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Exercise 1

// Online C++ compiler to run C++ program online

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

double Fah(double x) {

return (x-32)*5/9;

double Cel(double y) {

return (y*9/5)+32;

int main() {

double a, x, y;

cout << "Press '1' to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius" << endl;

cout << "Press '2' to convert Celcius to Fahrenheit" << endl;

cout << " " << endl;

cout << "Choice: ";

cin >> a;

if (a==1) {

cout << "Enter the Fahrenheit: ";

cin >> x;

double myNum1 = Fah(x);

cout << "In Celsius: " << myNum1 << endl;


else {

cout << "Enter the Celcius: ";

cin >> y;

double myNum2 = Cel(y);

cout << "In Fahrenheit: " << myNum2 << endl;

cout << "----------------------------------------------------" << endl;

return main();

Exercise 2

// Online C++ compiler to run C++ program online

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

double Withdraw(double x, double a) {

return x - a;

double Deposit(double x, double b) {

return x + b;

int main() {
double x, y, a, b;

char d;

do {

cout << "Good Day! Welcome to CDM Bank!" << endl;

cout << " " << endl;

cout << "Enter your balance: " << endl;

cin >> x;

cout << " " << endl;

cout << "Select an option: " << endl;

cout << "1. Withdraw Amount" << endl;

cout << "2. Deposit Amount" << endl;

cout << "3. Exit" << endl;

cout << "Option: ";

cin >> y;

cout << "_________________________________________" << endl;

if (y==1) {

cout << "Withdraw Amount" << endl;

cout << "How much money would you like to withdraw from your account?" << endl;

cout << "Amount: ";

cin >> a;

double myNum1 = Withdraw(x,a);

cout << "Your new balance is: " << myNum1 << endl;

cout << " " << endl;

else if (y==2) {

cout << "Deposit Amount" << endl;

cout << "How much money would you like to deposit from your account?" << endl;

cout << "Amount: ";

cin >> b;

double myNum2 = Deposit(x,b);

cout << "Your new balance is: " << myNum2 << endl;

cout << " " << endl;

else {

cout << "Thank you for using the system!" << endl;

cout << "Would you like to do another transaction ('Y' if Yes/ 'N' if No)" << endl;

cout << "Choice: ";

cin >> d;

cout << " " << endl;

while (d == 'Y' || d == 'y');

cout << "Thank you for using this system!" << endl;

return 0;

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