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Flag Retreat Script

JENN: Good afternoon to our ever dynamic and supportive school

head sir Ferdinand L. Vinco Jr., to our loving and caring teachers,
and to my fellow students of Bayanga National High School.

Its Friday and it is the time of Flag Lowering.

I am _____________ from __________ , your toast master for

To begin, let us face the flag and stand straight as we sing the
Philippine National anthem as we show our love and affection to our
country to be conducted by ________________. It will then be followed
by an invocation to be lead to us by ____________________

Let us now stretch our body to keep that body moving as we

are about to dance the Galaw Pilipinas. Calling all the Grade 11
Honesty students to be here on stage.

To give us a message may we call in our school head

______________________. . around of applause please.
Thank you, sir Vinco for the message you have given to us this

That ends our activity this afternoon. Keep safe and God bless

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