Mobile Application Development Syllabus

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Course Syllabus
Course Information
Course Code : CIS403

Course Planner 17934: Dr.Gurbinder Singh(Associate

: Professor)
Course Focus : Theory

Course Information: L: 3 T: 0 P: 0 Credits : 3 CA Category:


Course Outcomes
CO Outcome Description Bloom Level

1 Install and configure Android application development tools. Remember

and Analyse

2 Design and develop user Interfaces for the Android platform. Remember
and Analyse

3 Save state information across important operating system events. Analyse

4 Apply Java programming concepts to Android application development. Analyse

5 Data base Application Development using SQ Lite, Client Server Evaluate

Application Development Using JSON for mobile Devices

Course Syllabi
Unit Chapter Topics Hours
Unit-I Introduction Need of Mobile App, Different types of Mobile apps, 11
to Mobile Mobile Software
Apps Engineering Process (Design Principles, Development,
Testing methodologies for mobile applications,
Publishing, Deployment, maintenance, and

Unit-II Introduction Define Android, History of Android, and Pre-requisites 5

to Android for android learning,
Android Architecture with detailed components
(Linux Kernal, Libraries, Android Runtime,
Application Framework and Dalvik VM) and its

Unit-III Android Configuration of Android stack, Set up android studio 8

Installation and AVD creation,working with android studio,
Process Creating and executing applications in eclipse or
emulator. Develop First hello App.

Unit-IV Android Activities, Services, Broadcast Receivers, Content 9

Components Providers. Manifest File, Layout resources, Building UI
with activities: Activities and its life cycle, UI
components. Creation of XML and Code file. Intent
calling and intent interfacing.

Unit-V Android UI Views, View groups, Layouts; Event Handling, Apply 7

controls styles and themes, Creation of custom components,
animations and transitions, image and graphics, Audio
and video

Unit-VI Android SQLite Database, Camera: taking photos, Recording 5

fragments videos,Controlling camera and Camera API;
Connectivity: Bluetooth,NFC, Telecom, Wi-Fi, USB,

Text Books
Sr.No. Book Title Author Edition ISBN Publisher

1 Programming ZigurdMed nieks, Laird 2011 ISBN-10 O'Reilly

Android Dornin, 1449389694 Media
Reference Books
Sr.No. Book Title Author Edition ISBN Publisher

1 The Android TM Ronan 2ND ISBN-10 Addison

Developer‟s “Zero” : Wesley
Cookbook Schwarz, 0321897 Professio
Phil Dutson, 536 nal
Nelson To

2 Beginning Android TM Wei-Meng 1ST ISBN-10 Wrox

4 Lee
Application 81265355
Development 71

Applicable MOOCs
Sr.No. MOOCS Title Provider Start End Equivalence
Date Date

1. Introduction to Modern NPTEL Video


Applicable Guest Lectures, Educational Visits

Sr.No. Guest Lecture Title Expert Mode Start End Date Venue


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