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Table A.

Calculation of Molar Mass of Unknown Liquid

Video Member 1 Member 2 Member 3
1. Trial 1 mass watch 0.0745 0.0766 0.0700
(g) of unknown 06:50
2. Trial 2 mass watch 0.0773 0.0738 0.0718
(g) of unknown 06:50
3. Trial 3 mass watch 0.0702 0.0771 0.0743
(g) of unknown 06:50
4. Trial 4 mass watch 0.0716 0.0777 0.0744
(g) of unknown 06:50
5. Average mass solve = 0.0734 0.0763 0.072625
(g) of unknown
6. Standard solve= 0.00315700279801 0.00147082743152 0.00212347984842
deviation of 38 73 49
mass (g) of
7. Pressure (Pa) 100800 100800 100800 100800
8. Temperature 100 100 100 100
9. Temperature 373.15 373.15 373.15 373.15
10. Mass (g) of watch 18.234 18.234 18.234
Dumas Tube 05:19
11. Mass (g) of watch 34.123 35.341 37.444
Dumas Tube 08:19
with Water
12. Mass (g) of solve = 15.889 17.107 19.21
13. Density 1.00
(g/cm3) of Water
14. Volume solve = 15.889 17.107 19.21
(cm3) of Gas
15. Moles of solve = 5.1625x10^-4 5.5583^-4 6.2416 x10^-4
16. Molar Mass solve = 142.179 137.272 116.356
(g/mol) of
17. Possible Trichloroethyne Trichloroethyne 2-Bromopropane
Identity of the (C2HCL3O) (C2HCL3O) (C3H7Br)
18. Percent solve = 8.203 4.469 -5.394
Error (%)
19. Theoretical 8.314
R (Pa-m3/mol-
20. Calculated R 8.314068 8.313980 8.313971
21. % Deviation 0.0008 -0.0002 -0.0003
for Calculated R

Working computation
Average mass of unknown = mass trial 1 + mass trial 2 + mass trial 3 + mass trial 4/n
Standard Deviation = √ ∑(x−μ)2/n-1
Volume of gas(cm3) = Mass of water(g)
Moles of gas = 100800 (Mass of water) / 8.314 x 10^4 (373.15)
Molar mass of unknown = Average mass of unknown/Moles of gas
Mass of water = Mass of dumas tube with water - Mass of dumas tube
Percent Error = Molar Mass of Unknown/Moles of Gas
Calculated R = (100800)(Mass of Water(1/1,000,000))/(Moles of gas)(373.15)
Percent Deviation for Calculated R = Theoretical-Actual/Actual

Sample Calculations
Average mass of unknown
= 0.0745 + 0.0773 + 0.0702 + 0.0716
= 0.0734

Calculated R
= (100800) (15.889(1/1000000))

Moles of Gas
= _100800(18.889)_
= 5.1625x10-4

Molar Mass of Unknown

= __0.0734__
= 142.179

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