reports to nurse.

Dr; [exhales heavily] as I thought this just because of the drug that has caused her body to detoriae
its immune system and also weaken her from inside.

Jin: is there anyway out ? would she be fine?

Dr. iam sorry to say that but, we cant clear the drug dose completely from her. This would stay with
her forever now but, we can just decrease its effect by a regular treatment .

Jin: [sadly/but in a agry way to jk] she is suffering for your karmas .[and left]

Dr: ah.. mr.jeon can we have a talk privately if you don’t mind.

Jk nodded and both went out in garden .

Jk: what’s the matter dr?

Dr: actually its about your future life …

Jk: hmm..

Dr: I have heard that she is the ‘Queen’ and you will marry her soon….[saying dughtfully]

Jk: [stops and truns to dr.] queen is another topic yet , marriage yes, it’s true you heard it correct.
Now , say whats the point.

Dr: ah.. this drug will affect her menstritel cycles and cause danger during her..pregnancy.. ah.. you
are getting me .. like what I wanna say is… that..

Jk: I got you dr. it’s dangerous for her to have a baby [sadly reagreting it]

Dr: yes mrs.jeon but, if she got herself out of this by treatment and made her immune a bit , strong
so, she can…. Handle.. the ..pain….

Jk; I don’t wanna put her life in danger for anything. Just get her out of this as soon as possible and
remember … she shouldn’t be told about this.

Dr: nodded and went .

Genny : it’s not your fault dear ..[ she hugged jk from behind comforting him] she will be fine soon

Jk: nodeed slightly ] but, what jin said is also true she is suffering due to me…
Genny: jin .. that little shit .. [in mind] its true but, I know you you are a master of truning things
upside down very well….

Jk; hmm…. Hopes …so..

Genny and jk went back in house and jk went to starlets room alone.

Jk: I thought you were asleep

Starlet: looked up but, didn’t replyed

Jk: still angry on me ?

Starlet: does that really matter? Leave..

Jk: [walking closer] I shouldn’t have done that..

Starlet: i accepted now leave ….

Jk: do you hate me soo much … just because of a kiss.

Starlet: so, what… just leave I don’t wanna talk…

Jk: [ till now he was eally close to her and leaned on starlet] I won’t leave you alone

He leaned on her lips trying to kiss her but, she turned her head at a side and said

STAR: your girlfriend or wife wouldn’t like you cheating on her behind her back with a girl

JK: I am nither married nor have girlfriend. I am still single .

STAR:what else can we expect from a mafia like you, who sleeps with sluts to satisfy his wants
and doesn’t care of emotions and feelings .

She looked at him with disgusting look and again look back

Star : I don’t even know why are you helping me , and that if genny is telling truth or not , I
might be your another toy who is just being used by you and will through me away when you
are done .

Jk: enough and he was about to slap her but , stopped .

Jk: never be jugemental . you don’t know who you are your mom and your dad . all this
treatment will be over next week and till that you dare not to sign those family papers ,
there is something you must know and that aunty has left for you .

He left the room without looking back

Star: what are you saying ? who are you ? how do you know all this ? my mom how do you
know her ? yaahh tell me .

Star : to herself , how does he know mom and the papers who is he ? who am i?
Genny: mind if I came in ?

Star looked at her and shook her head and gave her a smile , genny didn’t said anything and
started to put things she brought for star in closet and when she was done she came and sat
beside her.

Genny: see there is this called destiny and I believe in it . as you know we are a mafia family
so , danger is always arond but, you are safe till you are with brother I mean jk . I am not the
right person to answer all the questions nither is the place . just wait for one week and you
will get to know everything.

Star and genny hugged and had a little chit chat .

Time skipped after few days jin came to visit star.

Jin: so my panda how do you feel now ?

Star , jin and genny became really close jin and genny took care of start as their own sister as
own one the love and care which she never got after her mother’s death was showering back
on her .

Star: I am really great oppa all thanks to you and genny . I really wont mind you having as my
in laws

Genny: but , for that you need to marry with brother .

Star and jk’s marriage was a really hot topic of talks but , from that day nor did jk neither star
talked to each other .star went mum

Jin: see star we all care for you . one more thing there are some rules you must follow

1. Never trust anyone except jk , not even me or genny .

2. Its not important to know all answers sometimes its just important to live your
present with your partner and loving them with all questions unsolved.
3. And whosoever your past relates to and whatever it is its all on you who you want to
be your life and your choice.

Genny: we all are here for you always and i want to tell you that we all know your mother
and today we are going to take to place where you will find all your answers .

Star: I am really like a question paper whos syllabus is just incomplete . I really want to get all
of thoes questions answer.

The doctor on call with jk

Dr: her blood reports and body scan repots have arried and we have found that the effect on
her ody is not only caused by drug but, from ast few years she is constantly intaking sleeping,
headace,and other painkiller pills. And we found he medical history and she was suffering
form3rd stage depression in her chicldhood and she had medications for that too. And...

Jk: and ?
Dr: she tied to commit sucide and had poision 75ml. Dhe was treated but, only 15ml was
successfully remved from heer body . this poision, all these past dosage, and her regural pills had
made the drug effect so worsely on her . and i wpuld recommend we shpuld stop all her medications
fr now . her body needs break from these all. Just one tonic so ther toxics will be removed from her
body and nothing else.

Jk: get the changes accordingly done. I wil inform geenny she will be cooprating with you.

Jk looked at his call recording and forwarded it to jenny and called her up

Jenny: hey we are on the way.

Jk: i send you the recording check it up and work accordingly i will see ypu guys soon.

Jenny: doctor ?

Jk: yes. It is al fine .

Jk hung up and went in meeting room yet all his hearty was wondering around AND he was missing
starlet for some unknown reason he was a thoughtful of her.

Starlet / i am all fine now . this my only chance TO RUN AWAY FROM ALL THIS./

Jenny . jin and starlet travelled almost 1 hour in car together and reached country side area a small
house in middle of dry field where grass was grown till ankle length.

Starlet was lead by jin inside the house .

She looked aoround and found the place familiar but she never visisted this place before nor has she
heard of it ever .

She was then lead to a bedroom with single door where the window was just infront of the door the
room had many photos of starlet’s mother . she was confused .

Jenny pulled jin out of the room and closed the door behind

Jin: yeah-

Jenny: don’t you know that girls need some time alone ..

Jin: but, didn’t you only told me that girls need attention .. no?

Jenny: this is why you don’t hve a girlfriend .

Jenny walked down stairs and settle herself in car as the house was dusty because of being close for
so many days.

Starlet found some photos and some old notes in drawer she read them it was love letters written by
her mother and some other letters which were wriiten to family .

She picked up the letter and started to read it to herself.



I am writing this letter to let you know that you were wrong this time, i am not fed up with
this new lifestyle i have adapted. This house is small yet, i love how everyone in it is close to
eachother . we don’t have much food everyday yet, we all have meals all together. We don’t earn
much yet, we are happy and i don’t think we really ned money to live , the luxury you gave us all,
huge house sorry huge mansions, food , clothes, cars, money.. i am sorry to say this dad but, your
money and material can never have or buy what i have ; happiness . not those fake smiles which we
mastered living together a very genuine smile. A pure emotion which you have lost.

I am not retuning back home no matter what happens cause i have found my happiness
here, i am happy becoming satteler than staying as kim. And dad , a year has already flew without us
realizing . i also have a good news to give you , eomma , and oppa. Me and Castor [starlet’s father
name] we now have symbol of our loving growing insde me. Yes, eomma i am preganat and
tomorrow i will be under labour . i mean till you receive this letter our baby will already be a week

And oppa i didn’t told anyone because i knew that you wouldn’t have let me be with castor and
take me away with you all and i dint want that. Hope knowing you have a grandchild will melt your
hearts and you will accept Castor and our baby. I will really love to see you all visiting us at our

Yours only daughter,

Kim Areum [ starlet’s mother]

Starlet’s body numbed reading the letter she had very few years of her mothers memories along and
her mother never talked about other things , she knew that her father side family is also againt her
parents marriage cause they had a love marriage away from everyone’s eyes and also they belonged
to different origins which was the most hated part of all. Her mom was Korean where as her father
was from Vietnam and settled in Singapore also he changed his religion to Christianity due to which
many of the relatives already distanced him from the whole family. Starlet never wanted attention
towards her she was being bullied by her own cousin and behind her parents back families elders
molested her, harassed her made her work her both parents had job and sometimes she had to stay
with her relatives and grandparents house even they talked her harshly which eventually lead to her
depression at such early age.
She fold the letter and placed it in her pocket and searched for something to break the window the
glass window was easily broken by the wooden lamp stand starlet looked down and just jumped .

Starlet: ah~

A small painful moan escaped her lips as she fall on the rough grass with some blood droplets
around her leg , broken glass pieces made her leg skin bleed creating few slits in it .

With fear of being getting caught she ignored the cut and started to run with her full potential
without looking back.

Hearing the glass shattering and the thud noise of something heavy falling down jin alert himself and
went to check in and found the door of room closed from inside he hurriedly called up jenny and
jenny came running too looking all worried.

Jin managed to break the door lock and saw the window shattered all over the floor and few blood
droplets on the broken glass he peeked out and could see starlet ‘s fading figure .

Jin: Gaurds!

Jenny: oppa oppa listen-

Jin : listen ? this happen cause i listen to you . quietly get in the car and go home.

Jenny: please it isn’t her fault she just-

Jenny was cut off by the loud thud of the car door which jin closed.

Jin: drive back to mansion and make sure she doesn’t leave anywhere until i arrive.

He instructed the gaurds who drive jenny back to mansion .

Jin : she hasn’t gone much far she also got cut on her leg she will run for half an hour more before
she needs to take break. It’s 3:50 pm her nap time is 4 . great. We can get her back.

Jin mumbled to himself . he and few guards’ followed his car searched for starlet,where jk was
completely unaware of the situation.

Starlet found a hiding spot behind a huge old tree she saw jin’s car driving away she hold herself and
wait till he leaves completely out of sight she slowly stepped out and ran in opposite direction of the
car she was indeed tierd after almost 40 mintues of run fortunately she found herself in a small
tounship and rest herself on a bench outside of a public park she took a small nap for 10 min she
woke up and found a tap water fountain nearby, she washed her hands, splashed some water on her
face darnk it and then washed her slit skin using her long sleeved shirt she dried herself .

Looking around she found a phone booth she went in she asked the booth owner the coin for call ,
looking at her condition he agreed starlet dialled up sara’s number and ithin few rings she hung the
call .
Starlet\ ahh jenny has sara’s number . they can trap me through her oh god.. what do i do now ? \

She thought to herself and walked out hopelessly of the booth. She returned the coin to the owner
and was about to walk when he stopped her.

Shop owner : you seem new here ~

Starlet : hmm .. actually I am lost .. imean we came in bus trip but, i somehow was left behind my
phone and other stuff is in bus itself . now also i was calling my mates only but, they are out of
signal. Can you tell me where i am right now ?

She quickly came up with a lie , starlet was studding drama and acting and was in her 2nd year of
college , she was a good actor and lies sound pretty accepting by her. The owner also was trapped in
her acting skills and though she was telling the truth .

Owner: oh dear. Yishun .

Starlet : Yishun?

Owner : where are you from ?

Starlet: Marina Bay.

Owner: hh don’t worry it is only 23 km from here. You can take a train back home it is around 40 to
50 min ride.

Spark of hope rise in her hearing she can go back home safely without any worry.

Starlet: really? Can you tell me where is the train station?

Owner : ahh the station is still one km from here and also we only have 2 trains a day ne in morning
5 and another within next 15 min.

Starlet: what ?! no no no no no no. Oh god what does this has to happen to me only ? ahh

The booth ownwer also owned a small convinent store beside and his wife was seeing all this from
inside she walked pout and the couple exchanged a concern look towards starlet.

Owner’s wife: dear if you don’t mind i have a scooter i can drop you. You can still catch the train if
we hurried.

Starlet who was worried now can see fairy lights glowing from behind the lady she without any
thought hugged the lady and kissed her cheeks .

Starlet: yes for sure. Thank you thank you thank you soo much.

The lady drived the scooter and also bought the train ticket for her.

Starlet: but, i don’t have money to pay ypu back .

Lady: don’t worry wherever ypou visit the town buy something from us i will assume you payed me
back . kay?
Starlet: but, mama why are you helping me ? i mean-

Lady: i wish someone migt have helped my daughter too..

The train annoucment distracted both of them.

Lady: oh its aboput time go go hurry.

Starlet hugged the lady once again and thanked her.

Starlet sat in the train and felt a little releaved. Yet, where should she go and howm to ask help was
a big question if she contacted sara directly they might be in troble again .. maybe if she contacted
uncle he can help. Whole days stress and worried tak all over her and she fall asleep.

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