S.S Pollution Presentaion Real

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What is air pollution

Air pollution refers to the presence of pollutants in the Earth's atmosphere in concentrations that can be
harmful to human health, the environment and other living organisms. These pollutants can be in the
form of gases or liquid droplets, and they can originate from both natural sources and human activities.



1. Transportation: Emissions from vehicles contribute to air pollution. These emissions consist of
carbon monoxide and particulate matter.

2. Burning Fossil Fuels: The combustion of fossil fuels, such as oil and natural gas, in power plants
and for heating and cooking, produces emissions like sulfur dioxide and particulate matter.

Reckless burning of garbage: Burning garbage releases harmful chemicals and particles into the air,
causing air pollution that can harm human health and the environment. It generates toxic smoke, solid
particles, and gases that contribute to respiratory problems and environmental damage



1. Long term health problems: The emissions from burning garbage contain harmful gases, that,
when inhaled, can lead to respiratory issues like coughing and wheezing

2. Global Climate Change: The release of greenhouse gases like CO2 contributes to global warming
and climate change.

3. Environmental Damage: The emissions from burning garbage can deposit harmful substances
onto the ground and vegetation, leading to ecosystem damage and contamination of natural


1. Reduce and recycle garbage instead of burning them: it’s better to create less waste and reuse
things whenever possible rather than burning the trash. Burning garbage can release harmful
chemicals into the air, so it’s better for the environment to find ways to use less and recycle

2. Only burn garbage at specially designed incinerators: use special machines made for burning
trash. These machines are built to handle the burning process safely

3. Compost organic waste: collect and break down natural materials like food scraps. By
doing this, you can create nutrient-rich soil that's great for your garden.

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