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NIM : 952023113

1. What did you learn from the topic?

From this topic I learn about introduce my family, my friend, my new friend, and my
friend family. I learn a lot about how to ask someone about her self. I learn about how to
interview someone. Interview about herself, her family and about her activities.
2. Do you think you can introduce yourself and talk about your family better?
Fros this topic, I learn about introduce myself. Now I think, I can do better to introduce
my self and my family. From this topic I practice a lot to talk about myself and my family.
3. Do you still have difficulties in introducing yourself and talking about your family?
Yes I do. I have a difficul to introducing my self and my family. This is because I have a
new words to say. This is so new to me.
4. What will you do to overcome the difficulties?
To overcome the difficul time, I do a lot of practice. Practice a new word used to say that
word. This is because we never try say that word so its difficul. So I do a lot of practice
and look for a new word. This aims to increase my vocabulary.
5. What activities do you find most useful in your learning?
All the activities in this topic is useful. This is because I can learn about ntroduce my
family, my friend, my new friend, and my friend family. And I know how to say that.

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