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APRIL 27, 2023


Read/ watch the text about “ Nothing Is Impossible”.

Read/ watch the text about “ Nothing Is

Impossible”. (
Find out how the narrator‘s friend achieved his dream . Notice what visual and
multimedia elements were used to present the story.

Nothing is impossible! Success is always achieved when it is equated with

hard work and determination. As long as you dare to dream big and trust
yourself that you can make it real, then you can also achieve it.

I remember, when my friend and I were young, we used to walk around the beach
and gaze at the stars every night. We would always talk about our dreams and goals,
but there is something that he would often say to me, “Someday when I get older, I
want to have my own restaurant ,so that I can help my parents and they would
not have to sacrifice everything for us , so we can live. I also want to help them”,
he told me. I chuckled at him, because that was a very big dream, but anyone can
dream, right? I could see in his eyes determination and willingness.

At such a very young age, he already

experienced many hardships and challenges
throughout his life. Going to school was
always an adventure for him because it took
him many hours to reach the school, since he
could not afford to pay for the transportation.
He also skipped a lot of meals and almost
starved himself, because he did not have
enough money for it. Despite all of these, he
still did well in school and always tried his
best. Time came he decided to drop out from
school to get a job with the thought of helping
his parents with the expenses they have at

He then went to Manila in hopes of finding a job. He applied for many jobs but got
rejected because of his educational background. He did not stop, and he kept on trying
until he finally got a job at a small restaurant as a waiter. Sometimes, would look out
at the windowpane and daydream about having his own restaurant just like the one
where he is working at. He then decided to go back to school and continued his studies.
In the morning, he worked at the restaurant. While at night, he would always study
diligently so that he can graduate and would become one step closer to his dream. He
never stopped dreaming and believed that this dream of his would finally come true.

Many years have passed since we parted

and lost touch. Until one day, I was invited to
a grand opening of a restaurant from my
batch mate in high school. I decided to come,
because I wanted to see how far everyone has
become. So, the day came, I was amazed with
the modern design and style of the new
restaurant “Wow! The owner must be rich to
be able to own this kind of
restaurant”, I thought, as I explored the place.

Surprisingly, while looking around the place, I

bumped into someone who was familiar. It was
my childhood friend whom I used to play with
back in my hometown. He changed a lot. He
was not the same boy anymore that would
play with me in the fields. He wore an
expensive suit with matching shoes. He
greeted me with a smile which I returned. The
program then started, and the host called the
owner, whom I have been curious of since the
beginning, but I was shocked to see him.
“He finally achieved his long dream and finally helped his parents” I smiled.
All things are possible for anyone who dreams, it can be possible if you are willing
to achieve it. Even if you feel like you are losing hope, you will always find another
way for it. You just have to trust and believe in yoursel
April 28, 2023 Friday
Post Reading Activity
Answer the following questions on your note book

1. How would you describe the boy when he was young based
from the picture that is being shown in the story ?

2. What dream did he want to achieve?

3. What were the challenges that he went through before he
achieved his own dream?

4. What character traits did he show in order to achieve his dreams

illustrations in the text?

5. What do you think is the author’s purpose of writing the story?

6. If you were the young boy in the story, would you have done
the same to achieve your dreams?

7. Based on the last illustration that is being shown in the

story, can you describe his life at present ?
8. What lesson you learn from the story ?

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