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CHAPTER 29 INDUSTRIAL LOCAL EXHAUST SYSTEMS col Exhaust Fundamental lir Movement in Vicinity of Lac haus cel Exhaust from Buoyant Sources esetvisted Hod ‘ter Lace Eshansd Stem Componcns Operation va ba a0 NDUSTRIAL exh vniiton gsm collect and remove airborne contaminants consisting of particuats (dst, fe, Smokes. fibers} sapors and gases tt can eats an uns Unhealthy, orundesiable atnosphore- Faust systems can alo sae ‘age wale materi inpiove plant housekeeping oF ere aad Tomoye excessive best moire wal Exhaust Versus General Ventilation acl exhast ventilation systems fe nol the most cost eflecive method of eenvolling a polutants and excessive heat For many manual operations capeuring pollutants stoner thie tource isthe only way to ensare copies with Desbold Vint Salus (TLV) in the woekoes cating 2ane Especially whore Fev tot wo, foal ext seston pi out leon fos opting system coms In some instal Yertlation devin, the ain emphasis om fering he sic hy Ia exe pri eveting the omtdeors retina fo the pros space (Chamber 1093}. As ateul these sstens reevaluated by theefisency of Ase fies However if only a small percentage ofthe emission is ‘ape the deuce of separation eiieny becomes aos el “he polant capturing eficisney of lca ventilation syste The exhausted ar may conan combustible plantar mis- sn thi ve, the exh now rate shoal he inte 9 {ite cembusable mature to ss than 23%e a thew exploive Timi he pollutant (NPA Seow 86), Th Principles of Hood Design Optimization Numotors stds of local exhatst and common practices have le to the development of the fllotng et of hed destin Principles (Posen XS + The hood should be last as sls a8 posible tthe sacs of +The hood opening shold he postions tht cass the on faminan dite the last fom is tral th, + Thohand sorld be lasted so thatthe contaminants awn ay from the operstors Beuhing zone. + The hood tet be the sae savor lags than the ros section ofthe fl eptensti hood Ifthe hoo sale tha the ow, ‘higher velunete low rate willbe requed, +The velocity dstribation inte hod opening rose ection soul he nominform following the velocity profile of the incoming Now, This canbe ahiesed by incemersting anes inthe hoe ‘opening Fig) nthe cise of stony hoo nd cont int sour that ent Fie 2 elding or sobering), hear Etc ile VA ike e ae Ber ite ote Fi. formance at Different ExhaastAieflow Rates 1999 ASHRAE Applications Handbook (1) ‘osty slg th hood man be anf this can be ahicved ting vanes oF perforations. AIR MOVEMENT IN VICINITY OF LOCAL EXHAUST ‘Theoretical Considerations Airlow near the howd can be described using the insompres iM toatoal le pont los) mo. The al presse ‘este tea pain ofthe hood renaine conta and can be 27183818 hse et ‘The vale of P depends om the ai hi spe and the method of air supply. Stes by Posokhin (1984) show thu D fr lations outside supply at ets approxima Industrial Local Exhaust Systems ar ee ee ee 1 Opening 12 Velocity Contours for Pain Rectang ssith Sides in 133 Ratio (0.025 m2. Airdstrbnce cas bythe operator oe sbot resus Ina intone of by at eat a tor of 2. tos by Zio ca (1997) showed that the sala of Dis aete by the ssloity of ros daft their duction agains the hoo face. and the presence ‘fan operator: For example, wit terse deat deta along the hoc face with velocity 0.5 mx D—0.15 nP (with the re se of operat) ire in crows dal wei to F'= ms reste in 03 ne Air and Contaminant Distribution with Buoyant Sources ‘The esas from hot procowes requires spi consideration case ofthe hnoyant effect of heater nea the hot procs Descrmining he hood sine ana exhsost rae for bot proces ‘eauies an understanding of the convetional eat ans er ate ce theChapter3 ofthe 17 ASHRAE Handbook Funerals std the plyseal sof de process, Converted heat and pout fon the ho proces ne primed o be contained in he thera plume lowe the some, ao he capt ofthe ai transported ith tis he wil ssn the fcc caprce the Sonat (Barges Stal 1989) Aaltal equtions to caleubts velocities, tempers, sit Mow rates and other parameters i thermal plumes over spot and Tinea heat sources ath item est Jas ere derived by Zed ‘teh (1937), Sohn (1941) Morton st al (19S6) and Sheps (1961) bal onde moneatun and energy conservation equstions and assuming Garian velocity and tenperae diffrence (etwcen plumes oom i ternperatuns)dstbuio tht Plame cow ects. These equation corespond to thos eine experimentally by ocr rxcrchers Pepolee 1981; Skavet 80) 297 q run source Z—stane tom sours surfs to val eurca 2 datance tom source srfae tothermalpumecoss-sacton iene iy. 18 Thermal Plume above Heat Source For oxamplo, he equation Forth ina fallow siflo rate inthe thermal plums = Cato a {0 ah ates Equation (11) a derived with the assumption ha the et sures istery els itelocs not account forthe arta curse dimensies ‘Adjsring tho pnt sone mods ogee sone ng The ‘itual source method (Fate T3) xis a scasonble estate o ‘heal eaten thermal pues(Ivaniskayactal 1974 Eleman TOs Hole 1980. Nina 1092) The weak pnt of ts eto scoring to Sksta (1994) esting te Inaton of the vinta point The method of “minim ease” and nm ese {Skint 1994) provides 4 tool for sth estimation (Figure 1) ‘cconing tot nairuun cas, the real source weplaced by th point source sac that the bore of the plume above Te pot our passsttnough thot edge ofthe eal soure (eects Themininyr cases cen the damster ofthe vena contact oF the hae f abo Ps of the upper sarface diameter and f ote $ngrosimately 3 damser shove the seus. Fo oomph Sources Skstad (1954) recommends the ausimuns case, Wteas fhe minimum case bes fi the measurement fo ler, bie temperature sone ood (1991) an Kofoed and Nikon (1991) ste the inter asian athe ternal poe with a wal aa with ante phan. In ‘he ese ofthe wll plum the airflow rte sho be dread {Tatr of 163; for aration with unher equ plus shoud ieincned by a facto 126 ‘Another approach wo evn the thom plane paramtars (Wisken 1993 Schelin and Kofoed 1992; Davin 1989; Akse nov an Gizorsk 1998) is hosed on computational id 28 Ce |A-THERMAL PLUME ABOVE VERTICAL CYLINDER ', THERMAL PLUME ABOVE FURNACE ig. “Minimam Case” and *Manimim Case” Approaches seating Virtual Sire Mepouce fom Sh 15) Og m Foethe noatached et. th enti vlosity should be vet = oan, Tat? av seers 1=nusinuan distance mnt sources tthe nal ann Tne cxf pn hod vo the an, snp ascot stouidnrcxced Vm ta aoa! waver on he id seas ‘Grining, pli. er ining apertons te anater tepeafmr camtminat ems Tes posses presh par {tks ngar thn ith seme roman Fhe ecco os toed frgrinknsopoons patna ied och pa ticks, uhihar tonto hood (Burges tal BRD) The ow rage fr the tecivng hod abe cael bs on decor slot hgh sen Wat he stance ied Ee {ses and hen Beets ==, whee See pare Sopping itn asthe dts aaron al aa {etal sles wil tel whe declontingtvest dh fo dag fees Hoven edt fin Hand 83) chr he dey throwing even faye particken an aprcosble ean ntl sis Any pores nthe lb range = 10 jn) ahold Be Senses imme wt shold ely ned 3° {Gangeny ct al 1993) The ho! med or nding proces 8 Srecverfor lag pales 0 jm: furne orsalla e Inet pile (4- = 30m). ste to (1974) fo tat replat: wor nacapmree cen yl eondng weet exaust sae and enue the vay af th werk’ Uweing ane Novels he stand oe dons ree tncndcd ACGIN (1998) ul ot 100s fic st caning ‘pile parilen ere fen provide wk ttn ot Gx foh le TLYs fro leper das Pressure Lasses in Local Exhausts ‘When arenterss hood dnc lssescase a on ofa res ‘or, This scale the Hoa entry lea may fave several em rents, cach given ee = Cy aa here 2p cd ay has Ee Icatr dp on con 18 grape pes st geome dimensolss Industrial Local Exhaust Systems, Figs 1S Rntey Lawes for Typical Hoods The following equation elas vloity ta velocity pressure: i as Ifthe i tmpertie i 20°C 15°C, the amin press the standard 101 Phe dct res so more than 3 KPa ire from the ambient presi the dt kang flow (2 gin?) and Imowrie fence seer then the dent n Eston (5) 1 12h and Equation (13) simples to as) Loss factors for rious ood shapes te given in Fig 15, More nformationt ot oss factors can be fond m Chapter 2, Det Design ofthe 1997 ASHIRAP Saibook Fundamentals, ele tal {1986 and ACGIH (1998), Figue 15 shows a8 oan food cou angle to minimize cay kes However, ts total included angle of 45s mpctical in many situations because of the rguied anstion ngth, A" aie, with a covresponing loss Tetor of 025 (Tr retanplar opus), anda fe non taper hood The combination f several conscutve hood compart may affet te vals of thoi avdua fos Tate Thus hod ih taultple cmponeats shoul be tested as using componott with a prertre ow obtained ina laboratory oe kd et Total presse i diffi mes na dict ystm esas aries bm pint topo aeranedit,Sepening mn the loc ‘slo On the stherhond tate esa reins constant coe a sight dict Thecfon, memuremcent of static peste aight duct ata single pout downstream ofthe hood can noitr the volume low rat The absolute value of this sic pest, the bod suctlon, svc by Par ~ Po Bt an where ighood ston, x Jo Vig. 16 Multslot Nonensloing Hood Hocd ston the negative atc promare measured abo thse dist dametore downstream of the ood A laser distance i= ‘quod for iteluded angles of 180” or lana. ‘Simple Heed. snple hood bas nls one dynamic los. The ood suction becomes by = UE, as) where. dct ety press Pa ample 1 nosaceiy sidsat flange oFige 2) with he “imeonsct 48am 12 met he ert Ths roan he Inti fo rtf 70D /s. Te dt camer 228 mish en 9 thot slo nf 74 The fo ined st tha att Ts Base tiv peels ot cg pie hcl evi et Ti ey py 612 = 186 a ~ 19 028)186) = 23218, Compound Hoods The mcs for nulkisht hoods see Fie 16) or ainglelat hoeds ith penn called compound Hoods) tnt hana enc hat life, The sts ditt sive the hood face and do nt iaflence capture fBieieney. The sot ‘locity shouldbe approximately 10m sto provide the eyed die Trib a the mun eng) svt. Higher slocon disp nove cht TLosees oostr ohen air pases through the sot and when ai ‘tet the dt Bec the selcii and therefore the wsleity pressures, canbe differnt the shot ana the dct ery Toes Fons, the hod sition mits lst both omes ls geen by Pag = Pe (Cad, Cody a i generally the higher ofthe wa vekcity pres: ses refer tthe slo, and refers tothe ds ny Toston. ample ui ah ns te ‘orate reuits.for this hoed is 0.78 ms Determine the hove sue Tso sy om Egat 1 Sutin is eae it Eun (1, The st is 0491 mP Tate, ted ose ined Suiting is ee it Et (1, For 3 97 aso ino ths dst Use at 028. Forte slate ks vor 78 (gue 18) The da ees ese Dag SDHC 68) #40282 1D) — 36 Pa [cst volume requirements, minimum dct velocities, and ty lone fictrs for many opie operations ae given Chapter Tour AcaIi (199%), Influence of Air Movement on Local Exhaust Performance Beth aie movement caused dicey by supply jets and bur lence ofthe ambient ar esulting from gcuctal veaton system ‘operin, convective plumes, an moving. peor and proces ‘tune te east print he! acevo contol Hing contaminant spillage Caplan and Kratson (1978) recommend ‘hat sir movement eased bythe aove factor shal he hw than 12102 timos the ho Fae velo Insti of hoods witha vertical fase aa, Zhivav ta (1997) showed thatthe preferred orientation of the od Tiel dretion ofthe ros rats 135" Ths orem oth the lowes conainant concentration a the ope ing zone andthe highest capturing efsctivencss. A moderate dra from behind the operster significantly increases the contaminant concentration inthe operstorsfrethinezoe. Acces deat is ‘minal effet on opttor exposure, bu the contami moval bythe hoa i rede the influence of eoss dfs greater than 4 mo the perfersince ofa canopy hood above a buy sec, Ste 14 (1992) commends attaching one, So" oF tree iS remo hl sels the hoa eat drop oa het above the sores oO Times the equivalent diameter ofthe design source ‘Schematics iv Figire 17 show how ar ets ca prove performance OCAL EXHAUST FROM BUOYANT SOURCES Overhead Hoods IF the process cannot he completely enclosed, th eanopy hoo shold he pled above the press ht the sontamnnane mae =| toward the hood. Canopy Hoods should be applied nd designed With caution to avoid drawing contains across the operators 1999 ASHRAE Applications Handbook (SI) Iweathing zon (se Figure 18) The hoods shoul kept asinine ore ‘tow canopy hood s within Uns of proses within the ther nal plas eansition zone) and equzes th lowest volumetee o ‘ate of allasnenckxinghoods, A high eanopy heed sae that 3 tm ahove a proces and requires a higher volumetric Now rte Ircuine room air entrained nde column off. contented ‘ang fon the process this situation should be aeded emneon (1083) lists Eqstons (20 throw (28) for determin ingthe vlumotcflow at of ot gases Fo lo canopy ods. Note thateanopy Ross cated I Yom above te processcanot be ae Iyzed using eve eautions. |. Cross drat efecto hema plume under high hood cightabove the process totlsxhunet lo ae 1. High hood protection wih double sie ar unin I & ie —Hie (High hood pectacon wih sages acuta Fig. 17 Hoed Performance Improvement with Ate Industrial eo) shee FE dracon, 2973149 eal smesph prose vrai 19O800KE KY For standard atmosphere pressure of 101.525 kPa, Equation (onycan be writen a 2," = O98Consbl ep Foc this-simensional bedi th rs in Equations 20) and ) canpasimated by the plan view an the bt Boy (Fe {9A Feehoncomal sini, ibe poet of ts eth and the diameter ofthe od For vertical suraces the are in Equations (20)and(21) ithe sreuoftheaistoun (ed ro above} 35 the Mo aves the ver ial sure (Figure 198), As theastean moves upward ona et peor iv espand a an angle af approsinly o 5 This pis gan by fy ~ Eton ro vohere (9 anal oairsteam expen For horizons ated strives lp isthe sfc ate of the Ret ‘surface, and J. the longest lenath {conservative} ofthe horizontal Sarface or ts dame fis round Figure 19) he hea rane scatsed by oan rom hot war tank, 4 Gy ey here 7 ten nw fap, ake 4 Suga n Q he tH Fig. 8 Inftence of Hod Location an Camtasia inthe Operator's Weathing Zane 20.11 At 100°C, the ae est of vaporization is 257 ig. Using this vac and Equation (23), Equation (20) simplifies to 68 = 54,064)" ew ‘The exhaust volte wrt astern by Equation 20) (23) the ruil exh flow ate when (1) Tow anon hood ‘of th same dimensions the het bjet or saace eed nd (2) ra hck ales ares tres room aston fom di wr cola, If side an back baffles cant be ed the canopy hood size x the exhast flow rate should be Increased io reduce the posi of contaminantescape aru he Tio, god design provides Tow canopy hood ovsthng cau to bss of the stance fon the bot process to th hea ace ll Sis (ACGIH 1058). The hnrena Boo lw rae a Bs Cale Ta sig the fallowing sation = Op HAA) es) tool ow teeming he ws fh a dtm Lauson 20 024. a8 east ds velo ugh he pester a, Diana Eton 203662) A minionun ida vokty of 05 ans Should be used for most ‘deaign eonditens, However, voor ai eurtens ae appcciable or ifthe contaminant charge ates high andthe devgn expos Ti tone higher vals of Fay bo rie The volumetric fw ite fr high canopy hood over a rod suare, or rectangular aspect ato ne I) sce can bs predicted ‘sing Exation (11) ith ajstents dsc nthe section on Dirand Contant Dist sth Bane Seures The diameter D. ofthe ple at any sk sour ea be deleted by * Sy t | C fp Cd a 8’ yermeat sunrace Senin .HoRIZONTAL SURFACE secHe Fig 19 A, for Vaviows Situations 29.12 p, = 950 eo) High canopy hoods ate extremely sscepible to room i i= rents. Therefore, they ate pally moe ane oe 1s ast) than indicated by Equation (26) and reused ony a low eanopy Insal conaot he used The tallow rte exhatsta om he heed cin be eval using Equation (25)1P0, is epaced by Q According #9 Powkhin (1984), the canon’ hood ie ssc shen Sidedraft Hoods Side hoods am typislly ws when the contaminant = awn aay fom the opzatorsbreulung zone (Fiue 28). With ‘buoyant soe sdetat hood requires higher exhaust vlune fe flo ae than ow caopy hood. 1a os canopy od ett th opsation sida nod may be more coefTetve than Iizh ean hood Examples of soda os nc mist tod “pickling” hoods near welling benches (Figure 16, Aang hood Figure 20), and lt hood on tanks (gee 2) ‘Sia iond sould he inalledwith the low ede ofthe sc= tion atc ut the level of the top of the heat source Te stance 5 tetwecn the hood andthe source aay vary depending onthe width ofthe some (Figure 22) maximum bis equal tothe width Bathe ice, Based tas by Kuz mina (1959) the following aloe ‘at thah the sided hod ie esconumended(Soi2dat 182} Op" = catge (t+ BF? 7) sonnet sti pening sig a Uneetaie wcomargant sacs os Equa 2 Fora hood without a sere Figue 224), c= amy eo» ar Fora hood wih Soon (Figure 228), 1999 ASHRAE Applications Handbook (SI) Fig. 20 Mood om Boneh ye ig.21 Sheet Heed and Slt Hod on . Ato is PA 2 EY Fig. 22 Seematis uf Skeet Hood on Work Bench 290m fF 9 where fy shen l= O51 1.5, hen P= 03597 1.8 shen Brg tran 9 =2 when BB 1 For apea vessel the contaminant can be contolled by alter cxhatst hood, which ext ir hah slots on te periery of {he vessel Theood capturing effetiveness depends othe exhast ‘flowrate andthe hoo design; however isnot inlunce by ait {lost thr these. Hood ane dssgned with ai enawt fom ‘onesie ofthe esl or rom tosis. Arex rom to ses reais a kscrexhaint arlo ras In most application. hood toith vertical fae (Fgine 234) 1 tmed hon the dite 8. wth lt sop over Tolga eutaco, [A Win vera face ig. 23 Sehematles of Sidedraf Slo ion Tank Industrial Local Exhaust Systems ® between he vessel eyed thelgui ve ssl han 100m (Stroviadat 1992), Whea fy 100, oe with the slo pped ‘over othe Iguid surface Figure 25B) ae more effective ‘Sit (1992) econunends the following shat slow ats and ose lateral sot hol yr = wana Btn) eo) 20 ie whee 1h sores enonthe g e ‘ey ~ conic eeting ag expen oe Tale) 1K, sotto ting preset om Yo 2:6, oes poe os.) A more costeffestiveshernative oa one or wersidel neal hood sa paspall howd, described inthe seston on Jet Assisted Hoods Downdraft Hoods osidrat hoods shoul be consider only when versa or sidedatthoods aeimpracisalAircin he cxhatstod teh a se te aM (ea, downdraft cing able—see Fig 24) or through 2 seul sot with a ound source (Figure 25) or liner sets thn the long sides of rectangles sures (Figure 28H) To achive higher saptring effectiveness th esha shoal be Iseitd as clon tthe source a posible Caporing ffctvenes sce dame 1 arc engin (it~ Sccve hea cmp fa Oe sa haa se, ‘elie acy oma oxen 1407 FEE sno den id oy no fee dcubesttdowndatthoed 4) Example 3. wtf odo be designed capt cotainn It erpenent oT Me soe Guy 100 W. Roca vee Fy Hh O608~ 12 obiain XS. Coelceat&, secounting fr a monet Egton 5 : fF 3 ele onan = 2 Linear ots along the long sides of rectanguir source Fig. 25K, Coeiien lvaluation fr Downdraft Honds Industrial Local Exhaust Systems ® between he vessel eyed thelgui ve ssl han 100m (Stroviadat 1992), Whea fy 100, oe with the slo pped ‘over othe Iguid surface Figure 25B) ae more effective ‘Sit (1992) econunends the following shat slow ats and ose lateral sot hol yr = wana Btn) eo) 20 ie whee 1h sores enonthe g e ‘ey ~ conic eeting ag expen oe Tale) 1K, sotto ting preset om Yo 2:6, oes poe os.) A more costeffestiveshernative oa one or wersidel neal hood sa paspall howd, described inthe seston on Jet Assisted Hoods Downdraft Hoods osidrat hoods shoul be consider only when versa or sidedatthoods aeimpracisalAircin he cxhatstod teh a se te aM (ea, downdraft cing able—see Fig 24) or through 2 seul sot with a ound source (Figure 25) or liner sets thn the long sides of rectangles sures (Figure 28H) To achive higher saptring effectiveness th esha shoal be Iseitd as clon tthe source a posible Caporing ffctvenes sce dame 1 arc engin (it~ Sccve hea cmp fa Oe sa haa se, ‘elie acy oma oxen 1407 FEE sno den id oy no fee dcubesttdowndatthoed 4) Example 3. wtf odo be designed capt cotainn It erpenent oT Me soe Guy 100 W. Roca vee Fy Hh O608~ 12 obiain XS. Coelceat&, secounting fr a monet Egton 5 : fF 3 ele onan = 2 Linear ots along the long sides of rectanguir source Fig. 25K, Coeiien lvaluation fr Downdraft Honds Industrial Local Exhaust Systems here 66) 3 ~ excessive presse msi the proces camino, Pa Py Sty of gas mi recasing thea he apse te pro Shean ‘The supply and exhaust slow res Oya O49, ca be otemiad sn llows Fors nonatachd et ap = 04858 on ¥ yap = 020s eat 68) Fors wall 09) 4) Trg fom hin Figu 27 122 fr anata 9 12 ugh feats eda 1 tho pty hc ogee 2s k,n aeseuntng rom aiinvamet weit an rm Oe > [essa \ Pig. 29 Push-Pull 29.15 “The following are some design considerations: + Paskpall hoods are cconomiclly feasible FF Em The jt shoul be comer wall jet when the distance JP {stun he supply ozzleand the vrial surface salle tan (015 Onbarwen the jt nonattacha + When flange with 2 £7 Bs the hoe iteated an opening in ‘infinite surface, whan f= A+B he od sted foe Sunline +The yal of the nino velocity Yn long the et howl be tor than Sth +The wih a the sappy airsot sys chosen obs 4 Hovwever, i shold be pester han mnt pevent Fling. The Ienath of the soppy sot shold he sss te lent of he spore +The supply ar velocity should not exceed | 5 mis This can be chived by selection of te appropriate lt with Example 4 \ pal hod 0 sane a soma Gen 8 5m “perv spn res nthecnen 2 Pl he rpc fire inde the oxen HM (py S20 kg mh eae he Ito atthe hol J 1 2 mnths eg othe pete fie hed pretn 057% mathe hsm ge the apo wh he prt sgh The ro a ‘logy mir thod J). send theron sr Mops oy BC Tage he he) omnis the sang ak eto afl Slut Ung tbe gph ia gue 27 fr B = 0STH(2%12)~ 024, aa Asami 0025, cake sip aot Egat (3) ay = 0438582 1S OTEATE ~ 06 0/0 Cote, sso Gr 0 a moet Eqn ‘ rome ga in Pur 28. = Th es HT a etn 38) hull Hood above Contaminated Ara sanopy hood ‘sth ncorpratedsloted nozzle intalled oun the penmetr of ‘he hood me o prevent contain ransfer fo contaminetd areas, foe example, the operating zane of one of several Welding tobots (Figure 2) where ealoniny hoodser other type of none losing hoods are npeatcal (U.S. Patt. ir supplied though the nozae creates sauly sr curtuin potion along the cont. De tothe negative presse esate by the hood hear ean jt tus stor felon the fevelof he contaminant sone ward the cone fer Tommie the spn silo ts fe nozzle equip 5 honeycomb atachnea tat produces 4 foy-turbuleee jet The ‘ith ofthe nozzle con be dete ay flows roy 29.16 shee (b> al ihm . bo tostpenmacr 2 Roper toed bee contumiant seus, Pash-Pall Protection System, These systemsate ws Strong tal Bose: Serngin and Marr [985) to prevent conan telewe fiom process quipment when the jrocess segues that Ctenny andor ing apertures remain opan eg conver pai ing chambers, cooling umn te). The open apertare mst be ‘cing witha tanned and supply a exhaust sr eyseme (Figs 30) The aperture spotted By the ij) supplied throush one “rtwosloeinslld along ons sider a opponte sido ofthe tu relandditete tangle a SIt08S tothe annsleros seston. At SSppliedthrgh the slot) is ths drested toward he incoming oom ait: Moving along de tunnel, the jt) slow don and di ‘dynamic pres sconvere ino sate prose, peveting 1000 ‘irom enlenn the chamber. Aer reaching the pont with 270 ‘enterine velocity, the ee) make U-tuand relict ino the hambet. The ai js) Can be supplied vertically (ih supply ai “ets installed along vertical walls) or horzomlly (vith supply ai ‘dct tlle long hriontl wll) The danse 4 (Fire 30) fromthe entrance ate ith exowesectonal a >) 10 the supply lt location shouldbe greater than or equal 5 with asin~ lever jet #807 wh single bonzontal jo) and 250 (2.500) ‘eh ae upped by too “The sr supply slot is equipped wth diverging vines (anal fh ‘enscen 3011980) creating an nit jet Witham neeased ane of ence the aurea tse vanes shouldbe rent han or ‘ual wo 10. The nessa angle of divergence of supply ot Slows a derease inthe distance Betws the tl crce and these Auflow rate supple by eet determine as « ta et sim evar sme 25th now (Sw) ae - tor y= e . 1 euantsbeghin 1999 ASHRAE Applications Handbook (SI) P= oh ater ey — cunber a dest. he The minim sirflow rte to he existe ous fom the hamberandthecoesponding amount of outdoor a to besuplied "hon the sot shold te he somaminants nthe chamber othe tksred concentration. Inthe sive of prevention of contaminant Felease fom a drying chamber, the solvent spor convention should not exceed 23P of the loser explosive iit Cony Inti {ane th eahain alow rte canbe detuned sf ox Oem 46) where ‘at fap ss iat he hat ans 1 ~ eaten cating ee aan of ten capo. tap a nets: pc, s heresies tin of pln mz OTHER LOCAL EXHAUST SYSTEM ‘COMPONENTS Duct Design and Construction Duct Considerations, The scconu component of local eshaust seaiation system isthe dist though which contaminated ir transported from the hoods) Roun! ducts ae preferred hecaise they (1) offers more anionm ait velocity ores sting of mt ‘land 2)ean withsandthe higher state pressures nema found in exhaust syriems: When design limitations neque rectangle ‘iets the aspect rato ¢height-e-width ratio should Bsa else Yo tunity 35 posible ‘Mininiun tramp velit isthe velocity required to wane port particulates withow sting, Table S Ist soane generally Sccetedtrnapt velocities action of he nate of he cone faoninants {ACGIH L908) The vas lsd re peal shor than theertical an xperuncntal vals to account for (1) danage todas which would inerses sje resistance and re vl rete flow and duct velowts (2) duct lakags. which tends 10 Clecrese velocity nthe dst system upstream of the Fak (3) fan ‘whos corrosion erosion andor be sippage, which cou reduce fan volume; and (4) reentrant of cated panicle eatned by ‘improper operation ofthe exhanst system. Design vslotien can be higher than the minim transport velvtes hut shoul never be sania lowes, ‘When picolate concentrations ae low the effect fn power ‘snoglgble, Standard duct size and fitings should be used et ‘ont an delivery tine. lnernaion on aval sis and the cost ‘fmonsandaed sizes eat heated fom the contort ‘Table S Contaminant Transport Velostics Sauieof Contaminant Hampi a Tan Wee Tap gas AI ne gS Temas 19 Tas ‘Wet Wiel Dp dsisand pods Fine st, mln poe dst fli cotton hs shavings eM. sa Isa eerste Soorgs ini et Grin st. ting ht ys skort cof sans oe dt ewan nie Js. sc uel mab tle et a de, an) Nesey andomistdint Lc ist th al tps, mst cement cn shes ebm om tans ite ant ating ashes ting neki Tia iT na inf Mr Bred Poses ATT 29.16 shee (b> al ihm . bo tostpenmacr 2 Roper toed bee contumiant seus, Pash-Pall Protection System, These systemsate ws Strong tal Bose: Serngin and Marr [985) to prevent conan telewe fiom process quipment when the jrocess segues that Ctenny andor ing apertures remain opan eg conver pai ing chambers, cooling umn te). The open apertare mst be ‘cing witha tanned and supply a exhaust sr eyseme (Figs 30) The aperture spotted By the ij) supplied throush one “rtwosloeinslld along ons sider a opponte sido ofthe tu relandditete tangle a SIt08S tothe annsleros seston. At SSppliedthrgh the slot) is ths drested toward he incoming oom ait: Moving along de tunnel, the jt) slow don and di ‘dynamic pres sconvere ino sate prose, peveting 1000 ‘irom enlenn the chamber. Aer reaching the pont with 270 ‘enterine velocity, the ee) make U-tuand relict ino the hambet. The ai js) Can be supplied vertically (ih supply ai “ets installed along vertical walls) or horzomlly (vith supply ai ‘dct tlle long hriontl wll) The danse 4 (Fire 30) fromthe entrance ate ith exowesectonal a >) 10 the supply lt location shouldbe greater than or equal 5 with asin~ lever jet #807 wh single bonzontal jo) and 250 (2.500) ‘eh ae upped by too “The sr supply slot is equipped wth diverging vines (anal fh ‘enscen 3011980) creating an nit jet Witham neeased ane of ence the aurea tse vanes shouldbe rent han or ‘ual wo 10. The nessa angle of divergence of supply ot Slows a derease inthe distance Betws the tl crce and these Auflow rate supple by eet determine as « ta et sim evar sme 25th now (Sw) ae - tor y= e . 1 euantsbeghin 1999 ASHRAE Applications Handbook (SI) P= oh ater ey — cunber a dest. he The minim sirflow rte to he existe ous fom the hamberandthecoesponding amount of outdoor a to besuplied "hon the sot shold te he somaminants nthe chamber othe tksred concentration. Inthe sive of prevention of contaminant Felease fom a drying chamber, the solvent spor convention should not exceed 23P of the loser explosive iit Cony Inti {ane th eahain alow rte canbe detuned sf ox Oem 46) where ‘at fap ss iat he hat ans 1 ~ eaten cating ee aan of ten capo. tap a nets: pc, s heresies tin of pln mz OTHER LOCAL EXHAUST SYSTEM ‘COMPONENTS Duct Design and Construction Duct Considerations, The scconu component of local eshaust seaiation system isthe dist though which contaminated ir transported from the hoods) Roun! ducts ae preferred hecaise they (1) offers more anionm ait velocity ores sting of mt ‘land 2)ean withsandthe higher state pressures nema found in exhaust syriems: When design limitations neque rectangle ‘iets the aspect rato ¢height-e-width ratio should Bsa else Yo tunity 35 posible ‘Mininiun tramp velit isthe velocity required to wane port particulates withow sting, Table S Ist soane generally Sccetedtrnapt velocities action of he nate of he cone faoninants {ACGIH L908) The vas lsd re peal shor than theertical an xperuncntal vals to account for (1) danage todas which would inerses sje resistance and re vl rete flow and duct velowts (2) duct lakags. which tends 10 Clecrese velocity nthe dst system upstream of the Fak (3) fan ‘whos corrosion erosion andor be sippage, which cou reduce fan volume; and (4) reentrant of cated panicle eatned by ‘improper operation ofthe exhanst system. Design vslotien can be higher than the minim transport velvtes hut shoul never be sania lowes, ‘When picolate concentrations ae low the effect fn power ‘snoglgble, Standard duct size and fitings should be used et ‘ont an delivery tine. lnernaion on aval sis and the cost ‘fmonsandaed sizes eat heated fom the contort ‘Table S Contaminant Transport Velostics Sauieof Contaminant Hampi a Tan Wee Tap gas AI ne gS Temas 19 Tas ‘Wet Wiel Dp dsisand pods Fine st, mln poe dst fli cotton hs shavings eM. sa Isa eerste Soorgs ini et Grin st. ting ht ys skort cof sans oe dt ewan nie Js. sc uel mab tle et a de, an) Nesey andomistdint Lc ist th al tps, mst cement cn shes ebm om tans ite ant ating ashes ting neki Tia iT na inf Mr Bred Poses ATT

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