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SESIaSy TSE Rapes DIRE RA ts Written by Tim Carroll and Ken Cliffe Buiting: Ken Cliffe ‘Derelopment: Mark ReinsHagen Proofreading: Travis Lamar Williams Production: Sam Chupp. Josh Timbrook Layout: SamChupp Cover Art: Michael Weaver Interior Art: Tony Ackland, Eric Holz and David Transue itle Logo: Richard Thomas ‘Ars Magica created by: Johnathan Tweet and Mark Kein* Hagen Design Contributions: Brian J. Maloney, Lowell Stouder, Ramsey Dow, Conrad Chu, Robert G. Schrosder, ohn Schippers, Laurel Schippers, Michael Sehwartz and Dan Napolitano ‘SPECIAL THANKS Ken “Ge: out of my office, I'm nearly done” Clifle, for ot blowing his sacs foo many Himes. Stevvart “Okay, heres what happens...” Wieck, {or having story ideas when every ene eee was stumpec. Sam “Cod ofeaffoine” Chupp for providing liqucd sustenance to woary laborers. “Mark "Yon'e on any ist” Rein Hagen, for mastering the tao of Four Square ‘Travis "Go Bear!” Williams for showing us hov fuk beasiscan be Mike "You're Tucky you caught me; [as just gomg to bed” Weaver for adjusting his biclogical rhythm to stay within deadline ‘Tomy “Hello... Yes... Yes, Ken... “Ackland, for putting up with phone callers not used to overseas communication David “Tenclosed a couple extra pieaes 89 you have a choice.” Transue, fOr waipping out dozens or pisces of ar, and some mare on the side. Erie “ack-ofalltredes.” Hoty for mastering so rmny art forms and jiggling thar all at one ime 2 Medieval Bestiary ©1991 by White Wolf. All ights reserved. Reprochuction without written permission of the publishers expressly denied, except for the purpoce of reviews. Ars Magica, Mythic Europe, Medieval Bestiary, Herocity, Faeries, Vampire, ‘Werewolf, Magus, Faerie, Ghost and White Wolf areell trademarks aud copyrights of White Wolf. Richard "Yeah, | can doit” Thomas, for accepting assignments between bouts of convention babe scoping, Josh "What's up with that?” Timbroak, for ‘working so hard to reach King, but never staying, there for long, ‘Wes “Overhanal” Harris, for using underhanded tactics in Four Square. ‘Andrew “Human Target” Greenberg, for suffering the most Fonr Square body blows, andl keepin’ his sense of hurnor. ‘Tim “Wait ‘ve gol same mare materia.” (Carroll, for having more ides than this book could possibly contain. ‘Note: Four Square has become the offical sport of White Wo'f, and is played with ferocious devotion. You may have played it yourself on the playground in elementary sehecl (Yes, we pride snurselves nn oar maturity). i Alans Dain: Tadve Funded cad Fans (Sicen sexo it has hen ac site is cap of be Plies Hence. FL own copes ofthe a had, eile, ben ag I. The frac ot Tages, wos ad went males ce hart roby the Nermns. The scopy wes deed Baphenaas by Prpe Laces IF. Ht mast ints flare Te inl copy mas ad when he Conese of Cale ns Beko Saas of ore reel asa ages of Hse Mes, mas sk hy by Be wandered. Rarely dl he experiment withthe deeper uiyderics of "Hametic rage, ner did Be pend stim cafing ts fr bis flow reaps. Slcus did net even confine his mesoge Tearing 0 small era, 5 many reaps. Dns be diced messes fom ane end of Bo “Onder the obi, nd ond, andi war th at he dase Se eT now rod. Pacing sage Frarente of core ead psig ils he myers of rid, has bngh we = sample bok of te beat, Ad, flowing ic fhe tts of Meri, be madera inl the wens, wer be sm agin (thes eta mes rental is To's wring. "Ti coy iin pr shal fon se oan he personal ary of Neo Ares, Asis was ef ese a bi the sail in his Sand woe safe ts darn hi anda i fit. Julbaar, or Order smut fark Lucan of Flos Fab fr his dation and msl. His copy ofthe ead was wel wed by is many omer, wba reaching hil myers, led nacht Raondadpcond nivw, is wrk uve wale nl only esoves Be tre fat Slacis perl bl cn ta cf Pramas’ vos. C¥'y work alo prones he huh of beads, eice ilo the rater of ach wake date. Wri in oar Fler Lali, nin fa dgrerte Latin eed by fe Chath, Bic tse purus mare a any regis adh of Beate parses nll th, much vlad by mag. Introduction Chapter One: Antroduction he Medieval Bestiary is designed as = supplemert to the Ars Magica game. Ats Magiea, which in theme and style is unlike any cther FRG, concerns itself with roleplaying of the most sophisticated variety, roleplaying inepircal by the myths and stories of herows, monsters, eviland magic. When we roleplay. we try to oorente those ancient stories with characters and settings of our Ars Magica strives to help you mect that gool. Rather than tall story through the rolling of dice, Ars Magica rexuises that the players work together tu tll a tale, putting less eniphasis ‘onclie rolls and combat than mas: games, Storytelling requires a new style of roleplaying, Viayers need to create lly developed characters that they can envision and portray as >rotagomists ina drama. A fully developed character is mare than just a series of mennenglese siatistics, but his motivations, goals, fears anc confidences of its own —ithas personality To tellastory, theStoryguide ‘gamemaster) also needs fully developed charscters, While many of the characters’ encounters are with ather people (mag, serls, nobles, priests), somecimes they may be with beasts — the comuman andl not so enrrmon, ‘eatures of the forest, mountain and sea. Because ‘Ars Magica is story eriented, the Storygaide must imbue even beasts with complete and relevant Personalities. If thi is done successfully, every ‘encounter with beasts will rot degenerare into violence and savagery (at least not all the time). Thus, when the aracters meet a wolf they might Tot immediately hark it up, but may attempt to icteract with the beast, coming to unéerstaned it as they might another pocson, The magi certainly have a variety of ways in whic they -night try to commumicate with it and of couse sign lanuagets always an inlerestiyg option, All you, as the Storyguide, nocd to tell this kind Df tales a sauce that ists nol just the beasts ties, bul also tha: porteays Uc individual personzliies of Lussts. That's where The Medieval Bestiary comes in. That isthe object and inspiration of this work. Introduction 5 ‘While The Medieval Bestlary is @ supplement esigned for use with Aus Magica, players cf all fantasy roleplaying geenes will find it 2 useful reference source. The Medieval Bestiary describes mundane animals of the medieval ‘orld, and lantastie beasts of medieval ore However, we don’t detail these creatures from 8 modern perspective, but ruin a rredieval pont of view, justas they were described in Ue suucies and inquiries of medieval scholarship. Because medieval style eeling is common to most fantasy gaties, the Deaste and thetr identities portrayeclin “his work could easily end profitably be applied to ‘any Fantasy gome ‘The Medieval Bestiary details aimost every mundene and fantastic beost that travelers might encounter in travels throughout Mythie Europe". ‘The Storypuide will find it Invaluable fr story creation, though it should not be seen as asov Tce for creating camplete stories. "This Bestiary in Gesignec: to alow researching their medieval significance yourself, Furthermore, the beasts in this Book should not be strung together ina series of tenootnters in order to creatéa story. “Thay chould be used as only one element of aatory which conteins a foir balance ofall the proper ingredients — theme, mood, chacaczerinterection, passion, plot andl drama Each beasts first described in the words ofa Medieval scholar, a ‘magus in the Order of Hermes, who discusses what he knows of each ‘rea(ure and, in some cases, what he believes its vietues and weaimesses represent. Theinformtion he presents is not always correct by amsdem or madioval standards) often itis up to you to decide: what is true and what is fase, Then ‘we list the fall Azs Magica statistics ofeach creature, 9 section to be ignored if you are this back with some game other than Ars Magica Each Beasts also provided with its own story concept. Those plot ideas offer you inspiration for susing the beasts in play, eliminating the intimidation of introducing more umusisdl ‘realuies, and saving them from becesning stereotypical “wilderness encounters” Furthermore, players muy fine this book's bestia descriptions useful when magi conduct 1es887ch into the Animal or when magi seatch tor Familias, ‘Ard, on page 15 we introduce nev concept, Ferocity, which isa trait nearly every beast in this book possesses. As discussed above, this supplement describes ‘beasts not by theit mechanical statistics alone, ‘whch inevitably reduces them to fodder for the characters’ swords, but by thelr natures, rantivations and gelding spirits, By. Underslanding the madieval impressions you to refer to cof the manure ofthe ‘beasts quickly ond beast, you understand easily, relieving how game chauadlers you ofthetask of —_percaive the beat. Getining those Moreover, the ‘creaturesand impressions of the 6 Medieval Bestiary be mude unique to any single game, eo this book huss further epplizalions outside Are Magica — It ‘bat applestons to every fansacy roleplaying game ‘Though The Medieval Bestiary details the game mechanics of many bens, those detaile are 20! fetched in stone. Tn fact, neferring tothe scores provided here, you are encouraged to indtvidunliza inificentbemats that appear in your etrie, the profiles ofthis wark only represent the architype Sfeech beast, Such individualization imbues your creatures with chavacter and makes them unique. Leach Deas had the same abilities and nature what would make your stories mersorable? You arealse ad vised to use this volume esa reference, fol a9 nepizaton, for your stories, We find that the ‘essence of th story is praserved when bessts are Selected fo: he story afer‘ts creation, ‘That way Sess Keer ee Introduction your stories de not hocome mene beast humts, OF ‘course, that doesn’t man beasts cannot be the object of a quest, Indaed, there's bound to come 8 time when magi and their retainers need to tp the power, or ris, of some creature. But when ouch. Runt is undertaken, itis bound to bedangerous for rv exealure sacrfices tial for themeeds of mere mortal men, Finally, iretmportant to note that the Onder of Hermes considers fzerles and their kind separate from the beasts of world and legered, ‘The peculiar smogical spirit of faeries makes them separate from, Jetiz, Fer details on factics and their ilk, you are ‘referred to Faeries, another Aro Magica supplement from White Wolf. Ghosts, demons ond. angels are alse outside of the paradigm af beste: Dut they also wall be detailed in other books. pa} Chapter Tino: The Complete Beast Roleplaying beasts can be difficult, nct only ‘because different myths and legends present beests ofthe same kind in different ways, but because roleplaying games tend {o abust- beasts, All too colten potentially interesting beasts are used haphazardly, and oflen without segard ior the creatures’ mythical origins. So the question is, how can creatures be kept unique and interesting, and still acommon ‘cature of stories? That isthe ‘question this Chapter, and this supplemen:, intends toanswer. aE OniGiy oF THE BrsriaRy Historical Bestiaries derived most of their source ‘material from only limited sources, Firstand foremost of these Sources was the Pavsiolagus. Physiologus was written between the Second and Fifth Cantuties A.D, and the name is said to refer to the author, whase awa nazne is not known. Physsologus means The Naturalist. ‘The Physolagus was primarily a religious text, though ls enicies referred less ty beasts than to the sins and virtues beasts represented. The Physiologus borrowed trom ‘humerous sources, including Pliny's Historia Naturalis, the folklore of its period, ard religious teacbings. ‘Tne second mujo: infuence on Bestiantes was Isidore of Seville's Etomougae. As the Physinlogus was translated into other languages, the trans. ator ‘would often adid “facts” he had hearc or rad of All the Bestivies borrowed extensively from each ther, bu paticularly from bidore ofSevité's. The Physologus was orgarized according to the virwes and sins of its subjects. The Etimoligae, on the other hand, was organized along certain classifications: Bestiae(beass), Peroae et umenta (calle), Minula ‘Animalia isa anneal), Aves (bird), Repiae (reptiles) and Serpents (snakes). Early Bestiaries haphazaraly adopted sections fom Isidore, Later ‘nos came loser to his original cacsifcations, bul ill derived much of thetr onder from the Physiologus Wuaris A BESTIARY? Medieval Bestiaries were less books on animals than they were eutpourings of religions ideals, [n them was shown the behavior of beasts, some hich man was intended to emulate, and others ‘which he was net. Thus, Bestiries were designed such that the reader ryauld Lake nt of beasts’ virtuous anc fell behavior, and avoid the latter ‘And, animals proved to bean effective medium UoURh Which religious and moralistic ideals could bbe taught (Only secondarily dld Bestiaries strive to explain certain aspects of animal nature. The great size and ‘weight f tne Blephan: offers one such example Medieval scholars were puzzled by the beas! and thought that were it to copulate inthe normal fashion, it would crush its mate. Thus, tha ‘The Complete Beast ° considered the Flephant a chaste beast. so Bestiaries propose this assumption as fact. Creatures, Roth real and fantasti were described ‘nthe Bestiary according to ideas considered logical ard accurate for their time. And, given the: Middle Ages’ void of scientific Uhought, who could fute the claims of a Bestiary? Beyond conceptual misnomers, medieval estiaris suffered from two major problems, The first was mistarsating. With later Besta ies copied by rooms filled with scribes, improper sbbrevilions ann cificlt handwriting were ‘wonmonplace. These technical diffculies resulted in flse or misleading Snformation and simple Alopiility. The second problem layin the Lorrowing of new ideas, Authors of Besiazies ‘wuuld often add their ow stares tothe text, most without basis in fcr Given that Bestiaries were hase on what we today consider fancy, i's no surprise that no two Bestiaries were identical, The mistranslation of these books only exacerbated the difternees between thei. Is ipany wonder, then, that the Basilisk slowly evolved into the Basilcoc and, by thc end of the Fourteenth Century, into the Cockatrice? ‘Stogtes OF THE BEAST Beasts can be introduced ince your Saga in many ways. In most roleplaying, adventures, monsters Usually enter into the Saga when the characters iply run into thera. While there is nothing. inherently wrong with this setup, it can be desirable to give a beest’s introduction mote drama and flair, Powerful creatures, such as the Great ‘Wyrm of the Pyrenees, have reputations that rival those of Kings and Popes. Characters would never meet the King without first having heard of him, ‘ior would they anwet the Great Wyma without first hearing tales ofits power. Furthermore, having, knowledge ofa bees! before meeting if, whether thal knowlege is accurate or nol, characters will 0 info the meeting with morecaution than would ‘en ilkinformed hack and-slasher. So, when working on beast stories, carefully coasicler the amount of time tal passes between the {introduction ofa beast and the characters’ meeting ‘fit That passage ot time can mean the difference between a combat story and a story of emotion and forethought, Below isa list of stary cameeps that you ean use to incorporate beasts into your Saga, Though each beast described in this work is provided with a story concept, those listed here are generic ideas that ean be tailored to suit any beast. Also keep in mind that even thougha beast may not be the focus ‘of story, its presence should not be understated. Even an ordinary animal, appearing for only a few ‘mattents, can have an emotional, inspirational or ‘humorous impact on the characters. Am apparently insignificant animal sighting car also be intrinsic to the development of your plat, even if the characters don't yet know it Vis Hust ‘The need for raw vis plagues every magus. Without it his abilities are slow to improve; he cannot enchant items and the most powerful spell aredenied to kim. Magi may often hunt down ‘magical creatures for the magic contained in their bodies. Even mundane creatures may have korns, fomgiies, hooves or tals which are required in some spell or enchantment, © Beast ATTACK Magical beasts often attack humans, even in the Domirion where their power catt be its weakest Tt js important to understand the beast’s motive: what makes it attack humans? Understanding the beast’s motivation is key to making a story interesting and realistic. For example, while an Fagle is out hunting, her thick ie sioler by a magus, who believes the ‘unhaiched bird will make an ideal Familiar. The Fagle, being quite magically pocent, bugins to harass the serfs in a village near the Covenant to avenge its loss. FAMIL.IARS: Perhaps the most important of bestial stories involves the magus's search fora Farmar. Familiar are extremely importantto the magus; they ate perhaps the ony lifetime box companion such aut individual ever has. To emphasize the Significance of the Familiar to a magus, the story of aT} Medieval Bestiary the Famtliar’s acquisition should be challenging. Tt should alsn invelve roleplaying, especially when the magus first starts his search, for the relationship between the magus and Famili ar will wuntinue for ‘9 considerable amount of lise — the seach for the Familiar needs to be interesting and realistic. What motivates the magus to look For a Familiar now? What makes an animal amenable to becoming a Familiar? What are the consequences of taking this animal (see Beast Attack above)? Stories abeut Familiars should always seck to explore the reasons and nature behind the lose relationship that magus develops with Familiar. Encourage the player to help make the Familiar interesting: rather than just powerful, —_ Rep Ferenc The idea here is to havea story seem about one thing, when tis in fact about a heast and is behavior, OF course, the story could also soom to be abont a beast, bat actually concentrates on anather, deceptive focus. Notice that many of our seciety'ssayingas, ike "red herzin” and “wild goose chase” are inspired by animals and their run away? Beast Creation Statistics Speed AUB Damage Bonus Small laws+l 41 MediumClaws 42 4242. LargeClaws HH 46 XdogeChws +6 +349 Small Bite 1 2 Medium Bite 42424. Large Bite Bo HO X-Lange Bite 446 SmallHoms 42421. Medium Horns 4242041 LamgeHoms 454445 XdameHons 46 4347 Small: Size-2 or less Medium: Size-I to 41 Lange: Sive +2 t0Size +4 Beira Large: Size +5 or higher Generally, wild beasts have higher scores than seller, tame creatures. Most creatures havea value of 1, with more powerful beasts going up toa typical maximum of 10. In practice, ew creatures should havea higher score than five. On that level those creatures are competing with the Lion and theUnicor. A value of zero should beassigned aly tothe cerasional gentle beast, such 8 the Rabbit, which has no naniral aggression + Athleties. Conoral athletic prowess. Ik Includes moving smoothly and confident, with grace, and improves most gross body movements Specialties: grace, amp, lmg distance nan, sprint im, Des, Qld. High scores are common in Fouines, * Climb, Cats known for their tree [prowess of convse have high values here Spocialvies: trees, vines elif faces. (Dex Ste} nbing Yhe Complete beast 15 + Perfect Balance. Once again, a common wirte forCa's. Add this score to all ralls the ereature makesto keep its balance. See rules, p. 41. + Stealth, Used to sneak up on prey, or to avoid thehunier. See ules, p43, ‘Tack. For most animals, this would only cover the ability tw follow a trail, See rules, p. 42. NATURAL ATTACKS: Every beast hes natural weaponry of some sort which serves as te beasts priatary atack. Natural sveeponry includes teeth and claws, as well as any non-magical special attach, such as poison or close combat alachs. Increases in creature size and streng’h should be accompanied by increases ia damage caused. This damage increase not only ‘elects an increase in a beasts strenght reflects ‘mincrease inthe size ofits natural weapons. ("My What big tooth you have! The values on this chart are merely suggestions. Naturally seme creatures have larger claws than normal for their size UNusuat ATRACKS ‘These are natural allacks that, ‘while poyerfal, are non-magical in nature + Constriction. The ability to Squeeze an enemy to death with coils ‘urlimbs, The beast must fint make 2 suconssful Ath, catching the victim. Each Reund thereafter the creature automatically does certain amount ‘of damage, ignoring the victim's ‘Defense roll (bat Soak rols stl apply). The trapped creature can rmaakea Sir roll each Round to escape thentorster’s gip. Each oulsider Iheping the vietim escape also gets a roll per Round. + Poisonous Bite. A favorite attaci Form, the creature's bite delivers come type of poison. Use ‘your imagination to determine the effects of te poison, Deall isa common resuit of potsoning, but nor the most interesting one. Paralysis, insanity, palsy, tunconsciousness, and translormation spice up a story. Rate the poison’s strength bp giving it a difficulty mumber (is a good average value). Give the victim a Resistance roll, generally on Sim or some other reievant Characteristic. Consider also the lime delay involved. A lengthy delay ean barn a boring zap-you'redead poison into something Interesting ithe characters have to race against time to come up with aspell or esl Ua ill save tthe polsoned characters. A single poison’s effects, ‘whether resisted orto, should not be 100 divergent, though. For example, ia character fails, has roll and dies, he who succeeds in his roll should stil Feel some adverse affects — “tlack-and-ihite” life or deaths too abstract to be realistic. + Poisonous Breath. All she things possible with, a poisonous bite are possible with poisonous ‘breath, except that more people can be affected at one time. lb Medieval Bestiary NATuRAL Armor Trehideand ratwl toughness ‘of acreature often resus in its protection, This protection shuld berated from) 1010, much ike ferocity. ‘This rating functions just as the fating of humman’s armor does. A scoreof indicates no usual proiecton, 2-Jisaverape, and 10 reflects protection for something hideously tough, lke a Dragon, MactcaL PROPERTIES ‘As animals can have some rundane Abilities as normal humans-can so can somie magica! bensts have Abilities sally reserved for humans ‘with magica potential. OF course, the magical Ablltce that beasts have ore determined by the nature of the beast in question, + Entrancement. The acrasional snake and other magical creature might have this ability. Usually, the Ability is limited to use while the creature has a hold onits vieirn. See rules, p. 41 + Finesse. This Ability affects any rolls made by ‘he creatine ta tse its magical abilities in special circumstances. It’s also used ia the creature's tse of Targeting rolls. See rules, p. 40 + Hex, Creatures that portend bad Udings are often capable of bringing about those ticings by virtue of their presence. These creatures may rit ‘even intend to da harm, Such creatures therefore ave the Hlex Ability. Other animals are of sufficient magic to will Hexes on others, anel may oso out of revenge or hatred. Unless capable of speech, a beast rarely if ever voices is curse, See rules, p. 41 + Magical Sensitivity, Most atures ae exaremely sensitive to magic —even the mere [presence of the magus’s Lifts ercugh to unneree them, If aceeacure is extremely sensitive, it should have this ability. Soe rules, p. 4] «+ Penetration. This Ability adds to any roll ‘made to break victim's Magic Kesistance when a cveaturenuses magic. The Ability is common to ‘magical animals whose powers usually overwhelm most Magic Resistance rolls, but possession of the Ability sometimes means the beast has a low Magic Resistance ofits own See rules, p 40 + Second Sight. This Ability is similar to Magical Sensitivity. Many’ animals can sense things that most mortals cannot. See rules, p. 41 + Weather Sense. Creatures such a8 tht Ox, who are thought to be able to foretell the weather, should have this ability. See rules, p. 41 Many magical beasts possess spel/-ike powers, aside trom those magical Abilities listed above. “Most times these spell-like powers are innate ta the beast and do nat require “casting” to be used. To determine what powers a beast has, fist choose ‘what magiral power the beast is aligned with, For ‘moet creaturer, this fs Magis Mighs, but ifthe cresture has Demonic origins, it has an Infernal Might. Ifthe creature is aligned with faerie powers, the creature has a Faeric Might, Ifthe creature is gor fram the Ilolies, it asa Divine ‘Might, When choosing powers. try to undexstend why the creature has these abilities, Uten a creature's powers inspire its vulnerabilities. 7 Some example pawers are listed below. The Level ofeach is variable, depending un the extent bf ls pomes. * Control of the Like Animal Mind. "The beost can control other beasts, perhaps only wild ones in its native habitat. The effect could be distant, 0 that the creature cau seutd for animals over seme distance, or can direc: animals and send them away on tasks. Victims of the contral receive a Stm roll ts Fesist control. The average Diflicul:y Rating: might be 10, (ean) + Emution Aura. These in the presence of the east tend to feela certain emotion. You can demand appropriate Personality rolls to determine 2¥ the charactors avoid being swept avsay by the emotion. You must determine what emotion is insllled. Difficulty Ratings to maintain control might bes, eolled against Stan. (ReMel + Piery Breath, The beast can exhale flames a8 a weapon. Vicims suffer about -15 damage. Small lames bum clothes and hair. Large flames inconerate bodies. (Crlg) + IMlusions. The creature has some use of illusions. it might bea specific lusion, sueh as undead that can appear alive, ar it might entail versatile use of many different ilusiens. The specific illusions are simple to create: fast decide ‘what they areand assign them Levels (which determine how hard they are todispel). (mn) + Special Senses. The creaturecan sense something that normal humans camnot. This power could be something similar to an Exceptional Talent such as Sense Folinese/ Unhotiness, but is not limited to this. Seeing in the dark, sensing fear, and detecting ies areal possibilities ny ‘Coosinc Macic MicHt ‘The more powerful creature's abilities are, the higher is Might score should be. Also, larger beasts ‘usually have higher Magic Might scores than do smaller creatures of the same type: Accreature with ascore of less than 15 might have itfcully affecting magus, while the magus probably has little problem affecting the animal Se, ifthe ereature is meant to bea challenge for a ‘agus, it needs a high Might total, Might is also used fo resist spells, so if creatures supposed to be powerful enough to affect magi but is not meant to be magically resistant, consider piving ta lower Might score, and the Penetration Talent Finally, figure out the type and aspect of vis found in the ceature’s body. The higher a beast’s Might score, the more vif is likely to Be found in its body. Often. powerfil creatures’ body parts hold many special powers. For example, there's the reputed healing proportic of he Unicorn’s horn Usually these properties are directly related to the powersof the aniinal. Alse keep ie'mind that though most animals do not willingly give up their tis, 5 exists as part of their bod, some animals right be willing fo Telinquish part of thei ts seore. In terms ofa sory, a Unicarn might be willing to give up its hora to savea maiden. The Unicorn {ould ive on, brit no longer has any ss its bady. Don't always require thatthe characters killa beast to get atts vis supply. B Medieval Bestiary © CALCULATED Torais Review ist: Qik-+ Ferocity + Natural Speed Finally, go ack andl look over everything about “Fen * the creature, fleshing out details and filling in ‘Abke-Desc+ Feeocity 4 Navid attacks missing informaticn. Think about what types of Dam: Str ~ Ferocity + Natural Damage things the characters may da when facing the fs creature ie if i's meant for combat or parley), If Fat Stm the beast has an easily exploitable weakness (low Soak: Sim + Size + Natural Projection Magic Might, low Soak) and is not intended to, correct it, or give the creature some ability to make up ferits lack, Def: Qik -Size + Rorneity The Complete Renst 18 Bestiar The word “beast” should be applied to the Lion, the Tiger, and other creafares that attack with teeth and claw, but does not apply to the Snake. The bees: largely unfeitered by thought, is free to acz in ite own peculiar manner while the Serpent often acts with Frightening, pute, ~ BESTIAE MAGNAE (GREATER BEASTS) ANTELOPUS, the antelope So sits the Anclpe tat funtars arerimletoopprch ts ns thy re Zbl lado so who its ince ies to ng orm, ath edges ie ca Stads, hc Ye sed ofl een Ye lst of oe Whe the Antelope grows tity it goes oa recto drank Its has become ental in te banc of She herein shri tha grou rie bens. Beles Jor. A hunter hearing the Anelyescry, my hen Come and slay il Hooter, it ahaa dangers ode sn forthe Antelope may scape the bcs us Bunter ppranchs, ad tick dangers tae The Antelope’ hori koa tea rats! proprts,frenislanomg ther ds scisare. Tishoms ca eu cough sty ‘ith ite exrtion rue. by magi varietals ad in he eesti of Jt ool the seperation and purtton om unter wit its ing Fons have been ese fifacte indicus substance such a he lst aud buns of morals. However, only one verson may attack the Antelope and take its orm, ee te magica properties of Iie horn wil be lst. These creatures aly surrender Ahr Rowns in death, for they prize Hoe abnze al ele The Antilope represents the singe virtue which soery sax possesses, The Antloe’s horn ssi mos! prized poseester deed the only the of uae which he test possess therefore proc ls hore with ls fe You news akowys he sure not fa threat prized possession, for his feraciy ‘i rean’s met ‘serpy Bestiae a1 [ Theantelope | Brave 2 Sized Str 41 Dex 41 Cun-1 Stm +1 Qik +6 Per 42 Homs: 1st +10 Attack -§ Damage=11 Fal +1 Soak +5 Defense 47 Bandy Levels: OK,0,-1, 3, 5, Incapacitated. Abilities: Feroetty (when entangled) 2 Powers: None Vise None say, i requ. [8 spares not eve ils oun young from its voracious appetite and, iff comes ceres the Idy ofc mon, resins not from devouring of the corpse shat ib my. The tial ofthis breed isa most jeorsome creature its foul semper Fegendary noon the nobles who unt it dt attach ay who crosses its ph, ands enraged when ts atk s completely Mock, whether by objector met. Tiaded, this sits principle weakness, for it isa craature of hail end gent siornoss ond wl use the ania path again anc again. If uct a tral can Be found, anda trap, 12h the boar ean beattacked and Kiled mare readily. An Antelope Story. One last Antolope's left in all Burope, the reat long since huxced for their valuable horns. It ‘sides ina magical glade near the Covenant and a swumber of grogs begin to ‘alk of seeing a strange “Unicorn deer” in the glace. Whan the magi investigate thay discover the Antolopeand must discern what type oFreature its (pecheps by doing some librery research). Thu they must cece what todo with it, This poses something of ‘a morel question, do they kill is last oF te Antelopes out of greed or do they allow it to live unmolested? Even if they decide to take its horn someone must battle i: alone, APER VERRES, the wild pig, or boor Taz (ld Pig, ravenous and filthy, i he most vwavholesome of beasts anid in shesr gluttony, Aeian: The Wild Fig Gluttony +2 - Stuborn 13 Size-1 Sir +4 Dex 0 Can-2 ‘Sten +5 Qik 0 Per-1 Bite: Ist-40 Atk +4Dam 46 Horns (mala only): Ist4¢ Atk +8 Dam +18 Fat +2 Def 0 Soak +15 Body Levels: OK, (0/0), -1,-3,-5,Incapacitated Abilities: Ferocity (when path is blocked!) 4 Vis: Nore A Wild Pig Story. Arnon-Hemnetic wizard raises Wild Pigs in her woodland home. Believing the world covetous of her pets, this witch arotects them with har charms and guile. A malicious lord, having, recenly slain one of the Pigs ait Iruut, beliares the shaman responsible for his sudden. lunpotency, ‘The wite is indeed resporsitle for te curse, moreever sheis proad of it. The lord, fearing the woman's wid powers, requests (nay insists) that the magi deal wi her, They may investigate, but may not side with the lord ence they get to know the shaman. And, of course, they must fast ake their way through the dense brambles ané the fieroe uardion boars that surround horhome. 22 Medieval Bestiary 5; the stag ‘The Deer ells in the wooded ts and glades wick abound at the edges of the settlements of men. The rate of the species ical the Hart and the female, the Hind. Their yours are alld Faas. Aristotle says thas the Dorr has ‘three atures. By ils ist nature, the Deer seeks aut anes af Saas ta at awh il. Al the Deer's eon, the Snakes iraltiatly lee inte crackin the earth But the Deer drinks fram a stream wri ts zc ful returns rose srs’ den and spits tne water into the ale, arcing ont de Snakes ige. The Der then dras pents into ts stomach, theely repaivug ils as Filth ad vigor “According lo the second nature af the Der, she Hn arent conceive unless the star Arcturus 5 te si om she Buring of te season inclines thea tu, the art clashes ith eter males in rics Buti, for ory the vclers may beget ofsring. The female Hien hes ils Fawn ima ria or dense thick, sta it le safe und is strong enough to run and len, The Deer's cureetous honing, is thin unique ature, weeds even the slighse ef cise toa. Made xare of te beying of tisends, he Deer enumes damaain of purszang Dogs o lie wind con scent auay, eluting the pursuers The Hart Brove-t Size-1 Ste Dex#1 Cun +1 Sten 1 Qik 42:7: +2 (heaving +7) Horns: Ist +4 Atk +3 Dam +4 Pat -1 Soak +9 Def 43 Body Levels: OK, 1, 3, -5, incapacitated, Abilities: Feroci:y 0 Bravest Size 0 StrODex +1 Cun ‘Sim 0 Qik +2 Per +2 dweucings 47) Homs: Ist 45 Atk +4 Dam 413 Fat € Soak 42 Daf 3 Body Levels: OK, 0,-1-3,-b, Incapacitatest Abilities: Ferocity (nantes) 1 Powers: None Vis: None Enchanted with the child of a lord and lady, a faurie steals the habe- In its place the faerie leaves @ newborn Fasen, taken frem its hiding place. parents of (he Fawr, nobles among thelr kind, now hunt the woods in search of theiretispriny, The child's parents are also chistraught. Having spotted hhumnerous hoof prints in the woods, and knowing, thata human child has been stolen, he charactors ‘might assume a Jezenky (gee below) fsat work. (ther clues might mislead them, bn! they eanvt ch the woeds ‘ong before encountering the vnraged herd of Deer Bestiae 23 ELEPHANTUS, the elephant The Elephant is 30 nave ducause iti the unto i inthe tongue of anciemt Greece is call Eliphos. It has teow natures. Aaconting do ls f raus of producing offsering, the Elephant cnc ils ate sock out tree kere grow Mandrake. Tie roc i essential for without! i, the ror ofthese great boasts cannot be roused, Aller peruking oftie Mandrake, the she Bleptan: ‘iramediateiy seeks to conceive young, which i hears for the whe of to years. During is bitth-labor, the female stasis belly-doep ina take and brings fre Re info the water. The le-Fleyhant guards is male i she in aber because Dragons of en try to steal he caifto dour i Pha second nature of te Elephant gs it from iting ite held i fu. Thus, the Elephant wsnaly sles leaning against a stout tree. Before the peast arrest the free agninstwrhich ifs accustonad to sleeping, the shrewd hanter cuts parkowy through the tree. When the Efephanl vests ts bul against the tee, both free ane tothe ground as one. The Elpant criss out for help until aid cones, but callgare to no aval until fener te amallese Elephant puts ie rank uaer great one an helps Bit i ‘The Flephant Castial-S — Size +5 Sir47 Dex0 Cunt Stim 47 Qik A Per +1 Tasks: Ist +9 Atk +6Dam +15 ‘Trample: Ist +8 Atk +4 Dam 425 Fat 47 Soak +15Daf 1 Body Levels: OK,0/0/0,-1/-1, 3/3, 5/-5, hncapacitated Abilities: Ferocity (fallen)? Powers: None Vis: None ‘An Elephant Story Elephanis have long been brought to Europe both in times of war and in times of peace, indeed one was given to Charlanuagne asa presest. A large troupe of Jonpleurs tavels pastthe Covenant and offers a performance to the magi and their vassals, Everyone is astounded by the travelers’ assorted talents, especially when two elephants are brouht out. These are creatures which the sharacters have never seen before, monsters in the truest sense ofthe word, thonigh the lash marks of the trainer's metal whip shows them to be well cowed. However, in the middle of fs act, as the trainer whips the larger of the two cveatures, i tum un him ard in one fell swoop ffs him ap and dashes him to the grourc, Suddenly the pettormance is a pandemoniar. as an engragod bull aces around trying to Kill as many mortals as it zar. Finally, presumably with the aid of the magi and grogs. tis brought down and slain. However the other Elephant, the first beast’s mate, stands aver the body and lets no one come near. The jongleurs are prepared to kill the cow as well (the beasts have been more trouble than they are worth), bul ff up to Ute magi lo decide hia happens, 4 Medieval Bestiary EQUUS, tite horse The Horse ica Best of amost sprite nature, I lin the spectoceof the Ballpen the sel of themelee, The Hose i inflamad ant spured ic Ue charg by wor risa rurapet ell. This nce create abet of great passion and 8 capable of much gextness when guided bya posse yet gene rider. Alone is table to neither dives wor chanel its spirit nfo any vertu wort of is poten. Tis, it File mortal society without the Cherch al serves fo remind us why the porer ofthe Church must be mainte ‘The Horse Spirited +3 Size 12 Sir+3Dex0Cun 2 Stn 4Qik Gero Hooves: Ist 44 Atk +4.Dam 47 Fat +4 Def #0 Soak 47 Bady Levels: OK, 0/0,-1/-1, Abilities: Ferocity (bate) 2 Vis; Nowe Incoparitare A Horse Stary One of the Covenani's best Ferses was oncea EfCat war steed and fought in many battles for its raster. Today itis old ard tired, left to vellve its, past glories in its mind. Neat deuth, the Horse ocides to die with honor, and seeks battle ‘whenever the opportunity arises, So close to death -sit that its mind is also remarkably cleer— blessings trom Divine or faerie powers — so may be able to communicate with the characters on a nea inteligent level (especialy f the magi tse spells t> Jearn what it thinks). Learring the Horse's motives, the characters may allow it die wih hhomor, but that requires seme work. This story is probably best told asa grog adventure, in which nly grog ckaracexs take part, LEO, the tion, King of ll easts Nobles ofall rsatures, Leo poscessee grant coursge, 1 andl compassion, ty battle, he yields to no arly the Linicomn are tee Dragon cat equal is ferocity and night. Loo has a roar shat ca trike lowe an enemy tia by its speed, ual athenvise escape ts charge. Leo spares those eho ask for mercy, ‘ids thse who have dex him tindnes, and cfuses to attack women, children, or the aged ules laring. He oleate ra inestce. The sat of Lao’s psn rests in is iscrs and dedi contains magi proper According to Aelia, those with carly mane are Peaceful and thse with plain bar are fierce Physivlogus says that Leo has three mapicul gis The first is caulton. When Leo cates the scent ofa tuna preitor he ners sta with he evry of his fall. Thus the renter cei fos Leo to his dn and ‘aphiehin. ‘Those ofthe Ont, then, mst fet Syma for Loo for they foo mus ser the tril Their Cif males the muouline mam oxvions. Hf mi do relieve the Gi, the common me would hat them town wd destroy them out of fear and en be secon of Loa’ magical gifts is vigilance. gh he has lon ino sleep, Leo's eyes rein pe inepingtrtch for danger. Lee tieeys Zefel jst a the magus docs within his Caverant wl colle the custosarecuvr vigilant, The thind of Leo's gis is bestowed por he by the Lord. Lea haste power to instil tite. The Lioness, stung birt ts cus, brings thn ok fond. She Bestise 25 ‘guards them for three days until shersite arrives to, Ereathing inio ther faces, awakens tern. According to the Church, the Lion isthe embodiment cof Chris om earth, s0 22m be as infuend with oly a well x magical might. Leo certainly represents she physical aight ofthe Church, so should be feared as much ws the ences ofthe Holy Onter of Plains The Lien Magic/Divine Might 20 Brave 16 Compassionate +6 Angry (when wounded) +3 Size +2 fur 5Dext1 Curl Stan +4 Qik +1 Per+3 Bite: Ist +14 Attack +15 Damage +23 Fat +4Soak-+11 Def Body Levels: OK,0/0/0/0. 5 lncapecitatad | Abilities: Ferocity 10 Show of force), | Athletes (pouncing) 3, Stealth (satking) 5 Virtues and Flaws: Fnduring Constitution Powers Roar, CiMe 20,1 point — When the Lion roars ail whe hear Ris voice nist miekea Brave toil of 7+ or Le fruzen in serror Vins 4 Animal heait. 10 Rego, mane Whoever tiesto lake the" ion’s mane is cursed forhissin, being stricken mad (Pee 3 sdependinggon the picty of the thief and bis purposes for laking she mane). This madness in achange in the victim's Essential Nature, so anol be ealed by Hermetic means. However, some Mentem magicks nay assuage the auction, but torno longer than a day. Aion Story Tales filer to the Covengnt about a great holy knight who is traveling lands in and around the (Covenant, He 1s said to be of great strength ard vith a bright mane of hair. This knight i also reputed ta havestain two-flends m ingas liatons, lo have driven off Fey powers, and th have Ipanished magical posers from the lands. “Th the “knight” when ona journey. In ruth this “aught” is a Lion who is traveling through an some Divirie mission. He might view the charactors and their Cavenani asa threat to the Divinities, unless the group can somehow prove their good intentions. LEOPARDUS, the leopard "he Leypard, a its mame suggeets, is awn of te tantra wriom betineen 2 Lioness anda Pand. This ese ate the liters beautiful trea. However, the Feqpard is vicious an predatory bast that delights in :nndon slaughter, alas its breath te lure other crentutes fo destruction. St. Ambrose says the Leopard fs ikea sinner who a beyond redemption. Thus, there {s moral dager in Iuentivg these erslures, for once axe Filled te weight ois sins mary de passed dex to Hts ile. ‘st. the Leopard is the dark fldof noble Blawd, thence sore othin te Order coho wood use their Gif fr thin cum aggrandizement. wasting their training inthe pursute of pxoer end inflaence. Whee heir ambitions nd dark petites exceed ther abilities, ‘hese ming see out the Infernal powers an! make Puts sith then. ‘Thetr sous are const by ei and Hermetic brothers must soot them out and stay them, 26 Medieval Bestiary last the fallen forever teraish the legacy ofthe Order's for bis wun personal goals or the people way cry ‘Wifagimst Ri teése Fourders, ‘The Leopard | “Infernal Might18 | Mean 43 Ske+t Str 42Dex +2 Cun +2 Stor 12 Qike +2 Per +3 Bite: Ist +8 Atk +8Dam +10 Fat 42Soak 6 Def 45 Body Levels: OK, 0/0,-1,-3,-5, incapacitated. Pleasing Breath, ReAn 30, 4 points— All animals except the Dragan are seized by the Power of the Leopard's breath, and are unable todo anything but follow it wherever it may lead. The Dragon is seized by fear and avords the Leopard (regardless of acasal magical Penetration rolls). Urlike the Pard, the Leopard uses ts breath to here aniznals tot, ‘where Uhey art easily slain, Vis: 4 Rego, Leopand’s Tongue, The Wolf Greedy +2 Brave +5 Cowardly (when spotied-< Magic Might 19, Size-1 Ser41 Dex 1. Cun 43 Sun +4 Qik +0 Per +4 Bite: tot -3 Atk +5Dam 46 Tackle: 1st+3 Atk 4 Tackle +5 Fat ~¢ Def 45 Soak +5 Body Levels: OK, Au Powers: Strike Dumb, ReCo 15/ReAn 15, 1 poi Ifthe Wolf spots its prey first, the largel is unable to cry out for eip as long as the Wolfs sail in the area (Scm roll of 12+ to break the bbeast’s influence). However, if the Wolfs seen First, he loses all Magic Points forthe remainder of the encounter and is struck with Tear {the cowardly Trait above} 5, Incapacitated fies: Ferocity (fist to spot man) 1 Vi 2 Animal, eyes ‘A Leopard Story The chazacters are directly or indirectly resporsible for the death of a Liu, lta ral lands foceign o Uw Covenant (perhapsa magical area of a faerie forvst). Seizing the apzortunity to gain power, a well-known and feared I-eopard assuunws the throne over local beasts. TTe immedia.ely begins a wave of terror, killing for pure sport. Not ‘only are animals threatened, but people are as well as hunting; goes had. [Fei characters have any scruples they try to make amands LUPUS, the wolf Lupus is. gree asim that steals Steep from thedr flock. Ab night is eyes sis Tide famps. Ifthe Wolf shout? see the ian frst, the man i strackdum and canst speaks the beak of oy. Bx if the ‘man should spy the Wilf frst the ols stvengih is lok ana it resin fee "he wrnize pracco a8 bike a Wolt,cilensin those who disagree with hin, ‘The pravec should use is rights paring, ‘A Wolf Story ~AWolt packis haunting the outskirts ofa village near the Covenant. The locals organize a hunt and Kill one of the Wolves, even though the beesls have Bestiae 2 enero harm te the village, Theslein Wolf is pliced ara sige stone hsb whic i actually 431 ancient allar to forest god, ¢ seman eF the vallagers’ pagan past, as an offering ta him in order kecp away Ganges. However lie slone slab is actually Infernal ground, and an altar toa Demon, ‘The Wolfs brought back to life, given strange and evil pewers, and told io stalk its killers (any of whorn age sinners and will be heeding to Hell in any cate), Theintention of the Demonis to get the Covenant involved, and (o then consact one of at though the WolE, ia erder tu coniupt him. ~ PANTHERA, the panther, orpant ‘The Panther i a ieast ouiet a Ail fie ils Fil, Nhe Phe alle adem for Uanee days Upon auctoning, if roare in a loud voice and the swertes scent, ke ie smell of all mouth. Arcnads neue aad jar, hearing the Pa soice mad smelling is see aroma, follow the ct twhereovr i raay ltt. The Dragan, hocoroor 58 arth for upon hearing tat rout and flees sietlerrenean ones where it doesnot hve to sufer the Dower of the Panther’s sweet fmgrance. Coiled in its lair the Dragan falls senseless and immobile, a if dead. As the Penthur gathers bole Bunsagus guthered fo ire the wives! meigi of kis day aad rontinced ther of his fenevolence. These magi heard the swocet trait of his message, and sack found! a House to foster tne ways of their tradition. The Devil holed i frastration or he realized thal where lone magi could et hope to defeat Fils designs the assembled Order would preva. The cil fears what dees mot control ati far ts eaavithat Hell fakes suck interest in the efairs of magi Magi are tise to heed this lessor, for once they start ddawn the Dark Path, forever doc t dontinete Hr dest The Panther Magic Might 18 Gentle 12 Size +1 Sir +? Dex 42 Cans Som +2 Qik +2 Per 43 Bite: 1st +6 Atk 46 Damn +6 Tat 12 Dot 13 Soak +6 Body Levels: CK, U/0, 1,3, 5,Incapacitated Abilities: Ferocity (hunters) 2 Towers: Pleasing Breath, ReAn 30,4 points— All animals eacept the Dragon are seized by the power of the Fard’s breath, and are unable to do anything hut follow it wherever it may load, ‘Tha Dragon is seized by fear and avoids he Pard (regardless of actual magical Tenetration rolls. Vis: 4 Rego, Perd’s Tongue, A Panther Slury ‘The characters are facet with the throat ofa ddangetons Dragon, maybe even the Great Wyrm of the Pyrenees itselt. ‘Searching, forsame weapon, they discover the alluring power ofthe Parther and 2 Medieval Bestiary set out to find ane. The Penther might help, but its services havea price, "ARANDRUS, the elk ‘The bonet incr asthe Ei, Sinus tells uo, hos ‘raaching ores lite hose afa Deer, and his a seigey con! lice that of 2 Bear. Waen frightened the Ele flrs to a hating place ad chan ges the colo of is eout into the tars of whatener surrounds it. Elis are very rate or ‘hey were once hurded by th facriae, Mews they hide in the deepetof forests and use Bir grea! stat fo fice he approach of any man: TheHk ‘Magic Might 10 Brave-2 Size ~ Str41 Dex +1 Cunt Stm +7 Qik #1 Per a2 Homs: 15147 Atk +6 Dam 415 Fat +9 Def+1 Soak +10 Body Levels: OK 6/0, -1, Abilities: Ferocity 0 Powers: Chameleon, Mutm 15,1 point — The Elk can change its skin sa thas il matches the calor what itis against. So long as the Elke does nol move, ican only be seen ona Scan roll of 15-. 5, ce pacitated Viex 4 Muto, cost Tethe characters trai the Ell, they may use it to recagnize and track down the souire of the rysterious attra, $$ SS TIGRIS, the tiger The Tiger, Phystologus says ie sus as an arrow int Right and that is wheres noms comes from forthe ersians of old called ther arrows bys, The Tiger is alo the mast insplacabt of foes for it dees not cassie hunt until it has tasted eengeance. Isdor of Sevilla hata Tiger, fring that ove of is cube had bee stolen, reletleslyfolooed te thief. The Tubher though curried ya suift Horse, euld wot escape case of the spay pace of his prsuer. Hoving fo ceive the Tiger, the thief lossea glas ball downto itspaih, The Tiger was nol fooled by its reflection in tne gles. It overtook the Hors, reclaimed ts cub. and rent Eat rider and mount to bits in revenge, defying the Wort of God. in comdemnstion, Cad strand the gers pet eile te lack oft in forall ose, Vengennce is wine 2th he Lord. Usha epay” [Raraons 12-29, Within: the Onder, thereto is an wit imade etnority tat musi be answered to. The Hermetic Code defines ‘ela tha ll magi meus aie by, an tyne the saceptabe dispensation of justice amongst magi Relanon those robo woul take anzanctioned action apsinst 2 Hermetic brosier, despite intent, the Code Ascriminates not. No violation shall go unpunished, nor ary nor wheetd. The Tiger An Elk Story A suange magical ama is aficting the characters’ Covenant, she source of wich is unknown, The source is actually in the lebitat of an Elk. Having changed colors in Ue avidin: uf the magical souues, the Elk has been tanted by the sonitce’s power. The Elk is 16 longer able to mimic ls current background, but assarnes colers different from its surrounelings (like a shade of forest green when standing before a rock wall, The Elis now only able so assume the appropriate colors of the area surrcuncling he magieal source Magic Might 10 Relentless +3 Vengetal 14 Size +2 Str =3 Dex +2Cun +2 Stn ~3 Qik +3 Per +3 Bite: Ist +10 Atk +10 Dam 415 Tat +6 Daf 48 Soak 49 Body Levels: UK, 0/0, -1/-1,-3, 5, Incapackated. at Tracking (criminals) 5 ilies: Ferocity (subjects af vengeance) 5, Virtues and Flaws: Long:Windedt Powers: None Vist None Bestiae 9 A Tiger Story ‘A character iy accused of crimesagains: he Onder of Hermes, whether genuinaly guilty or framad. Since evidence against tie character: smstantial, and a scapegoat is needed, council of magi rule that the character must expose himgelf torature’s sinner (an ancient, and long unused, lest in this Tribunal), The character is made to enlor ‘unarmed into the mountain lair of a magical Tiger and await the beast's judgement. The Tiger is ‘expected to attack ifthe character is guilty, angered by the character'sreminder of lis vert sis: [th chacacter is usaiolested, the Tiger Is believed to recognize the person's virive. For a twist, the ‘magical Tiger might actually plot with rather than aback his felow sinner, URSUS, the bear The female Ursus gives A se then shapes wil er mtuth, The Bovr's isis s arms ane! line, avd thy cpl es shen upright te atilize thoes px wounded Bear sets out an Pek named flomus. By faulting the herd to is sores, the beast healed. Similarly whew the Razr has boen poisoned. o is sick, it dowvure Anis to raraperte. By nature, the Bsa dines fo ect homey, end constantly seeks oxt beehives in order to obtain i. The Bear's one of the most potent of creatures, and ean ignore the Blows Hat would il lesser The Bear Ferocious +3 Size 12 Sir +4 Dex 0 Cun +1 ‘Siem +8. Qik 0 Per +3 Maul 1st46 Atk +1219 16 Tackle: 1st +6 Atk +6Tackle #14 Tat (7 Def 13 Seak 125 Body Levels: OK,0/0, -1/-1,-3,-5, Incapacitated| Abi ties: Ferocily (when thwarted) Nene A Bear Story ‘Atpagusin search of a Kemiliar comesactoss or scerchss for anesbom Bear cub, not yet molded by its mother. Iowever, before he Can mold the cub to his ewn designs, the magus must escape With the cub. The mether Bear never wanders far from. her childsen and is outraged by any theft. She [puusues the magus.and, in her rage, attacks any (other mayus who crosses her path, ~ BESTIAE MINUTA (LESSER BEASTS) BOS, theax ‘The Ox isamong the beasts most hell fo man becuase it, virtwe of its srength and endurance, side rack ix the eling of esol. Slowly but stenily, and uit aren siveneth, dt performs ils dias fell treated iis stuitorn creature orks hard farts master, ce ta mee if fel ite being abuaed. ts prefers clear and sary days om jor steap wetter. The 's Ozer’s eagerness or ther or not rater ec 30 Medieval Bestiary deiner sabe ma gente’ {from tose i shares ihe yore be slower and bellonssfinaughout the day When a tnale Ov ics hard lo protec! tt bacon a Alert! creature ablogeter, ts nolent anc eeocious aspect coming to te fo. 15 anise to threaten or eben: apgioach surkea cratre when it has shew to probe. ‘The Os represents the castos whe work with magi and risk ihr Hons for mrg’s protection. I Shey ave retonrded well they conte todo wel for magi but if custos are taken for grave or misused, magi may er thal custos no longer afer protection. S145 Fe OC ‘Stim 47 Qik41 Per 2 Attacks: None Fat 17 Def OSenk 112 Body Levels: OK,0/0,-1/-1,-3,9,Incapacita Abilities: Fesocty , Wealher Sense torought se: 4 work) | “An Ox Story Owen in thelands surrounding she Coverant refuse ty work for weeks onend. Though the pensants force their beasts ont onto the fies, ue nen seaggle and are more ponderous than ns A religious fanatic interprets the beasts stuubborwress as 2 bad tiding, proclaiming that che Land ‘vil ood the workd again, offended iy the sir of pagans like th magi. To appease the Lord the peasants orgarize agetast the cavecant CAMELUS, the comet ‘The Camel ica aamable hase, for toro, he sels to make mioasnneg The aleangest Carnes ure Brelriers, but tie Ansbians ae fousd Ms larger rsunbers, The Cant hs tuo er specu tres. First, wher his season comes, no 2 sae the Wild Gea! is me basil than the Camel, Second his rte of thrift, whieh goes him ibe ally fa esis thirst. THe Carel drinks erongdt to aud hip agaiaal future thro, 30 Wal he can trove for mary das rave eter The Comet ste wise comp joe is masters, tu! acer slacken: as lod i> jor As etostr protect the Covenant, Always aware ofthe nenis of the nap he fe constaly sigalat that al the necessary supplies are weuilable and shall be available. Every Covesaed nase a compris wick forenght, like the Camel's, toward agesnst cary, The Cael Humble +3 Lusttul +7 Sire +2 Sir -2 Dex Cun 2 Sim 43 OKO Per 0 Bite: Tet \3.Atk 13am 16 Yat 13 Def 40 Soak +6 Rody Leveler OK 0/0, -1/-1,-3, 5, Incapacitatod Abilities: Feracty (taunted) 1 ¥ None Camel Stary “Missionsrisy or onisadors rotuen to Burope with tifts and prizes from foreign lands. Among them 3s A Caused. The Least is ana velled al by all, particularly for its capacity for prolonged work and ‘unrivaled snborness. The charecters inay acquire the Camel bts owner is only too happy to sel), uk Ichey doit quickly proves moze hindrance than help The baasl enters its s2sson, and in search of male lis: upts the enline Covenant (when not Stomping aeraind and biting tts tenders, i: bellows loudly, distracting magi at study’. CANTS, He Hound fait shings, the Hound is best rou for tts deveut toga he Slory of King Garamantes? Wher hesoesexpture ad sla into lover, os it mien wo wesc ued na? No, tac hundred of kis Hows thal fag o sorare his fof Pliny tls many stores of tae Found foyety fo Kd va the mags as Kad to their consort. hey fn tha covet woud be egcly loyal the the kght mtu fs Bos The Tesnd is a most perceptive emia, recagnizing hs mon nama in ho me wey a mia dos. Inde, the sa cera wisdom, Pe fll ew le Howe pus le propre path ‘Ware magi as disco ming ir their Bestiae i reintos with le maaan, the Onite eau he The Hound Loyal =6 Size 2 SirdDexd Cano Sim #1 Qik 40 Por 49 Bite: Ist43 Atc43 Dan 4 Tat 41 Del =3 Soa +1 Body Levels: OK, -1, 3, lneapaettaedt Abilities: Feracity 3 Geneon protseting master) Vis Now Twalize that the ring might be recovered frem the illeyisimate haron's Hatinds, but the search is messy to say the Toast CASTOR, the bever ‘The Beaver t gentie aboce all other crentures, ‘The beaver eset are 2 poten medicine, suck thal fuer sears far ad wide for the beast inorder to lian thors. Sool husters the Berver bites of is organs nd throws them to the Bunter The hunter sine He Raaver's testicles ad legos he as user with Castor. Jfa second inter asks him out, thes Devver thaws dimself on Bie back. Saving thal he lis no prize, He hunter leaves tie defenseless Beaver lune ATlound Story ‘Arightl bacon is beld eapiive by his iMegiliznace brovher, the lntter clabming his sibling dead, thereby clatming right ro the baronial lands. ‘The nghtfal bacon escapes, only (9 be kurted dawn bya packel his helarather’s Heuucls, Te ripjnal bacow’ faunily asks for the characters” help a the Covenant is beyond rindane athoriy ‘he characlers und the nall-valen body of the baron, bat his only igentilication — a rings auissing, along with is finger. Insightful characters The Beaver Gentle +6 Size 3 Perse Abilities: Perecity 0 Vis: 1 Civ, twstictes A Beaver Story ‘A plogue has stricken a village, and maybe even Ike dlazacters’ Covenant, A Beaver is saught fora cure. Gne isfourd, and still has is tasticles intact, bot meekly asks paymal in rebum, The willagers? {own or the chazacters’ Covenant stands upon Ions traditienal to the Beaver's lineage. In reluaut for medicine, the eiwalure wants its native lands back ‘The villagers/characters must decicle what is. ‘more impartant,liteer home, ERICUS, the hedgehog hee the Tedgehog’ ofspring are Faangry i seks con grape vice, Clinking pinto the tree 8 bucks _EPEPES Lo the grog, whereupon it drops Jo the ground Sol rlls na alop um, THe grapes stick 1 he shat the Hedgehog brings home. These spans are e potent deface against 2 Mediewal Besliary | all comers, forte Healgeog bristles y any crs aMtes ner al, Sumetins the sts are een pis i dlier cath bud moments Reeser he igo with gold spins ‘The Hedgehog Devoied (outils Size-3 Ser-3 Dex 40 Cian 12 Sum0 Qik H Per4Z Spines: Iot+2 Atle Dana 2 Fat 0 Del ~6 Suak 2 Body Levels: OX,-3, incapacitated Abilities: Ferocily tcllecting fond fox young) 1 Special ADility: Spines. Any botched attack against the Hedgehog is likely to rosultin damage irom the ereate’s spines. fn suze cases the sit ty ‘may indeed be poisonoets atid leuhing then roqutras a successful Siaanina Zo of 8+ in order toa void death, vis. None A Hedgehog Stor Ina land where grapes make potent wine a magus requires a special quill —2 Nedgehog’s spine — for his scroll writing labors. he Hedgehog to which itance belonyed however, lived ina vineyard, and with so many grapes shcking tn the spine it has become iniused with she Polenre of wine. Wheneve> ased, the quill makes ‘he magus drun, tho:1gh he may not trace his state lo the pon at first. Rather, he mightassu me am enemy is at warkagainst him, Moreover, who Je ows what side effects drunken hes on his sezell writing efforts, LES, the cat The Cal alld such becouse of her aruleeesight Her esion i 0 stag tat she can 20 dares. Sho icles Reon as the Moco bescue of fer ferocity in purat of Resdents. Min 2 fie ately nate of tne Cat owe gly se se on Birds and Mice. Tie Cate cr cg conte 0 tt her prey do mol sense Use hunter aad escape ‘The Col is wut 2 Sociol erent ey tathor itis soltary Frontera elestr Ho other company Bt soar le Fortaerdstikes any cord of ceva, and abuse seks the Sarkest roreices of corners in which fe make its rsh The Cat Curio sd I Size-4 Su -3 Dex +3Cun +1 SiO Qik +3 Per 45 Biteand Claws: st Tat Det 47 Soak -2 Body levels: OK,-3, Incapacitaced ADilities: Stealth (hunting) 5, Kerocity (odents 2, Percoct Halance (narrow perches] 3 Vis: None Alk+5Dam-3 ‘A CaEStory ‘A large, nangy old Cal is luose in the Covenant U fines 118 vay ints a dark cellar where covenfatk fo Ice supplies, Entering the cellar, the common folk see the glow of the Cats eyes and nvstake the animal fora Deman. Rumots begin to spread throughout the Covenant and finally Fall lupen the ears of the magi, By the time the magi Fear of he "beast i's ropated to have gaten half (he Covenamt’s Iarder, and to have surned one of testable hancls into a Newt... bul he gets etler te ASE 8 more industrious and wke Lian ey ater being, an shoul be foked to fer guidance. it has Bree res. Pits, Ants walkin singe ile, carrying grain 2 ells oft home. These acho do no neve ool eye steal it fom She clhurs, but instil ds. Thus it shold befor may ch instead af fighting over Yee Kfeblood of neve, soul work Legether to larvest it. Second, te Asis cre "as gral, wal separa i so sha eaters wll not gerne trick mule starve the Ant. So soul the rigs be cru tit is epperments, so ke dacs ot ingel or fells magi. Third, rues tse Ant i in the fil he cam fel the diference beter ant a ircy dy smell ard abwids the later. Sit should be Je the magus, guko i pursuing the Art, shoud avoid ater ef magic grain ‘wack Bestine 3B An Ant Story The Fiyena What heppens to an experiment gore four? In Magic Might 15 this cose, on ap prentice is told to cispese of his mea master's ated efferts, Thechild dems them outa | S¢ 1 Covenant window. On thegroind below acocony | St-+] Dex+2Cun—4 ‘of Anis feeds upon the remnants of vis, gains a San +2 Qik +2 Per +4 ‘mimber ofmagical powers aad thus develops a ie tel Bike Den tasie for mage casing that is powers con tine gc desiring that its D They thea march into the Covenant are proceed to | Fat+2Def=6Soak +3 cer olf whatever ote upplics they ean earry. De Body Levels: OK, -1,-3,-5, Ineapacitated weagairst | Abilities: Feroeity uring a human) 2 Powwerst ‘Mocks the Word af Man, CrAu 5, points — ‘The Hyerm can perfectly mimic the voice of a Strike Dumb, ReCo 2/RReAn 20,1 point— eehe Hiyena’s shadow toxiches a pers ar animal, that person or beast cannot spea'cnsil he next sunrise/sunset freeze Prey, Keto 25, Kean 25, 2 poinls— Hivow's duis, the Dogs vice sist. 5 he | Teehe Piven circles is prey three times, that Hiyena’s stl in magi to freee «reahureis frozen mn place and unable to move ane anvil it makes a Stn Toll of 1, ar the next sunrise/sumget comes. the mag's protective spells actually oper such a auinlscule Wiel? HYAENA, the lryena Hye is Physivlagus ssocetins male, faa and Dag henge cor, The Fyens stati te neones the human aoc, alting mem feath so taut it may neey ox thont Tuc lurding Dog inaivertentlyerseoes th street sane, By placing the ato une (get a plimmseof Future nants (Storyguede at one of te Byer’s eyes is Be tongue Fg Vie: § Intéllegs, magical ve ‘A Hyena Story Tihs canracters dispatcha mortal eriminal who eas roblac their Covenant. They believe him dead unt] a character cut-and-abroad hears « Hyena’s bark, which sounds mich Fikes saying popular with the thief thought-dead. Now that the characters think Uae foe isl alive, hey fave to find Fura, which brings em into direct contact with. the Hyena, Whether the thie! is sraly aliveis up to you. Maybe the Hyena Ihas hid sls way wath the poor thief IBEX, the wild goat ‘The Wild Coat dwells amengst mountains, ever seeking toa:tiin the highest crags. Its vision is of sharpest aciity such chat, even froma great istance, itcan cistinguish the hunter froth traveler. All the goed herbs wre knivn ba the Wild Goat and it find Prom nt neve ae ils sharp 31 Medieval Bestiary sightaids in its search, oth male and female are Jastivious beasts, always yearning, to satiate theit carnal hsts, Ibis soil that the Adamant Stone, which can be altered by neither firenar ion, may be dissolved by the blood af the Wild G ‘The Wild Goat Lastlal Size Str Dox Cun 14 Su OGikt Per +3 (vision rolls ars 46) Homs: ttf Aik +4 Dam o3 Fal 0 Suak +3 Daf 42 Borly Levels: OK, 1, 3-5, ncapacitated, ‘AWikl Coat Story The charactess nead s spec'fic her’, located in a mountainous region, for their magicks, [losrever, Ine herb is exceptionally chusive, The only way to 1 beings fuuriiar with the Frid same is to vont area fo reveal he heel’s locativa. Sume Wid Goa's now there the herbs grow, but wil baveno Wuck with brureams: Ts fool the baasts inte revealing Lhe plants, a magus could assume the form ofa Gaal, ut muse simultareously repel the Goats’ lusty advances. LUTRA, the after Tie Otter, He te Crocafile. He susaes stevcurs its bowels. The Otter ise eronture of pny, constitutional waable fo perverse an dds, isa terse energy of the fo the Cracalie's moth ard indent relive one woud nal expect tM be Bestiae 3 ‘The Otter Inquisitive 3 Fon coving +5 Sue 3 Sty? Dax el Cor =A Sim <1 Qik +1 Fer +2 Biter ist +4 Atk +4 Dam +0 Fat-#1 Def +5Soaks-1 Body Levels: OK, 3, Invupacitated Abilities: Derucity (Crocodiles) 1 Vie Nore An Outer Story ‘Anally of the characters falls to the attack of rigands ‘They tob him and dispose af his boxy in ver, he viclim possnssed a magical toni thal the brigandls failed la recognize, & ‘Otter investigates she body, linds the tem ch cf their possession, the charartexs finally eelige th (Cller has UL, perhaps alae having been rabbec by hie bast LYNX, the Fyne Lynas spots, die Be Pan, bis fac. Wel {is uray fesse its wre dene to fra yresious ire the Ligusius, Te Lynx, mang eke gre of tears ries 0d ts Store by exverng wa send. is rns wtedive of las sane and puts much efor ito ensuring thal none of theme are faker, Somos a “Lyns es alts urine in one plac, ceting etre spose of sts. Isidore states that ie Lymx's enh ‘so i that cam so hoch lle A Lynx Story ‘A peasani farmer uncovers @ number of Liparius while ting his field. He assures them to be charms sent by the Lord, intended to heal his sick lille girl. The Lynx observes the Iarmer's (heft of the stones and follows. him hack the village. The Lynx ‘wants its stones badk, so steak the child who wears the ina nextlace, ‘but does not have the heart to Kill the child. The magi are asked te find the child, perhaps as. sideplol an existing slary, and discover a feral child being cared for bya Lymx whois unweilling to give its “ofispring” up. MELES, thehadger ‘The Bulger is a must vicious, ill-tempered of beasts However, fe creatures also exceptionally cautions, and sf ts host disposition can ever be exererbated, can be ‘wlier te beast 8 rooted from its Burrna. Some say tbat she Badger is also capable of striking its atackers” blind, ‘thonegk such a proer i said fo usually belong tothe ‘rusts cho ell ir jase or otherwise magioaly eharged realms The Lynx ‘Magic Might 10 Greedy 3 Size Ste 41 Dex +1. Cun 43 Sim 44 QI 0 Per of Bite: 1st +3 Atk +4 Dam 44 Tackle: Tet 43 Atk +4 Tackle -3 Body Leveles OK, 1, 3-5, Incapacitated Abi Powers ies: Ferecity (Liguria discoverad) 1 Vision Beyond Bounds, InTe 29, 9 points — ‘No stone wall is an impediment tothe Lya’s Vis: Team, 36 Medieval Bestiary iaiee | ‘Magic Might 1D | Cautious +3 Vicious -§ Sle -2 Cum #1 Por Stn 46 | Biter Ist +3 Avc45 Dam 45 Clawe: ist 49 Ates Dam Fat rf Def 15 Soak 15 OX, 1,-3.5, Incapacitaled | rociy @ighsbedt in burn) 3 Powers: Incantation of the Milley Eyes, FeCo-20,2 poinis—A Badger can will an assailant blind, Vis: 2 Cérporem, eyes A Badger Story ‘Villages hold a festival in a fieid near thear home. Litledo they know that a Badger’s arrow is located un thescene cf the feslivlies ‘Throughout the day's events the Badger becomes ‘more and more angered by distuptions abuve. It finally acts when a human hand enters and slisturks is burrow, string thu intruder blind Twu revelers, having Become exceodingly drunk, getinto afighl One, a friend of the cchnracters, pushes the other Cowm, When the fallen inzdvertantly disherbs the Badger, he s willed blind in ceturn. The blind man accuses his assailant of consorting with devils, Net only do the characters have 9 protee’ their felendl and clas their name, they have ze discover the source ofthe blindness and enorce the Padger te reverse the blindness MUS, the mouse “Mos gets its mame becouse Mice arecrectd dariprese im the soil (burs — hu mas. Pir tha) ice procseate Raster tha al er cream Persia, owng Mice rce ben foun aio, ene le ber ef tba Mouce erp ral shrinks with Ye phases of Lana and gy fe wsed to nate the passage of mnths en ar rg is remo fom is Ht The Mouse Sle § Str -§ Dec 41 Can Stir -1 Qe#1 Per +3 Biter Tet 42. Atk 42Dam-5 Fat-1 Def 17 Soak 5 Body Levels: OK, incapacisated Abilities: Perocity (protecting yourg)1 Vis: None | ‘A Mouse Story ‘A character hald prisoner discovers a Mouse in hisesll, The character comes to realize that itis stnarter than it appears and "nay adapt the Bouse aisa pet or snay be forced to rely on tas ford. A corvinnaton of se two might inspire some enjyable roleplaying, Whether the Mouse is dead oralive; is liver could be used to tell the passage of prison time MUSTET A, the weasel The Weasel ise fog Mause, but ake duunts dewn all other Mice. Sucka axe also her enney, and shes sled inehiling thom. Of et rsatures, nly shecen stand ‘gainer the withering gaze of the Basilisk, but aly if she «ais th herh Rus, beoredanit, The Weasels sblls an matic are not iintled ia oly kis. I the Weese's ove then nck $i ik ffgring aor sia, sie ca me Heer Sas The Weasel 3Dex 2am 1 o1 #1 QUR-2 Per +3 ter Ist 35 Atk 4 Dam 3 Tat +1 Def 47 Soale-2 Body Levels: OK, -3, lncapacitated Abilities: Fesocity (Serpents) 2. Mi vie: None Bestiae ca A. Wessel Story Apithiwss whet dels childzen infeste a cown, castle, or the Cevenant. A character verse ia hevts or the Arimél knows that a Weasel ean cure ils young, so sels cut Lo investigate the Weasel’s ways, A Weasel mig’: refuse to help che character aad tries to evade surveillance. Given no ocber choi can infect the Weasel's children seth she disease im esto. Now th have reson ta work lagellir 19 find 9 cure the charae ONAGER, the wild ass ie te Asiruns, whe does nob orn a aificult storkioad, fis Onager is unten Hat ome wale ralesc hard of females. Out of jealonery the frskaviong the herd rence the etic f males as wioy are Born. I is fr ths reuse thatthe sang from him hae dr of Hermes wht i taking rasa thane ne! The Onager Jeslons +4 Wild 43 Sizes2 Su +2 Dec +1 Cuad Sun +3 Qik H Por + Bite: 1st +6 Atk46 Dam 17 Fat 43 DoF 42 Sak +6 Rody Levele: OK, 6/0) -1/-1,- 3, S,lncapacitoted Abilities: Ferocity (Challenged for its fernales) 3 Vie: None ‘An Onager Story ‘Men ita lewn begin behaving Justfully, and fight amongst themselves aver women. Characters may alco develop :bis dementia. In truth, 2 witch who was driven from the town long ago has returned in isguise, She has cellected the scrotums of young Astes anc sells therm as parses. Cursed, the “purses” cmaze their male owners to bacom wildly impassioned. Evan a character might buy a purse lnnveatigeling the locale’ strange behavior, the sharaglers may ve alerl enough lo recognize the common tralt of each husty man —a purse of lunaque design and shape. OVIS, the sheep The Sheep isa great ban Fo mia, for ils feoce provides rnc of te woel that eters him ed worms in ithe winter, x oncion Hrs, sho Shep wes se Jor bivinalion and sacra offerings. The male alle Ramand the frmalean Lae Yours Sheep ane uli bambs. Te Kae pera aarlei deruaeo, botimg am jgrtong ll whe far ae path. The Ewe, by pcton, toa gente and plcid creature. fs boating vs doin Re Lens afar con find mother, coz if lst in wows flack, Wher senses the seceriy of ‘inte. the Shanp nate eras in 3 of seffng isl ith fresh greenery before all 38 Medieval Bestiary ‘The Ram (Sheep) The Ape Mean +1 Size D $0 42De41 Cuno Sem 42.Qik 41 Per +2 Hams: 1st 45 Atk 45Dam +10 Fat 12Soak 44 Def +4 Body Levels: OK, 0,-1,-3,-5, Incapasitated Abilities: Ferocity (male, territorial challenge)? Powsis: Nowe Vis: None A Sheep Slory Small children begin dizobeying their parents, ‘causing uphesval ir villages near the characters! ‘Covenant. Young apprentices may even beats disobeying their masters. A wild faerie, obscasec. wilh the (reedom of youth, has luacned the Bwe's bility 40 call her yous aml is able to male wse cf ‘by changgng intu that form, The faerie nov cal's children away from their parents and charms them, sigking thee disodedlien! and carefree. Tracked own, the faerie assumes the form of an Ewe and ‘ides from characters in a flack. Not enly- does the “Dive” ve to xomcherw be forind, butts trae form must sumchow beshown to the skeptical shepherd wwlte dues nut wal Lu ese ou of b's “best stoop.” SIMIA, the ape ‘The Ape i calla Simin bruause of his similarity anaoa. The Ane finite the sepa dr rite unde epson rares af me, lamonose, healing Ii boas with fie ina rude renter, Simia is fe Del, but has ny ti. ir female Ape its ati to ans, ee favors sone Righty cer the etber. When ase hy enters, she Atos the fesnrte chose ts her boon, alle the sco id Palds aun ls rms araviid hee neck Ske es uty Uncga, a fore toakvaes ler avant sey to wscape, Sized Str+1 DexOCun a Ste 42. Qik 0 Per +t Biter Tot +3-Atk +3 Dam 42 Fal +2 Def #1 Soak 43 Body Level OK, 0,-1.3, S,Incapocitated Abilities: Herocity (mocked in return) 3 vie None ‘An Ape Story ‘Traveling through a foreign land where Apes are Sndigenous, the characters suspect that somone is following ther, but never spot their pursuers, hey are actually tralled by Apes that swing through tes and dafty hide in the grcund’s ‘undergrowth, The Apes mnock the characters, ‘particularly the humans el qualities. ABsome Point the characters should encounter the Apes out Inthe open. Hach character has an Ape counterpart ‘who is easily recognizable; an Ape performs a dovisted posody uf wach chavatler’s wortupt ature ‘Watching the Apes’ behavior, the characters find thorrselves the objet of abacarre marality play. TALPA, the mole 0 ole i eneature ofthe rarth, Ikdige thrraghe Jie gectand soekeng the rots af plants jor nourishment. 1 gots ke ne case Maso eyes cote voli fo ce, sor ovr ot wet to ate The Mele Size 6 Str 6 Dox 12.Gun t Str Qik +4 Fer Attacks: Nace Rai-2 Def -9 Sook 7 Body Levels: OK, Incapacitated Abilities: Hiding. Per test of 8+ is needed to locate the Mole daring every round that it seeks te hide. Use of this ability assumes theve are Places for the creature to hide, vin None Bestiae 39 ‘A Mole Story. A band of mischievous facrie Goblins invades a ring, driving out the miners. The characters hope Ao gel into the mines and drive cut the Cablins, but ‘the nasty brutes have rigged the entre tunnel system with traps. The sfest way to get through is ‘with the help ofa guise fala with te Goblins activities A magus of House Bjorsacr might assume the form ofa smal animal to rvestigate ‘te tunnels, and inside encountcrsa Mole who knows the Goblins well. Unfortunately, the Mole's aid is Limited te creature only understands space Thaced an ts sense of vibration, $0 translational projlems may arise in its directions VULPES, the fox ‘The Fox is renoasned for is great Ccucning. Wien angry, he roils it ret cari les on te ground aed holds his breath 0 Took lke he as been loading and billed. Birds who think hiv slain fly closer to gloat ener Bis compse, He then seizes them and devours their fresly Salad eed Stm0Qik+3 Ter +3 Bite: [st 45 Atk 43 Dam-2 Fat 0 Def 47 Soak-2 Abilities: Ferocity @itacking from hiding) 1 Vis: Nore A Fox Story ‘ATox plays dead and cophures a mewsonger Pigeon sent to the characters! Cavenant fom another, or fram mundane folk. The letter the Pigeon carves is terribly important to the characters, Without it they are completely in the darks to some upcoming event or without it they anger another Covenant as the characters were expered in teply immediately. Fither way, "he characters realize that they’ ve missed something important: the symbol of the other Covenant keeps appearing in the dirt surrounding the characters" vow. When the Fax killed the Pigeon, the seal From the bids cargo get caughton the underside of the Fox's font 40 Mediewal Bestiary BESTIAE FABULAE SS }ONACON, the Doxiacon dh Asia, here is beet cu os he Bonhacon. It 38 nol unlike Ball of great sae tt alo ils bey i coord tha ike that of 9 Horse's Although the Raras ofthe Bonacen are curled arneed won shemeebes sick that ‘hey ca ior kare of ey srt, nob vithat @rauns to den itself, Upon flesng from tn hunter, re Bonnacon olds the conten of ts bowels at is rere, diving them aasey by the rowious nature fis excramont The twalize that the Worm coulel be deiven ou! with an The Bonnacon I] assttsteie ell ofa Honma a Extiactng the lls rosble enough, bal when the Cowardly 43 soil’s small permestes every inch the Covenant, the Size +2 characters might rather have et tne Worrn go Str+4DoxoCand Who knows, maybe the charecter who gets te soll could Jeavea trail of forast Fires behind him as well: Stim +3 Qk st Fer 42 tacks: None Fat +8 DetOScak +10 Ths est ee a Bal but he hou tthe on oft Hedy tees OK 970.-403.8-Samapct] Ifthe a nthe Anilitis: Fereity(comesod1 een f Special Abilities The Boanaccm’s excrement Incapawitates thse itstrkes unless they rakea Sim oll ef 9+. They ae stunned for three Combat Reunds, giving the Bonnncen ime toate tisemeape stamach sammy cotta ABonnacon Story A small, strange beast Cikea yang Wor) that's captured by the zag, and to be experimented on, gets loose inthe Covenant. Ithieles within a narraw hole or in somecther era rpassable to huis. The creature Fas a hiyh Magical Might so spells cestenitfall Ac Ability Fantastic Beast Lore might Bestiae an tht ofthe Basilisk, Clever attackers undoubtedly qopraach the beast from the rear but the Catcblepe fe nat efrseles, hing abe to kickin that The Catoblepas ‘Magie Might 20 iuggish +2 ine +2 Str 43 Dex -1-Cun 2 Simm 49 Qi 1 Per +1 Kick 19¢0 Atk +5Dam 15 Fat 4 Def 380ak+9 Body Levels: OK, 0/0,-1/-1y- Powers: roth Glance, PeCo 30/PeAn 30/Pabie 30,1 point — like the Basilisk, the Caloblepar's gaze isceadly whon the beast wishes it tw be, and its gazecan slay ary living thing. The Catelepas rust make a Sim roof 6 (Urabe ts head enough 9 see is victim, thoagh. Tf the target ‘sa person or aim, that target does not ave 5 Incapacita Tomect the lack of the Caleblapae. The only rexquitement is thatthe Catoblas see the victim. The target must make a Sim roll of Lot ordi, with success still meaning a loss of two Body Levels. Vis: 5 Perdo, eyes A Catoblepas Story ‘A Naina Ohscurum, a dark water Foerie, ccansiers itself selt-imposed lord of a swamp in the area ofthe characters’ Covenant. Among “subjects” is a lone bull Caloblepas that runs the risk of dying without issue, Thus, che faerie steals local villagers cattle as breeding sock for is subj The villagers blame the Covenant for the disappearances. It isn't dificult to track the cattle into the swamp, bat unless wary, the characters don't spot the Coloblpas unl spots sein. Not fly meer the characters eal with the Catobepas, which & innocent of any crime, they mast deat with the water faerie FALE, the yale The Yale is as bg asa Horse, wit a black cont and te an Eleplamt. Ms too hoes are no fixed but may be mero buck od forth asthe bast wills, Wher it fighs, i points one uf hs horas jorasud and fol the ter fark so that, sou da Pe pint of hom, te other igh tke i tan Qik #1 Per 42 Homss Ist 17 Atk 17 Damage +8 Fat USoas #1 Det-+4 Body Levels: 0K,(0,-1, 3-4, Inrapacitated! Abilities: Perocity (changing) 2 Powers: None Vig: None: A Yale Story ‘Ramors spread throughout the region of the characters’ Covenant afa Unigorn in the forest Hunters smmediately sct out in search of the bent, The characters may do the same, ifrt to seize it for thelr own ends, then to protect it from the 2 Medieval Bestiary

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