Lab#8 (Characteristics of BJT) - 5

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Student Name: URAIDAH AND AFNAN Reg. No: 220568

Objective: The Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) is designed to play a pivotal role in electronic
circuits by offering versatile functionality. With its three-layer structure, the BJT excels in signal
amplification, precise current control, and serves as a fundamental component for applications such as
amplifiers and switches, contributing to the advancement of electronic systems.


Excellent Good Average Satisfactory Unsatisfactory

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
Ability to Conduct
Ability to assimilate the
Effective use of lab
equipment and follows
the lab safety rules

Total Marks: Obtained Marks:


Excellent Good Average Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

Data presentation

Experimental results


Total Marks: Obtained Marks:

Date: 29 NOV-2023 Signature: U R A I D A H
NO. 8


1. To determine transistor type (npn, pnp), terminals, and material by using a digital
multimeter (DMM).
2. To observe the output characteristics for BJT by plotting a graph between Vc and Ic.
3. To study the behavior of transistor as a switch.

Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT):
A Bipolar Junction Transistor (also known as a BJT or BJT Transistor) is a three-terminal semiconductor
device consisting of two p-n junctions which are able to amplify or magnify a signal. It is a current
controlled device. The three terminals of the BJT are the base, the collector and the emitter. A BJT is a
type of transistor that uses both electrons and holes as charge carriers.
A signal of small amplitude if applied to the base is available in the amplified form at the collector of the
transistor. This is the amplification provided by the BJT. Note that it does require an external source of
DC power supply to carry out the amplification process.
Bipolar transistors are made of either Silicon (Si) or Germanium (Ge). Their structure consists of two
layers of n-type material separated by a layer of p-type material (npn), or of two layers of p-material
separated by a layer of n-material (pnp). In either case, the center layer forms the base of the transistor,
while the external layers form the collector and the emitter of the transistor. It is this structure that
determines the polarities of any voltages applied and the direction of the electron or conventional current
flow. The arrow at the emitter terminal of the transistor symbol for either type of transistor points in the
direction of conventional current flow. One part of this experiment will demonstrate how you can
determine the type of transistor, its material, and identify its three terminals.
The relationships between the voltages and the currents associated with a bipolar junction transistor under
various operating conditions determine its performance. These relationships are collectively known as the
characteristics of the transistor. As such, they are published by the manufacturer of a given transistor in a
specification sheet.
There are two types of bipolar junction transistors – NPN transistors and PNP transistors. A diagram of
these two types of bipolar junction transistors is given below.
From the above figure, we can see that every BJT has three parts named emitter, base and collector. JE
and JC represent the junction of emitter and junction of collector respectively.

NPN Bipolar Junction Transistor:

NPN is one of the two types of bipolar transistors, in which the letters "N" and "P" refer to the majority
charge carriers inside the different regions of the transistor. Most bipolar transistors used today are NPN,
because electron mobility is higher than hole mobility in semiconductors, allowing greater currents and
faster operation.
NPN transistors consist of a layer of P-doped semiconductor (the "base") between two N-doped layers.
A small current entering the base in common-emitter mode is amplified in the collector output. In other
terms, an NPN transistor is "on" when its base is pulled high relative to the emitter.
The arrow in the NPN transistor symbol is on the emitter leg and points in the direction of the conventional
current flow when the device is in forward active mode.

NPN BJT structure creates two p-n junctions. The junction between the n-type collector and the p-type
base is called the Collector-Base Junction (CBJ). Note for the CBJ, the anode is the base, and the cathode
is the
collector. However, the junction between the n-type emitter and the p-type base is called the Emitter-Base
Junction (EBJ). Note for the EBJ, the anode is the base, and the cathode is the emitter.

PNP Bipolar Junction Transistor:

PNP transistors consist of a layer of N-doped semiconductor between two layers of P-doped material. A
small current leaving the base in common-emitter mode is amplified in the collector output. In other
terms, a PNP transistor is "on" when its base is pulled low relative to the emitter.
The arrow in the PNP transistor symbol is on the emitter leg and points in the direction of the
conventional current flow when the device is in forward active mode.

PNP BJT structure creates two p-n junctions. For the pnp BJT, the anode of the CBJ is the collector, and
the cathode of the CBJ is the base. Likewise, the anode of the EBJ is the emitter, and the cathode of the
EBJ is the base.

Modes of Operation of BJT:

The transistor can be operated in three modes:
 Cut-off mode
 Saturation mode
 Active mode

In order to operate transistor in one of these regions, we have to supply dc voltage to the npn or pnp
transistor. Based on the polarity of the applied dc voltage, the transistor operates in any one of these
regions. Applying dc voltage to the transistor is nothing but the biasing of transistor.
Cutoff mode:

In the cutoff mode, both the junctions of the transistor (emitter to base and collector to base) are reverse
biased. In other words, if we assume two p-n junctions as two p-n junction diodes, both the diodes are
reverse biased in cutoff mode. We know that in reverse bias condition, no current flows through the
Hence, no current flows through the transistor. Therefore, the transistor is in off state and acts like an
open switch.
The cutoff mode of the transistor is used in switching operation for switch OFF application.

Saturation mode:
In the saturation mode, both the junctions of the transistor (emitter to base and collector to base) are
forward biased. In other words, if we assume two p-n junctions as two p-n junction diodes, both the
diodes are forward biased in saturation mode. We know that in forward bias condition, current flows
through the device. Hence, electric current flows through the transistor.

In saturation mode, free electrons (charge carriers) flows from emitter to base as well as from collector to
base. As a result, a huge current will flow to the base of transistor.
Therefore, the transistor in saturation mode will be in on state and acts like a closed switch.
The saturation mode of the transistor is used in switching operation for switch ON application.
From the above discussion, we can say that by operating the transistor in saturation and cutoff region, we
can use the transistor as an ON/OFF switch.

Active mode:
In the active mode, one junction (emitter to base) is forward biased and another junction (collector to
base) is reverse biased. In other words, if we assume two p-n junctions as two p-n junction diodes, one
diode will be forward biased and another diode will be reverse biased.
The active mode of operation is used for the amplification of current.
From the above discussion, we can say that the transistor works as an ON/OFF switch in saturation and
cutoff modes whereas it works as an amplifier of current in active mode.

BJT as a Switch:
The operation of a BJT as a switching device is really easy to understand especially if you have already
learned how to make a BJT operate in the cutoff and saturation region. A BJT acts like an open switch
when it operates in the cutoff region. In figure, you can see that the npn BJT is operating in the cutoff
region since the voltage at the base terminal is 0V. Therefore, the base-emitter junction is not forward-
biased and if we will not consider the leakage current, all of the currents, IB and IC are zero. You can also
see in figure below that the collector and emitter terminals act like an open SPST switch. Since I C is zero,
the voltage across the collector and emitter terminal, VCE(cutoff), is equal to VCC.
An npn BJT operating in the cutoff region acts like an open switch
So for a BJT to act as an open switch, all you need to do is to make sure that its base-emitter junction is
not forward-biased. Now, for a BJT to act as a closed switch, it needs to operate in the saturation region.
In figure below, we’ve assumed that the npn BJT is operating in the saturation region. As you can see, the
collector and emitter terminals act like a closed SPST switch. Ideally, there’s basically a short between
the collector and emitter and the voltage drop across it should be zero. However, in reality, there is a
small voltage drop across the collector and emitter terminals which is known as the saturation voltage,

An npn BJT operating in the saturation region acts like a closed

For a BJT to operate in the saturation region, the base-emitter junction and base-collector junction should
be forward-biased, and there should be a sufficient base current to produce the collector saturation
current, IC(sat). Using the circuit in above figure, the formula to calculate the IC(sat) is:
IC(sat) is the current that the load R C requires. VCE(sat) is specified in the datasheet of the BJT that you are
going to use. After calculating IC(sat), the next thing to figure out is the minimum base current, IB(min),
needed to make sure to produce IC(sat). You can use this equation to calculate IB(min).

To make sure that the BJT is operating in the saturation region, you just need to make sure that IB is
greater than IB(min).

Determination of Transistor’s Type, Terminals and Material:

The following procedure will determine the type, terminals and material of a transistor. The procedure will
utilize the diode testing scale found on multimeters.
a. Label the transistor terminals of below figure as 1, 2 and 3. Use the transistor without terminal
identification for this part of the experiment.

b. Set the selector switch of the multimeter to the diode scale.

c. Connect the positive lead of meter to terminal 1 and the negative lead to terminal 2. Record the
reading the Table.




C 1 2 OL
D 2 1 0.682
E 1 3 OL
F 3 1 OL
G 2 3 0.702
H 3 2 OL

d. Reverse the leads and record your reading.

e. Connect the positive lead to terminal 1 and the negative lead to terminal 3. Record the reading.
f. Reverse the lead and record the reading.
g. Connect the positive lead to terminal 2 and the negative lead to terminal 3. Record your reading.
h. Reverse the leads and record your reading.
i. The meter readings between two of the terminals will read high regardless of the polarity of the
meter leads connected. Neither of these two terminals will be the base. Based on the above
calculations, record the number of the base terminal in the table below.






j. Connect the negative lead to the base terminal and the positive lead to either of the other
terminals. If the meter reading is low (approximately 0.7 V for Si and 0.3 V for Ge), the transistor
type is pnp. If the reading is high, the transistor type is npn.
k. (1) For pnp Type: Connect the negative lead to the base terminal and the positive lead
alternatively to either of the other two terminals. The lower of the two readings obtained indicates
that it is the collector terminal. Thus, the other terminal is the emitter. Record the terminals in the
above table.
(2) For npn Type: Connect the positive lead to the base terminal and the negative lead
alternatively to either of the other two terminals. The lower of the two readings obtained indicates
that it is the collector terminal. Thus, the other terminal is the emitter. Record the terminals in the
above table.
If the readings in either (1) or (2) of (k) were approximately 700mV, the transistor material is Silicon. If
the readings were approximately 300mV, the material is germanium.
Identify the Type, Terminals, and Material of the Transistor by following the above mentioned
steps and enter the results below.

 Type of Transistor:…NPN….

 Terminals of Transistor:

 BASE(2)

 Material of Transistor: SI…


1) Connect the circuit as shown in fig. All the knobs of the power supply must be at the minimum
position before the supply is switched on.
2) Adjust the base current IB to 20 µA by adjusting the supply VBB.
3) Vary the supply voltage VCC so that the voltage VCE varies in steps of 0.2 V from 0 to 2 V and then
in steps of 1 V from 2 to 10 V. In each step the base current should be adjusted to the present value and
the collector current IC should be recorded.
4) Adjust the base current at 40, 60 µA and repeat step-3 for each value of IB.
5) Plot a graph between the output voltage VCE and output current IC for different values of the input
current IB. These curves are called the output characteristics. Determine the Q-point of the transistor.


0.9 0.14 1.73

1 1..57 1.91

2 0.66 2.93

3 1.64 2.94

4 2.58 2.97

5 3.62 2.99

6 4.59 3.02

7 5.55 3.04

8 6.57 3.06

9 7.57 3.07

10 8.50 3.12

12 10.47 3.18

14 12.47 3.22

16 14.37 3.28

18 16.38 3.33

20 18.35 3.39

22 20.31 3.48

24 22.28 3.53

26 24.21 3.59

28 26.22 3.67

30 28.10 3.75

Chart Title

The Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) stands as a crucial electronic
device, showcasing its significance through its three-layer structure that enables precise control of
current.The Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) exhibits distinctive characteristics that make it a
fundamental component in electronic circuits. Its current-controlled nature allows for precise control
over current flow, while the amplification capability makes it valuable in applications such as signal
amplifiers and switches.

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